“Do Not Touch My Anointed Ones; Do My Prophets No Harm”

The command to touch not God’s anointed is found in two places in Scripture: “Do not touch my anointed ones; do my prophets no harm” (1 Chronicle 16:22; Psalm 105:15). These passages are sometimes used in Pentecostal and Charismatic circles to defend certain preachers from criticism. Preachers who promote themselves or their ministries as “anointed” warn their would-be critics, “Do not touch God’s anointed!” Of course, this helps to insulate them from scrutiny and allows them to spread falsehood and bad theology unrestrained. Others take God’s command “Do not touch my anointed ones; do my prophets no harm” to mean that Christians are promised protection from all bad things. Both of the above interpretations of “Do not touch my anointed ones” ignore the context of the passages in question. The “anointed ones” in these passages are not modern-day Pentecostal preachers. And the Bible never promises…


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It’s Becoming Increasingly Difficult to Find Information

That Conflicts with the Globalist Agenda… With Google and YOUTUBE Now Being the Predominant Gate-Keeper of Information, It’s Becoming Increasingly Difficult to Find Information That Conflicts with the Globalist Agenda. Their aggressive plans to rob the morality base of our nation are being disguised as “enlightened” and “tolerant.”  The seeds of their plan have already been planted in the minds of our children – seeds that will totally destroy Christian moral principles for right and wrong.  Faith in One God is being presented as obsolete thinking.  Instead, there is a pantheon of gods catering to our inner self, justifying all kinds of evil behavior since every person is free to do what is right in his own sight. See to it that no one takes you captive through hollow and deceptive philosophy, which depends on human tradition and the elemental…


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Their Worm Never Dies, We Do Not Live

in a Free America Anymore One-World Global Government… UK Supreme Court Judge Expects People Will Be Forced To Wear Masks, Stay Home For Ten Years British former Supreme Court judge Lord Sumption has warned that “social controls” brought about by the coronavirus pandemic may be kept in place by governments for up to a decade. Supreme Court Rules In Excessive Force Case “It’s politically unrealistic to expect the Government to backtrack now,” commented Sumption, who has been highly critical of the government’s ‘totalitarian’ lockdown policies. The judge compared the reaction to rationing after the Second World War, which went on for nine years, adding that this time “I think it may be even longer.” “An interesting parallel is the continuation of wartime food rationing after the last war. People were in favour of that because they were in favour of social control,” he said during a…


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LGBTQ+E Jesuit Priest Says Bible May Be

Wrong About Homosexuality The Jesuit… classified as having a reprobate mind, they have some knowledge of God and perhaps know of His commandments. However, they live impure lives and have very little desire to please God. Those who have reprobate minds live corrupt and selfish lives. Sin is justified and acceptable to them.  Certain sensualists, who have made lust their god, have also declared their enmity for Christ. Modern advocates of homosexuality, live-in sexual relationships, “open” marriages, etc., have made no secret of their hatred for the Son of God and His lofty system of ethics. The light went out in the church, and that’s the reason the world got dark. Dark times were perpetrated by the “last one out, turn out the lights” “The church lights have gone OUT”. LGBT promoter Father James Martin has questioned whether the biblical…


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Society Has Become Unhinged, No God, No Peace, We Live in an

Ungodly, Spiritually Deteriorating Age… Peace of mind and the tranquility of spirit that accompanies it are only available when we have true peace with God through the sacrifice of Christ on the cross in payment of our sins. Those who attempt to find peace in worldly pursuits will find themselves sadly deceived. For Christians, however, peace of mind is available through the intimate knowledge of, and complete trust in, the God who meets “all your needs according to his glorious riches in Christ Jesus” (Philippians 4:19). There is no debating it. We live in an ungodly, spiritually deteriorating age. The evidence is everywhere. Not only does the media mock and reject Christian morals, but governments are legislating against Christian beliefs. Immoral lifestyles are not only being flaunted, but they are also being pushed upon the Church with religious vigor. To embrace biblical…


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This Is What Happens When the God of Peace, Law, and Order

