Austrian City of Linz Hiring People off the Street to Participate in Financial Oppression of Unvaccinated.


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Following the country’s announcement of a sweeping nationwide vaccine mandate, the city of Linz in Austria is hiring personnel to discover people who are not vaccinated and guarantee they pay a fine.

All people aged 14 and up who have a place of residency in Austria will be required to be vaccinated against COVID-19 as of February 1.

Those who fail to comply might face fines of up to 3,600 euros ($4,071) over the course of a year, with income and other financial responsibilities factored in. In a simplified procedure, officials may levy a punishment of up to 600 euros (about $680).

The city of Linz in Upper Austria is now hiring workers to ensure that the unvaccinated pay their fines prior to the vaccination deadline.

According to a job posting on the City Council of Linz’s official website, the position pays a monthly salary of at least 2,774 euros ($3,126), and responsibilities include preparing penal orders for the unvaccinated, processing appeals against the order, enforcing fines, and other administrative tasks.

The opening line of the advertisement says the job is well suited for people who “enjoy working with legislation and administrative procedures.”

Candidates must have completed high school, possess basic IT abilities, and be tenacious, exact, and self-sufficient. They must also be willing to work overtime if necessary.

Only Austrian citizens are eligible for the position, and they must be vaccinated.

According to official government data, Linz, which has a population of around 200,000, has the lowest vaccination rate in Austria, with only 63 percent of residents being twice vaccinated.

Austria is the first European country to mandate the use of the COVID-19 vaccine. Authorities will write to unvaccinated persons every three months, reminding them to get their immunizations or have a doctor to validate their right to an exemption before the next cutoff date, according to the country’s health minister, who disclosed details of the government-imposed mandate earlier this month.

Failure to comply will result in a three-month fine. In the meanwhile, if they can show proof of vaccination, the charges against the individuals will be withdrawn.

“[The] procedure amounts to up to €3,600 [$4,071]—taking into account the income and financial circumstances,” minister Wolfgang Mueckstein said. “Unvaccinated people are reminded every quarter to be vaccinated until the next ‘vaccination deadline’ or to register a reason for an exception.”

Pregnant women, children under the age of 14, and Austrians who are unable to obtain the vaccine due to health reasons will be excused.

Thousands of people gathered in Vienna, the country’s capital, to protest the vaccine mandate, which spurred widespread protests. Herbert Kickl, the head of Austria’s Freedom Party, has called for opposition to the scheme, calling the government’s plans a “assault on humanity.”

Meanwhile, a rush of new COVID-19 cases prompted the country to reimpose a lockdown last month. While the lockdown restrictions for vaccinated households were loosened last week, unvaccinated residents were nonetheless subject to rigorous precautions.

Due to a decrease in illnesses, Mueckstein stated last Friday that the restrictions against the unvaccinated would be temporarily lifted for Christmas and New Year.

“Christmas should show us once again how important contact with our loved ones is and how precious time together is,” the health minister said.

Unvaccinated Austrians will be allowed to join groups of up to ten people from December 24 to December 26 and on December 31.

“We have in recent weeks gained an advantage that we want to use. We want to use it to take a moment to pause over Christmas to remember what is really important,” he said.

The uproar across Europe is being suppressed by big tech; Hundreds of thousands of citizens have taken to the streets in opposition to the heinous policy being implemented. Yet, the politicians keep moving forward with their tyrannical agenda. Perhaps by design we’re meant to watch in awe, paralyzed at the sight of the downfall of civilization as we all know it.

Nothing will be the same after these people get what they want. Literal maps have been created to plan the systematic dismantling of our society, and to bring a one world government/religion. Do your research on history, and you might have a shot at noticing the inevitable unfolding of satans plan. In the meantime, stay inquisitive in the word of God, and the world around you.

The world economic forum most certainly does not have our best interest in mind, and plans to take advantage of the “window of opportunity” that the plandemic has provided for them. Above is a graph made by Klaus with seven points revolving around the goal. The Great Reset.

These seven points are in question:

  • Strengthening Regional Development.
  • Revitalizing Global Cooperation.
  • Developing Sustainable Business Models.
  • Restoring the Health of the Environment.
  • Redesigning Social Contracts, Skills and Jobs.
  • Shaping the Economic Recovery.
  • Harnessing the 4th Industrial Revolution.

