Canada Science & Policy Committee Declares The Pandemic To Be Over, Yet Tyranny Persists.


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As of Feb. 16, a group of renowned scientists, clinicians, and policymakers in Canada declared the COVID-19 pandemic to be officially over.

The committee, dubbed “The Canada Science & Policy Committee to Exit the Pandemic,” was formed in January under the auspices of think tank The Institute for 21st Century Questions (21CQ), and released a press release on Feb. 16 announcing the pandemic to be over.

“The Exit Committee has now convened several times and held extensive consultations around the country and overseas. “Today, it certifies that the epidemic in Canada is effectively over—that is, it has reached endemic status and should be recognized as such,” according to the press statement.

The 15-member council claims to have produced a national exit strategy that spans “eight national systems in crisis,” covering COVID-19 public health, non-COVID public health, business and the economy, education, institutions, national unity, social fabric, and international.

The withdrawal strategy will be unveiled during a national news conference on Feb. 18, according to the members.

Irvin Studin, committee member and president of 21CQ, said a pandemic exit framework with practical solutions for Canada has been long overdue during the introduction of the Exit Committee on Jan. 20.

“This is not for fun. This is not for narcissism. This is not a science project or research project,” said Studin at a press conference. “It is a project to exit the country from its worst public catastrophe since Confederation “

He explained that the committee was founded to bring Canada’s medical, scientific, and policy communities together to avoid working in silos and to accelerate the development of a comprehensive plan to end the pandemic.

According to Studin, the committee’s goal is to provide practical recommendations to governments so that they can approach the COVID situation from a broader perspective rather than continue to make “major mistakes” by “disrupting” the rhythm of Canadian society with pandemic measures.

“We’ll shift our focus from episodic to systemic.” He stressed that the group is non-ideological, non-partisan, and “very duty oriented,” saying, “We will pivot from hysterical to systematic and deliberate, and we will pivot from the abstract to the very practical.”

“We plan to leave in the next few months.” We will actively brief all governments and scientific professionals throughout the country.”

Dr. Kwadwo Kyeremanteng, an Ottawa Hospital critical care physician, Pierre Pettigrew, a former Quebec health minister, Thomas Michalak, a professor of Molecular Virology and Medicine (Hepatology) at Newfoundland and Labrador’s University, and Alexandra Lysova, an associate professor of Criminology at Simon Fraser University, are among the committee’s core members.

Studin, who is also the Exit Committee’s co-chair, highlighted that the Exit Committee’s approach will be policy-driven, which he believes should be the top priority.

“We don’t have a science lead; we have a policy lead.” Because, after all, this isn’t a “follow the science” initiative, science is in favor of the policy. “It’s a science-based policy endeavor to end the pandemic,” he explained.

“Science is one of many inputs, and understanding the exit in this way is appropriate.”

Several provinces have indicated plans to abolish vaccine passport restrictions and other pandemic safeguards in recent weeks.

According to Studin, removing prohibitions is insufficient for Canada, which requires a “deliberate choreography to reinstate elegant living” that takes into account the committee’s eight systems in crisis.

“What’s happened over the last two years is that the country has found itself fallen to a lower level of equilibrium across the systems in crisis I’ve articulated from public health to education to the economic sector,” he added.

Despite this news as we know the tyranny will not come to an end. The subversion of the rule of law has trickled down from corrupt politicians and the elite. Money and power binds all of these tyrants together, and there seems to be a common trend among those who haven’t begun their walk with God, and that is they find exactly what is broken about them, slap a label on it and carry the baggage. Yet nobody wants to hear the message God intended for us to hear. That by faith in Jesus, your baggage can be turned to dust just like everything around us. People can no longer fit in our current socioeconomic systems anymore. The individual mind has more access to information than ever before and many don’t trust professionals because they’ve got all the answers in the palm of their hand. Why would you let some bozo tell you what to do if you’ve got an infinite amount of ways to prove them wrong?

Pride, is what is keeping secular society at bay and far from salvation. The people have practically been programmed to believe that people of Christian faith are anti-science, and lack proper understanding of the nature of our world. When the obvious truth is, science is simply the study of God’s work. And when we see a mature technocratic dystopia arise, you’ll know for sure that man wants to create his own universes. And to play the role of God. This is merely a facet to what i believe is a mass awakening of anti-Christ spirits.

And every spirit that confesseth not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh, is not of God; and such is the spirit of Antichrist, whereof ye have heard that it should come, and even now already it is in the world.

1 John 4:3

The committee of MPs and senators in charge of federal security policy has discovered holes in Canada’s cyberdefenses, which might expose several government organizations to state-sponsored hackers from China and Russia.

Cyberthreats to government systems and networks, according to the National Security and Intelligence Committee of Parliamentarians, constitute a substantial concern to Canada’s security and government operations, according to a new report.

