Donald Trump’s Martial-Law Talk Has Military on Red Alert, “Fake News”


Advisory: Be careful of what you read on social media. The algorithms used by these platforms have no regard for Biblical truth. They target your emotions to keep you engaged on their site so their advertisers can drop more ads. These platforms exist to enrich their stockholders. Consider God’s promise to Believers in James 1:5, “If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.”

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and “More Knowingly Bad Reporting.” The Real Possible, Trump Will Invoke the Insurrection Act and Lets Get to Work Arresting and Removing Them All, and Putting Them All on Trial for Their Crimes.

The lunatic, lawless Left is out of control. The corporate-run media has become a CIA propaganda front that ignores reality while fabricating fake stories to destroy America. The tech giants despise free speech for conservatives while demanding “equality” for transgenders. And left-wing governors and mayors are openly advocating Antifa-style lawlessness and violence in America, as long as that violence is directed at conservatives and Trump supporters.

Everything I have studied for the past 40 years points to the certainty of light overcoming dark. Remain strong in your faith that God wins, and get ready for the world to change forever. SRH…

Stacks of empty cardboard boxes have arrived on the White House grounds as the clock continues to tick down for the Trump admin.

Sorry There Won’t Be Any Martial-Law


Stop Reporting BS, There Won’t Be Martial Law Call By Trump, He Is Part Of The Problem, He’s NOT Going To Save You, Only GOD Can


“There is no role for the U.S. military in determining the outcome of an American election,” Army Secretary Ryan McCarthy and Army Chief of Staff General James McConville said in a joint statement last Friday.


Pentagon and Washington-area military leaders are on red alert, wary of what President Donald Trump might do in his remaining days in office. Though far-fetched, ranking officers have discussed what they would do if the president declared martial law. And military commands responsible for Washington DC are engaged in secret contingency planning in case the armed forces are called upon to maintain or restore civil order during the inauguration and transition period. According to one officer who spoke to Newsweek on condition of anonymity, the planning is being kept out of sight of the White House and Trump loyalists in the Pentagon for fear that it would be shut down.

“I’ve been associated with the military for over 40 years and I’ve never seen the discussions that are being had right now, the need for such discussions,” says a retired flag officer, currently a defense contractor who has mentored and advised his service’s senior leaders. He was granted anonymity in order to speak without fear of reprisal.

Martial law,” says the lawyer, “is the wrong paradigm to think about the dangers ahead.” Though such a presidential proclamation could flow from his order as commander-in-chief, an essential missing ingredient is the martial side: the involvement and connivance of some cabal of officers who would support the president’.

“He could take military capabilities and he could … basically rerun an election,” Flynn said. “The president has to plan for every eventuality because we cannot allow this election and the integrity of our election to go the way it is.” Flynn’s suggestion has been openly condemned by numerous retired officers. Lt. Col. Lawrence Wilkerson, former chief of staff to Secretary of State Colin Powell, said on MSNBC that Flynn was a “disgrace to his uniform.

After his television remarks, Flynn was invited to the Oval Office over the weekend, according to The New York Times and CNN, where he repeated his proposal. Since then, top aides have shot down the president’s musings, and military sources point out that none of these discussions have included the Pentagon, and no one in the military supports any use of the armed forces to keep Donald Trump in office.

Here Is What Is Being Spun Out of Alternative News Sites Across America, and It Is Dangerous for Americans to Believe Martial Law Will Be Implemented in the Coming Days Before the Biden Inauguration, We May See Civil War Breakout, but Trump Will Not Enact Martial Law Before Biden’s Inauguration Ceremony.

Mike Lindell, the CEO of MyPillow and a staunch ally of President Donald Trump, was seen leaving the Oval Office Friday with mysterious notes.

The notes were photographed by Washington Post photographer Jabin Botsford, but were folded in the middle and most sentences are incomplete.

However, the title of the document reads “…TAKEN IMMEDIATELY TO SAVE THE … CONSTITUTION.”

“Move Kash Patel to CIA Acting” is also visible on the notes.

Patel is chief of staff to acting Secretary of Defense Christopher Miller. Gina Haspel currently heads the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).

