Democrats Fail To Deliver Abortion On Demand For The Godless.


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On Wednesday, the Democratic Party failed to approve House Bill 3755, also known as the Women’s Health Protection Act, in the United States Senate for the second time.

According to CBS News, the procedural vote on HB 3755 failed 49 to 51, with all Republicans voting in favor and one Democrat, Senator Joe Manchin, voting against it. Vice President Kamala Harris presided over the voting.

Last March, during a procedural vote on HB 3755, all Republican senators, including Manchin, voted to oppose the bill. At the time, the vote was 47-46, with 14 votes needed to prevent a filibuster.

In the wake of the United States Supreme Court draft decision leak, which seeks to overturn the 1973 Roe v. Wade verdict, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer promised on May 5 that HB 3755 will eventually be approved to protect women’s rights to abortion. Schumer went even farther, challenging Republicans to choose between overturning Roe v. Wade and safeguarding women’s rights.

In reaction to the failed commitment, Schumer expressed his dismay on Twitter, stating that the bill will now be shelved. The Senate majority leader argued that by rejecting the bill, the MAGA Republicans were attempting to eliminate women’s rights. Republicans, she said, are “shameful” for purportedly wanting Americans to return to a time when women had less choices over their bodies. He emphasized that they will not give up and that people “will remember this day” during the November mid-term elections.

According to National Public Radio, President Joe Biden expressed similar concerns in a statement broadcast only minutes after the Senate passed the bill. Biden lamented the bill’s rejection, which he said came at a time when women’s fundamental rights were under threat. It was denounced by the president as being against the wishes of the majority of Americans. In keeping with Roe v. Wade, Biden stated that his government will continue to protect women’s constitutional rights. He stated that his government plans to use all available tools and means to accomplish this.

According to New York Magazine, Schumer’s motivation for pushing the bill despite the fact that it is clearly certain to fail was to appease the Democratic base. According to NY Magazine, the Democrats have showed weakness in the previous two years by failing to pass popular bills such as the minimum-wage bill and the Build Back Better budget reconciliation plan. Other probable motives for Schumer’s activities, according to the media site, include changing the losing political equation and holding Republicans accountable for their unpopular ideas.

Meanwhile, Republican US Senator Shelley Moore Capito of West Virginia said in a statement on Wednesday evening that HB 3755 broke multiple statutes, causing her to vote no. Capito highlighted that the Supreme Court has yet to make a final ruling on overturning Roe v. Wade and Casey v. Planned Parenthood. Despite this, she claims, Democrats campaigned for HB 3755 to codify Roe v. Wade.

“This measure supersedes all existing state and federal abortion prohibitions. Under the Religious Freedom Restoration Act of 1993, this law repeals faith-based conscience safeguards. Despite the fact that the Hyde Amendment, which forbids the use of public funds to pay for abortion, was initially approved in 1976, this measure allows federal financing for abortion. The statute also establishes the right to an abortion at any time during pregnancy. I have consistently voted against several of these topics. As a result, I voted no on this extreme measure today, and I am not surprised that it failed “Capito said.

The safeguarding and praise that these abortion clinics receive from the radical left is inarguably evil, and without regard for human life. These are historic times in our society in which we have to fight on the behalf of those who haven’t even been born yet. Psalm 139:13-16 says: “For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well. My frame was not hidden from you, when I was being made in secret, intricately woven in the depths of the earth. Your eyes saw my unformed substance; in your book were written, every one of them, the days that were formed for me, when as yet there was none of them.”

The FDA is absolutely not an integral source of information in terms of our biological well being. They’re proving to be a threat to humanity itself, by enabling people to asphyxiate innocent life without a second thought. There is also something to be said about the concerning mental state of an individual who finds themselves as a pro-choice activist. James 1:27 says this: “Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.” Perhaps Pro-choice activists should direct their attention toward the widows and orphans, as opposed to fighting for the right to take human life. Stay inquisitive in the word of God, and the world around you.

On May 2, a prayer rally was staged on the steps of the Pennsylvania State Capitol in response to fears that America was on the verge of becoming socialist.

At Citizens for Liberty’s “Make Pennsylvania Godly Again” gathering, state officials and political hopefuls were among the speakers.

The head of the Montgomery County-based organization, Jane Taylor Toal, told The Epoch Times, “We need to incorporate God back into our governance.”

