47 mins read

Update: 11/22/21 At 9:25 PM The ‘New Normal’ Out There, Tribulation Crazy

Here’s The Stunning 44-Page Criminal History Of The Christmas Parade Massacre Person Of Interest Darrell Brooks Background C… by The Western Journal Just like a broken clock is right twice a day, the left gets things right every once and a while. For example, our justice system does need some reform, as the left has said — just not quite in the way it believes. The Christmas parade massacre in Waukesha, Wisconsin, on Sunday, was a perfect example of how this system can be reformed. Five people were killed and more than 40 injured when a vehicle plowed through the crowd. Fox News was among those reporting Monday that Darrell Brooks, 39, was in custody in connection with the horrifying incident. As it turns out, Brooks is a convicted felon with a lengthy criminal record. This is Darrell Brooks, the […]


1 min read

Despite Widespread Censorship, Zuck Claims “Not Comfortable Being Arbiter of Free Speech”

Suppressing the Truth in Unrighteousness, (Rom. 3:​10​) The natural mind is hostile toward God. It does not submit to God’s law, nor can it do so. While several prominent conservatives have been permanently banned from Twitter, many remain. Twitter hasn’t become a wasteland. Instead, it’s become one of the hottest places on the internet for breaking news. President Trump has helped with this, tweeting his own breaking news every day. Journalists go to his Twitter feed first every day when looking for White House news. Active suppression of the truth and the turning of the truth into a lie reveals the times in which we live.  This is the “mystery of lawlessness” Paul alludes to in 2 Thessalonians chapter 2.  Mankind en mass has now exalted himself and his opinions above God’s revelation of truth, thus proclaiming that he (man) […]


22 mins read

GLOBAL WARMING: Climate Worship Is Nothing More Than Re branded Paganism

We’re seeing sexualized dances, hallucinogens, worshiping nature, confessing sins in pagan animism, worshiping purified teen saints, all to promote a supposedly greater cause. Lynn Townsend White Jr., an American historian from Princeton, wrote an influential essay in 1967, at the height of the cultural revolution in Western campuses, arguing that Christianity and Judeo-Christian values are responsible for ecological disaster and climate change. The essay, naturally, was adapted by generations after, ironically almost like a document of faith. The central argument went like this. White argued, “The victory of Christianity over paganism was the greatest psychic revolution in the history of our culture. … By destroying pagan animism, Christianity made it possible to exploit nature in a mood of indifference to the feelings of natural objects.” If nothing else, the last few days should be enough to prove that Western civilization, a product […]


56 mins read


CHRISTIAN’S… The Global Persecution Of Christians Today is one of the International Days of Prayer for the Persecuted Church (IDOP). Initiated over 20 years ago by the World Evangelical Alliance, 100,000 congregations around the world and millions of Christians participate on this day. “This November let us unite in prayer for our persecuted brothers and sisters,” IDOP noted in a brief video that highlights a few examples of recent persecution, including the Easter Sunday church bombings in Sri Lanka and the ongoing slaughter of Christians by Islamic groups in Nigeria and, increasingly, Burkina Faso. Discussing this day’s significance, Vernon Brewer, the CEO and founder of World Help, a Christian humanitarian organization, wrote: “It’s easy to go about our lives and forget that in places like Nigeria, Iran and North Korea being a Christian can often lead to death. After all, for the most part, persecution for our faith isn’t something most of […]


21 mins read

The Origins of Our Second Civil War, God Has Been Replaced with Self

The further a society drifts from the truth, the stronger the delusion will take its place… Is America Preparing For Civil War? “The jump has no precedent in recorded history…” is how one analyst described the stunning surge in estimated firearm sales indicated by data from the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s National Instant Criminal Background Check System latest report. While actual gun purchases aren’t tracked in the U.S., the FBI system is largely considered a proxy for sales by the firearms industry and the table shows a 41% surge year-over-year (and a 33% spike month-over-month). Jurgen Brauer, chief economist at Small Arms Analytics, told Bloomberg News, that handgun sales increased 91.1% year-over-year, per Brauer’s analysis, and long-gun sales were up 73.6%. “We expect continued positive headline growth numbers in coming months as Covid-19 uncertainty lingers,” Brett Andress, a firearms industry analyst at KeyBank Capital, wrote in a note on […]


