18 mins read

US Congressman Warns of Political Conspiracy to Overturn the 2nd Amendment In Its Entirety

Every time there is any kind of mass shooting, the debate over gun control is revived. Some want to ban citizens from owning guns entirely. Others only want to find a way to prevent unstable people from acquiring guns. The argument seems to go: if criminals and unstable people did not have guns, they would not be able to kill people, or at least not kill as many people. But, is that true? And, if it is true, is making guns illegal, or much more difficult to acquire, the best solution? Undeniably, guns are very convenient weapons for someone who is seeking to kill people. However, there are suicide bombs, planted bombs, knife attacks, acid attacks, etc., that demonstrate there are other choices, just as concealable, and even more deadly. If a psychotic individual wants to kill people, he/she can […]


90 mins read

The Hypocrites are Lining up on Epstein’s Suicide, Investigate, Everyone, Except the Guilty

A guided tour of a perverse power list. Proverbs 16:18 says, “Pride goes before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall.” There are many other biblical warnings about the sin of pride. But why is pride so strongly warned against? Why is pride a sin? Is it always a sin to feel proud of something you have accomplished? It is very important to understand what precisely is the pride that God hates (Proverbs 8:13). A Lot Of Powerful People Wanted Epstein Dead… Epstein is “suicided,” meaning the “powerful men” complicit in his sex trafficking crimes will never be prosecuted. Move along, nothing to see here! Let The Spin Show Begins, In political and sociological theory, the elite are a small group of powerful people who hold a disproportionate amount of wealth, privilege, political power, or skill in society. He socialized […]


3 mins read

New Epstein Documents Reveal Trump “Didn’t Partake in Any Sex” With Epstein’s Girls

A reliable witness always tells the truth, but an unreliable one tells nothing but lies (Proverbs 14:5). Epstein accuser says Trump didn’t even flirt with her. New documents released by the US Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit reveal that Jeffrey Epstein accuser Virginia Roberts Giuffre said Donald Trump “didn’t partake in any sex” with Epstein’s girls. “The document release stems from a 2015 defamation lawsuit in New York brought by Epstein accuser Virginia Roberts Giuffre against Epstein’s ‘Madam’ – Ghislaine Maxwell,” reports Zero Hedge. “Giuffre says Maxwell helped Epstein traffic herself and other underage girls to sex parties at the billionaire pedophile’s many residences.” Responding to a 2011 article that claimed Trump was a “good friend of Jeffrey’s,” Giuffre clarified, “It’s true that he didn’t partake in any sex with us,” while she also insisted that Trump didn’t even […]


7 mins read

Is It Time for a National Knife Ban?

A friend of mine who lives in a country with very strict and successful gun control laws recently informed me of how many people in that country have been killed in knife and bomb attacks in recent years. It is staggering. The state-controlled media suppresses the news, so it is not widely known. (I am intentionally not mentioning the country in which he resides for his own protection.) This demonstrates that guns are not ultimately the problem. People are the problem (Romans 3:10-23). It’s time for some “common sense” knife-reform… In downtown Pittsburgh, two women were stabbed. One died and the other is in stable condition at last report. Over on the other side of the country, a 33-year-old Hispanic man in Santa Ana, CA, went on a two-hour stabbing spree. Four people are dead and two wounded. Back on the […]


28 mins read

Unconstitutional and Tyrannical Red Flag Gun Confiscation Laws Are Coming Fast

Every time there is any kind of mass shooting, the debate over gun control is revived. Some want to ban citizens from owning guns entirely. Others only want to find a way to prevent unstable people from acquiring guns. The argument seems to go: if criminals and unstable people did not have guns, they would not be able to kill people, or at least not kill as many people. But, is that true? And, if it is true, is making guns illegal, or much more difficult to acquire, the best solution? Undeniably, guns are very convenient weapons for someone who is seeking to kill people. However, there are suicide bombs, planted bombs, knife attacks, acid attacks, etc., that demonstrate there are other choices, just as concealable, and even more deadly. If a psychotic individual wants to kill people, he/she can […]


