CCP Places Death Penalty For Crossing Border Into China With COVID-19.


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In its newest COVID-19 control warning, China’s ruling communist party warned local authorities that anybody infected with COVID-19 who crossed the border into China would face the death sentence.

On June 2, nine governmental agencies in Fangchenggang, Guangxi Province, China, published a combined official epidemic control notification on their Chinese social media profiles. The Dongxing Customs Anti-Smuggling Branch, the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection, and the Public Security Bureau are among them.

Anyone infected with COVID-19 or those who assist infected persons in crossing the border without authorization will be prosecuted with threatening public safety, which is punishable by death, penalties, and property confiscation, according to Article 6 of the notification.

The policy sparked anger on social media, and on June 3, the message was removed from the local government’s official accounts. Internet users questioned whether the death penalty is acceptable and if local governments had the authority to condemn and sentence someone to death. “Is there any legal foundation for it?” asked one commenter.

“They need to comprehend the legislation in the first place,” another wrote in a comment. The Supreme Court, not a tiny town’s administration, has the authority to decide on the death penalty.” “In truth, the pandemic is not terrifying at all,” a third added, “but people’s hearts are far scarier.”

The Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) sanctions against citizens who break the COVID-19 restrictions have been widely criticized in the past. Authorities paraded four residents who allegedly violated local COVID-19 restrictions for public humiliation in Baise, another city in Guangxi Province that borders Vietnam, in December, hanging placards around their necks displaying their photos and names, just as the CCP did during the Cultural Revolution.

Each resident was led through the crowded streets by two police officers, who were escorted by armed riot police. The humiliation parade’s films and images were shared online, attracting a lot of attention and condemnation.

Since the outbreak of COVID-19, the CCP has implemented a number of extreme virus prevention and control measures, including citywide mass lockdowns, the suspension of medical services, the installation of seals on the doors of COVID-19 patients’ homes, and the welding shut of doors of residential buildings where COVID-19 cases are found, among other things. The policies have resulted in several catastrophes and significant human suffering, resulting in growing public outrage.

Authorities in Beijing, the nation’s capital, asked residents to submit a negative nucleic acid test certificate from within the previous 48 hours in order to use public facilities in May. The country’s pandemic control tactics, brave netizens remarked, had reached an outrageous level.

It’s clear that the Chinese communist party does not exist to represent the people of China. They have continuously made life difficult for Chinese citizens since before the plandemic began. These extreme measures put in place only serve to make the public distrusting of their governing entities. A death penalty for crossing the border isn’t how you convince society to confide in the CCP. They’re operating like a criminal organization and they have been for years now.

It’s certainly clear that they’ll need to either correct their behavior or face confrontation in the near future. War between international superpowers such as ourselves certainly could lead to divine intervention. Matthew 24:36 says: “But concerning that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, nor the Son, but the Father only”. With that being said, humanity is up to no good in all sorts of ways. It’s only a matter of time before one of them proves to be of significance to our Lord and savior. Whether it be technological innovation, war, famine, pestilence, or all of them at once, either way we’re made in God’s image and have the capability to withstand the tribulation ahead. Stay inquisitive in the word of God, and the world around you.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends that all domestic travelers, regardless of immunization status, have COVID-19 testing before and after their trip.

Anyone traveling within the United States should consider “being tested as near to the time of departure as feasible,” and no more than three days before a trip, according to an update on the agency’s website. Previously, it only suggested testing for patients who had not gotten COVID-19 immunizations or had not had their booster injections in a long time.

People who went to crowded places “while not wearing a well-fitting mask or respirator” should take a test before or after their excursion, according to the CDC report.

A federal court in Florida overturned the CDC’s requirement that passengers wear masks inside airports or on aircraft in April. Officials from the Justice Department have indicated that they would take the regulation to court, which was established after President Joe Biden took office in early 2021.

“COVID-19 immunizations are successful at preventing serious sickness and death,” a representative for the organization told AFAR Magazine on May 19, but added, “because vaccines are not 100 percent efficient at preventing infection, some persons who are up to date can still catch COVID-19.”

“People who are up to date on their COVID-19 immunizations may feel OK and show no symptoms, but they can still become sick and transfer the virus to others,” according to the spokesperson.

The CDC also changed its foreign travel guideline in January, requiring airline passengers aged 2 and up to produce confirmation of recovery from COVID-19 within the preceding 90 days or a negative COVID-19 test taken no more than a day before boarding a flight. Foreign nationals must also provide confirmation of COVID-19 immunization.

The CDC and the White House have both refused to say when the required testing regulation for overseas passengers would be lifted. For months, travel organizations have advocated for the repeal of that restriction.

The restriction has caused “slow economic recovery of the corporate and international travel sectors,” according to a group representing more than 250 businesses in a letter to the White House.

Despite virtually all major airlines abandoning enforcement after the federal judge’s decision was announced last month, the CDC published a fresh recommendation that individuals inside airports and flights wear masks.

CDC Director Rochelle Walensky, who has been chastised for her organization’s message during the COVID-19 pandemic, warned last week that persons residing in areas where the agency believes COVID-19 transmission is prevalent should wear masks inside.

This news comes just days after headlines everywhere said that airlines were pleading to remove the testing prior to boarding flights. It seems as though the “argument” against the tyranny is intentionally prematurely expended so that when the big CDC recommends we all have our genomic data sampled with swabs before a flight, we all hear them loud and clear and we’ve taken one step forward followed by two steps back. The moment the CDC and WHO lose their voice due to COVID losing its relevance, thats when society has stopped this evil agenda.

However, it seems as though no matter what falsified statistic or “fact” these globalist organizations regurgitate from their great reset handbook society just believes them and complies. It’s easier to trick someone than to convince someone that they’ve been tricked. Truthfully, most of the people who don’t believe that we’re under threat from a tyrannical globalist agenda simply choose to ignore the signs that we’re living in despotic times. Because thats easier than figuring out how to plan for societal collapse; Perhaps the first mistake would be not turning to God when you realize that he’s the one at the wheel here. Jesus is coming, get to know him before it’s too late. Stay inquisitive in the word of God, and the world around you.



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