Dr. Fauci Is a Jesuit, Nonbeliever Scientists Which Makes Him an Enemy


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of God, He Is EVIL…

Science is a process, not the dissemination of truth. If it’s truth you want, read the Bible.

Satan Soldier Dr. Fauci because that scientific process is full of errors , bad guesses, inaccurate scenarios, and faulty models. But it’s a process and the more we learn about this scientific BS, the more effective our responses to it will be.

Rand Paul: Fauci Will Never Stop Lying; Fire Him Now

Continuing his relentless effort to expose Anthony Fauci for lying about funding dangerous ‘civilisation ending’ gain of function research, Senator Rand Paul warned Sunday that the head of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases will never stop lying about it and should immediately be fired.

In an interview with Axios, Paul urged “He’s probably never going to admit that he lied,” adding “He’s gonna continue to dissemble, and try to work around the truth, and massage the truth.”

He [Fauci] should be fired,” Paul emphasised, adding “just for lack of judgment if nothing else.”

Paul reiterated “We’re calling for an investigation and hearings on this. We’ve been calling for that for months.”

“There has been a great deal of resistance from the Democrat side. Do we not want to know the origin of the virus or to know if it came from a lab? Particularly since this research still goes on,” the Senator further urged.


Responding to Paul, Fauci claimed in an interview with ABC News that “He’s absolutely incorrect. Neither I nor Dr. Francis Collins, the director of the NIH, lied or misled about what we’ve done.”

Fauci further claimed that it is “molecularly impossible for those viruses that were worked on to turn into SARS-CoV-2,” referring to the manipulation in the Chinese labs.

“They were distant enough molecularly that no matter what you did to them, they could never, ever become SARS-CoV-2,” Fauci claimed:

Fauci downplays the NIH letter and states that Ecohealth simply did not file a progress report in on time, and that there will be administrative consequences.

This is a game and he’s acting like Lumburgh with TPS report cover pages. https://t.co/8s6lBf0dH0— Stephen L. Miller (@redsteeze) October 24, 2021

During the interview, Fauci also stated “There’s all of this concern about what’s gain of function or what’s not.”

Which is particularly interesting since he keeps changing the definition:

👀 https://t.co/qXbko9xTu7— Senator Rand Paul (@RandPaul) October 22, 2021

So to sum it up:
1. US bans gain-of-function research.
2. Rogue bureaucrats fund it abroad instead.
3. Lab leak occurs. Global pandemic ensues.
4. Scientific leaders lie about it and label dissenters as racists.

Want to create a crisis of trust in science? That’ll do it.— Vivek Ramaswamy (@VivekGRamaswamy) October 24, 2021

Right. If, as NIH claims, Fauci didn’t know EcoHealth was violating the limits of the grant by making bat coronaviruses more contagious, that’s malfeasance.

But how credible is it that Fauci didn’t find out given all the political pressure around this??https://t.co/0FKKaos1uO— Glenn Greenwald (@ggreenwald) October 24, 2021

Here’s the key unanswered question:

The NIH admits that the research it funded through EcoHealth under Fauci made bat coronaviruses more contagious, but Fauci didn’t lie because he didn’t know until now.

But EcoHealth insists Fauci knew all along because they told him & NIH: pic.twitter.com/0IvqC0yLwB— Glenn Greenwald (@ggreenwald) October 24, 2021

Source: ZeroHedge

Michel de Nostradamus was born in Saint-Remy, South of France, in 1503. Beyond the gifts he would one day explore in astrology, he pursued an education to become a physician. After his first year at the University of Avignon, an outbreak of the plague swept through France, forcing the University to close.

Undaunted, Nostradamus opened an apothecary before attending the University of Montpellier in pursuit of a doctorate. But a second plague struck disrupting his plan; the plague also killed his first wife and two children. During the outbreak, he joined city doctors to fight against and contain the plague. They succeeded.

Nostradamus remarried, engendered six children, and wrote an almanac. Well received, he developed his ability as a seer, with a mix of astrology and biblical end-times visions, to become the world’s most famous prognosticator of the last one thousand years. He captured his dark revelations in The Prophecies, writing a collection of 942 quatrains.

Knowing more about his life, pursuits, interests, and experiences—a survivor of two plagues, fighting on the frontline of one outbreak—many will now see Nostradamus in a new light. It’s no wonder that his visions leaned toward doom and gloom.

By contrast, Dr. Anthony Fauci, born on Christmas Eve in 1940 in Brooklyn, New York, has lived a vastly different life. Yet, there are parallels between the two men. Both pursued a career as a physician. Both experienced two plagues during their lifetimes. In Fauci’s case, he was thrust into the epicenter of the 1980s AIDS/HIV epidemic when he became director of NIH’s National Institute of Allergies and Infectious Disease (NIAID). In spring 2020, he roamed center stage of the COVID19 pandemic, featured as one of the “experts” on the White House Task Force.

The big delta between Dr. Fauci and Nostradamus boils down to the ability to predict the future. Beyond Nostradamus’ uncanny ability to predict the first two World Wars, two of the three “antichrists” in Napoleon and Hitler, the assassinations of U.S. presidents, and the 9/11 attack on the Twin Towers centuries before the events happened, Fauci predicted a pandemic in 2017, a measly three years before it took place.

Dr. Fauci shared his foresight with medical peers at a Georgetown forum when he stated, “There will be a surprise outbreak during Trump’s first term.”

Fauci’s prediction wasn’t conjured from the alignment of the stars and planets, or a passage lifted out of the Bible. No. He didn’t develop any such gift. Instead, he arrived at his foresight by steering the financing of zoonotic viruses “gain-of-function” research. In 2018, he joined the World Health Organization’s (WHO) new unit, Global Preparedness Monitoring Board (GPMB) to be hands-on with pandemic planning, a full year after his “prophecy.” He likely advised or took part in the development of the World Bank’s first-ever “pandemic bond” the same year. Moreover, Fauci also helped the GPMB write its first annual report that pronounced the drills, simulation, and release of at least one “lethal respiratory pathogen.”

Stacking the Deck on Coronavirus Prediction

Unlike Nostradamus, it appears Fauci helped initiate the release of the novel coronavirus, unleashing pandemic paranoia and now, fanning new fears about the coming “second wave,” while insisting that only a COVID vaccine will allow society to “return to normal.” He did everything he could to kick the inexpensive hydroxychloroquine to the curb while promoting the ultra-expensive Remdesivir as a temporary fix until a vaccine becomes available. Fauci further spent a lot of political capital contradicting President Trump—and himself—nearly every day over several weeks.

And the NIAID director still presents himself as the lone go-to source for trusted information on the virus. Right.

Dr. Fauci’s recent Congressional testimony on the coronavirus was a master class in how to provide politicians and mainstream media with fodder they wanted to hear. He deftly avoided giving any firm answers on titers, how long they might last, “neutralizing antibodies,” and other sleights of the tongue.

Fauci be unfamiliar with SARS-CoV-2?

How is that possible? For a half-century, his career focused on infectious diseases and the pursuit of vaccines to prevent them. More specifically, why doesn’t Fauci know more – a lot more – about this particular outbreak?

