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The world is in great turmoil because most have not received these. But, why? God has freely given them. The truth about how sin got here and how it affects humanity is not being told in most pulpits. So I’m going to break the mold here and share this with you now. 

Historically, the origin of sin is the choice Adam made to eat the fruit. This was the sin of the first man. The first clause of Rom.5:12 and Gen.3:22-24 tells us how Adam’s sin brought physical death for himself. Not for all of mankind. But, only for himself. It’s in the next clause of Rom.5:12 that we find how this physical death that came to Adam has been spread throughout the whole human race, to all of Adam’s descendants. And Paul says it’s not the same way it came to Adam. 

Romans 5:12-14 - YouTube

Gen.3:22-24 shows that it was because there is no longer access for any man to the tree of life. God simply sent man out from the garden in which was the tree of life. And having no more access caused the death that came to Adam and subsequently it’s spread to all men. Because access to the tree of life was only for those who lived in the garden. 

Now that man dies physically he needs to be saved. Otherwise he would return to the dust from which he was taken as God said in Gen.3:19 never to be heard from again. Because man was not made a spiritual being when God made him as Paul plainly says in 1Cor.15:45,46. But, only a “natural man”. 

And it is because he can not eat from the tree of life as Adam did in the garden that he is dying physically. So he needs life. The kind of life that does not require eating from the tree of life in the garden to survive. Which was only for Adam’s physical life anyway. His “living soul” life of Gen.2:7. He needs life that is more than just physical. He needs to be made spiritually alive by literally being raised from the dead as Paul says in Rom.6:3-5.

It is this physical death that spread to all men as a result of Adam’s choice to eat the fruit, with then the rest of mankind being separated from the tree of life, that is the personal origin of each man’s sin. That is, when and if men choose to trust in someone or something other than the true God. This is what the last clause of Rom.5:12 says; “because of which [death] all sinned.” So Paul shows us here that all who choose to commit sin do so now as the result of the death that spread to all men. 

And if he chooses to receive life, if he is made alive to God by a new spirit birth spoken of by Jesus in John3:1-8, man will then be saved from sin. By removing the death that is the cause of sin by giving him spiritual life, and life everlasting in the resurrection, God delivers man from sin. 

For just as sin flows from death, so righteousness(trust in the true God) flows from life. Gal.3:21. This is why salvation is primarily from death, and then secondarily from sin. 

And since God’s wrath is God’s opposition to sin according to Rom.1:18, the removal of sin brings with it also the removal of wrath. Giving us peace with God. This shows us how salvation is then also from wrath.

Romans 1:18 - Verse of the Day

Something very important that we need to see here is the singular and ultimate truth that when a man sins it is by choice, and not by nature. Not by inheritance nor by imputation. Which means that it is not true that men must sin. But, he only sins when he chooses to. And he can choose not to if he wants to as many examples like Luke1:5,6 and Phil.3:6 are proof of. So we see from the scriptures that some men do indeed choose not to sin. But, the problem is that even though they may choose not to sin all men are still in need of salvation from death. And this salvation from death, because death is the cause of sin for those who choose to, also saves from sin. 

Reconciliation then is salvation from death to life. Because when we are joined with God we are made spiritual, and therefore heirs, to His kingdom. 

And redemption is salvation from sin to righteousness.Because redemption is the act of purchasing our new bodies by the ransom exchange of Jesus’ body. An exchange that spiritually affects the whole human race, just as Adam’s being sent from the garden to die physically affected the whole human race. 

And propitiation is salvation from wrath to peace. Because when Jesus became our “mercy seat” He took sin away by removing the covenant that brought the imputation of sin so that now sin is not imputed to anyone. 

These; reconciliation, redemption, and propitiation, are the three aspects of the salvation that was accomplished for us through the death and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ.

So that now if we will simply trust in Him, that is, if we will confess Him as Lord. And believe in our heart that He raised from the dead, we can have eternal life. Because in doing so Paul tells us we can have immortality(1 Cor.15:53,54) by receiving the spirit birth Jesus spoke of in John 3:1-8. And the new spiritual body, the spiritual house made without hands, that Paul spoke of in 2 Cor.5:1-3. A body that is free from the power of death and the fear that Heb.2:15 says all men live in bondage to all their lives. 

If you want to be free from the fear of death’s power over your natural body then you must trust in Jesus and His resurrection for eternal life. Why Jesus? Because He is the only one who has ever conquered death. This is why Jesus is the only way. And only Jesus has the life that you need to live for eternity in God’s kingdom. 

If you would like to be saved from death to life, and from sin to righteousness, and from wrath to peace with God. Then please pray with me now. 

Dear Jesus, thank you for joining with me in death so that I can join with you in eternal life. Thank you for opening the door for me to enter into God’s kingdom. I trust in you as my Lord. And I believe you have raised from the dead. Thank you for saving me and making me a new creature. A spiritual man who is joined to you now and for all eternity. In Jesus’ name, Amen. 

Κληθείς Παρρησίᾳ = Called to Boldness: We Pray in Jesus ...

If you prayed with me then welcome to God’s family. Now read the Bible and believe what it plainly says. And trust the Holy Spirit and He will lead you into all truth. 

See you there or in the air!

This message can also be heard at: Rumble

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