CCP Destroyed Sculpture of the “Goddess of Democracy” (Semiramis). Perhaps to Induce Outrage.


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File:Goddess of Democracy in CUHK 2.jpg - Wikimedia Commons

On Dec. 24, the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) and the Lingnan University dismantled monuments and sculptures honoring the pro-democracy Tiananmen square protests and massacre. The University of Hong Kong also covertly toppled the “Pillar of Shame” Tiananmen memorial on the evening of Dec. 22.

Workers dispatched by school administrators in the early morning dismantled the bronze Goddess of Democracy that had been at CUHK for 12 years. Lingnan University covered a Tiananmen Massacre painting and dismantled a memorial relief sculpture on the same day.

Chen Weiming, a New Zealander, designed both sculptures to mark the 20th anniversary of the Tiananmen Square Massacre. On June 2, 2010, the Hong Kong Alliance in Support of Patriotic Democratic Movements of China received the 6.4-meter tall bronze statue of Goddess of Democracy, which was delivered to Hong Kong for display. The Hong Kong government confiscated the monument twice at the time, citing a narcotics investigation and blocking of the streets as justifications. Some members of the Hong Kong Alliance have been accused and detained. Chen’s admission into Hong Kong was similarly rejected when he arrived at the Hong Kong International Airport.

The Goddess of Democracy monument was ultimately unveiled during the candlelight vigil on June 4th of that year, after a series of twists and turns. Then, on June 5, around 2,000 CUHK instructors, students, and residents took it to the university campus, where it was built close to the MTR University Station on a verdant grass field.

In the same year, the Lingnan University Student Union requested and received approval from Lingnan University for the permanent placement of the Tiananmen Square Relief Sculpture on campus.

Chen included around 10,000 images from the Tiananmen Square Massacre into the sculpture, including tanks pursuing students preparing to leave Tiananmen Square, the “Tank Man” standing in front of a tank to prevent it, and Beijing civilians bringing the dead and wounded to local hospitals on bicycles. In 2010, the relief sculpture was delivered to Hong Kong along with a bronze figure of the Goddess of Democracy, and it was seized by authorities for further investigation.

Chen Weiming expressed remorse over the removal of his artwork from Hong Kong’s institutions in an interview with The Epoch Times. Chen pointed out that the two institutions had welcomed the sculptures on campus at the time, but he was fully unaware of the removals prior to them, which was unethical and maybe illegal. He further stated that the sculpture was only loaned out for the show and that he remains the sole proprietor of the artwork. He would speak with a lawyer about how to proceed with the situation, which may include legal action. He also hopes that the two colleges will be able to properly store the sculptures and transfer them back to the US for exhibition.

“This is likely the fate of such sculptures in Hong Kong. Under the National Security Law, there is no place for reasoning in Hong Kong, and the city’s rule of law is dead,  ” Chen added. “The Sino-British Joint Declaration is not even recognized by the CCP [Chinese Communist Party].” The CCP [Chinese Communist Party] does not even recognize the Sino-British Joint Declaration. I believe that the removals are a result of pressure from Beijing. If Hong Kong still has the freedom of ‘Hong Kong people ruling Hong Kong,’ the school will never take such actions” he added.

At 12 a.m., the sculptures were taken down. The people who took them away were “as cunning as thieves,” according to Chen.

“Why didn’t they dare to do this in the daytime, in a noble and dignified manner? It indicates that they know it is inappropriate. They fear that they would incur public outcry,” Chen explained.

He said that the Chinese communist leadership nearly always arrests and prosecutes dissidents just before the holidays, when the international press is on vacation. “This is the CCP’s standard strategy,” he explained.

The oppression of Chinese people in favor of liberty is nothing new, however there is something particularly interesting about the fact that the “Goddess of Democracy” was used as symbolism for the liberation of the Chinese people. Semiramis, the “queen of heaven” is seen in various places to represent freedom, and liberty. Yet, when we zoom out to look at the big picture we notice that God’s plan will unravel whether you like it or not. Because it is free will, and liberation that lead to the great harvest. Secular atheism is budging people to adopt false beliefs simply to make each individual more controllable and malleable. Core curriculum in the education system should be one of the most flexible systems of education in history by this point. Yet children are receiving the same cookie cutter curriculum as twenty years ago.

Revelation 14:14 says: “Then I looked, and behold, a white cloud, and sitting on the cloud was one like a son of man, having a golden crown on His head and a sharp sickle in His hand. 15 And another angel came out of the temple, crying out with a loud voice to Him who sat on the cloud, “Put in your sickle and reap, for the hour to reap has come, because the harvest of the earth is ripe.” Then He who sat on the cloud swung His sickle over the earth, and the earth was reaped.” Stay inquisitive in the word of God, and the world around you.