  • He predicted it.
  • He funded research into Bat-SARs viruses.
  • He was involved in the 2003 SARS outbreak. Ditto the MERS epidemic in the Middle-East in 2012.
  • He sat at the decision-making table on how to “plan and prepare” for coronavirus. He was there for the 2014 Ebola epidemic in West Africa.
  • And in 2016, he famously shilled the Zika threat in a nauseating roadshow with then CDC Director Tom Frieden, of #MeToo fame, that ran from March to the November Sunday before the presidential election. That evening, 60 Minutes featured Fauci and Frieden pitching the fear of a Zika pandemic. At the same time, the CDC director showed the CBS journalists a tour of a pandemic preparedness warehouse in case the “big one” hit.

We’re six months into this pandemic and we have only witnessed gross incompetence by the CDC, corruption with coronavirus data and testing, and a deliberate effort to ban all-natural remedies that would boost people’s immune systems, such as exercise, high dose vitamin C, oxygen therapies such as HBOT and ozone, vitamin D and sunshine and more. Isn’t that what the CDC, Fauci, and Bill Gates have been trying to sell with vaccines?

Never doubt that Dr. Fauci comes as a politically machined scientist who protects U.S. health agencies over the well-being of the American people and even over the office of the president. Be not deceived: There is no one more informed about coronavirus and epidemics than Dr. Anthony Fauci. He even states as much with a smug know-it-all smirk.

The Global Preparedness Monitoring Board

The GPMB board of directors is a Who’s Who of international socialist politicians and leaders. The former prime minister of Norway, Dr. Gro Harlem Brundtland of Agenda 21 fame, is co-chair alongside many players responsible for the current global catastrophe.

Three of the six GPMB board members include Dr. Anthony Fauci; Dr. Chris Elias, president of the Global Development Program at the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation; and Dr. George Fu Gao, the director-general at the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention. Dr. Gao is a member of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).

Given just those three board members, many questions arise:

  • Should the United States be sharing virus intelligence with the CCP while in the middle of a new economic cold war?
  • Should we be collaborating with a communist-led country that has trampled human rights, has broken its 50-year treaty with Hong Kong three decades early and has updated its 1999 “Unrestricted Warfare” doctrine, in which riots, pandemics, and economic warfare are fair game?
  • Has the U.S. offshored its national security policymaking regarding biothreats and foreign powers to organizations such as the Gates Foundation?
  • What is a director of any U.S. health agency sitting on a global pandemic planning board at the World Health Organization?
  • Why is Dr. Fauci allowed to share state, perhaps classified, information with an executive at the Gates Foundation and the director of the Chinese CDC?

Two other sticky issues are known facts: Fauci was part of the leadership council to the Gates Foundation, from 2003–2010 and he provided funding to the Wuhan Lab for “gain-of-function” research and development last decade.

What we don’t know is what did Fauci know, and when.

Since board members at a company, non-profit, NGO, or government agency would be aware of the contents  of their entity’s annual report, it’s safe to say that Dr. Fauci knew about the UN’s deliberate release of a “lethal respiratory pathogen.”

The next question becomes: Did the WHO-GPMB already participate in the live virus release? If so, would Dr. Fauci be exposed to liability? And was he involved in the planning stages of a pathogen release leading to COVID19?

Three salient facts are clear about Fauci and the WHO’s involvement with COVID19:

  1. Dr. Anthony Fauci sat on the board of GPMB.
  2. He was knowledgeable of the contents of its first annual report, “A World at Risk.”
  3. The UN-WHO planned to release a live pathogen for a drill and participated in Event 201 simulation exercise, along with China’s Dr. Gao, Rear Admiral Stephen Redd of the CDC, among other international preparedness experts.

A full probe into the COVID-19 outbreak must be ordered immediately by the Trump Administration. It must include an in-depth look into the WHO’s GPMB. It must interview Dr. Elias from the Gates Foundation. It must learn what information Dr. Fauci shared or gave to the CCP beyond grant money for virus research. The investigation must also determine whether the UN and WHO’s new pandemic spearpoint in the GPMB plans to release another virus—for a second outbreak—this fall as its annual report states on pages 10 and 39.

When these answers and more information into the planning of this pandemic can be ascertained, we will know whether Anthony Fauci is a Nostradamus junior or a science fraud, and much worse.

The Jesuit Order Exposed


“They are a secret order created by Adam Weishaupt, a Jesuit Priest… so when we talk about the Illuminati, you are probably talking about one of the many religious-eco-political controlling arms of the Jesuits… which is a secret society that is based on an ancient pagan cult which infiltrated the Roman church long ago, and in turn, most of the denominations of ‘Churchianity’.  Why do you think that the central OBEISK (shaped like the ‘Washington Monument’) at the center of Vatican square was brought all the way from the center of Egyptian pagan worship, and erected in the exact epicenter of Vatican square?” (Branton)

“The Jesuit is inwardly a devil, outwardly a monk and altogether a serpent.” (Ian Paisely, member of the house of Parliament in Ireland)


Contrary to popular belief, the Illuminati existed in Spain in the 1500s. The Illuminati did have a revival and restructuring in the 1700s through Adam Weishaupt though. The second revival and restructuring of the Illuminati came through Theodore Reuss in Munich and then in England. The Illuminati existed in Spain in the 1500s and was officially known in Spain as “The Alumbrados” (Spanish pronunciation: [alumˈbɾaðos], Illuminated). The Alumbrados were known to be involved in mystical spiritual ideology, which is what the present Illuminati occult groups advertise themselves to be. All the Illuminati front groups that work as doorways into the Illuminati for new recruits, advertise themselves as mystical spiritual occult groups, however as you progress further in the organization, they eventually lead you into a combination of hardcore Luciferianism and Satanism. Some groups such as the Ordo Templi Orientis (OTO) have levels that are known as the illumination levels. Los Alumbrados had Gnostic and Babylonian Origins, very similar to Crowley’s OTO that has relations to the Gnostic church and Gnostic Mass, etc. When analyzing the Spanish Alumbrados, one immediately observes the similarity of this group, to the present day Illuminati, which is made up of the OTO and the various interlocking Satanic/Luciferian groups. When one does the research, it is clear the Illuminati has been led since the 1500s by Jesuit Priests and Satanists operating in high-level Vatican offices.

“Although the Alumbrados [Illuminated; Illuminati; Enlightened Ones] of Spain were linked in their zeal and spirituality to the Franciscan reforms of which Cardinal de Cisneros was a promoter, the administrators of the Inquisition had mounting suspicions.” (Wikipedia)

In the above Wikipedia quote, we clearly see that the Illuminati had links to a Cardinal in the Vatican and that this particular Cardinal was both a leader and inspiration to the Illuminati.

Another well-known member of the Alumbrados in the 1500’s was Ignatius Loyola, who was the founder and first General of the Jesuit Order. We clearly observe that the Illuminati when documented at its earliest forms, is linked to the leader of the Jesuit Order (Ignatius Loyola).

