29 mins read

Watchman Warning: You Aid an Evil System Most Effectively by Obeying Its Orders and Decrees Mass Media Is the Most Powerful Tool in the Armory of Control. Used at Length by Government Special Interest Groups and Companies, Mass Media Has the Power to Shape Lives, Implant Convictions and Propagate Bias and Fear

Mainstream media mass Media is an irresistible psychological method of brainwashing that no person can escape from over a period of time. Mass Media, even though it has the ability to shape lives in a positive fashion sad to say, this hasn’t been its sole purpose. By manipulating what individuals watch, their very belief system can be modified. Given lots of time, somebody can be assured that the sky is purple if that message is what the Media programmers need. The government uses mass media as a tool of indoctrination and companies use it to sell you stuff you are told you need to get more money out of you. Mass Media, however, is most perilous to our kids as their minds are young and it’s easy to manifest in them intense wishes for real things programming them for the […]


1 min read

Watchman: Demonic Trans Activists,The Next Wave of Anti-Christian Left-Wing Trans Demons Is About to Be Released—Anti-Christ Mob Is On the Way

SRH: Biden Demonic Foot Soldiers, the Watchman Warns Transgender– In addition to being the elite foot soldiers, enforcers of evil, and people with Ungodly agendas, transgender people have a bad reputation. By now, it’s clear that the mRNA vaccine is an evil operating system designed to produce evil doers. Homosexual pride flags are now flying over the White House per Joe Biden’s order. Unfortunately, we have elected a group of sinful people to leadership positions.   HNewsWire: the Satanic transhumanist New World Order and what do the “elites” do to protect themselves from all the bioweapons they are using to depopulate the earth. There are some whistle-blowers, who have answered this question. Dr. John Coleman wrote books and gave excellent interviews about the Club of Rome, the ultra-secret governing body of the satanic Illuminati elite – who own this world…....

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25 mins read

Watchman Cry’s Out: False Churches, a Convenience for the Soft Christian–Hell Bound And Sin Virus Proud!

One Despicable Baptist Leader Even Dared to Suggest That People Should Use Pronoun Hospitality When Dealing With Those Abominable Transgender Individuals. Ha! They Desire for Christians to Embrace a Deceitful Falsehood HNewsWire: JD Greear, the pastor of The Summit Church and the reigning president of the Southern Baptist Convention, divulged his stance on how followers of Christ ought to approach individuals who identify as transgender during a recent podcast. Greear caused quite a stir, declaring that he would refer to individuals using their “preferred pronoun.” Dan from Chick-fil-A’s, oh how I long to taste his succulent flesh and feel his fiery passion. His presence ignites a burning desire within me, a desire that can only be quenched by his touch. Oh Dan, let us indulge in the pleasures of the flesh and embrace our demonic desires. Cathy spews a sharp […]


17 mins read

Pedophilia Is the First Cousin of Homosexuality, and They Are in Full Swing With Monkeypox Pride Month

The problem with homosexual attraction is that it is an attraction to something God has forbidden, and any desire for something sinful ultimately has its roots in sin. The pervasive nature of sin causes us to see the world and our own actions through a warped perspective. Our thoughts, desires, and dispositions are all affected. So, homosexual attraction does not always result in active, willful sin—there may not be a conscious choice to sin—but it springs from the sinful nature. Same-sex attraction is always, on some basic level, an expression of the fallen nature. Psalm 10:4 explains that the proud are so consumed with themselves that their thoughts are far from God: “In his pride the wicked does not seek him; in all his thoughts there is no room for God.” This kind of haughty pride is the opposite of the spirit […]


4 mins read

Watchman:Warning Christian Persecution Is a Reality and Its Going To Be Brutal

By SRH, Christian Concern has issued a warning, expressing concern that Christians may face the label of “extremists” due to the government’s recently published definition of extremism. This new definition states that extremism involves promoting or advocating an ideology rooted in violence, hatred, or intolerance, with the intention of undermining or eradicating the fundamental rights and freedoms of others. According to Christian Concern, individuals who hold pro-life views, question gender norms, or adhere to traditional beliefs regarding marriage Will be targeted under this broad definition. According to the organization, Christians who uphold the value of life may be viewed as standing against the assumed ‘fundamental right’ to abortion, thereby being labeled as ‘intolerant’ and extremists. It is important to mention that opposing abortion is already included in the Prevent list of ideologies that are seen as potential signs of extremism. […]


