Demonic Warfare Declared Against President Trump


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It’s time to go to war – spiritual war, that is – for the president of the United States.

He is now the direct object of curses being woven against him by covens all across the country, who began their crusade last Friday night at midnight by joining together to curse President Trump. They intend to repeat this ritual on every waning crescent moon until the demons of hell hound him out of office.

Many so-called intellectuals pooh-pooh the idea of demonic spirits and curses as superstitious mumbo-jumbo. But Jesus, who knew more about the spirit world than all the intellectuals in the world put together, was under no illusions about the existence of the underworld and the mission of dark spirits who attack human beings.

A good part of his earthly ministry was spent delivering people from the power of demons. This was not, as some think, a case of Jesus accommodating himself to the misguided perceptions of his day. As he said on another topic, “If it were not so, I would have told you” (John 14:2). Jesus came to earth to destroy superstition, not adapt to it.

No, demons are real, and they can be invoked and summoned just as Christians invoke the presence of the Holy Spirit in the name of Jesus.

We are entering into a period of spiritual warfare as a nation the likes of which we have not seen since World War II, when Winston Churchill correctly observed that our battle against the occult-obsessed Nazis was a battle for “the survival of Christian civilization.”

We saw a vivid example of this spiritual combat last week when George Soros-funded agitators disrupted a town hall meeting being held by Rep. Bill Cassidy of Louisiana. They not only disrupted the town hall itself, they disrupted the invocation which opened the meeting. As the representative of Christ began to pray, the protesters began to yell, shout, scream, and shriek and continued to do so for almost two full minutes. I do not believe I have ever seen such blasphemous disrespect for God in the public square in my lifetime.

The word that popped into my mind watching this obscene and vulgar display was “pandemonium.” That word is from the Greek and is a compound formed of two smaller words: the word “pan,” meaning “all,” and the word “demonium,” from the word for “demons.” In other words, pandemonium is what you get when all the demons of the abyss are released at once to express their blasphemy through duped human beings.

So what are we as believers in Christ to do? This is what the Apostle calls an “evil day” in Ephesians 6, where he instructs us to put on the full armor of God so that we may stand firm against the “cosmic powers of this present darkness” and overcome them. The primary means by which we put on the armor of God and use it is prayer. We are to “pray…at all times in the Spirit, with all prayer and supplication” and to “keep alert with all perseverance, making supplication for all the saints” (Ephesians 6:18).

Psalms 20-21 together form a prayer for the king, the chief political figure of his nation. King David wrote this prayer for himself, to give his citizens a template of the kind of prayer he needed them to pray for him. He knew he desperately needed his own people to intercede with God for him because of the challenges of political leadership.

I have taken the liberty of using the very words of Psalms 20 and 21 to craft a biblical prayer for our chief political figure, President Trump. Please pause for a moment or two and pray this prayer back to God for our nation’s leader.

A Prayer for President Trump – Psalms 20-21

Lord God,

We bring President Trump before your throne this day in the name of Jesus. We pray that you will answer him when he calls to you in the day of trouble. May your name as the God of Jacob protect him. Please send him help from your sanctuary and give him support from your unseen temple in the heavens. I pray that you will save him and answer him from your holy heaven with the saving might of your right hand.

I pray that he will not trust in chariots or horses but instead learn to trust in your name as the Lord our God. Cause him to rise up and stand firm as he trusts in you. Please grant him every desire of his heart that is pleasing to you and cause every plan of his that is in accordance with your will to succeed. Fulfill every petition he brings to you that is consistent with your will. We ask you to grant us our requests on his behalf, that we may shout for joy and lift up banners in your name when your will is done through him.

We acknowledge that as you set the crown on King David’s head, so you have elevated him to the highest office in our land. We pray that he will rejoice in your strength and not in his own. We pray that you will draw him near to you so that you may make him glad with the joy of your presence. As he trusts in you, we pray that because of your steadfast love, the love of the Most High, he will not be moved or shaken. Grant him life and length of days and eternal blessings.

We know that the president has enemies in the world that is seen and the world that is unseen, enemies who hate him and will devise mischief against him. We pray in Jesus’ name that every evil plan they have devised against him and your purposes through him will be thwarted. May his enemies, seen and unseen, be put to flight and may their plans not succeed.

Together we pray that you will save him so that together with him we may exalt you in your strength and sing and praise your might as the Most High God. Amen.

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StevieRay Hansen

In his riveting memoir, "A Long Journey Home", StevieRay Hansen will lead you through his incredible journey from homeless kid to multimillionaire oilman willing to give a helping hand to other throwaway kids. Available on Amazon.


  1. Brook Delphia on April 1, 2019 at 6:48 pm

    some really interesting points you have written.

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