China Continues Invading Taiwan’s Military Airspace.


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The Taiwanese Dream Vs. China’s Reality | Wilson Center

After sending 39 military aircraft into Taiwan’s air defense identification zone [ADIZ] on Jan. 23, a record high for a single day this year, China is showing no signs of lessening its hostility towards the island in 2022.

According to Taiwan’s Ministry of National Defense, the latest incursion featured 34 J-16 and J-10 fighter jets, one H-6 bomber, and four electronic warfare aircraft. Taiwan’s military responded by scrambling fighter jets, issuing radio alerts, and deploying air defense missile systems to keep an eye on the situation.

Since September 2020, Taiwan’s defense ministry has been disclosing information about Chinese incursions amid a dramatic increase in the number of such flights.

According to the government, there were roughly 380 sorties in 2020. In 2021, the number of sorties nearly increased, to 961. On Oct. 4, last year, the Chinese regime’s strongest display of force occurred when 56 military aircraft flew into the ADIZ of the island.

There have only been five days this month when the government has not reported any incidents of Chinese intrusion. With its continuous air invasions, the Chinese Communist Party is attempting to wear down Taiwan’s Air Force. More crucially, the communist dictatorship hopes to scare Taiwan into submission so that Beijing can take control of the island without resorting to military action.

However, as the Chinese dictatorship has never renounced the use of force against self-governing Taiwan, war has always been an option for them. Taiwan’s military minister warned in October of last year that Beijing will be able to launch a full-scale invasion of the island by 2025.

According to Lin Ying-yu, an associate professor of Asia-Pacific politics at Taiwan’s National Sun Yat-sen University, Sunday’s intrusion could be a tactic for Beijing to demonstrate its military might in retaliation to joint US-Japanese military exercises in waters near Japan.

According to Japanese media outlet NHK, ten US military vessels—including aircraft carriers USS Carl Vinson and USS Abraham Lincoln, a destroyer, and an amphibious assault ship—participated in a six-day joint drill with Japan’s Maritime Self-Defense Force. The drill took place in the waters off the coast of Okinawa, Japan.

The collaborative exercise aimed to “strengthen the capability of Japan-U.S. Alliance for effective deterrence and response.” according to a tweet from Japan’s Maritime Self-Defense Force on Jan. 24.

According to the US Naval Sea Systems Command, another US aircraft carrier, the USS Reagan, has returned to Yokosuka, Japan, after months of deployment.

According to the Pentagon, at an online defense discussion between top Japanese and US officials in early January, US Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin identified China as a threat to the Indo-Pacific.

“We’re meeting against a backdrop of increased tensions and challenges to the free, stable, and secure Indo-Pacific region that we both seek. challenges posed by North Korea’s nuclear ambitions and by the coercive and aggressive behavior of the People’s Republic of China,” said loyd.

Last year, China’s air invasion on October 4 coincided with identical US Navy activity. Six nations—Canada, Japan, the Netherlands, New Zealand, the United States, and the United Kingdom—participated in a multinational naval exercise near Okinawa on Oct. 2-3, 2021, according to the US Naval Institute.

Four aircraft carriers—the USS Ronald Reagan, USS Carl Vinson, British HMS Queen Elizabeth, and Japanese helicopter carrier JS Ise—were among the seventeen surface ships that took part in the training.

It should come as no surprise to anyone who pays attention to global politics that this is happening. However, one could speculate and say that tensions across the board are running higher than ever for the Chinese Communist Party. Something has got to give, America is no longer able to turn a blind eye from Xi’s power-trip due to the rapid spread of information in this digital age. The question remains, when will the Chinese regime stop bluffing and launch a real assault on Taiwan? And will America provide ample support, resulting in retaliation by the CCP?