“Ignatius of Loyola, while studying at Salamanca in 1527, was brought before an ecclesiastical commission on a charge of sympathy with the adumbrates.” (Wikipedia)

According to Wikipedia, in 1527 Ignatius Loyola who was a member of the Alumbrados was questioned about his involvement with this group by the Vatican. Ignatius also spoke directly to the Pope about his involvement with the Alumbrados, and how he wanted to start up the Jesuit Order to further the goals of the Roman Catholic Church. The Pope gave Ignatius his stamp of approval and allowed Ignatius Loyola to start up the Jesuit Order which would serve and eventually take over the Vatican. The Jesuit Order now completely controls the Vatican both in the shadows and outwardly, as the Jesuits now have one of their own as the White Pope.

According to other documentation, the members of the Alumbrados in the 1500s were inspired and lead by the teachings of a Roman Catholic Cardinal (Cardinal de Cisneros). A Cardinal is one of the highest ranks in the Roman Catholic Church, and they are one of 70 Vatican officials who choose who the Pope will be.

We can clearly observe that two leading members of the Alumbrados (Illuminati) in the 1500s were high-level Vatican officials. Although Ignatius Loyola was questioned by certain people in the Vatican, about his involvement with the Alumbrados (probably because of an internal Vatican power struggle), Ignatius was officially ordained by the Pope as Jesuit General. Here we see links between a Cardinal who was an inspiration to the Illuminati (who basically is involved in the installment of Popes), the Jesuit General, and the Pope in the 1500’s. If one analyzes this documentation objectively, it is clear that the Illuminati was led by high-level Vatican officials since the 1500s.

In 1773, there was a revival and restructuring of the Illuminati in Bavaria Germany through Adam Weishaupt. Most Illuminati researchers believe that Adam Weishaupt was the founder of the Illuminati, however, if one looks at the facts objectively, Adam Weishaupt was simply an agent for the Jesuits to revive the Illuminati and recruit more members” Weishaupt began his formal education at age seven at a Jesuit school. He later enrolled at the University of Ingolstadt (Jesuit University named after the founder of the Jesuits) and graduated in 1768.” (Wikipedia)

“In 1773, Weishaupt became a professor of canon law, a position that was held exclusively by the Jesuits until that time.” (Wikipedia)

Weishaupt’s relationship to the Jesuits is astonishing and it is my personal belief that he actually was a Jesuit, as he held an office that has always traditionally been occupied by Jesuits (professor of canon law).

The founder of the Jesuits (Ignatius Loyola) was documented as a leading member of the Illuminati in the 1500’s, now we have Adam Weishaupt, who is clearly a Jesuit or Jesuit agent, reviving and leading the Illuminati in the 1700s. If one analyzes these facts with an objective mind, you can come to no other conclusion, except that the Jesuits have been ruling and leading the Illuminati since day one. The Jesuits are the secret puppet masters of the Illuminati, who hide in the shadows and under the protection of Roman Catholic religious costumes. The Jesuits act righteous and above board during the day in the public limelight, however at night, they turn their crosses upside down, and their religious costumes inside out and worship their true lord who is satan.

According to former Jesuit Priest Alberto Rivera, the Jesuits regularly hold Black Masses where the devil is worshipped. At the black mass, Alberto Rivera also witnessed high-level Jesuits wearing Masonic rings and Masonic jewelry. Alberto Rivera also explained that the Jesuits involved in the Black Masses have links to the Illuminati in England. Alberto Rivera has the background and credentials as a former Jesuit Priest, so that should give him some credibility, however, if you study historical facts, history certainly supports and gives credibility to Alberto Rivera’s testimony.

If your an Illuminati researcher, I am certain you are familiar with the second revival of the Illuminati by Adam Weishaupt, most researchers will certainly agree with me on this, however, most believe this is when the Illuminati was founded. However, if you read my notes above I clearly show the Illuminati was operating in the 1500s in Spain. I believe I have proven that Adam Weishaupt was either a Jesuit or a Jesuit agent. At the minimum, Adam Weishaupt was a layman working in the office of a Jesuit, but my personal opinion is that he probably was an actual Jesuit. So if you’re with me so far, you have observed that a Cardinal from the Vatican and the Jesuit General were leaders in the Illuminati in the 1500s, and during the second revival of the Illuminati in the 1700s, a Jesuit agent (Adam Weishaupt) was reviving and recruiting members for the Illuminati.

The third revival of the Illuminati occurred through Theodore Reuss in Munich/Germany in 1880 onwards. Based on the principle of logic, it is my hypothesis that Reuss also was a Jesuit agent working for the Jesuits. I think by the late 1800s the Jesuits and Cardinals working with them, decided to step into the shadows and control the Illuminati from deep within the shadows. If you have two confirmed Jesuit agents who led and revived the Illuminati for the last few hundred years, any logical and reasonable individual would agree, that it was likely Reuss was a Jesuit agent. It was during the late 1800s and early 1900s, that the Jesuits began to cloak themselves from being seen and connected to the Illuminati. It was around this time that many books about the Jesuits went missing or were destroyed, nowadays, it is almost impossible to get any information or history about the Jesuits. Most people do not know that the Jesuits throughout history, have been kicked out of countries all over the world for political intrigue and political subversion. Most people do not know either that it was the Jesuits of the Jesuit College of Clermont, who wrote the Luciferianized degree of Scottish Rite Freemasonry. Well, known occultist, author, and Luciferian Helena Blavatsky also write in her book “Isis Unveiled” that it was the Jesuits who wrote the Masonic Degrees.

If you combine the Scottish Rite and Misraim Memphis Rites of Freemasonry, you basically have over 90 degrees of Freemasonry. Most people think that Freemasonry goes to 33 degrees only, but the Misraim/Memphis Rite of Freemasonry takes you to the 99th degree. However by the time you reach the 33rd degree, according to famous Freemason Albert Pike, you are told that Lucifer is God, and that’s who Freemasons must worship. At the top of the Masonic pyramid, it is a Satanic fellowship and Satanic worship.

Theodore Reuss was Grand Master of the Memphis/Misraim fused Masonic Rite, which made him Grand Master of all Freemasons from the 99th degree and downward. Once again, it is my hypothesis that Reuss was a Jesuit agent, so I personally believe that Reuss like Weishaupt was a Jesuit agent who controlled the Freemasons on behalf of the Jesuits. I believe that Reuss was submitted to the Jesuit General throughout his rulership over Freemasonry. If we refer to Blavatsky’s Isis Unveiled, and if you research the evidence that the Jesuits of Clermont College wrote the high-level degree’s of Freemasonry, then we have to refer to logic and consider that Reuss was a Jesuit agent who referred to the Jesuits on how to understand and apply the high degrees of Freemasonry. Hence, Reuss was a student and subordinate of the Jesuit Order.

Upon inspecting Reuss’s rulership of Freemasonry from the 1st to 99th degree, we can also inspect his other memberships, to see the entire illuminati spread out through their interlocking secret mystical societies, which ultimately worship Satan in their inner circle.

