American STD Cases Rise To Record High


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Health officials are voicing serious concern after it emerged that the U.S. is experiencing a significant spike in sexually transmitted diseases.

As Statista’s Niall McCarthy notes2.4 million cases of gonorrhea, chlamydia, and syphilis combined were recorded in 2018, an all-time high. The data was part of the Sexually Transmitted Disease Surveillance Report which was published by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention on Tuesday. The scale of the problem can be seen by the pace of new infections documented since 2014. Chlamydia went up 19 percent, gonorrhea rose 63 percent, primary and secondary syphilis grew 71 percent while congenital syphilis soared 185 percent.

Numerous factors are being blamed for the increase, particularly funding cuts for local health departments that have caused staff shortages and clinic closures, as well as a decrease in condom usage. Reuters quoted the CDC’s director of STD Prevention, Gail Bohan, who sad that “the resurgence of syphilis, and particularly congenital syphilis, is not an arbitrary event, but rather a symptom of deteriorating public health infrastructure and lack of access to health care.”

Infographic: U.S. STD Cases Rise To Record High  | Statista

That is resulting in fewer people going to get screened despite the fact that antibiotics can cure chlamydia, gonorrhea, and syphilis.

Cases are highest among adolescents and young adults with over half occurring among young people aged between 15 and 24.

The CDC called for urgent action to curb the problem, with the report stating that “it is imperative that federal, state and local programs employ strategies that maximize long-term population impact by reducing STD incidence and promoting sexual, reproductive, maternal, and infant health”. Source

“God made us male and female and gave sex for us to enjoy inside a marriage relationship between a man and a woman—not two men, not two women. The Bible says that anyone who sins sexually, sins against their own body. How true.”

Netflix Cartoon Pushes Pedophilia, Sexualizes Kids, Demonic Hollywood Trash

Netflix goes all-in for pedophilia with new “Dancing Queen” series that glorifies the sexualization of children

The Bible says that children are a blessing from God (Psalm 127:3). They are in need of instruction (Proverbs 8:32–33) and are quite able to learn. Timothy was a student of the Word at a very young age. He knew the Holy Scriptures “from infancy” (2 Timothy 3:15), having been taught by his godly mother and grandmother (2 Timothy 1:5).

A disgusting cartoon on Netflix, which critics have slammed as “animated kiddie porn,” features two obviously demonic characters teaching pre-pubescent children to engage in perverse sexual and homosexual activity of all kinds. The show, called “Big Mouth,” is filthier and more obscene than even the most seasoned observers of America’s rapid cultural and moral implosion could possibly imagine. It is pure evil. 

Observers have estimated the age of the child characters in the show to be around 11 years old. More than a few critics and analysts have suggested that the purpose of the show is to normalize pedophilia, groom children for predators to abuse, and break down the final remaining moral taboos that still exist in American society. From the clips and images available on Twitter and in news reports, it is clear that this is evil, plain and simple. 

Perhaps the most outrageous scenes highlighted so far involve the animated portrayal of young children’s genitals, over and over again. Critics suggested it was aimed at grooming children for predators to abuse while normalizing pedophilia. “Hollywood and the world elite are full of the child (molesters) and they want to normalize their derangement,” wrote Anthony Khoury with the Vigilant Community. 

As one commenter noted, the profanity and grotesque immorality and perversion make the show self-evidently unsuitable for children. On the other hand, the constant portrayal of young children’s genitals and similar imagery make it self-evidently unsuitable for adults. In short, it is unsuitable for anyone but the most depraved minds. The real goal appears to be to corrupt and sexualize more young children. 

The show also dedicated an entire episode to glorifying tax-funded abortion giant Planned Parenthood, which massacres hundreds of thousands of pre-born children each year. “There is a lot of stigma around abortion,” Planned Parenthood spokeswoman Dinah Stephens told TheWrap. “So I was grateful when I saw that the ‘Big Mouth’ episode included a range of services.” 

Two of the main characters, dubbed “hormone monsters,” guide the children through being sexualized, encouraging masturbation and more. Both of these creatures include demon horns and other attributes — similar to those on the demonic figure Baphomet — that make the true nature and agenda of the show absolutely clear. 

Anybody who still pays money to Netflix is encouraging and funding this sort of demonic filth that is being used to sexualize and further corrupt America’s youth. It’s time to cut the cord, not just with the cable companies, but with companies such as Netflix that are continuing to produce and promote absolute evil in child-friendly packages. Source

An unclean spirit is simply a New Testament synonym, a more descriptive Jewish term, for a demon. The terms unclean spirit and demon seem to be interchangeable in Scripture. There is no clear difference in their definitions. Some translations refer to them as “impure spirits.”

StevieRay Hansen
Conservative Christian World News

Usually, the Lord doth no great thing for or against his people, without giving warning of it before it comes.

They perverted justice among themselves (v. 7): “You turn judgment to wormwood, that is, you make your administrations of justice bitter and nauseous, and highly displeasing both to God and man.’’ That fruit has become a weed, a weed in the garden; as nothing is more venerable, nothing more valuable, than justice duly administered, so nothing is more hurtful, nothing more abominable, than designedly doing wrong under color and pretense of doing right. Corruptio optimi est pessima —The best, when corrupted, becomes the worst.

It is impossible to find anyone in the Bible who was a power for God who did not have enemies and was not hated.

2 Corinthians 4:8-11 New King James Version (NKJV)
8 We are hard-pressed on every side, yet not crushed; we are perplexed, but not in despair; 9 persecuted, but not forsaken; struck down, but not destroyed— 10 always carrying about in the body the dying of the Lord Jesus, that the life of Jesus also may be manifested in our body. 11 For we who live are always delivered to death for Jesus’ sake, that the life of Jesus also may be manifested in our mortal flesh.

