DOD Memo States Boosters Aren’t Required For Service Members.


Advisory: Be careful of what you read on social media. The algorithms used by these platforms have no regard for Biblical truth. They target your emotions to keep you engaged on their site so their advertisers can drop more ads. These platforms exist to enrich their stockholders. Consider God’s promise to Believers in James 1:5, “If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.”

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Thousands of service members saying no to COVID-19 vaccine - ABC News

According to a newly released memorandum, American troops are urged but not required to take COVID-19 vaccination booster doses.

“receipt of a COVID-19 vaccine booster dose is not mandatory.” the military warned troops earlier this month in the memo released on Tuesday.

A booster dose is not necessary for a person to be deemed completely vaccinated, according to the memo from Gilbert Cisneros, undersecretary of defense for personnel and readiness.

Because of the diminishing efficacy against infection and severe illness shown among individuals who got a primary dose, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention advised last month that all persons 18 and older take a booster dose, Cisneros noted.

A Pfizer or Moderna booster is available six months after the original series is completed, while a Johnson & Johnson booster is available two months after the single-shot vaccination is completed.

Teenagers who are 16 or 17 years old can also obtain a booster, however it is not suggested by the CDC at this time.

Top Pentagon officials have previously discussed requiring troops to get booster shots.

“There are active discussions here in the department at the policy level about booster shots and whether or not to make those mandatory,” Spokesperson for the Department of Defense, John Kirby, informed reporters on Dec 10th.

In August, Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin issued a vaccination mandate requiring troops to receive a primary dose of the COVID-19 inoculation.

Those who asked for medical, religious, or administrative exemptions were given “special consideration.”

Thousands of medical and administrative exemptions have been given by the military, but not a single religious exemption has been authorized, according to various attorneys representing troops.

Mike Berry, an attorney with the First Liberty Institute, told The Epoch Times, “I think it shows that the military now believes that it’s above the law, that it doesn’t have to follow the Constitution or federal law when it comes to enforcing its rules or its policies,”

The Pentagon has maintained its refusal to offer religious exemptions, noting that its procedures have not altered since prior to the outbreak.

“A religious exemption is really an individual decision to seek one and the decisions are made individually. They’re not made en masse,” Kirby said last week.

“Each exemption asked for on religious grounds is evaluated by a chaplain, by a chain of command, by medical experts and is given quite a lot of thought, and they’re all decided case by case individually,” he added.

Deadlines to get vaccinated have passed for all active-duty troops. Reserves have varying timelines depending on which branch they serve under. The deadlines for reserve components in the Air Force, Navy, and Marines came and went earlier this month. Reserves in the Army, including the Army National Guard, have until June 30, 2022, to get a jab.

The way that our slow moving government is facilitating it’s standards for this experimental gene therapy is gut wrenching to watch. They cannot agree on a single standard. It seems as though there is zero collaboration between separate branches of government in regard to COVID policy, and the left wing echo chamber is growing so loud that we’re all being affected by their twisted ideology. A perfect storm is brewing and nobody knows exactly what will happen; But one thing is certain, the American people must brace themselves for impact.

The internet has proved to be a place in which you can tune into various frequencies in search of a perspective that best fits your narrative. I could make up an argument on the fly and back it up with facts pertaining to my argument. With that being said, the news about COVID-19 is terrifyingly polarizing. There is a spectrum, by which all narratives of the COVID-19 agenda are carefully presented to anyone conducting research. The opposing sides of the spectrum are those who are sold on the COVID-19 pandemic, and those who aren’t sold at all.

But it becomes extremely important that we listen to our gut, when we notice that someone is eyeballing something that rightfully belongs to you. Our civil liberties are merely gods gift to man interpreted by men of power. No man, woman, government, organization, forum, or anything will prosper as a weapon against God. With that being said, when our God given rights are at stake, it is probably best to question the integrity of those who propose the removal of such rights. In summary, if you’re not a “conspiracy theorist” you probably aren’t asking very many questions about the world around you.

My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy God, I will also forget thy children.

Hosea 4:6

With growing technological innovation, more man power is required to manage it and create new “worlds” for the masses to sleep in. Augmented reality is a form of superposition that all but followers of Jesus would like to see implemented for humanity in the near future.

According to statistics gathered by Indeed, interest in software development has seen a 48% increase in job seeker interest. This is only the tip of the iceberg considering most who take interest in software development seek to educate themselves privately. The recent developments of virtual reality, & augmented reality technology have fueled a new generation of programmers seeking the skills required to take the wheel of this digital revolution. That can be said even without Mark Zuckerberg’s recent announcement of his pivot to the Meta verse.

The Fight for Influence in the Algorithmic Age.

As we inevitably pass over this digital threshold as a civilization, we have to understand that a smart consumer takes in the flow of the market & deeply understands its constraints and it’s room for possible improvement. This is how innovation is brought to light in any field of study. CEOs like Zuckerberg simply have to step back and watch the flow of innovation closely enough to swoop in and scale projects so large that only his name is glorified. Who put Mark Zuckerberg in charge of the coming digital reality in the first place? Many believe that Zuckerberg is incapable of guiding the minds of civilization in any meaningful direction and lacks the credibility to carry out such large scale operations.