As profoundly vague as some of these points are, that’s good for Klaus. Because that means he can make up the rules as he goes. With broad strokes of totalitarianism, the perfect world can be manufactured in Klaus’ mind.

“The pandemic represents a rare but narrow window of opportunity to reflect, reimagine, and reset our world.”

Klaus Schwab, Founder and Executive Chairman, World Economic Forum

Strengthening Regional Development

As i stated above, most of these are very vague and nothing seems to come up on the World Economic Forum’s site when you search ‘Strengthening Regional Development World Economic Forum’. However the United nations has a heavy PDF packet of information linked here detailing their intentions in ‘Meeting the Challenges in an Era of Globalization by Strengthening Regional Development Cooperation’. That’s the very long drawn out title of this packet. I’d advise anyone reading to look into this packet and note that there are obvious economic benefits to their plan. That has to happen so they can prop up their social constructs and new age social norms.

The great reset is a welcome recognition that this human tragedy be a wake up call. it is imperative that we reimagine, rebuild, redesign, reinvigorate, and rebalance our world. Rebalancing investment, harnessing science and technology, and advancing the transition to net zero emissions. All these are fundamental elements to the great reset, and are fundamental to building the future we need.

Antonio Guterres, Secretary-General of the United Nations

Revitalizing Global Cooperation

Once more, a vague mention of global cooperation. There is so much room for biblical prophecy to be fulfilled when Klaus brings world peace into the picture. Because technocracy isn’t the common mans idea of a peaceful world. Only time will tell us what the WEF has in mind to instill global cooperation.

Developing Sustainable Business Models

The World Economic forum posted an article on its site named ‘A business model for sustainability’. Which detailed how ‘Business leaders must recognize that in global value chains, there is no way to outsource environmental or social responsibility. On the contrary, multinational companies can and must use their extended supply chains to drive change and improve the quality of life in the markets where they operate.‘ To drive it home, they brought in global emissions data projections for up to the mid century according to their plans.

Restoring The Health Of The Environment

Ultimately this rabbit-hole leads to technological symbiosis in which biology merges with technology. But Klaus doesn’t want that point to be brought to the table. In the mean time, the concerns addressed by the WEF are more so targeted towards restoring the balance. Which could easily be done with the conscious and physical embrace of the 4th industrial revolution. We’re already seeing that with the fundamental practice of MRNA technology as researchers have found ways to use modified mRNA to make advances in anti-aging research.

Redesigning Social Contracts, Skills and Jobs

Basically, this is the implication that we’re going to see parallel infrastructure between physical reality, and the digital world. Both providing a new perspective on reality. The Adecco Group wrote an article backing the inevitable movement and detailed their high expectations in the quote below.

Discussing how the pandemic will impact our economies, Andrey Kostin, President and Chairman of the Management Board of Russia’s VTB Bank, said that while we all have embraced digital tools as a quick fix, people will not want to live like this forever. He warned that too high expectations are currently pinned to digital companies, which could potentially lead to asset bubbles further down the road. Mr. Shanmugaratnam believes that the world will need to adjust to the new reality. The possible solution is some form of a hybrid economy that marries both reliance on digital tools and face-to-face interaction.

The next point is Shaping the Economic Recovery. But theres no reason for a header because it’s merely the execution of all these plans that leads to the economic recovery in the first place. With that being said, it all ties back into the fourth industrial revolution. Klaus is very intent on ushering it in, so let’s talk about it.

Harnessing The 4th Industrial Revolution

It’s no surprise that someone would step up and attempt to harness a wildfire of technological innovation. Nor is it a surprise that people are wise enough to know it’s not a good idea.The Fourth Industrial Revolution is a way of describing the blurring of boundaries between the physical, digital, and biological worlds. It’s a fusion of advances in artificial intelligence (AI), robotics, the Internet of Things (IoT), 3D printing, genetic engineering, quantum computing, and other technologies.

It’s the collective force behind many products and services that are fast becoming indispensable to modern life. Things like GPS systems that suggest the fastest route to a destination, voice-activated virtual assistants such as Apple’s Siri, personalized Netflix recommendations, and Facebook’s ability to recognize your face and tag you in a friend’s photo.

So if you take this information into account, and watch American politics through the lense Klaus Schwab’s intentions, you’ll have a pretty wide frame of reference. It’s not far fetched to say that a technocratic dystopia is just over the horizon. Stay inquisitive in the word of God, and the world around you.


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