Theodore Reuss: ” In 1880, in Munich, he participated in an attempt to revive Adam Weishaupt’s Bavarian Order of Illuminati. While in England, he became friends with William Wynn Westcott, the Supreme Magus of the Societas Rosicruciana in Anglia and one of the founders of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn. Westcott provided Reuss with a charter dated July 26, 1901, for the Swedenborgian Rite of Masonry and a letter of authorization dated February 24, 1902, to found a High Council in Germania of the Societas Rosicruciana in Anglia. Gérard Encausse provided him with a charter dated June 24, 1901, designating him Special Inspector for the Martinist Order in Germany. In 1888, in Berlin, he joined with Leopold Engel of Dresden, Max Rahn, and August Weinholz in another effort to revive the Illuminati Order. In 1895, he began to discuss the formation of Ordo Templi Orientis with Carl Kellner.” (Wikipedia)

One of the branches of Martinism is called Plus-Cohens. “In the highest of the three degrees of the Order of the Elus-Cohen, known as the Shrine, itself consisting of three degrees of which the highest was the Master Reau-Crois, an evocation of entities belonging to the Divine Plane was carried out.” (Wikipedia) According to Wikipedia, we can observe that Martinism involves summoning demons and interacting with them. According to top researchers, the Martinist Order is a Jesuit organization that is directly involved in communicating with demons. According to my own research, the Martinist Order is one of the highest up groups in the Jesuit Illuminati, I believe the Martinist Order was set up by the Jesuits as a place where they could introduce Satan and his demons to people climbing the Illuminati hierarchy. According to my own research, the Martinist Order does not have any specific teachings written down, all teaching is by verbal teaching and you’re not allowed to write down anything you learn at the Martinist Order, it’s also well known that Martinists have claimed to interact with angels (which are actually fallen angels/demons) on many occasions in their meetings.

It has also been documented that Martinism and it’s teaching played a part in restructuring and reforming the Bavarian branch of the Illuminati in the 1700s. “Having reformed the French branch of the order, Willermoz (high-level Martinist) in 1782 succeeded in persuading the German mother branch to adopt his reforms – though not without meeting considerable opposition from other branches of the Strict Observance, such as the Illuminati founded by Adam Weishaupt on May Day 1776 in Bavaria.” (Wikipedia) Here we see that the Bavarian Illuminati and Martinist Illuminati rubbed shoulders and that Martinism played a role in reforming the Bavarian Illuminati. Martinism find’s its beginnings in France and was established in 1740 by a man named Louis Claude de Saint-Martin, whom most researchers believe was a Spanish Roman Catholic. If one studies the teachings of Martinism you discover that they seek illumination, and this word illumination is mentioned specifically in documents that report on the group. It is my belief that the Jesuits used Saint-Martin to establish an Illuminati base in France, and then the Martinist Illuminati teachings got imported from France to Bavaria and helped reform the Bavarian Illuminati.

In 1901 Reuss was made Special Inspector of the Martinist Order in Germany, which is interesting, because in 1901 he was Deputy Grand Master over the 1st to 99th degree Freemasons, so if we take these matters into consideration, Reuss was, in fact, second in charge of all Freemasons worldwide yet he was a Special Inspector in the Martinist Order and submitted to other authorities in the Martinist Order. The Martinist Order is an order linked to the Rosicrucian Order and the Rosicrucians have a saying that is, “Masonry is our second sight.” The Martinist Order is an organization where people communicate with fallen angels directly, or if you would like me to be blunter, the Martinist Order is a place where you can talk and interact with Satan and the demons who follow him. My hypothesis is that the Martinist Order is an order the Jesuits created, to get people under more demonic control, and to communicate directly with Satan. Reuss probably was controlled by agents in the Martinist Order who were controlled by the Jesuits, so the Jesuits had created layers to protect themselves from people connecting the dots. Yes, the Jesuit is cunning and as the Illuminati has progressed and evolved since the 1500s, the Jesuits have implemented measures, to ensure the public does not connect them to the interconnected Illuminati groups. With every Illuminati revival and evolution, the Jesuit has sought to hide in greater layers, so in this present day, without heavy research and prayer, the average researcher has problems seeing the Jesuits as the true leaders of the Illuminati. There are numerous secret societies under various names around the world and they are all Jesuit Illuminati bases, however, one needs to understand that the Jesuits have authority over all these groups, and only Satan and his demons have a higher rank in the Illuminati than the Jesuit.

The Illuminati at the very top is led and controlled by supernatural beings known as Lucifer/Satan, and various other supernatural demons who use a variety of names. Under Satan and his demons are the Jesuits, they are next in charge. Why are the Jesuits second in charge under Satan and his demons? Because Satan and his demons are spirit beings and they need spiritual protection, so they placed the Jesuits underneath them in the Illuminati to protect them. The Jesuits protect Satan and his demons by fighting a covert but violent war against true Born again Christians who follow Jesus Christ and are able to cast away and do damage to demons by following instructions from the Bible. Since the 1600s, the Jesuits have been infiltrating Bible translation offices, to remove Bible verses and corrupt manuscripts to corrupt the instructions were given to Christians by God. However in 1611, under the authority of King James of England, the greatest minds of England were able to produce the greatest Bible translation ever called “The King James Bible”. The King James English Bible was translated from the original uncorrupted Greek and Hebrew texts and was an exact English translation of every word given to Jesus disciples (New Testament) and to the Jews (Old Testament). Since the publication of the King James Bible, the Jesuits and their agents have been trying to replace it with other Jesuit modern versions, which bring down the deity of Jesus Christ, and which remove multitudes of verses to water it down. A watered-down inaccurate Bible becomes a useless tool in the hands of a Christian, therefore they lose their authority to come against Satan and his demons. The Jesuit like a cunning special forces soldier has come into the camp of the Christian, and tampered with his weapon, to give Satan an advantage and to weaken the Christian weapons. This is one way the Jesuit protects his master Satan and the demons. It is only a born again Christian who knows the Bible and has the Holy Ghost in him, who can actually entrap and cast away these notorious spirit beings (Satan and his demons) who control the Illuminati.

The Jesuit has also fought against Satan’s enemies for centuries by burning, boiling, shooting, stabbing, poisoning, beheading and torturing any born again Christian who follows the Bible. This assault by the Jesuits against God’s people continues to this day, as the Jesuits secretly poison and assassinate genuine Protestant Christians who will not submit to the Pope or their agenda. The Jesuits are able to use all kinds of poisons, such as secret nanotechnology bio-weapon poisons, that cannot be identified by most medical blood tests.

The Jesuits use the Roman Catholic Church as an institution where they become the authority over anyone interested in Christianity so that they can control anyone interested in Christianity, and stop them from ever truly becoming a real Christian through false doctrine, useless rituals and dumbing down. The Roman Catholic, in essence, becomes a victim, as they seek to pursue God, they are trapped by a system where the Jesuits who rule the Vatican and clergy are instructing the congregation according to the will of Lucifer. Lucifer’s will of course is for these congregation members to be blind to the truth so that they cannot be effective in the battle against him. This dumbing down of the Roman Catholic congregation is spread throughout the Protestant denominations, as the Jesuits recruit Protestant preachers through freemasonry. As we read various reports in today’s media, where we have well known Protestant Ministers saying that, we need to unite with the Vatican, we can observe the Jesuit influence has moved throughout many church denominations and is not isolated to the Roman Catholic Church. The Jesuit’s job is to control anyone interested in Christianity and protect Lucifer from them. The Jesuits are satan’s bodyguards on earth, that is why they are so high up in the Illuminati.

