BlackRock CEO Claims Russian Invasion To Be The “End To Globalization” Despite His Own China Ties.


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The crisis in Ukraine will put a stop to globalization, according to Larry Fink, CEO of BlackRock, the world’s largest asset manager, as governments and corporations cut relations with Russia, while warning that a large-scale reorientation of supply chains will be inflationary.

“The Russian invasion of Ukraine has put an end to the globalization we have experienced over the last three decades,” Fink wrote in a March 24 letter to shareholders, noting that the Russian offensive in Ukraine has prompted states to cut connections with Moscow financially and commercially.

“They launched an’economic war’ against Russia,” Fink wrote, “united in their strong desire to help the Ukrainian people.”

Russia has been sanctioned as a result of its “special military operation” in Ukraine. Russian banks and wealthy billionaires have been targeted, and Russian jets have been denied access to airspace, as well as the sale of critical technologies.

The sanctions also include a hold on about $300 billion in hard currency reserves held by Russia’s central bank, an extraordinary step that Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov called “theft” on March 23.

Capital markets, financial institutions, and enterprises, according to Fink’s letter, have gone beyond government-imposed penalties, moving fast to end long-standing commercial and investment partnerships.

He believes that Russia’s decoupling from the global economy will cause governments and businesses to rethink their manufacturing and assembly footprints in general, as well as their reliance on other countries.

“This may prompt corporations to move more of their operations onshore or nearshore, resulting in a speedier pullback from some countries,” Fink said.

Firms will have hurdles in reorganizing supply networks, he predicted.

“Companies will face a variety of issues as a result of this decoupling, including increased costs and margin pressures.”

“While corporations and consumers’ balance sheets are robust now, providing them with greater cushion to weather these challenges,” he continued, “a large-scale reorientation of supply chains will inevitably be inflationary.”

Fink said central banks are in a difficult position as they consider how quickly to hike rates in order to combat rising inflation, which has been compounded by the situation in Ukraine and the resulting energy price shocks.

“Central banks must choose between higher inflation and slower economic activity and employment in order to reduce inflation rapidly,” he said.

Last week, the Federal Reserve raised interest rates for the first time since 2018, and Fed Chair Jerome Powell said on Monday that the central bank must act “immediately” and maybe “more vigorously” to avoid a price spiral entrenching.

The economy ministry reported on Wednesday that annual inflation in Russia increased to 14.5 percent as of March 18, the sharpest rate since 2015, as the battered rouble pushed prices rising amid biting Western sanctions.

Larry has some audacity uttering the word globalization; Considering the fact that he has poured billions of U.S citizens retirement funds into Chinese real estate and other avenues of investment. They genuinely believe that you and I are stupid.

A recent ad put out by Consumers’ Research exposed the shady dealings of investment giant BlackRock with China. The ad begins a multi-million-dollar campaign and highlights the ties between BlackRock and the Chinese government including BlackRock’s investment of billions of American pension dollars into China’s economy, propping up its communist leaders and funding companies the Chinese government uses to extend its control both at home and abroad. The ad also exposes BlackRock CEO Larry Fink for his role in taking American money and betting it on China.  

“No amount of woke posturing can hide what BlackRock is really up to. The idea that an American company is taking billions of dollars and using it to bet on China’s success is extremely concerning. We cannot allow this to continue. Funneling Americans’ hard earned retirement savings to China is unsafe from both a national security and financial perspective,” said Will Hild, president of Consumers’ Research, in a media statement

“We cannot let executives like [BlackRock CEO] Larry Fink try and tell Americans how to live while simultaneously cozying up to one of the world’s leading human rights abusers.

“By putting BlackRock’s shady dealings out in the open for all to see, we’re sending a message that companies won’t get away with taking advantage of hard-working Americans. Any company trying to use woke politics to mask their misdeeds should see this campaign and know they could be next.” 

Apparently this isn’t the first time BlackRock has been singled out for having ties to China. During an interview with CNBC’s “Squawk Box” last month, host Joe Kernen pressed Fink for promoting climate justice while putting money into the largest producer of greenhouse gas emissions. The CEO dismissed the concerns by saying BlackRock engages with the government on embracing the green economy and transitioning away from fossil fuels. 

“We believe the significant repricing—Chinese equities underperforming U.S. peers by more than 30 percentage points so far this year—and a rise in equity risk in Chinese equities are overdone,” BlackRock analysts wrote in September. “Investors are compensated for risk at current valuations in our view.” 

BlackRock analysts

“We are dipping our toes back in, and we think there is more room for tactical upside,” Ben Powell, chief investment strategist for Asia Pacific at BlackRock Investment Institute, said in an interview with Bloomberg Television. “The market has got a much higher degree of comfort” about the level of regulatory scrutiny that is here to stay, he added.

Ben Powell, chief investment strategist for Asia Pacific at BlackRock Investment Institute.

Blackrock already owns everything, we shouldn’t be surprised at all by their behavior. But boy are they bold. They’re painting their investments as purely calculated, which could be the truth. But they know who they need to fund to adhere to satan’s plan. Ultimately leading to mass persecution, and a technocratic dystopia. Stay inquisitive in the word of God, and the world around you.



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