The document appears to mention martial law.

“… martial law if necessary upon the first hint of any …” read the notes.

It’s hard to tell what exactly the document is about.

The White House didn’t immediately respond to a request for details about the meeting.

@MyPillowUSA CEO Michael Lindell shows off his notes before going into the West Wing at the White House on Friday, Jan 15, 2021 in Washington, DC.

— Jabin Botsford (@jabinbotsford) January 15, 2021

According to a Washington Examiner report which Lindell posted on Twitter, he said he shared with Trump and White House lawyers a document advising the president to replace Haspel. But he said he was just a “messenger” for an attorney which he didn’t name.

Trump read the document and returned it to him.

“It wasn’t an official thing. It was from a lawyer who said it was a suggestion for him [Trump],” he told The Epoch Times. “That’s what I get for trying to be a nice guy and deliver something for someone.”

He said he gets things every day from people who want to pass documents.

However, the 5-minute discussion between him and the president is not about the document, and martial law wasn’t discussed.

Pool reporters said Lindell entered the West Wing at 3:05 p.m. He declined when he was asked to come before the pool reporters to answer questions.

“I’m sure you’ll write something nice,” he told the reporters.

Warning: We have received this info yet we ask all of you to discern and take it to the Lord. There is a lot of disinfo right now. We do have faith in the folks who have shared this with us. We will correct anything we find out that is not right once we have verifiable sources:

Sorry for the delay, we’ve been waiting to get more info before reaching out. We’ve been getting a lot of texts and emails wondering where I went – man you guys are antsy! lol

Ok so there was another Zoom call last night with retired Generals, Colonels and also Lin Wood. Here’s what they covered: (don’t be alarmed this one is pretty heavy but ends well)


Everyone is upset and impatient that no trigger has been pulled yet. But make no mistake, the President will do what is necessary to defend the constitution. Much is being done out of public view…

– 25,000 troops are now in DC, under the guise of riot control for the inauguration.

– More troops across the country – all major Democrat cities – are on standby which is 1hr recall.

– POTUS just designated Cuba as a terrorist state (relating to election interference)

– POTUS just delisted a number of Chinese companies from having business being done with them.

– The recent blackouts in Italy (Vatican), Pakistan & Iran were from our Space Force

– they temporarily took out parts of their power grid from up there. This was in preparation for war with China and Iran. Don’t panic! This isn’t conventional war with tanks and bombs and bullets – it’s cyber warfare including satellites that can knock out communications and data centers. If you ever wondered why the Space Force was instituted by POTUS a while back, it wasn’t just about going to Mars. It was for this. Other countries have satellites up there that can do stuff to us – we have them now too and they work.

– There are now 250,000 Chinese troops surrounding us, 75,000 in Canada and the rest in Mexico. The generals said if they set foot in this country they will be wiped out swiftly as they are ready. (I know, this is scary but hang on everything will be fine)

– POTUS at the Wall in Texas yesterday was a signal to let China know he means business as a sign and that he is in charge.

– POTUS will be getting in front of the people to produce evidence so the people know he is the real elected President. He may have to use the Emergency Alert System to do this in 2-3 days. When I give you a timeline or dates they can be disinformation given to us on purpose, so we will not be told the real dates as our calls are being listened into.

– The Mayor of Oklahoma City was informed by POTUS on Monday via email that the Insurrection Act has been enacted and arrests will begin in that city. This is the first of many cities this will happen in. So we now have confirmation that the Insurrection Act is in place!

– DON’T BELIEVE THE MEDIA! It’s all optics. One Colonel noted that in war, it’s important to draw your enemy out in the open. POTUS has been doing EXACTLY that. Look at all the rats that have been revealing their true identity. POTUS has been separating the wheat from the chaff, especially these past 2 weeks


– This election was cyber warfare on our country. A paper was sent to the White House on the voting in 4 states that showed Chinese cyber attacks moving votes from Trump to Biden. They have proof of this now. This is a foreign country involved in our elections so this has been escalated from a domestic issue to an attack from a foreign enemy. This has moved from a constitutional voting issue to a national security issue now.