There are numerous publications that have documented protestant born again Christians who know the Bible, who have interacted with Lucifer and his demons, and have successfully been able to: rebuke, control, bind, and successfully fight against these spirit beings using principles outlined in the Bible. It is these people that the Jesuits fight against to protect Lucifer. According to Alberto Rivera, the Jesuits poison and murder any Christian who will not submit to the Pope’s agenda. Alberto Rivera also explains how he was involved in various operations, which involved infiltrating Protestant churches and destroying them from within. The Jesuits engage in these operations to protect Lucifer and expand his Kingdom.

The Jesuits have also been involved in murdering and persecuting genuine followers of the Jewish religion. The Jesuits in control of the Bavarian Illuminati raised up Hitler and the Nazi’s to persecute and kill many Jews who followed the Old Testament Bible, the Jesuits also used the Nazi’s to kill many Christians as well. Multitudes of Christians who wanted to follow righteousness also perished with Jews in the many Nazi death camps. Although many researchers claim the Jews run the Illuminati, some people in the Illuminati may be Jew by birth and have Jewish genes, but they have forsaken their Jewish religion and are following the Luciferian religion whose leadership is Jesuit. I suspect the Jesuit places Jews in visible power positions so the blame of world problems is blamed on the Jew. In most cases, the Jew is the money manager and accountant for the Jesuit, the money Jew in the Illuminati manages and operates the money under Jesuit directions.

The Masonic Jews in the Israeli government who work for the Jesuits are also not managing the nation of Israel for the benefit of the many common Jews. Large chunks of land are often given away to extremist Islamic groups to create continued unrest and civil wars in the region, the Masonic Jews in political power in Israel want to keep the unrest going, so the UN can intervene and take over Jerusalem for the Jesuit Pope.

In the past Rabbi Kahane (an Israeli politician) wanted to give Arabs/Muslims living in Israel, large sums of money to relocate outside of Israel. This would have created peace and better living standards for Arabs, as Israel and Palestine have become recruiting grounds for Islamic extremists, who thrive on the poverty of Arabs and recruit them into extremist groups to attack Jews in Israel. Violence between Muslims and Jews in Israel is an ongoing civil war, Jews and Muslims have not been able to live peacefully for centuries, as both ideologies are in a major conflict with each other. After Rabbi Kahane tried to give financial relocation assistance to Arabs and make Israel exclusively Jewish, he was thrown in Jail by Israeli Masonic Jewish politicians.

I do believe that the Jews deserve to be in Israel as God gave them that land in the Bible, but they are not living peacefully there as Islam and Judaism have never been able to exist peacefully. The ideal solution is to relocate the Muslims/Arabs elsewhere and give them funds to start a better life somewhere, away from the middle eastern civil war, and away from Islamic extremism, so they can choose an ideology and lifestyle independently, without bias coercian from extremists who thrive in poverty situations. But if you do the research, it is my opinion that the Israeli Masonic politicians are working with Masonic Islamic leaders, to keep trouble occurring in that region, so the Jesuits can bring Israel under UN control and install their antichrist, Pope, as King of Jerusalem.

Many of the top leaders in the Illuminati have roots in Nazism and the Illuminati is certainly not a Jewish conspiracy, although some Jews may be working for the Jesuits in the Illuminati in various offices (mainly banking).

Many of the leading personalities in the Illuminati are former Nazis and have been trained by Nazis, and as already discussed the Nazis and Hitler were raised up and controlled by the Jesuits. The Nazi SS itself was designed after the Jesuit Order.
 “Himmler used the Jesuits as the model for the SS since he found they had the core element absolute obedience and the cult of the organization. Hitler is also said to have called Himmler “my Ignatius of Loyola”. (Wikipedia)

The Nazis and the SS were an expression of the Jesuit Order and Illuminati, and the Nazi era itself was used as a training ground to develop many of the Jesuit Order and Illuminati’s systems. Death and prisoner camps such as Auschwitz were used to imprison expendable people, that the Jesuit mad scientists could use as guinea pigs when they experimented on people with satanic ideologies and satanic science. It was in these Nazi death camps that most of the mind control and systems the Jesuits and Illuminati use today were developed. The Jesuit Illuminati went through a big revival after Theodore Reuss revived the Illuminati in Munich Germany, and that revival and evolution continued in Germany as the occult revival birthed the Nazi party and Hitler. Hitler and the top-level Nazi officials were members of an Illuminati organization known as the Thule Society, which sprang up in Germany as a result of Theodore Reuss’s occult revival.

Once the Jesuit/Illuminati Nazi’s finished their experimentation at the Nazi death camps, the Jesuits used the allies to bomb and destroy the mainly Protestant Christian areas of Germany, to kill as many Christian heretics as they could. Remember that the Jesuits controlled the allies and Nazi’s at this time, and once they had used the allies to bomb the Christian heretics in Germany, they then rescued all their top Nazi Illuminati officials through programs such as Operation Paperclip. Through the American program called “Operation Paperclip”, many top Nazi scientists and Nazi officials were brought back to the United States and absorbed into the US intelligence agencies. Many top Nazis and SS officers became leading Illuminati figures in the USA, as they had brought back knowledge from Germany they had learned in the concentration camps.

Nazi SS officer Joseph Mengele became a high-level figure in the US branch of the Illuminati and the international Illuminati. Mengele was involved in producing unquestioning Illuminati soldiers, spies, assassins, and servants. There are literally too many reports of Mengele operating in the CIA and other US intelligence agencies to report, he has been identified by mind control victims who have testified at public hearings on numerous occasions.

Joseph Mengele was a doctor who worked at the Nazi death camp known as Auschwitz, it is at this camp that he tortured and experimented on people. It has been reported that he would torture people to the extreme, to calculate how much torture the average person could tolerate before they died. He would later use these torture techniques to develop multiple personality disorder in his subjects, so that he could create multiple personalities in one person, and use each personality for various purposes, without the principle personality knowing what the other internal personality was up to. This phenomenon was dramatized in the movie “The Manchurian Candidate” where a politician would receive a phone call and a keyword was told to him on the phone, once this keyword was recited, the politician would go into a trance and become a different person who would murder on command. After the politician would kill someone after going into a trance and literally turning into a different person, he would then forget what happened and could not even remember killing anyone. This is the sort of mind control that Mengele had developed by experimenting with patients in Auschwitz, using various techniques that involved torture and drugs.

