CDC Director Won’t Define End Goals for Mask Guidance.


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CDC Director Rochelle Walensky: 'Now Is Not The Time To Stop Wearing A Mask' : NPR

Officials from the Department of Public Health have yet to provide specific criteria that would lead to the relaxation of COVID-19 recommendations.

CDC Director Rochelle Walensky said at a White House COVID briefing on Feb. 9 that “we will transition from a phase of crisis to a point when COVID-19 is not disturbing our regular life.”

However, when asked what the standard is for lifting the agency’s universal indoor masking recommendation, Walensky remained tight-lipped.

“Of course, we’re keeping a careful eye on this in real time, analyzing transmission rates as well as rates of catastrophic outcomes as we update and evaluate our guidelines,” she said.

Many of the states in the United States that have had restrictions in place for the longest are now removing them. California, Delaware, Connecticut, and New York, all of which are Democrat-controlled states, have lately taken steps to eliminate masking restrictions.

In the wake of the recent rise caused by the Omicron variant, the virus’s transmission rate is also decreasing. Walensky reported a 44 percent drop in cases and a 25% drop in hospitalizations nationwide from the previous week on Tuesday.

While the CDC’s masking guideline remains in place, Walensky believes that the decision to adopt it or not should be chosen “at the local level.”

Meanwhile, the federal government is preparing to deliver COVID vaccines to children under the age of five, pending final permission from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

The Food and Drug Administration will meet on February 15 to discuss data from Pfizer’s clinical trials. Officials promise that the decision to authorize the vaccine would be based on its “efficacy and safety.”

The federal government, as with prior COVID vaccinations, is moving ahead of the licensing process by publicizing its plans to provide vaccines specifically developed for children under the age of five.

According to White House adviser Jeff Zients, the administration is working with states and clinicians to create 18 million vaccine kits for children.

“We’re working closely with pediatricians and family doctors, as well as children’s hospitals and pharmacies, to ensure that the vaccination is available in thousands of sites around the country,” Zients added. “Once the FDA makes their decision, we can start packing and shipping the vaccine.”

Also on Tuesday, White House medical adviser Dr. Anthony Fauci hinted at the possibility of a fourth vaccine dose being recommended for select groups in the future. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) presently recommends two primary series mRNA vaccinations followed by a third booster dose.

According to Fauci, the choice to propose a fourth dose could be influenced by the patient’s age and underlying problems.

“I don’t think you’ll hear, if you do, any kind of suggestions that would apply to everyone,” Fauci added. “It very likely will take into account what subset of people have a diminished or not protection against the important parameters such as hospitalization.”

Data on how long the initial booster shot is effective will be available in a “relatively short amount of time,” according to Fauci.

Only people with weaker immune systems should receive four vaccine doses, according to the CDC.

On Feb. 4, the CDC said that it would change its recommendations for that demographic in order for them to receive their fourth dose sooner. It also stated that it will change the recommended vaccine schedule for the general public in order to reduce the number of cases of post-vaccination cardiac inflammation.

The data has never indicated that children are at risk of infection or severe illness from COVID-19 throughout this entire plandemic. Masking has proved to be nothing but an act of showing your allegiance to the tyrannical communist globalist agenda. What we’re witnessing is the brainwashed left putting their loyalty to a tyrannical globalist agenda on display despite their lack of understanding of the implications. The data has shown however, that masking these children is extremely harmful psychologically. It’s very hard to watch these parents believe that they’re doing the right thing by sending their kids to school masked and incapable of learning social cues. To vaccinate these children is a whole other level of deranged, as the data has never suggested that these children require such inoculations. Yet as we already know, these parent are paying their dues to the tyrants in hope for protection and dependence. Stay inquisitive in the word of God, and the world around you.

After issuing a statement warning that individuals attempting to bring supplies to support the thousands of demonstrators opposing COVID-19 mandates and limitations gathered in the city will be detained, police in Canada’s capital have began seizing fuel and say they have made many arrests.

“IMPORTANT: Anyone attempting to bring material supports (gas, etc.) to the demonstrators could be subject to arrest. Enforcement is underway,”  On Feb. 6 in the early afternoon, Ottawa police issued a statement on social media stating that “enforcement is underway.”

Police stated they had arrested seven people in a statement made at 9 p.m. local time. Throughout the day, people were arrested on suspicion of mischief.

Multiple vehicles and fuel containers were also seized, according to police.

Protesters who talked to The Epoch Times said police did not arrest them for carrying fuel on February 6, but warned them that they would be arrested if they brought fuel to the protest location on February 7.

Ottawa Mayor Jim Watson had declared a state of emergency on Feb. 6, saying it “highlights the need for help from other jurisdictions and levels of government.”

The protest organizers claim that their gathering will be peaceful.

The protest began as a truckers’ protest against the federal government’s need that cross-border truck drivers be vaccinated, but it has since grown into a huge movement that includes people from all around Canada opposing other COVID-19 mandates and limitations. On Jan. 29, vehicle convoys arrived in Ottawa, and many have remained in the city, with trucks and other vehicles parked near Parliament Hill. Many demonstrators have stated that they will continue to demonstrate until the mandates are lifted.

“police would be breaking the law if police attempt to intimidate or arrest people who bring food or other supplies to truckers who are peacefully exercising their Charter rights and freedoms in Ottawa.” the Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms (JCCF), a legal group representing the Freedom Convoy in Ottawa, said.

“People who bring food, water, gasoline or other supplies to peacefully protesting truckers are not breaking any law. There is no basis for this police threat, ” JCCF lawyer Nicholas Wansbutter remarked in a statement.

“In a free and democratic society that is governed by the rule of law, citizens can freely associate with each other, including the giving and receiving of goods and gifts. There is no law that would allow the Ottawa Police to arrest people for giving fuel or food to another Canadian.”

Protest organizers have stated that they are willing to speak with government officials, but no government officials have contacted them thus far.

“The first thing they should do is contact us….” At a press conference in Ottawa on Feb. 6, protest leader Benjamin Dichter said, “We’re sitting here, waiting by the phone.”

Justin Trudeau, Canada’s prime minister, has stated that he will not meet with the demonstrators.

Canadians inarguably reserve the right to peaceful protest, and the actions of the Canadian government are to be considered a direct attack on the individual rights of its citizens. The problem is, a mentionable percentage of the world at large is under the illusion that people against vaccine mandates are a danger to the public. Totalitarianism is more of a risk to the global population at this point than the omicron variant. Which accounted for 95% of COVID-19 cases within two weeks of reaching the United States of America.

There is a radicalized left that seeks to dismantle everything that makes America what it is. The threat of globalism is apparent; It’s convenient that it’s considered “racist” to require voter ID, while Bidense is letting our southern border allow anyone and everyone in. They want us to be global citizens, not citizens of America. Stay inquisitive in the word of God, and the world around you.


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