– Covid was a biological attack on our country to shut down our economy and push the Mail-in Ballots Nationwide in order to pull off the steal along with the Dominion Machines.

The virus was a man-made Bio-weapon created in a Wuhan Lab to take out as many of our elderly and the weak as possible to incite more fear globally. They needed the death counts to rise to continue their plan to take over our country. This is why every death was marked as a covid death regardless if they had it or not.

The Generals and Gen Flynn encouraged us all as Patriots to RESIST all across this country and yes Canada too. Take off your Mask. Go to Church and Open your businesses. They can’t stop us when we all RESIST! There aren’t enough jail cells to hold everyone. Those were our orders to get the message out to the masses. There is no mandate in our Constitution Law to keep people from seeing each other or close their business.

– The Capitol Building attack was Antifa and BLM driven – all tactical deception as they call it in the military. It’s common practise.

Ok…. no one is getting nuked and you don’t need to take this at its worst. But you need to be prepared. There could be blackouts, internet down, cell phones down for short periods. Make sure you have ways to keep your food cold etc. if the power goes out, and don’t panic! Democrat controlled and big cities may be hit the worst because BLM & Antifa will riot and loot when Biden isn’t seated. That’s why the military is on standby. I know the number of Chinese troops around us is a scary thing but they are only coming in if Biden was seated. Then they would start the move on changing our country – it’s not a pretty thought. But that’s not happening. I know the Joint Chiefs put out a letter they are supporting the new President Biden on the 20th – what else are they supposed to say right now? It’s all optics to keep things calm. Remember. If POTUS doesn’t stop this, he will be hunted down and arrested along with his entire family by the left. That’s a fact. And with him gone, our country is gone too. He knows this. He’s not going to sit there and do nothing. From now to the 19th is show time, we just don’t know exactly when.

So yes, we are in a full blown Military Operation right now to remove the threats and install our President back in power and control the violence in the big cities. Keep in mind, if the lights go out, and Biden is not President, it’s not China coming in here, it’s us knocking out the lights to weed out the bad guys. Massive arrests will be happening then.

President Donald Trump shakes hands with Gen. John Raymond, commander of Air Force Space Command, as Defense Secretary Mark Esper applauds as Trump announces the establishment of the U.S. Space Command in the Rose Garden of the White House in Washington, Aug. 29.

On a side note, The Space Force has actually been around a long time, POTUS is the one that disclosed it to all of us. It used to be called the Secret Space Program. Remember when Rumsfeld announced $2 Trillion had gone missing and they don’t know where it went? He announced that the day before 9/11. The next day, a “plane” struck the Pentagon in the exact place where those files were kept. The money went to build the Secret Space Program. POTUS is using it to protect us.

Everything we are hearing and seeing in the news is all optics and the corrupters are in full PANIC in DC. This war is all about implementing the new Republic in order to introduce to the World a new currency that is Gold asset backed and run on the New Quantum Financial System which replaces the Central Banks and SWIFT.

209 Countries have signed on. (yes I know Google says there are 196 countries but the UN recognizes 251) SOS Mike Pompeo did the Satellite tests Monday via “Voice of America” to all 209 Countries with over 40 languages translating in real time. This has never been done before. This was a test to see how many Network channels would cover it and there wasn’t one. They did it again the next day and they know that they can circumvent Big Tech to communicate with the USA and Canada (first priority) and the rest of the world using the new (EAS) Emergency Alert System.

Everything they are panicked about is the world finding out about their Pedophilia and Child Sex Trafficking Rings they have all profited from for decades. The President loves this country and loves the people and is committed to financially restore all that has been lost since Covid started. Today we have seen Executive orders for GA, PA, CT, UT and LA declaring them a State of Emergency for Disaster. This is for the Military to move into place which will be completed by tonite. The President is very patient and still holds all of the Trump Cards and they know it. He has cornered them all like rats in a corner.

Also keep in mind this is all unprecedented. We are in a war already – people being taken off Facebook, Twitter and Instagram and/or having 1,000’s of followers taken away if you have supported this President or speak out against the lockdowns or vaccines. Even the President himself was silenced. This is communism and it’s already here, this isn’t America… that’s why POTUS will fight. Be patient.