11 mins read

President Trump Readies Executive Order To Crack-Down Hard On Social Media Censorship Of Conservatives

Social media giants like Facebook don’t have much regard for individual entities. They are engineering reality for many people by suppressing stories, thoughts and ideas they don’t like while promoting things they do like. That would be fine if everyone thought alike, but we do not.  The First Amendment exists for a reason. It exists to protect speech that is unpopular, even offensive. But when anti-Christian speech is given a pass on social media and Bible readings are banned, there exists a serious problem. We have no idea what the engineers at these firms are doing with our news and information. But at which point they take it upon themselves to decide what we want to see, they are censoring. And censorship is never part of a healthy society.  Update: The Hill reports that National Republican groups announced Thursday that they would halt […]


12 mins read

President Trump Is Preparing An Executive Order That Will Crack Down Hard On Social Media Censorship Of Conservatives

Historically, Christianity has flourished under totalitarian regimes. The book of Acts recounts the persecution of the Christians under Roman rule—including Nero’s reign—and the resulting spread of the gospel. After the stoning of Stephen, believers were forced to flee from those who wanted to put them to death. “On that day a great persecution broke out against the church in Jerusalem, and all except the apostles were scattered throughout Judea and Samaria” (Acts 8:1). It appears from Acts 9:31 that this persecution backfired and actually worked toward the further spread of the gospel of Jesus Christ. It appears that President Trump is getting ready to bring down the hammer on the big social media companies.  According to Politico, the Trump administration is in the process of drafting an executive order that will “tackle Silicon Valley’s alleged anti-conservative bias”.  And it is very much in President Trump’s […]


81 mins read

Jeffrey Epstein Daily Update

Pedophile and Child Rapist Jeffrey Epstein — August Update — As It Happens. Pedophiles share the characteristic of being “without natural affection” (Romans 1:31; 2 Timothy 3:2). The phrase “without natural affection” is translated from one Greek word, which means “inhuman, unloving, and unsociable.” One without natural affection acts in ways that are against the social norm. This would certainly describe a pedophile. Ex-Con Explains What Jeffrey Epstein, the ‘Richest Rapo Ever Seen,’ Can Expect in Prison Law & Crime Wealthy convicted sex offender Jeffrey Epstein, 66, just days after a federal judge ordered that he remain in jail ahead of his child sex-trafficking trial, … Epstein Planned To Seed Human Race With His DNA By Impregnating Scores Of Women In New Mexico Jailed pedophile Jeffrey Epstein wanted to seed the human race with his DNA by impregnating scores of women at his […]


10 mins read

Whole Foods sponsors ‘Drag Queen Story Hour’ targeting children

For over twenty years, the LGBT and their partners,(the ungodly) had one overriding obsession: your children. Generally speaking, the ungodly are those who do not know God through Jesus Christ. They have rejected God’s Son and remain in their sins. Those who are in Christ have their sins forgiven and are becoming more godly. Believers naturally seek to remove all ungodliness from their lives (1 John 3:9). First, it was the high schools. Starting in the 1990s, they began putting in “gay clubs” in high schools across the country, followed by “Gay and Lesbian Awareness” assemblies, “Coming Out” days, and “Day of Silence” events. Later came “Safe Spaces,” “gender identity,” and more graphic introductions to anal and oral sex. Then it was the middle schools. After a few years, the “gay clubs” appeared in middle schools, followed by LGBT assemblies, “gay” library books […]


10 mins read

We Just Witnessed 3 Major Developments That Could Easily Lead To Global War

Matthew 24:5 Sadly, all of the things Jesus pointed to as not necessarily being signs of the end times are precisely the things most people look at as signs of the end times. Now, this is not to say that wars and rumors of wars are completely unrelated to the end times. When the Bible speaks of the end times, it describes some intense warfare. But Jesus’ point seems to be that there always has been war, and, until He establishes peace in the Millennial Kingdom, there will always be war. Therefore, wars and rumors of war are not reliable predictors for the end times. It has been a seemingly quiet summer in America so far, but meanwhile, we are witnessing major developments on the other side of the globe that could change everything.  We are so close to war, and yet most people have absolutely […]


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