For instance, Meta isn’t a new company name when referencing the the digital world. Co-founded by Greek economist Yanis Varoufakis, Meta is a “centre for post capitalist civilization”. Their mission statement is as follows:

We are already in the early stages of an era that can only be described by that which it succeeds: we live in postcapitalist times. They may turn out dystopic, utopic or anything in between. Through art and research, argument and poetry, mέta (the abbreviation of our Centre for Postcapitalist Civilization) works to break with a dystopic present to imagine the world anew – to grasp our present historical moment so as to help radical progressive movements find a path from the emergent dismal postcapitalism to one worth fighting, and living, for.

Varoufakis tweeted out to Mark Zuckerberg’s unveiling of his pivot to the Metaverse from facebook stating “Hands off our mέta, Our Center for Postcapitalist Civilization, Mr. Zuckerberg. You, and your minions, wouldn’t recognize civilization even if it hit you with a bargepole.”

Robotic Process Automation Fueling The Digital Age

With RPAs (Robotic Process Automation Robots), there are many concerns about how these ‘robots’ will replace a lot of jobs, leaving potentially a lot of people unemployed. But according to a recent Harvard Business Review article, “The right question isn’t which jobs are going to be replaced, but rather, what work will be redefined, and how?”. Such automations provide individuals with opportunities to upskill and focus on tasks that require more human interactions.

According to Personnel Today, 38% of enterprises are already using AI in their workplace with 62% expecting to start using it as early as this year. A Deloitte study of automation in the U.K. found that 800,000 low-skilled jobs were eliminated as the result of AI and other automation technologies — but 3.5 million new jobs were created. AI enhances the working experience, makes it easy on employees and allows them to focus their time on clients and important business rather than paperwork.

As harmless as the effects may seem on the HR industry, it’s no reason to disregard the displacement of 800,000 employees. Not to mention that we’re only talking about the implications of automation on one industry alone. The Automotive industry has been making a shift toward automation, & even the trucking industry. The trucking industry requires more emphasis since its one of the largest occupations in the world.

1.8 million Americans, mainly men, who drive heavy trucks for a living, the single most common job in many US states. Another 1.7 million people drive taxis, buses and delivery vehicles in the US alone. But for how long? Having “disrupted” industries including manufacturing, music, journalism and retail, Silicon Valley has its eyes on trucking.

According to the American Trucking Association, There are approximately 3.6 million professional truckers in the United States. Displacing such a magnitude of workers is sure to have significant economic impact on families across the country. Where do CDL carriers turn to after their entire industry has rendered them obsolete? Will our compromised government provide additional assistance to those impacted by this innovation & had no say in the matter?

The truth of the matter is this, those who have the capability to pivot into an industry that is future proof will do so. Leaving behind an entire class of Americans who refuse to participate in the coming technocracy.

Table titled “job seeker interest patterns, by sector.”

Evidence of Shift in Workforce Due to Digital Innovation.

Above is data compiled by Indeed pointing out recent changes in job seeker interest in light of the COVID-19 pandemic. Since February 1st, 2020, the software development sector has seen a staggering 48% increase in job seeker interest. That statistic alone allows us to observe a specific population of people who recognized that digital infrastructure is in high demand. That’s one way to observe these individuals, but let’s take a second and think about the effects of a 48% increase in job seekers pouring into an industry thats being completely revamped by Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg.

People will be able to work IN or ON these digital realities, and either way it is a despotic way of life to rot behind a lifeless screen when God has a plan for you. Make no mistake, people will line up for these jobs because it’s their shot at a livable wage in the two tier society to come. Programming is as much of an art as painting, because you always start with a blank slate. But innovation stops for no man and demands to be acknowledged.

IT operations and help desk jobs saw a 59% increase in job seeker interest since February 2020, further suggesting the embrace of the huge wave of technological innovation we’re seeing today. The childcare industry saw a 15% decline in job seeker interest in light of the COVID-19 pandemic. Along with it, the loading and stocking industry saw a 39% decrease in job seeker interest after 2020. The polarity of these statistics are staggering and require an in depth look into the hearts and minds of American citizens to understand why our system just wont work anymore.

No one man can make sense of this elaborate illusion cast over the common man of society, but collectively we can point out each limitation forced upon us and bring it forward as an injustice to the public. In Matthew 10:34 Jesus says: “Do not think that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I have not come to bring peace, but a sword.” We’re meant to go down preaching the gospel and guiding others to salvation. This could be considered the bravest task a man or woman of faith could undertake, but make no mistake it will bear fruit in the kingdom of heaven. Stay inquisitive in the word of God, and the world around you.



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Bryce Abbott


  1. ragman57 on December 29, 2021 at 8:41 pm

    It is precisely because so much about life (and science) is uncertain that civilized societies operate on the presumption of the freedom to choose. That’s a policy of humility: no one possesses enough expertise to presume the right to restrict other people’s peaceful actions. But with lockdowns and the successor policy of vaccine mandates, we’ve seen not humility but astounding arrogance. The people who did this to us and to billions of people around the world were so darn sure of themselves that they would take recourse to police-state tactics to realize their goals, none of which came to be realized at all, despite every promise that this would be good for us.

    It’s the compulsion that’s the source of all the issues. Someone wrote the edicts at someone’s behest. Someone imposed the orders. Those somebodies should be the people who should own the results, compensate the victims, and otherwise accept the consequences for what they have done.

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