32 mins read

Watchman’s Update: Lawless America, the Nature of Jesus Christ Hate the Deeds of Lawlessness

A Man Was Shot in the Head Aboard a Crowded Subway Train in New York City. Update: 3/15/24 , The 36-year-old guy allegedly started a quarrel with another man and was shot on a Brooklyn subway train. The individual who started the fight is currently in critical condition. A 32-year-old male boarded a northbound A train at the Nostrand Avenue Station on Thursday at 4:45 p.m., according to ABC 7. According to witnesses, the 36-year-old man started the fight with the younger man because he was hostile. The 36-year-old male allegedly brandished a knife or razor blade after they got into a violent argument. And then he reached for a revolver in his jacket and went up to the thirty-two-year-old man. ] The confrontation was seen on camera by a witness, who shows how the 32-year-old managed to take the […]


44 mins read

Watchman Warns: The Push for New Laws Against Christianity

The help you provide is greatly appreciated. Maintaining the websites and videos streaming requires an important financial commitment. We welcome contributions of any size. Please consider making a monthly contribution of an affordable amount. Please Give You can also send a check to PO Box 127, Pontotoc, TX 76869. The HIMEDIA Group. Watchman Warning: Christians, Get Ready for Persecution, Its Coming “Soon” Even in the Face of Christian Persecution, We Press on… By StevieRay Hansen | April 17, 2024 | 1 Comment HNewsWire: Advisory: Be careful of what you read on social media. The algorithms used by these platforms have no regard for Biblical truth. They target your emotions to keep you engaged on their site so their advertisers can drop more ads. These platforms exist to enrich their stockholders. Consider God’s promise to Believers in James 1:5, “If any […]


13 mins read

Time for Conservative Christians to Get Mad. Fight for Free Speech. Do Not Let Your Enemy Take Advantage of You. Some Situations May Call for Self-Defense, but Not Retaliation in Kind

The proper use of self-defense has to do with wisdom, understanding, and tact. In Luke 22:36, Jesus tells His remaining disciples, “If you don’t have a sword, sell your cloak and buy one.” Jesus knew that now was the time when His followers would be threatened, and He upheld their right to self-defense. Just a short time later, Jesus is arrested, and Peter takes a sword and cuts off someone’s ear. Jesus rebukes Peter for that act (verses 49–51). Why? In his zeal to defend the Lord, Peter was standing in the way of God’s will. Jesus had told His disciples multiple times that He must be arrested, put on trial, and die (e.g., Matthew 17:22–23). In other words, Peter acted unwisely in that situation. We must have wisdom regarding when to fight and when not to. Exodus 22 gives some clues about […]


5 mins read

Joel Osteen Who Speaks About the god of Self, Attends the LGBTQ Pride with Luciferian Lady Gaga

Police are called to Joel Osteen’s Houston Lakewood Church in response to claims of an ongoing shooting. People took off running for their life. God-fearing men (armed) would have apprehended the gunman long before the Houston Police Department showed up. All those manly men who should have taken out the guns and defended their families are nowhere to be found. Regarding biblical Christianity, what is heresy? Second Peter 2:1 says, “There will be false teachers among you, who will secretly bring in destructive heresies, even denying the Master who bought them, bringing upon themselves swift destruction.” From this verse, we see that heresy is anything that denies the teaching of Jesus. In 1 Corinthians 11:19, Paul takes the church to task for having heresies among them—heresies that led to schisms in the body. These verses touch on both aspects of what constitutes heresy in the […]


2 mins read

America’s FIRST One of Kind State Governors ‘ Executive Order

Dinesh Kaushiva 12/13/ 2023 In a very bold, unexpected and much overdue move The Governor of Nebraska has signed an Executive Order defining the Female and Male Sexes. Hopefully, all the other Republican Governors and even the States’ Republican Senate and House leadership can surely use this a ‘MODEL’ to protect Women and most importantly our daughters and grand daughters until Jesus comes and not be POLITICALLY CORRECT OR BOW DOWN TO THE SATANIC DRIVEN POLITICAL AGENDA.   Currently, in America there are 24 ‘so called’ Republican Governors of which 4 are Females. Sadly, “Republican South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem has faced heavy criticism for failing to certify a bill banning biological males from playing women’s sports. The governor has steadily insisted the bill would subject South Dakota to lawsuits the state could not win and said she seeks to […]


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