Beijing and Moscow are the most sophisticated cyberthreat actors attacking the government, according to the report, while Iran and North Korea are moderately advanced and offer less of a threat.

Although nation states are the most advanced dangers, the committee claims that any actor with harmful intent and technical capability puts the government’s data and electronic infrastructure at risk.

The federal government has established a powerful cyberdefence system to fight this threat during the last decade, according to the report.

However, it is hampered by inconsistencies in policy implementation and the utilization of cyberdefense services throughout government.

The report, which was tabled in Parliament late Monday, is a redacted version of a confidential document that Prime Minister Justin Trudeau received in August.

According to the analysis, governments are extremely appealing targets for cyberattacks.

“The federal government has vast amounts of information about Canadians, corporations, and innovative sectors like universities and research organizations. Cyber breaches of this data might expose sensitive personal information about Canadians and suffocate individual businesses and the economy.”

According to the research, the government also administers international, trade, and security ties through electronic infrastructures that, if hacked, might harm federal policies and jeopardize Canada’s important interests.

It adds to our understanding of the scope of an early attack by a Chinese state-sponsored attacker that served as a “wake-up call” for the federal government.

China attacked 31 departments between August 2010 and August 2011, with eight of them suffering serious concessions. There were significant data losses, including senior government officials’ email conversations and wholesale theft of information from multiple departments, including briefing notes, strategy documents, secret material, and password and file system data.

The study also includes new details of a crippling 2014 cyberattack on the National Research Council, claiming that a Chinese state-sponsored actor utilized its network access to steal over 40,000 files.

“Intellectual property, advanced research, and sensitive business information from NRC’s partners were among the stolen items. China also leveraged its access to the NRC network to infiltrate a number of government organizations.”

According to the report, three entities, the Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat, Shared Services Canada, and the Communications Security Establishment, collaborate closely on federal cyberdefenses, as do other government departments.

Government networks should, in theory, be contained within a single electronic perimeter, with only a few internet access points monitored by sophisticated sensors capable of detecting and blocking known threats.

Departments should update and patch their devices and systems on a regular basis, according to the paper, under the coordinated supervision, counsel, and assistance of the three organizations.

The current cyberdefense system, on the other hand, “has not yet attained this ideal.”

The following are the major flaws:

The Treasury Board’s cyberdefense measures are not enforced uniformly across departments and agencies, leaving government networks vulnerable to cyberattack.

Crown corporations are known targets of state actors, but they are not subject to Treasury Board cyber-related directives or policies, and they are not obligated to obtain cyberdefence services from the government, putting their data at risk; and Cyberdefence services are provided inconsistently, with many agencies not benefiting from Shared Services Canada’s full complement of assistance, for example.

According to the research, “the harm posed by these inadequacies is clear.” “Organizations whose data isn’t safeguarded by the government’s cyber defense system are at serious risk.”

Furthermore, by preserving electronic connectivity to organizations within the cyberdefence framework, unprotected organizations may operate as a “weak link” in the government’s defenses, posing threats to the government as a whole.

The government agreed with the committee’s several suggestions to rectify the flaws in replies provided in the report.

The truth is, nothing is truly secure in terms of cyber security, an old cyber security article from 2009 from NBC details the focal point at which society realized that data and sensitive information will never be safe from hackers with malicious intent.

You can install all the computer virus protection software you want, but if someone is determined to find out who you’re e-mailing, technically they can, security experts say.

And that may be particularly true if that someone — or something — is the federal government.

“There’s a lot you can do to make it hard,” said Charles Miller, the principal security analyst at Independent Security Evaluators, a Maryland-based firm that successfully took over the iPhone a few weeks ago, prompting Apple to release a security patch last week. “If they have the resources of the federal government, they’re going to be able to see what you do no matter what you do.”

President Bush signed into law an expansion of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, or FISA, which gives the government expanded rights to intercept phone calls and e-mails without warrants as long as the information being intercepted relates to foreign terror intelligence. Democrats and some civil liberties groups have said that the law goes too far.

“You cannot keep things absolutely safe,” Pradeep Khosla, dean of Carnegie Mellon’s college of engineering, told “The lesson to be learned here is everything can be hacked into — it’s just a matter of time.”

No one man can make sense of this elaborate illusion cast over the common man of society, but collectively we can point out each limitation forced upon us and bring it forward as an injustice to the public. In Matthew 10:34 Jesus says: “Do not think that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I have not come to bring peace, but a sword.” We’re meant to go down preaching the gospel and guiding others to salvation. This could be considered the bravest task a man or woman of faith could undertake, but make no mistake it will bear fruit in the kingdom of heaven. Stay inquisitive in the word of God, and the world around you.


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