There have been a number of ex Illuminati members who have come out of the organization and stated that Joseph Mengle was operating as a programmer in the United States on members of the US Illuminati. One woman recalled how as a girl Mengele would program her by forcing her to kill a chicken (assassination programming) and when she wouldn’t comply, Mengele would cut off her hair and take away her toys and belongings. This technique Mengele applied was used at Auschwitz and is basic Auschwitz programming. Its well documented that the first thing that happened to Auschwitz prisoners, was that their hair was shaved off, and their belongings and possessions were seized. This was Jesuit/Illuminati experimentation on how to humiliate and mind control subjects, and get them to do what you want them to do.

According to my research, I do believe Joseph Mengele was a part of the US operation paper clip, and that he was absorbed into either the CIA or NSA (maybe both) and used by the Jesuits to program and control members of the Illuminati in the USA and abroad. I believe the Jesuits and Illuminati brought many Nazi’s into the USA and placed them in key positions in the CIA and NSA, and I believe there is a big Nazi influence in the US intelligence agencies up until today. The Nazis in the USA; CIA, NSA, and other intelligence agencies, make up much of the Jesuit/Illuminati apparatus in the USA. Even until today, NSA agents such as Colonel Michael Aquino are known to dress up in Nazi uniforms and participate in Nazi occult rituals. Michael Aquino has stated on record that his religious beliefs sometimes do involve Nazi ideologies. So here we see that the Nazi ideology in US intelligence agencies is alive today. The US intelligence agencies which were full of Jesuit/Illuminati agents embraced these Nazi’s that came to them through Operation Paperclip, and also embraced many of their ideologies as they were occult Luciferian brothers. The United States today is still at war with the Nazi factions, which now fight the US populace through US intelligence agencies they are agents of. The Nazi’s and Jesuit/Illuminati fight the US through these intelligence agencies, by recruiting and training mind control slaves through CIA programs such as MKultra and using these slaves to assassinate and spy on their enemies in the USA. They also use the CIA and NSA to start up various cults and movements to stir up trouble in the USA.

I also believe many of the mass shootings in schools and other places in the USA are committed by Nazi, CIA, NSA mind control victims, the Jesuit/Illuminati use these mind control victims, to create these shootings so they can take away US citizen’s guns. Once US citizens have their guns seized, then the world government can send world government troops into the USA and enforce UN laws that contradict the US constitution. If US citizens have no guns, they cannot resist the: world government, world army, and world police, that the Jesuits want to implement over every country in the world. The Jesuits/Illuminati want a world government that’s: Nazi fascist, communist and totalitarian, and remember that the first thing Hitler and the communist leaders did, was take away everyone’s guns, so they couldn’t defend themselves against a fascist government. The Jesuit/Illuminati want to erect their Jesuit Pope as King of the world and god, whom they will force everyone to worship by placing a microchip in your forehead or hand so they can have full control of you, in the Bible this microchip is known as the mark of the beast, and if you take this mark you will be damned forever as you have made allegiance with Satan.

And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.18 Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man, and his number is Six hundred threescore and six. (Revelation 13:16-18)

In conclusion, it is clear that the Illuminati are a tool and product of the Jesuit Order and that their goal is a one-world government, where they can install their Jesuit Pope as King of the world government and world religion. The answer to this plot of satan gets a copy of the King James Bible, so we can hear what God has to say in our own language, and we need to seek God through Jesus Christ, so we can come into the Super Intelligence (Holy Spirit) consciousness and be guided by God through the Holy Spirit.

Obviously there is a conspiracy going on that’s beyond our imagination and comprehension, and you the reader may be asking, what can I do? The author of this conspiracy is a supernatural being and ultimately this is a spiritual war, and you need spiritual help, so I would like to invite you to pray with me. Whether your a human or reptilian hybrid in the Illuminati, or your just a concerned citizen, I invite you to please pray this prayer, so you can come into the Jesus Christ Holy Spirit consciousness:

Lord, I come to you in Jesus’ name and after careful research, prayer and consideration, I believe that the King James Bible is accurate, and I believe that Jesus Christ died on the cross for my sins and that three days later he rose from the dead. Please forgive me for my sins, as I put my faith in Jesus Christ who took the punishment on that cross that I deserved. Come into my heart oh Jesus and fill me with the Holy Spirit, so that I can have the supernatural power to do what you want me to do. Give me the strength to help others and make a positive impact in this world, help me to be the person you want me to be, and show me what it is I can do to make a difference in this world. Help me to read the Bible and understand it, and please speak to me supernaturally so that I can understand your will for my life. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.

The Jesuits control the illuminati with Lucifer (Satan) and his demons

The pyramid structure reveals the Luciferian Illuminati pyramid structure. The organization is made up of both reptilian shapeshifters and regular human beings. Some reptilian shapeshifters are benevolent and we need to be aware that reptilians can be saved just as humans can be saved, by coming into the Super Intelligence (Holy Spirit) consciousness through faith in Jesus Christ. The Luciferian Illuminati is ruled by the Jesuits through the Vatican which they completely control, the Jesuits also have full control of the Vatican’s Knight Orders which include: The Knights of Malta, Knights of Columbus, etc. I believe the Jesuits are made up of both shape-shifting reptilians and human beings.

The various satanic occult groups discussed below are also made up of both shape-shifting reptilians and human beings. For more information on the reptilians and their origins, please click the link below titled “Alien Origins”.

Readers should also take note that the Jesuits do not worship or follow Jesus, their secret symbol IHS, does not mean “in his service”, it is actually a secret satanic occult symbol, that indicates that they worship the devil and the Egyptian demon gods (The Jesuit symbol IHS= Isis, Horus, and Set)

Lucifer (Satan) and his fallen angels (demons)



At the top of the Jesuit Illuminati pyramid, we have the illustration of a pyramid capstone (left), with the all-seeing eye upon it. This all-seeing eye capstone represents Lucifer (also known as Satan) and the fallen angels, who have rebelled against Almighty God and Jesus Christ, and are seeking to oppose God and His Kingdom by building their own satanic Kingdom on earth, that is interconnected with the spiritual dimension they dwell in. The fallen angels (demons), can materialize in physical form and interact with their followers at various: occult lodges, covens, and cults. Lucifer (Satan) is the ultimate leader of the Jesuit Illuminati, and he has appointed various demons beneath his authority, to perform various duties for him or to instruct the human members of the Jesuit Illuminati what his will is.



The white Jesuit Pope seeks world temporal power (rulership of all political and military powers worldwide), and world spiritual power (rulership over all religious groups worldwide). Pope Francis (aka: Jorge Mario Bergoglio) is Satan’s dark prince and physical ruler of the Jesuit Illuminati. This man is Satan’s chosen antichrist who will unite all world religions, and command a military/religious world order on Satan’s behalf. When the UN takes over the nations, this man will command the UN. This antichrist Pope seeks to steal the office of Jesus Christ,  by demanding to be worshipped as God and Jesus Christ, he already demands worship as a demigod at this point by claiming to be the vicar of Jesus Christ (a vicar is defined as being a substitute according to most dictionaries). This demigod Jesuit Pope seeks to become a liberal Luciferian false Jesus god, who will fit into every religious philosophy of the world. He seeks to unite all religions under his authority by becoming the Christ for Christians, the Buddha for the Buddhists, the Mahdi for the Muslims, the Krishna for the Hindu’s and the occult prince for the witches. This multidimensional false Messiah will seek to become the authority over all religions worldwide.



