Australia Test Pilot: Satan Soldiers New World Order Plandemic,  The Global Community Is Next – Confiscating Bank Accounts, Property, Licenses, & Businesses for Non-compliance With COVID
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Australia Test Pilot: Satan Soldiers New World Order Plandemic, The Global Community Is Next – Confiscating Bank Accounts, Property, Licenses, & Businesses for Non-compliance With COVID

Of all the extreme measures carried out by various states in Australia, the collections and confiscations by the State Penalty and Enforcement Register (SPER) might just be the icing on the cake.

During the lengthy COVID lockdown in the state of Queensland, Australia (Brisbane area), most workers were not permitted to work or earn a living.

Several states stepped in to provide wage subsidies so people could purchase essential products and pay their living expenses.  However, during the lockdown if you were caught violating any of the lockdown rules, you were subject to a civil citation, a fine or ticket for your COVID violation.

Get caught too far from home, outside your permitted bubble, and you get a ticket.  Get caught spending more than the permitted 1 hour outside, get a ticket.  Get caught without a mask, even by yourself – and yep, ticket.  Enter a closed quarantine zone (park, venue, etc.) and you get a ticket.  Tickets were being handed out by police on the street as well as during random checkpoints on the roadways.

Additionally, people returning to Queensland were put into a system of involuntary quarantine.  The costs for that quarantine, mostly hotel rooms, were to be paid by the people being involuntarily captive and not allowed home.

Citizens were required to have their physical location scanned via a QR code on their phone. These checkpoints were to assist in controlling the COVID spread and were used for contact tracing throughout the past two years.  However, the checkpoints and gateway compliance scans also registered your physical location; the consequence was an increased ability for police and COVID compliance officers to catch people violating the COVID rules.  Ex: If you checked in at the grocery store, they knew how far from home you are, and the police could figure out if you violated your one hour of time outside the home at the next checkpoint.

The result of all this compliance monitoring was thousands of fines, civil citations for violating COVID rules.  Thousands of people given thousands of fines that would need to be paid.

Now the state is requiring all of those civil citations get paid, or else.  And the enforcement actions to collect these fines from the State Penalty and Enforcement Register are quite extreme.  Citizens who have outstanding tickets are finding their driver’s licenses suspended; bank accounts are being frozen and seized; homes and property are are being confiscated, as well as business licenses suspended for outstanding citations.

“Queenslanders who received fines for breaking Covid-19 rules risk having their homes seized and bank accounts frozen in a government crackdown to collect $5.2 million in repayments.” (LINK)

Brisbane Times – “SPER was undertaking “active enforcement” on another 18.4 per cent of fines, worth about $1 million, which a spokesman said “may include garnishing bank accounts or wages, registering charges over property, or suspending driver licences”.   The remaining 25.2 per cent of fines were either under investigation or still open to payment without further action being taken.

Outside SPER’s work, Queensland Health took the unusual step of calling in private debt collectors to chase up $5.7 million amounting from 2045 significantly overdue invoices for hotel quarantine.  (read more)



Watchman: The Final Battle Will Be Set Up by Arab Countries Cutting Their Connections With Israel. Everyone Has Agreed That This Battle Has Prophetic Significance, but None Is Prepared to Say Just How. In a Way, the Evangelicals Are Hedging Their Bets

By StevieRay Hansen | June 26, 2024

HNewsWire: By SRH Other indications that our Lord and Savior will soon return, The historic and much-needed peace agreement between Israel and the United Arab Emirates (and now Bahrain, with talks about more countries joining the line) was signed at the White House on September 18, 2020, at 9:00 a.m. Subsequently, Yeshua (Jesus)-following groups have proliferated throughout Israel, and it is common to witness Jews and Arabs participating in joint worship. I saw firsthand how once-natural foes embraced and shared communion at a conference in Jerusalem intended to spread this reality throughout the larger Middle East. They were recalling how the “Prince of Peace” had shed his blood for them both. Thus, hearts are linked together in honor of the King who will reign forever (Isaiah 9.7), symbolizing an unending state of peace. Political calm, however, might only last moment, […]



By Edward O'Hara | June 26, 2024

Featured Story: I believe that is exactly what he is doing. Doesn’t it seem strange that those who are advocating for and pushing the shot, and say they have taken it themselves yet are suffering no ill affects like many others who have, do not seem to care how many people are dying from it? And isn’t it strange that they would change the definition of who has and has not taken the shot to mean only those who have taken not only the first shot or shots? But, to mean those who have taken the latest shot in the current series of shots available? One of them, FDA advisor Eric Rubin, made a very peculiar statement when he said, “we need to get it(the shot) into children to find out what it will do”. Shades of Pelosi and the […]


Watchman Daily Devotional: Bible Verses About Defending Yourself, Your Family & Your Country

By StevieRay Hansen | June 26, 2024

Nowhere in Scripture does it say that Christians can’t protect themselves or their family. What we should never do though is seek revenge. We must be slow to anger and handle all situations with wisdom. Here are a few illustrations. You never know if someone breaking into your home at night is armed or what their intentions are. You are innocent even if you shoot him. If someone breaks into your home during the day, sees you, and flees; if, in a fit of rage, you pursue him and shoot him, you are guilty and breaking the law in the state of Missouri. Someone who is a threat to you is not the same as someone who is not. As a Christian, you have to walk away from someone who punches you in the face and not try to punch […]


Source: HNewsWire  HNewsWire   ZeroHedge  Reference

Because Mark Zuckerberg is Jewish is supposed to know the meaning behind the term META in Hebrew! It means DEATH!

StevieRay Hansen
[email protected]

You can’t say no, you can’t sue for harm, and you can’t see the data underlying the government’s claim that the product is safe and effective. That seems fair.

HNewsWire: “In October, November and December, There Will Be a Terrible Death Rate, Globally” Will Occur “Exclusively” With Vaccinated People. “Those Deaths Will Be Labeled Swiftly as a New Variant Strain of Covid

Mr. Biden. it’s time for you be honest with the American people, your first obligation is our safety, ask God for direction and STOP spinning the truth about this “Pestilence”, the American hospitals are about to become overwhelmed.

2 thoughts on “Australia Test Pilot: Satan Soldiers New World Order Plandemic, The Global Community Is Next – Confiscating Bank Accounts, Property, Licenses, & Businesses for Non-compliance With COVID

  1. What amazes me is the jack booted thugs that carry out those orders by beating people and then fining them. They must be demons.

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