The US Food and Drug Administration changed its guideline on the use of the abortifacient medications Mifeprex, whose generic name is mifepristone, and misoprostol “to terminate a pregnancy 70 days gestation” on Thursday, December 16.

The Food and Drug Administration’s new policy emphasized that the drug’s use had previously been approved following a Risk Evaluation and Mitigation Strategy (REMS) undertaken in 2019. The conditions for prescribing the medicine to patients who want to end their pregnancy, according to the 2019 REMS, include being “ordered, prescribed, and delivered by or under the supervision of a healthcare provider who prescribes and meets certain standards.”

The FDA stressed that such a prescription is only available from a select group of doctors who are required to use a Prescriber Agreement Form when prescribing Mifeprex and to present patients with the Mifeprex Medication Guide. Patients must now submit a signed “Patient Agreement Form” following counseling, according to the FDA, and the medicine can only be supplied by certified pharmacies, according to an amendment to the 2019 REMS. The FDA, on the other hand, has issued a warning against purchasing such medications over the internet.

“Do Not Buy Mifeprex or its Approved Generic Over the Internet. You should not buy Mifeprex or its approved generic over the Internet because you will bypass important safeguards designed to protect your health,” the FDA said.

“Mifeprex and its approved generic have special safety restrictions on how it is distributed to the public. Also, drugs purchased from foreign Internet sources are not the FDA-approved versions of the drugs, and they are not subject to FDA-regulated manufacturing controls or FDA inspection of manufacturing facilities,” the department added.

During the pandemic, the FDA relaxed its rules on the use of mail-order abortion pills, removing the requirement for patients to meet with doctors in person. This decision overturns a ruling issued by former President Bill Clinton in 2000, which allowed abortion drugs to be obtained only in person, and which was thereafter enforced by former Presidents George Bush, Barack Obama, and Donald Trump.

However, Trump filed an appeal in the Supreme Court against the FDA rules, citing the risk of abortion clinics dispensing the drugs without first undergoing a thorough evaluation. Last January, the Supreme Court ruled in Trump’s favor. Despite this, Democrats have already pushed for the legalization of abortion drugs by mail, over a month after Biden took office.

Meanwhile, states have taken steps to safeguard themselves from FDA regulation, such as Texas Governor Greg Abbott, who signed Senate Bill 4 in September, only weeks after the Supreme Court upheld the contentious but effective Texas Heartbeat Act.

Governor Kristi Noem of South Dakota issued Executive Order 2021-12, which prohibits the use of abortion drugs using telemedicine. Noem described her Executive Order as a “barrier” to Biden’s and pro-choice groups’ “attack on the unborn.” South Dakota legislators agreed to hear Noem’s request to ban abortion drugs this December last month.

According to Christian Headlines, pro-life organizations such as Live Action have slammed the “revolting” new policy, claiming that it will result in “more moms dying, more children dying.”

“This means mothers will take the abortion pill at home with the possibility of hemorrhaging to death from undiagnosed ectopic pregnancy or adverse impacts of the drug. She’ll then go into early labor, deliver the dead child into a toilet, and flush her baby into the sewer system,” Live Action said in a statement released on Thursday.

Mifeprex was placed under the REMS in April 2011 due to reported harmful effects, including death, according to the pro-life organization. The group also revealed that the FDA policy reinstates what it decided during the pandemic—a fact noted not in the policy but in the FDA website’s Question And Answer Section on the medicine.

“FDA determined that the data support modification of the REMS to reduce burden on patient access and the health care delivery system and to ensure the benefits of the product outweigh the risks,” the FDA said in response to the question on the determining factors to its December 16th policy.

“The modifications to the Mifepristone REMS Program will consist of: (1) removing the requirement that mifepristone be dispensed only in certain healthcare settings, specifically clinics, medical offices, and hospitals (referred to as the “in-person dispensing requirement”); (2) adding a requirement that pharmacies that dispense the drug be certified,” they said.

The FDA is absolutely not an integral source of information in terms of our biological well being. They’re proving to be a threat to humanity itself, by enabling people to asphyxiate innocent life without a second thought. There is also something to be said about the concerning mental state of an individual who finds themselves as a pro-choice activist. James 1:27 says this: “Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.” Perhaps Pro-choice activists should direct their attention toward the widows and orphans, as opposed to fighting for the right to take human life. Stay inquisitive in the word of God, and the world around you.



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