3 mins read

Update: 9/17/21 A Spirit Of Lawlessness Has Descended Upon The Streets Of America

Gangs Of LA Sheriff’s Deputies Are Running Amok, Bullying Other Cops The Los Angeles Sheriff’s Department is a massive law enforcement agency – it’s responsible for policing 153 unincorporated communities and 42 cities across a sizable patch of southern LA County – but it doesn’t get nearly as much attention as its neighboring agency, the LAPD, which patrols the City of Los Angeles. Unfortunately for the criminals who wind up in the agency’s crosshairs, this lower profile has helped a culture of gang-like fraternities to flourish across the organization that officially are referred to as “secret cliques” or “subgroups”, but in reality, they’re just gangs. You know how some people say the police are just the biggest gang? Well, in this case, that’s not too far from the truth. According to a recently released report from the RAND Corporation, the county […]


28 mins read

We Are Watching Out Of Control Politicians That Are Intentionally Destroying America

The principle of liberty suggests that first and foremost, the government’s role is to protect the rights of individuals. The principle of democracy suggests that collective decisions are made according to the will of the majority…The greater the allowable scope of democracy in government, the greater the threat to liberty…In particular, the ascendency of the concept of democracy threatens the survival of the free market economy, which is an extension of the Founders’ views on liberty, the Founders wanted those in charge of government’s operations to be selected by a democratic process,” they “also wanted to insulate those who ran the government from direct influence by its citizens” because “[b]y insulating political decision-makers from directs accountability to citizens, the government would be in a better position to adhere to its constitutionally-mandated limits.  The Constitution created a limited government designed to […]


16 mins read


SCHOOLCHILDREN THAT HE’S A “GENDER-NEUTRAL” LGBTQP+E FOR EVIL… To blaspheme is to speak with contempt about God or to be defiantly irreverent. Blasphemy is a verbal or written reproach of God’s name, character, work, or attributes. Blasphemy was a serious crime in the law God gave to Moses. The Israelites were to worship and obey God. In Leviticus 24:10–16, a man blasphemed the name of God. To the Hebrews, a name wasn’t just a convenient label. It was a symbolic representation of a person’s character. The man in Leviticus who blasphemed God’s name was stoned to death. Catholic schoolgirls in Brisbane, Australia, are reportedly now being taught that God should no longer be referred to as “He,” because this gender-specific pronoun is outdated and “offensive.” Instead, the Creator of the universe is from here on out to be referred to as a […]


16 mins read

Big Tech: We’re Caught in an Electronic Prison of Our Own Making, Birth Pain

The Great Tribulation is Daniel 12:1b, which says, “And there will be a time of distress such as never occurred since there was a nation until that time.” It seems that Jesus was quoting this verse when He spoke the words recorded in Matthew 24:21. Also referring to the Great Tribulation is Jeremiah 30:7, “Alas! for that day is great, There is none like it, And it is the time of Jacob’s distress, But he will be saved from it.” The phrase “Jacob’s distress” refers to the nation of Israel, which will experience persecution and natural disasters such as have never before been seen. While 10’s of millions of Americans and countless more people around the world ‘slept‘, we’ll posit here with sourced backing in the story below that George Orwell’s ‘constant surveillance system‘ from his book “1984” has been built up all around us […]


35 mins read

The Ultimate Heresy: Technology Can’t Fix What’s Broken, GOD Has The Answers

Technology can’t fix what’s broken, because what’s broken is our entire system, Only GOD Can….. The ultimate heresy in today’s world isn’t religious or political: it’s refusing to believe that technology can not only solve all our problems, but it will also do so painlessly and without any sacrifice. Anyone who dares to question this orthodoxy is instantly declared an anti-progress (gasp!) Luddite, i.e. a heretic in league with the Devil. Even worse, if that’s possible, is declaring that technology is making our lives worse rather than better. There’s an entire industry devoted to cherry-picking data to support the One True Faith of Technology: a new miracle drug (never mind the side-effects or the fact that the drug only works on a relative handful of patients), a new energy source that will generate nearly free energy in near-infinite quantities (thorium reactors, though […]


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