BREAKING: Virginia Democrat Governor Ralph Northam To Declare Emergency Banning All Guns


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The DailyWire is Reporting Virginia Democrat Governor Ralph Northam is expected to declare an emergency banning all weapons, including firearms, from Capitol Square as he faces intense backlash over his far-left gun confiscation agenda…

Just in case you ( THE POLITICIANS ) don’t understand the American God-given right to protect family, life, and liberty. “They Do”!…

(HNewsWire) Gun retailers in Virginia say they’re seeing sales of weapons and ammunition skyrocket as the now fully Democratic Virginia legislature moves closer to passing strict gun control within the state — including a provision that allows the state government to confiscate so-called “assault weapons” if citizens who own them don’t register the weapons.

The Washington Examiner reports that at least one gun retailer has seen sales rise more than 200% year over year. Cash sales are way up, especially amid news that Democrats in Virginia and in Congress want to use credit card information to track gun purchases.

RICHMOND, VA - JANUARY 08: Gov. Ralph Northam delivers the State of the Commonwealth address at the Virginia State Capitol on January 8, 2020 in Richmond, Virginia. The 2020 legislative session began today under Democratic control.
Zach Gibson/Getty Images

Virginia Democrat Governor Ralph Northam is expected to declare an emergency banning all weapons, including firearms, from Capitol Square as he faces intense backlash over his far-left gun confiscation agenda.

The temporary move comes as massive protests are planned in Richmond over the next week to push back on his extreme agenda, according to two state officials who spoke with The Associated Press.

During a cabinet meeting in November, Northam highlighted numerous extreme gun control policies that Democrats in the state were going to push in 2020, including “universal background checks, banning the sale of [semi-automatic firearms] and high-capacity magazines, restoring the law that limits purchases to one gun a month, and a red flag law that would empower a court to temporarily remove a gun from a person deemed to be a risk to himself or others,” The Washington Post reported.

“We will at least start with those,” Northam said.

When asked about confiscating guns from law-abiding citizens, Northam responded: “that’s something I’m working on [on] with our secretary of public safety.”

The Washington Free Beacon reported last year that during the most recent elections, Democrat candidates were silent on whether they supported Northam’s extreme gun confiscation plan. The Free Beacon reported:

Gun confiscation and other gun control measures have been part of Northam’s agenda, but took on increased importance after a picture of two men, one in blackface and the other in KKK robes, was uncovered on Northam’s page in a medical school yearbook. In his first major public appearance after the scandal broke, Northam called for a special session of the legislature in order to reconsider his gun control package, following the recent strategy used by prominent liberals of pivoting to gun control after brushes with controversy.

Democrats have a strong incentive, in the form of millions in dark money, to implement new gun control laws. In each of the last three election cycles, Everytown for Gun Safety—backed by billionaire Michael Bloomberg—and other gun control groups have spent large sums of money backing Democrats. Everytown spent $2.5 million to help push Democrats into the majority in Virginia, while the National Rifle Association spent just $300,000 supporting Republicans, according to CNBC.

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Gun rights activists have surged across the state in response to Northam’s anti-freedom agenda, as the overwhelming majority of the state’s counties have declared themselves to be sanctuaries for gun rights that will not comply with Northam’s extreme agenda.

“The grassroots resistance to Virginia Democrats’ extreme anti-Second Amendment agenda has exploded as nearly 90% of the counties in the state have declared themselves to be sanctuary cities in response to the Democrats’ anti-freedom agenda,” The Daily Wire reported in November. “More than 100 cities, towns, and counties have passed resolutions in preparation for Democrats taking over the state who had indicated a desire to confiscate semi-automatic firearms from law-abiding citizens.”

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Virginia Governor Ralph Northam, a Democrat is best known for appearing in a photo wearing either a Ku Klux Klan hood or minstrel-style blackface (and never facing consequences)

Gun retailers in Virginia say they’re seeing sales of weapons and ammunition skyrocket as the now fully Democratic Virginia legislature moves closer to passing strict gun control within the state — including a provision that allows the state government to confiscate so-called “assault weapons” if citizens who own them don’t register the weapons.

The Washington Examiner reports that at least one gun retailer has seen sales rise more than 200% year over year. Cash sales are way up, especially amid news that Democrats in Virginia and in Congress want to use credit card information to track gun purchases.

People watch guns at the Top Gun shop in downtown São Paulo, Brazil, on 21 January 2019. The decree signed by Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro, which makes firearms more accessible, has raised questions about its possible effects in the fight against violence. Possession of weapons was already regulated in Brazil by decree since 2004, but now the far-right ruler included a series of situations that allow greater access for civilians to have weapons in their homes or in their commercial establishments. (Photo by Cris Faga/NurPhoto via Getty Images)

Gun sales have taken a downturn since Donald Trump became president, likely because the Republican leader doesn’t pose the same threat to gun rights as his predecessor, Barack Obama. That downturn has been marked by a few peaks, however, usually in the wake of a mass shooting when gun control advocates are their most vocal, taking advantage of tragedy to pass strict legislation limiting the sale and use of weapons.