“Pedophile” has reverberated throughout America. But beneath our anger and revulsion, a fundamental question pulsates: Are those who abuse their positions of trust to prey upon children—a category certainly not limited to those in religious orders—sick … or are they evil? We need the answer to that fundamental question. Because, without the truth, we cannot act. And until we act, nothing will change.

My job is protecting children. It has taken me from big cities to rural outposts, from ghettos to penthouses, and from courtrooms, into demonic battlefields. But whatever the venue, the truth remains constant: Some humans intentionally hurt children. They commit unspeakable acts—for their pleasure, their profit, or both. StevieRay Hansen

If homosexuality has been posed as healthy, good and normal, in the face of overwhelming evidence to the contrary, so can pedophilia. Pro-pedophilic articles are making their way into academia.

The Cult of LGBTQE-E for EVIL and is often a cover for child-molesting perverts

Tagged Under: abuse, children’s health, gender-confused, gender issues, gender madness, the left cult, LGBTQE-E For Evil un-godly Mob, Lunacy, mutilation, transgender, Child molesting perverts LGBTQE- E For Evil, drag queens, perverts

Unfortunately, not all alternative sources are reliable, even some Major Christian (and I use Christian loosely) news sources have been corrupted. They will NOT tell the truth. They just parrot the deceptive narratives perpetrated by those who currently control our government and media. Even those who are honestly trying to present the truth can miss it sometimes. There is so much deception out there. In these last days, you must be wise as serpents and gentle as lambs. It is no time to sleep or slumber. Diligence and vigilance are required. It is critical that you think for yourself and not be a Lemming.

Tagged Under: hnewswire stevie ray hansen, HNewsWire, antichrist, antichrists, Apple, Bible, Big Tech, bigotry, Christian baker, Christianity, Christians, Colorado, Colorado Civil Rights Commission, conservatives, deep state, demonic assault, end of days, end times, Facebook, First Amendment, free speech, Google, hate groups, Hate speech, hatred, hostility, insanity, Instagram, intolerance, Jack Phillips, jesus, Jesus Christ, left cult, Leftists, LGBT mafia, Liberal Mob, lunatics, persecution, Pinterest, prophecy, Southern Poverty Law Center, SPLC, Tribulation, Twitter,Anti Christ, Bible, Blame Game, California, deception, demonic, fascism, free speech, freedom of religion, gender confused, hypocrisy, insanity, insidious gender war, left cult, LGBT, lgbtq, Liberty, lies, Mental illness, nra, oxymoron, religion, religious groups, San Francisco, suicides, terrorists, Tyranny,Big Tech, deception, disinfo, disinformation, Facebook, fake news, freedom of speech, Google, Journalism, lies, mainstream media, manipulation, Microsoft, news cartels, online speech, propaganda, Silicon Valley, tech giants, Twitter


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StevieRay Hansen

In his riveting memoir, "A Long Journey Home", StevieRay Hansen will lead you through his incredible journey from homeless kid to multimillionaire oilman willing to give a helping hand to other throwaway kids. Available on Amazon.


  1. Patrick Galasso on October 14, 2019 at 11:00 pm

    According to the pro-abortion newsletter, Family Planning Perspectives, a condom’s effectiveness in preventing HIV infection can be as high as 96%, but can be as low as 60%. While a 60% protection rate may seem significant, this still means the person has a 40% chance of being infected with a virus that will kill him. In addition, according to an article published in the British journal Lancet (Jan. 31, 2000), “Increased condom use will increase the number of transmissions that result in condom failure [and could] reflect decisions of individuals to switch from inherently safer strategies of partner selection of fewer partners to the riskier strategy of developing or maintaining higher rates of partner change plus reliance on condoms.” In short, condom use is likely to increase the spread of HIV infections, not slow down the epidemic.

  2. Arizona on October 14, 2019 at 2:34 am

    MY sister had a cute boyfriend,SHE braged how good looking he was,I TOLD THE STUPID BITCH, “HES A QUEER” thats why he looks like he does,he thinks hes a woman,like all queers do,they believe their the oppossite sex,THEY LEARNED THIS IN THE PUBLIC SCHOOLS,with their bogas sex education,MY SISTER DIED OF AIDS LAST SUMMER,I lay the death of my sister at the feet of the queers in america and those whores who call themselves SCHOOL TEACHERS…their going to regret their stupidity….

    • Patrick Galasso on October 14, 2019 at 10:59 pm

      The AIDS epidemic is not going to be stopped by educational efforts aimed at destigmatizing homosexual intercourse among blacks or promoting condom use among teens and homosexuals. Such messages will only spread the epidemic. The condom message has been pushed for decades by prohomosexual groups such as Planned Parenthood and AIDS organizations.

  3. Patrick Galasso on October 13, 2019 at 10:39 pm

    Health officials in Seattle are also seeing a resurgence of unsafe sexual behaviors among homosexuals. They expect to see a new wave of infections as younger homosexuals discard “safe sex” messages. According to the Seattle Post-Intelligencer, March 21, 2001, health officials say there are three reasons why homosexuals are becoming lax about “safe sex”: Effective drug treatments have led homosexuals to believe that HIV is manageable or curable; homosexuals are suffering from “epidemic fatigue,” and have given up safe sex measures; and many of them are continuing to engage in the use of drugs to increase sexual pleasure. Drug use is directly related to the practice of engaging in anonymous sex with multiple sex partners—partners whose HIV status is unknown.

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