What we need to do is share this to get the message out to Trust the Plan. As Lin Wood said….All Lies will be revealed. The outcome will be Glorious.

We may begin to see things as early as tonite and we are hearing that it will become hot around the 18th-19th.

Stay in Prayer. Stay in Faith. This is for our Freedom and we will WIN!

MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell Meets With President Trump At WH…Media Captures Pictures Of His Notes Referring To Crimes And Insurrection Act

Posted on January 16, 2021 by admin in Flash News | 0 Comments

Mike Lindell was at the White House on Friday for a meeting with President Trump. When he left the premises he ensured the faithful that President Trump would be President for four more years.

The Washington Times reports:

As of early Friday, the businessman and activist was still insisting President Trump will serve a second term in office.

“Keep the faith everyone,” Mr. Lindell posted on his Facebook page. “We will have our president Donald Trump 4 more years!”

This might seem strange since the media has told us for two months that Joe Biden was clearly the winner of the 2020 election.

Of course, those of us who have studied, identified, and reviewed the results of the 2020 election know that the election was not a fair and free election and that millions of ballots for Joe Biden were invalid but included in the final results. Despite these obvious fraudulent activities and ballots, the election was certified by corrupt and weak politicians.

More Crap Reporting: Biden To Be Assassinated AT INAUGURATION; Trump-Supporter to be Blamed, Gives Dems All they need Hal turner radio show dot com

Trump: Martial Law Rumors ‘Fake News, Bad Reporting’

a graphic illustration of an american flag emblazoned with fake news

President Donald Trump fired back at rumors he would consider martial law to combat election fraud, calling it “fake news” and “more knowingly bad reporting.”

While the use of martial law as been broached by Newsmax TV guests, the ire appears to be directed at The New York Times report President Trump brought up the topic Friday with the White House inner circle.

Trump tweeted late Saturday night:

“Martial law = Fake News. Just more knowingly bad reporting!”

Martial law was alluded to by Georgia attorney L. Lin Wood earlier this month on Newsmax TV’s “The Count”:

“If the Supreme Court does not act, I think the president should declare some extent of Martial law, and he should hold off an stay the electoral college.

“Because we cannot have in this country, an election of our leader, where you have massive evidence of fraud and illegality. This country has to have a vote that has integrity. And the electoral college does not need to meet and vote until we have resolved these issues.”

Then, retired Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn told Thursday’s “Greg Kelly Reports” about “military capabilities”:

“He could immediately on his order seize every single one of these machines around the country on his order. He could also order, within the swing states, if he wanted to, he could take military capabilities and he could place them in those states and basically rerun an election in each of those states. It’s not unprecedented.

“I mean, these people are out there talking about martial law like it’s something that we’ve never done. Martial law has been instituted 64 times.”

The peaceful transition of power has been a political lightning rod since the 2016 presidential election, before Trump even assumed the White House. At the end of the 2020 campaign, Trump vowed support for a peaceful transition of power, but he wanted an “honest election,” he told NBC’s Savannah Guthrie at a townhall debate in Miami.

Source: HNewsWire NewsMax Newsweek dailywireusa citizenfirstnews theepochtimes InfoWars Natural News


StevieRay Hansen

[email protected]

Watchmen does not confuse truth with consensus The Watchmen does not confuse God’s word with the word of those in power…



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StevieRay Hansen

In his riveting memoir, "A Long Journey Home", StevieRay Hansen will lead you through his incredible journey from homeless kid to multimillionaire oilman willing to give a helping hand to other throwaway kids. Available on Amazon.

1 Comment

  1. Edward O'Hara on January 17, 2021 at 12:02 am

    The Pentagon generals have exposed themselves to be traitors. Because they are tasked with defending the country from enemies both foreign and domestic. And both are definitely involved in this. But, it is my understanding that martial law is not necessary. The insurrection act is not martial law. It is the preservation of our Constitutional gov’t. Whereas martial law is breakdown of Constitutional gov’t.
    Thank you for this article StevieRay. Stand and pray. Pray and stand.

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