Canadian Banks Froze Accounts Based On Their “Own Determinations” & Beyond Canadian Police Provided List.


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The Canadian Bankers Association told a parliamentary committee that during the public order emergency, its members froze Freedom Convoy protesters’ bank accounts not only to comply with RCMP disclosures, but also on “their own determinations.”

“We primarily relied on the names provided by the RCMP,” Angelina Mason, general counsel and vice-president of the Canadian Bankers Association (CBA), testified before the Finance Committee on March 7. “There were obligations under the order separate from that, that required banks to make their own determinations,” she said.

Mason stated that banks did not depend on leaked lists of convoy contributors’ information. Around Feb. 13, the crowdfunding platform GiveSendGo, which had raised over $10 million for the Freedom Convoy, was hacked, and the donor information was published to several media sources.

“What banks were required to do, however, was to monitor their accounts using their normal risk-based approach, just as they would for money laundering or whatever,” Mason explained.

“And if something was identified that was suggestive, looking through the eyes of Ottawa’s operations, then there would be a need to freeze.”

Mason said the number of accounts that were blocked unilaterally was minimal, but he didn’t say how many. “Our typical risk-based strategy would not have caught a modest donation,” she explained.

Except for those under court orders, all accounts have been unfrozen after the revocation of the Emergencies Act, which was in place from February 14 to February 23, Mason said.

The government used the Emergencies Act to deal with cross-country protests and blockades calling for the repeal of COVID-19 requirements and limitations.

One of the most contentious provisions of the Act was the ability to freeze bank accounts without a court order, with several opposition MPs doubting the necessity of the measure given its substantial impact on people’s lives and Charter rights.

According to Mason, 180 accounts were froze as a result of RCMP disclosures. Financial institutions, including banks and credit unions, have frozen at least 257 accounts, according to RCMP officials testifying before the committee.

Clients whose accounts have been frozen, according to Mason, will now have a marker on their file stating this.

“How that affects the relationship depends on the specific risk scenario of each bank.” “There wouldn’t be a one-size-fits-all strategy,” she explained.

Some MPs on the committee focused on how the government gave financial institutions information that led to account freezing without going through the normal legal process of obtaining a court order, and did so while giving banks immunity.

Mason claimed that the government provided no written guidance to the institutions and that they were only briefed verbally on how the emergency powers would be used.

“A number of our members did speak with [the Department of Finance].” We had been warned that this would happen, but we didn’t have any specifics. “We got the regulations at the same time as the rest of the public,” Mason explained.

“It’s difficult to have clear rules when they aren’t written down, in my opinion.” What kind of advice did you get about joint accounts? asked Gabriel Ste-Marie, a member of the Bloc Quebecois, for clarification on the potential consequences for someone who shared an account with a protestor but was not active in the events.

Because there was no corresponding instruction in the order, Mason said joint accounts would not be exempt and the “entire account” would be frozen. She went on to say that the CBA discussed the subject of “humanitarian exclusions” with the Department of Finance, but that when the Act was repealed, the issue became irrelevant.

“In terms of the detailed execution of the directive, I believe there were some aspects that were overlooked.” That is very unacceptable to me. Sorry, it actually poses a significant dilemma for me,” Ste-Marie added, warning that the measures could hurt protestors’ children and spouses.

Mason added that they haven’t received any instructions on how long financial institutions should keep the RCMP information.

“Privacy regulation requires that information be kept only for the purpose for which it was submitted for as long as is necessary,” Mason explained.

Trudeau truly outdid himself by pointing his finger back at his citizens, claiming that the problem is their yearning for medical autonomy. Perhaps citizens wouldn’t be disrupting the economy if globalist sell outs like TrudeauFauciNewsomInslee, and Pelosi weren’t imposing tyrannical COVID-19 legislation on their people. These people are public servants, and will no doubt provide the public service we demand. 37% of the worlds population is being grossly neglected by public officials who seek to aid big pharma catalyze biotechnological innovation. This agenda inherently defies the will of God, and will no doubt come with divine consequence.

We’ve got a long road ahead of us but through faith in Jesus we’re all saved; Including our persecutors. 1 Peter 4:12-14 says: “Beloved, do not be surprised at the fiery trial when it comes upon you to test you, as though something strange were happening to you. But rejoice insofar as you share Christ’s sufferings, that you may also rejoice and be glad when his glory is revealed. If you are insulted for the name of Christ, you are blessed, because the Spirit of glory and of God rests upon you.”Stay inquisitive in the word of God, and the world around you.



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