“Every time [Obama] turned around he was going to ban something or make something illegal. But even that isn’t even close to the number of sales we’re selling right now of magazines, of guns, of every kind of gun from pistol, rifle, shotguns, to AR platforms,” the retailer added. We can’t keep it in stock.

Hundreds of first time political activists attended an NRA event at the start of the month as the resistance to Democrats’ extreme policies continue to rapidly grow throughout the state.


Last night, hundreds of NRA members joined shoulder to shoulder in Roanoke, Virginia to discuss how they will stand and fight against the Northam/Bloomberg gun confiscation plan.

We sat down with a few of these patriots and here was the message they had for Richmond. #valeg8,92210:18 AM – Jan 4, 2020Twitter Ads info and privacy4,862 people are talking about this

UP-Date Jan1, 2020 AT 7:38 CST

RICHMOND, Va. (AP) — Fearing a repeat of the deadly violence that engulfed Charlottesville more than two years ago, Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam plans to declare a temporary emergency Wednesday banning all weapons, including guns, from Capitol Square ahead of a massive rally planned next week over gun rights.

That’s according to two state officials who were briefed on the plans but not authorized to speak publicly about them. The governor, a Democrat, plans to announce the plans at a news conference Wednesday afternoon because of credible threats of potential violence and extremism, one official said.

Northam’s planned announcement comes days after Democratic leaders used a special rules committee to ban guns inside the Capitol and a legislative office building. That ban did not include Capitol grounds, which are under the governor’s control and are where a huge number of gun-rights advocates are expected to rally Monday.

One official said Northam decided to ban all guns from the grounds of Capitol Square after receiving reports for weeks about inflammatory online postings by out-of-state pro-gun and militia groups who are promising to attend Monday’s rally.

The official said the state does not have intelligence that the groups are planning a specific act of violence, but said Northam has grown increasingly concerned about numerous ominous-sounding postings on social media from forces outside Virginia. The official cited one posting that included a photo of an AR-15 and said there are “great sight angles from certain buildings” near Capitol Square.

Virginia law enforcement officials have been criticized for their planning and response to a deadly 2017 white nationalist rally in Charlottesville that involved heavily armed protesters. One woman was killed and several more were injured when a car plowed into a group of counterprotesters.

Northam’s declaration will also ban items like helmets and shields, items that some white nationalists carried in Charlottesville. It’s unclear how long the temporary ban will be in effect.

Gun laws have become a dominant issue in this legislative session and there’s been heavy police at the Capitol.

Democrats have full control of the statehouse for the first time in a generation and are set to pass a number of gun-control restrictions, including limiting handgun purchases to once a month and universal background checks on gun purchases.

Republicans and gun-rights groups have pledged stiff resistance. Gun owners are descending on local government offices to demand they establish sanctuaries for gun rights. More than 100 counties, cities, and towns have declared themselves Second Amendment sanctuaries and vowed to oppose any new “unconstitutional restrictions” on guns.

This report has been updated to include additional information.

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StevieRay Hansen

The Birth Pains Are Growing Stronger….

One of the signs of ruling class collapse is when they can no longer enforce the rules that maintain them as a ruling class. When the Romans started making exceptions to republican governance, it was a matter of time before someone simply decided the rules no longer applied to them. Perhaps the robot historians will consider Obama our Marius or Sulla. Maybe that person is in the near future. Either way, the rule of law is over and what comes next is the rule of men.

“Man will ultimately be governed by God or by tyrants.” as in Nancy Pelosi (D-San Fran-feces)

Our government has been overthrown. As evidenced by Trump’s capitulation on the border, his recent servitude to the GMO industry and his acquiescence to the warmongers, our President has been compromised. Our liberties are being eliminated one by one. Gun confiscation is next. The Constitution is gasping its last breaths. Our borders are destroyed and our culture has been turned upside down by every perversion known to man.

Julian Assange: The CIA director is waging war on truth-tellers like WikiLeaks By Julian Assange Opinions April 25 at 7:39 PM Julian Assange is editor of WikiLeaks. Mike Pompeo, in his first speech as director of the CIA, chose to declare war on free speech rather than on the United States’ actual adversaries.

They are tolerant of everything except dissenting values and opinions — meaning, of course, they are tolerant of nothing that matters, only themselves.”

Sources: DailyWire HNewsWire

Guns, Banning All Guns, Governor Ralph Northam, left gun confiscation agenda

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StevieRay Hansen

In his riveting memoir, "A Long Journey Home", StevieRay Hansen will lead you through his incredible journey from homeless kid to multimillionaire oilman willing to give a helping hand to other throwaway kids. Available on Amazon.


  1. SuzanneL on January 15, 2020 at 8:57 pm

    Please stop referring to Northam’s photo with blackface & KKK robe as his big scandal. Northam’s real scandal was his radio broadcast advocating active euthanasia of newborns, which very much sounded like he had personally committed such an atrocity more than once. The blackface & KKK outfit photo was only put out as cover to change the national conversation from what a mass killer evil monster this murderer is, and how “normalizatiin” of such horrors is being shoved down our throats.

    • StevieRay Hansen on January 15, 2020 at 10:16 pm

      Would you consider writing articles for HNewsWire?

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