We’ve got a long road ahead of us but through faith in the birth and ressurection of Jesus Christ we’re saved. 1 Peter 4:12-14 says: “Beloved, do not be surprised at the fiery trial when it comes upon you to test you, as though something strange were happening to you. But rejoice insofar as you share Christ’s sufferings, that you may also rejoice and be glad when his glory is revealed. If you are insulted for the name of Christ, you are blessed, because the Spirit of glory and of God rests upon you.” Stay inquisitive in the word of God, and the world around you.

Thousands of people came to the streets of Vienna on Saturday to protest the government’s intentions to make COVID-19 vaccinations mandatory for all Austrians starting next month.

At one march in central Vienna, thousands chanted, “The government must go!” in what has become a weekly Saturday event. The subject will be voted on in Parliament next week.

In November, the government announced a fourth national lockdown and said that all Austrians would be required to receive vaccines, making Austria the first European Union country to do so.

According to a poll conducted by Profil magazine, 51% of those polled oppose making vaccinations mandatory starting in February, with 34% against forced vaccination in general and 17% preferring to wait. According to the poll, 45 percent of Austrians support mandatory vaccination beginning in February.

This isn’t a sudden change of pace in Austria; They’ve been moving full steam ahead in terms of tyrannical COVID-19 legislature.

Following the country’s announcement of a sweeping nationwide vaccine mandate, the city of Linz in Austria began hiring personnel on December 22nd to discover people who are not vaccinated and guarantee they pay a fine.

All people aged 14 and up who have a place of residency in Austria will be required to be vaccinated against COVID-19 as of February 1.

Those who fail to comply might face fines of up to 3,600 euros ($4,071) over the course of a year, with income and other financial responsibilities factored in. In a simplified procedure, officials may levy a punishment of up to 600 euros (about $680). That’s not all, if you don’t pay the fine after a year’s past they are imprisoning Austrians for a 12 month sentence.

About 68 percent of Austria’s population is fully vaccinated against COVID-19, one of the lowest rates in Western Europe. Many Austrians are sceptical about vaccines, a view encouraged by the far-right Freedom Party, the third-biggest in parliament.

The city of Linz in Upper Austria is now hiring workers to ensure that the unvaccinated pay their fines prior to the vaccination deadline.

“No to vaccine fascism,” read one protest sign.

“I’m not a neo-Nazi or a hooligan,” said another, “I’m fighting for freedom and against the vaccine.”

Despite Fürst protesting that the amendment could be used to further punish the unvaccinated, the measure was approved anyway.

At the time the mandate was announced, then Chancellor Alexander Schallenberg vowed to hit the unvaccinated with “penalties” if they still refused to get the jab, while asserting that they should “suffer.”

Given that some technocrats are asserting that the vaccination program will never end, the initial one year prison sentence for vaccine refusals could be just the beginning.

None of these policies being set in place by nations across the globe are beneficial to it’s citizens; And it’s a demonstration of the lack of integrity posed by national leaders. They’ve sold themselves out to adhere to an agenda they can’t wrap their mind’s around. You don’t need much of an explanation when you let the money do the talking however.

The fact that people are being hired to “ensure” citizens pay a $4,071 fine for not getting vaccinated is egregious. This agenda isn’t going anywhere, neither is the disparity between unvaccinated and vaccinated people. Your friends and family should be able to look past any medical decisions you make; but some people are completely sold on MRNA inoculations while we WATCH tyranny imposed on Australians, Chinese, Canadians, etc. Are Americans not aware that this entire debacle is un-American and alarmingly fascist behavior?

These vaccine passports will be pushed onto America heavily by the UN and other globalist organizations once the two tier system is set in place. Nothing that these tyrants can say or do will convince self aware Christians to relinquish their faith in Christ. 1 Peter 4:12-14 says: “Beloved, do not be surprised at the fiery trial when it comes upon you to test you, as though something strange were happening to you. But rejoice insofar as you share Christ’s sufferings, that you may also rejoice and be glad when his glory is revealed. If you are insulted for the name of Christ, you are blessed, because the Spirit of glory and of God rests upon you.” Please stay inquisitive the word of God, and the world around you.



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