To the far left in the brown/gold cloak, is the current Jesuit General, Adolfo Nicholas. Next to Adolfo dressed in black, is Peter Hans Klovanbach. This man is the second Jesuit General presently serving in the Jesuit Order. Pope Francis, Adolfo, and Peter Hans make up the physical dimension unholy trinity, as they are the three principal representatives of Lucifer (Satan) on earth. Lucifer (Satan) is using this unholy trinity, to establish his one-world religion and one-world government here one earth.


 The Jesuit soldiers serving the Jesuit Generals and Jesuit white Pope are master spies and assassins. When a Jesuit takes his fourth vow, he has to swear to murder and spy on behalf of the Pope. It should also be noted that the Jesuits are in full control of the Mafia and it’s associated gangs as well. The Jesuits use the Mafia to carry out some of its plots and to control parts of the economy as well through threats, violence, and murder. The Mafia gives most of it’s ill-gotten gains to the Jesuits by depositing its proceeds in Vatican banks and into Jesuit charities. In David Yallop’s book “In God’s name”, it is well documented that the Vatican banks and it’s associate banks had links to mafia drug money. The Jesuit Order who is in control of all world military powers, import illegal drugs into countries on military aircraft’s from military base to military base. The Jesuit Order is the kingpins far above the Mafia Don’s. At their core, the Jesuits are Luciferian and Satanists. According to former Jesuit Alberto Rivera, the Jesuits hold regular Black Masses where they worship their true lord (Satan) or whom former Church of Satan vice president Michael Aquino calls “Set.”


The symbol to the left is the official Jesuit Symbol, which is also written on the Roman Catholic wafer biscuit, which is “IHS”, which the Jesuits claim means “in his service”, however the true meaning of this IHS symbol is “Isis, Horus, and Set.” These are the names of Egyptian demon gods, and Set is often used as another name for Satan, by many prominent Satanist’s such as Michael Aquino (founder of the temple of Set). The Jesuit symbol is actually a symbol for Satan and his demons, as these are the gods the Jesuits worship and whom they serve.

The Jesuits who are also in control of the worlds intelligence agencies, make up many members of the: CIA, NSA, and other foreign intelligence agencies, we see this pattern by observing Jesuit Priest Avery Dulles whose uncle was director of the CIA. Jesuit associates and relatives always seem to suspiciously be in high-level intelligence agency positions. These patterns also seem to confirm Branton’s belief’s, about the Jesuits controlling the international intelligence agencies and secret technology.

By dominating the world’s intelligence agencies, they can spy on whoever they want and plan assassinations, blackmail, and coercion against anyone they wish to control. The Jesuits also control many worldwide religious groups which include: Roman Catholicism, Islam, many protestant denominations, and a variety of New Age and occult groups. The Jesuits are also highly educated and can speak a variety of different languages, and can easily blend into various cultures, and place themselves in key positions so they can control that populace in that area. The Jesuit is a master spy and chameleon and can take the form of a: Islamic Imam, Protestant minister or missionary, businessman, police officer or politician, and you wouldn’t even know it was a Jesuit. According to former Jesuit Alberto Rivera, a Jesuit is often given a fake girlfriend to walk around with, so when undercover, nobody suspects them of being a Jesuit priest.

Underneath the Jesuit Order are a variety of interconnected Satanic cults, Luciferian occult groups, intelligence agencies, and other sympathetic organizations, that are working together to make the white Jesuit Pope king of the world government and world religion.

The church of Satan and Temple of Set can certainly be considered relative churches, as Michael Aquino used to be Vice President or second in command of the Church of Satan. According to my research, the Jesuits are in control of the Temple of Set, and Michael Aquino was secretly submitted to the Jesuits, as the name of his satanic temple references “Set”, which is the last initial of the Jesuit symbol. Remember that the Jesuit symbol is IHS, which stands for Isis, Horus, and Set. In the past, FBI agent Ted Gunderson and another witness who appeared on the TV program America’s Most Wanted, have accused members of the Temple of Set of kidnapping children and forcing them to participate in Satanic Rituals that involved serious crimes. Former leader of The Temple of Set was a high-level NSA intelligence agent with top-secret security clearance, and it is obvious to assume that he had access to the underground tunnel networks, underground bases, and advanced technology. These types of cults seem to be recruiting grounds for intelligence agents, who are given access to highly advanced technology, and they are also given security clearance, to enter the underground tunnel network connected by advanced underground speed trains. Members of all these cults become agents for the Jesuits, Lucifer, and his demons.

The Rosicrucian Order certainly has a history of being deeply involved with the founding of the German Illuminati. America is a secretive organization, that has a confirmed mix of reptilian shapeshifters and human beings who are members. According to my own research and the research of people such as Branton, AMORC has strong links to the Bavarian Illuminati and is very involved with the underground tunnel networks and secret technology in underground bases. AMORC promises its members supernatural powers such as invisibility and telekinesis. The Rosicrucian Order is also a place where women can have leadership roles, and it serves as an excellent base for the Jesuits to recruit female members seeking power and authority.

Misraim-Memphis Rite of Freemasonry.

Most people are not aware that Freemasonry goes up to the 99th degree. The highest Freemasonry degree is in the Misraim-Memphis Masonic Rite, where one can reach the 99th Masonic degree which is called “Grand Hierophant.”

As many are aware the Scottish Rite degrees of Freemasonry were written by the Jesuits from the Jesuit College of Clermont, and according to co-Mason and founder of the Theosophical Society, Helena Blavatsky, the Jesuits wrote all Luciferianized degrees of Freemasonry which include the Misraim and Memphis Rite, although the Jesuits have tried to hide this by tampering with encyclopedia’s, and spreading disinfo, that the author of theMisraim-Memphis degrees was an Italian General. It’s well documented and logical to assume, that the Jesuits wrote all the degrees of Freemasonry that go right up to the 99th degree. If the Jesuits wrote the Scottish Rite degree’s which is the Luciferianized branch of Freemasonry, then it’s logical that they continued writing the Luciferian degrees right up to the 99th degree. Blavatsky was a female Mason and has her own Masonic/Luciferian lodge (Blavatsky Lodge), and she clearly states that the Jesuits wrote the Masonic degrees.


The founder and so-called prophet of Islam is Mohammad. Mohammad was trained by Roman Catholic monks, and according to former Jesuit Alberto Rivera, high-level Vatican officials were responsible for the creation of Islam. Islam fits the Roman Catholic and Jesuit ideology perfectly, which is to kill anyone who does not agree to your doctrine or submit to it. The Islamic political system fits together with the fascist, communist, New World Order perfectly. You are going to see false prophets rise up from the New Age movement and out of the Vatican, that are going to create a one-world religion that fits in with: Islam, the Vatican, and the New Age movement. A false Islamic prophet may rise up in the Middle East, he may even arrive in a spaceship or UFO, and he may claim to be an Islamic Messiah and unite the Muslims of the world with the Vatican. This false Islamic Messiah can then lead the Muslims to kill and behead anyone who does not submit to the New World Order or Pope.