As the primary elections in Pennsylvania loom on May 17, Toal and allies expressed anxiety about the state’s future trajectory.

“We need godly individuals in government because they cannot lead us unless they are godly.” They will take us to socialism and communism, which we are, sadly, slowly but steadily moving into,” she warned.

According to Toal, an increasing number of Americans believe their God-given entitlement to the Second Amendment is being taken away. The First Amendment has been repealed, and the Fourth and Tenth Amendments are on the way out.

“They simply completely disregard God,” she explained. “That’s how we got our start.” And we can’t manage people without first following God.”

The keynote speaker was Dr. Rick Saccone, a former state legislator and two-time congressional candidate from the Pittsburgh region.

“Our country is on the road to socialism.” There is no denying it. More government control, according to Saccone.

Saccone is running for lieutenant governor of Pennsylvania in the Republican primary this year.

Saccone worked as an observer on an American-sponsored nuclear power project in North Korea to halt the country’s domestic plutonium manufacturing. He claimed to understand what it’s like to live in a communist-run nation.

“I spent a year in North Korea. I experienced what it was like to live in a true communist state. Saccone stated, “It’s not something you desire.”

“I understand that most people would not want to live under it, but we are gradually getting there.” “We must reverse the tide and return to freedom,” he declared.

The Pennsylvania State Constitution, according to Saccone, was written with God’s counsel in mind.

“This is the first sentence. ‘We, the people of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, thankful to Almighty God for the gifts of civil and religious liberty, do ordain and establish this constitution, humbly seeking His direction,’ he continued.

“We trust our national slogan is imprinted in that very first step, down there.” As a result, our national slogan is “We Trust in God.” As a result, we must fully embody the essence of our national slogan.”

Another speaker, David Maloney, a Pennsylvania state representative for the 130th Legislative District, expressed worries about what is happening in society to The Epoch Times.

“I receive a lot of calls from folks who want to know what’s going on. What makes us tick? “Why does everything appear to be inverted?” Maloney explained.

Maloney stated that if this occurs, he will encourage people to recall the founding fathers’ cautions.

“They offered us their convictions about how our country was formed.” And a lot of it was about Christian principles, if not all of it,” he continued.

“And their whole pretense was that you couldn’t have a government that worked for the people unless you have fundamentally moral individuals,” he continued.

At the rally, Pastor Reverend Dan Schaefer led prayer.

“We have a country that has had many, many patriotic individuals serving for all these years, and many of them were Christians,” Schaefer remarked.

“We hear a lot about tolerance, and we appear to tolerate a lot of things, but Christianity isn’t always tolerated.” When Christians speak out, we are labeled as bigots, haters, or anything like. And that is not the case.”

The Pennsylvania Family Institute, according to Schaefer, offers voters with a decent voter guide that contains information on where politicians stand on topics.

Generation Z has been in a constant state of activism since they realized that they had voices as well. But their lack of perspective and scope of the circumstances are clear. The youth haven’t endured war or adversity, they are reaping the benefits off of the backs of those who laid down their lives for their freedom. This lack of respect calls for a brief lesson on history. Todays youth wants no part in educating themselves to the views of their predecessors. This is where your ideologies become unsafe to society. If you cannot keep an open mind and take heed to sacred spiritual text, then why would you then attack it when we simply don’t want humanity to move in this direction.

Our guiding doctrine tells us not to do the exact things that much of our youth does on a regular basis. The solution to the mass miscommunication is communication. Well spoken, well thought out education. When I proclaim my Christian faith, I sometimes am scrutinized for being some sort of bigot. Instead of lashing out, I simply state that i’m open to any questions they might have as long as they don’t ask with a hateful heart. In which case, you’re talking to someone who only wants to dismantle your faith & doesn’t care to hear the gospel. If knowledge is power, why are the activists shying away from it? Because it’s clear that the blind are destined to lead the blind. There are smart kids out there, and they’re receptive to the word of God. Because they know that their thoughts aren’t original, and that history repeats itself.

It looks like a socialist administration because it is one; Why is society paralyzed? Find your courage in the word, Matthew 5:44 says: “But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you.” Satan is building his own army just like God. In Matthew chapter 10, Jesus tells his apostles they have been given power over unclean spirits, and sends them out to spread the word. We hold power over unclean spirits and our prayer can move mountains. Stay inquisitive in the word of God, and the world around you.



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