Is Rejected in Comes Lawlessness and Chaos No One Is Safe in This Lawless Land… The Un-godly’ tactics are a “systematic shredding of GOD’s will for Mankind and undermining the rule of law.” Portland ‘Under Siege By Anarchists’ As City Officials Twiddle Thumbs, Says DHS Chief Acting Homeland Security Secretary Chad Wolf condemned “rampant, long-lasting violence” in Portland, Oregon on Thursday, after the city “has been under siege for 47 straight days by a violent mob while local political leaders refuse to restore order to protect their city,” he said in a Thursday morning statement.  Wolf traveled to Portland to survey the city after members of Antifa established the “Chinook Land Autonomous Territory” outside of the Portland federal courthouse earlier in the week. Roger Stone has been convicted on all 7 counts of lying to the federal government about the Wikileaks…


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“What Does It Mean to Have a Reprobate Mind?” Worthless Literally or Morally

The phrase “reprobate mind” is found in Romans 1:28 in reference to those whom God has rejected as godless and wicked. They “suppress the truth by their wickedness,” and it is upon these people that the wrath of God rests (Romans 1:18). The Greek word translated “reprobate” in the New Testament is adokimos, which means literally “unapproved, that is, rejected; by implication, worthless (literally or morally).” Those (Big Tech CEO’s) “resist the truth: men of corrupt minds, reprobate concerning the faith” (2 Timothy 3:8). Here the reprobation is regarding the resistance to the truth because of corrupt minds. In Titus, Paul also refers to those whose works are reprobate: “They profess that they know God; but in works they deny him, being abominable, and disobedient, and unto every good work reprobate” (Titus 1:16). Therefore, the reprobate mind is one that is corrupt and…


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LGBTQE Goal Is Destruction of Christianity in Society-E Is For Evil

Specifically, we are in Tribulation… Did you think that the LGBTQE agenda was primarily to win acceptance and tolerance from American society?  I think that most of us probably thought that. Little did we know that gaining acceptance was merely a first step toward the ultimate goal which is evil to its core.  Should we be surprised? After all, we ARE battling principalities and powers of darkness (let us never forget this). The end game of the LGBTQ movement, although possibly not realized by its marchers, but by its leaders is this: Detaching America from its original Judeo/Christian heritage and the moral framework which was the foundation upon which we were established. How will they accomplish this?  Legislatively, and as their demands grow, the one piece of legislation that makes every Leftist liberal salivate is “The Equality Act.” The online war against…


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Domestic Travel Passport Is Being Forced on the Populace Without Even a Burp, This Is a Tale-Tell Sign America

Is Not the Land of the Free nor Is It Home to the Brave Anymore, Birth Pains…. So you were worried about a national ID card, but forgot that basically you have that in a Social Security card, albeit a little outdated?  Well, not to fear, Big Brother is here and beginning next year, the feds are going to be requiring you to have your papers ready to board a plane or enter a Federal government facility. The American Institute for Economic Research has the story.  Peter C. Earle writes: The deadline of yet another, and perhaps the most insidious, element of the post-9/11 initiatives (a partial list of which includes the establishment of the Transportation Security Agency, the Department of Homeland Security, and a never-ending international war against a nebulously-defined, noncorporeal enemy, “terror”) is less than one year from coming…


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Add California’s Wildfires to the List of Problems Caused by President Donald Trump

and the State of Texas… Newsom styles himself a “progressive” and a leader in the fight against inequality, racism, climate change, etc. Yet under his leadership, the state has regressed into a dystopia, self-destructing under the weight of incompetence, corruption, and downright lunatic political ideas. The State’s Former Governor (Crazy Man Brown ) Has Warned Trump and Trump’s Fellow Republicans That “the Blood Is on Your Soul”… for Denying Climate Change Gavin Newsom begs DC for money to support an ungodly Ca. states culture and demands the country submit to his demonic view of society, and then we watch the lights go out, and Northern California Burns, the Gov. is a disgrace to humanity. Why does this keep happening to California year after year?  The answer is simple, menkind without God in their hearts are dangerous– as you read this article, enormous wildfires are…


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