In the below pictures the former Pope with an Islamic leader kissing the Koran. You are already seeing a movement in churches promoting the ideology called Chrislam, which is the merging of compromised Christianity with Islam (Biblical based Christianity would never do this. The Koran is a book of lies produced by the Vatican to attack Bible-based Christianity). The Jesuits through supernatural witchcraft and advanced technology can easily create a stunt in the Middle East, that portrays the coming of a stunning new Islamic leader with special powers and supernatural charisma. Through clever philosophy, the Jesuits can then use this leader to bring Islam together with the Vatican and New Age movement religion. You’re going to see all religions merge as stunning false prophets with supernatural demonic powers, rise up all over the world and unite under the United Nations.

The ruler of Islam’s Holy site Mecca and Saudi Arabia meet with his master the white Pope who is controlled by the Jesuits. Just as the Jesuits control Freemasonry and Islamic Shriner Freemasonry, they also control the Islamic Middle Eastern leaders and Islamic groups.

One should also note that during the Spanish civil war when the protestants started revolting against the Roman Catholic church, the Vatican called in Islamic mercenaries who fought against Spanish Protestants under the flag of the Vatican. In the future, when Bible-based protestant Christians refuse to submit to the one world religion and Jesuit Pope, you’re going to see a similar situation where the Pope will use Islamic mercenaries to murder Christians who will not submit. Islam’s doctrine of killing heretics is identical to Vatican canon law, and the Jesuit doctrines of killing people who will not submit to them.


Islam is another false New Age religion created by the Vatican to control large populations through a fascist-style government (Shariah law). If a nation comes under Islamic Shariah law, the leaders of the nation can imprison and execute anyone they want without a trial. Islamic leaders can also call for violence and murder against any person or group they do not like, regardless if the person or group has done any real wrongdoing. Under Islam, your living under an oppressive ruler who uses Shariah law to rob your money through excessive taxes, and an ideology that gives leaders a right to do anything to you without a fair trial. Under Islamic rule, you literally have no religious or spiritual rights, and if your seen carrying a Bible in places like Saudi Arabia, you can get in much trouble or violently punished. Saudi Arabia could be compared with a hardcore communist regime where rights and freedoms are non-existent, and it could also be compared to the Vatican supremacy years, when the Pope: burned, beheaded, and killed anyone who followed the written Bible and not the Pope’s words.

The only nations to ever have rights and true freedoms have been Protestant Christian nations who followed the Holy Bible. Switzerland and the USA are the two freest nations on earth, and both these nations have a strong protestant Bible-based foundation. In Protestant Christian based nations, freedom and liberty is there, because they had the truth to guide them, and the spiritual truth’s to lead them into freedom and protect them from oppression.

The World Is In Big Trouble, for Those That Believe We Will Go Back to Some Sense of Normal Life Here on Earth, You Will Be Sadly Disappointed, Seven and Half Years of Hell on Earth Which Began January 1, 2020

“Our courts oppose the righteous, and justice is nowhere to be found. Truth stumbles in the streets, and honesty has been outlawed” (Isa. 59:14, NLT)…We Turned Our Backs On GOD, Now We Have Been Left To Our Own Devices, Enjoy…

While Mainstream Media Continues to Push a False Narrative, Big Tech Has Keep the Truth From Coming out by Shadow Banning Conservatives, Christians, and Like-Minded People, Those Death Attributed to the Coronavirus Is a Result of Those Mentioned, They Truly Are Evil…

Source: HNewsWire ZeroHedge prepareforchange HNewsWire

StevieRay Hansen
Editor, HNewsWire.com
Watchmen does not confuse truth with consensus The Watchmen does not confuse God’s word with the word of those in power…

In police-state fashion, Big Tech took the list of accused (including this site), declared all those named guilty and promptly shadow-banned, de-platformed or de-monetized us all without coming clean about how they engineered the crushing of dissent, Now more than ever big Tech has exposed there hand engaging in devious underhanded tactics to make the sinister look saintly, one of Satan’s greatest weapons happens to be deceit…

The accumulating death toll from Covid-19 can be seen minute-by-minute on cable news channels. But there’s another death toll few seem to care much about: the number of poverty-related deaths being set in motion by deliberately plunging millions of Americans into poverty and despair.

American health care, as we call it today, and for all its high-tech miracles, has evolved into one of the most atrocious rackets the world has ever seen. By racket, I mean an enterprise organized explicitly to make money dishonestly.

All the official reassurances won’t be worth a bucket of warm spit. The Globals are behind the CoronaVirus, It Is a Man-Made Bioweapon.

For those of you who care, Google and your favorite social media platforms have misled you, and now we all pay a heavy price for trusting the ungodly, Google and company, They knew exactly what they were doing, removing our history while preparing you to accept the New World Order playbook, Enjoy.

The Lazy H ranch is located on 60 acres of scenic hill country near Mason, Texas. Through a personalized mentoring approach, we help young men who are aging out of state foster care programs to discover God’s unique plan for their lives while setting personal, educational and vocational goals for the future.



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StevieRay Hansen

In his riveting memoir, "A Long Journey Home", StevieRay Hansen will lead you through his incredible journey from homeless kid to multimillionaire oilman willing to give a helping hand to other throwaway kids. Available on Amazon.


  1. Eyezak on September 13, 2020 at 11:53 am

    Amazing write up. I’m wondering why no mention of Trump and his opposition to the NWO? Now I know, some people will label him as just a different head of the same beast and only time will tell, but some of his actions have proved otherwise. I would assume since you are a protector of children that you have heard of the many recent successful rescue missions of groups of missing children? Alot of which has taken place after the incarceration of Maxwell and under the Trump administration. Like I said, I’m still skeptical but am also hopeful. We have the ability as humans to change the time lines and I believe the time line has been shifted to a degree. I guess the truth will be revealed over the next few years. Love to all!

  2. SuzanneL on July 5, 2020 at 2:02 pm

    Fauci went to a Jesuit run high school, so he likely thinks like one, but he never received the sacrament of Holy Orders, so he is NOT a priest, much less a Jesuit priest. Pope Francis on the other hand is a Jesuit priest. The difference between Jesuits and Catholics, between Jesuits and Christians, is that Jesuits accept the ISLAMIC tenet that the ends justify the means. That you are entitled to lie to get your way. This is decidedly UNCatholic. Decidedly UNChristian. And this of course leads to soul rot, corrhuption, and a special kind of arrogance.

  3. Devon Drake on July 5, 2020 at 9:04 am

    Knowing what Malachi Martin (ex-Jesuit priest) said of various things, and especially the coming of a Jesuit Pope, is very valuable. A good and righteous man that loved the Lord. A New York City Exorcist, Dead Sea Scrolls Scholar, Advisor to 3 Popes, Author, etc., etc.. Murdered by his Jesuit brothers for exposing their satanic and Masonic connections. The man that revealed that Lucifer was enthroned in the Vatican by satanist Cardinals and Bishops, in a midnight ritual in 1963. Study what he said and wrote, to gain much insight and truth.
    God Bless.

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