Dr. Fauci: “We’re Going To Have Millions Of Cases” And “Between 100K & 200K Deaths”


Advisory: Be careful of what you read on social media. The algorithms used by these platforms have no regard for Biblical truth. They target your emotions to keep you engaged on their site so their advertisers can drop more ads. These platforms exist to enrich their stockholders. Consider God’s promise to Believers in James 1:5, “If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.”

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The Sin Party Is Over…

Not only is America not ready for this Pestilences, but America is also headed for a public health nightmare, this WILL continues to spread thought out the USA as it has in nations like South Korea, Italy, and Iran, the spread is tracking an exponential growth curve that currently looks unstoppable until it burns through the entire population.

The last time Dr. Anthony Fauci did the Sunday Shows a few weeks back, he achieved a vaunted Washington milestone by doing all five network and cable Sunday shows – NBC, ABC, CBS, Fox News & CNN – in one day. That was back when President Trump’s approval rating was soaring, and the good doctor was indisputably the lead ‘subject matter expert’ guiding the White House’s response.

That was less than a month ago. But at that time, so much has changed.

President Trump and the good doctor are said to be at odds over some vaguely critical statements made by Fauci. Of course, that didn’t stop the administration and that task force’s media team from sending him out to do more Sunday Show appearances as officials hope futures will open higher after Friday’s selloff following the first three-day rebound since February.

Still, as the death toll in the US crept above 2,000, Dr. Fauci, officially the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases and a member of the White House coronavirus task force told CNN’s “State of the Union” that models suggest the coronavirus will infect millions of Americans and could kill between 100,000 to 200,000.

However, he stressed that these projections are really a “moving target”, and that it’s possible the numbers could be much lower – or much higher – depending on how the US handles the response. So far, the disorganized response at the federal level has left a hodgepodge of states to deal with their own problems, which is why Louisiana Gov. John Bel Edwards – a Democrat – is begging the Feds for help before the outbreak completely overruns his state’s capacity to handle it.

Back to the interview, Dr. Fauci told Jake Tapper that “Looking at what we are seeing now, I would say between 100,000-200,000” deaths from the coronavirus. “We’re going to have millions of cases,” he added.

“But it’s such a moving target and you could so easily be wrong…what we do know is we have a serious problem in New York, we have a serious problem in New Orleans and we’re going to be developing serious problems in other areas. Although people like to model it, let’s just look at the data that we have, and not worry about these worst-case and best-case scenarios.”

Dr. Fauci also cautioned the public about how to interpret models:

“There are things called models, and when someone creates a model, they put in various assumptions. And the model is only as good and as accurate as your assumptions.”

“And whenever the modelers come in, they give a worst case scenario and a best case scenario. Generally, the reality is somewhere in the middle. I’ve never seen a model of the diseases that I’ve dealt with where the worst case scenario actually came out. They always overshoot.”

Dr. Fauci stressed that Trump’s hope to reopen the country by Easter will greatly depend on whether the public complies with the ‘shelter in place’ recommendations, though he said he greatly doubts that the US will be able to reopen by next week (Easter is April 12, still a couple of weeks away). And notably, when Tapper pressed Dr. Fauci about rumors the administration was ignoring Democratic governors pleas for more federal assistance simply because they were Democrats, Dr. Fauci assured CNN that anybody asking for assistance would get it.

Trump Weighs “Enforceable” Quarantine Order For Greater New York, Including Conn. & NJ



  • Global case total tops 600k
  • Japan fast-tracks approval of treatment drug for COVID-19
  • Third UK minister self-quarantines after showing symptoms of the virus
  • Trump weighing enforceable quarantine order for all of greater NY area
  • Italy case total surpasses China
  • Spain reports the deadliest day yet
  • UK case total climbs north of 17k
  • Navy hospital ships leave for New York, LA
  • Shinzo Abe promises unprecedented stimulus package
  • Trump gives Pentagon power to call up retired soldiers and reservists
  • Italian centenarians survive the battle with COVID-19

*   *   *

Update (1245ET): As the US scrambles to contain COVID-19 as New York emerges as the nation’s No. 1 hotspot, US media are reporting that President Trump is considering a national “quarantine” order affecting the entire tri-state area – that is, all of NYC, the greater New York area, north and most of central New Jersey and all of southern Connecticut.

NBC News described it as an “enforceable” quarantine, implying that the national guard, which has been deployed in the area, might be tasked with enforcing it.

Update (1220ET): In Lombardy, the number of confirmed cases climbed by 2,117 to 39,415, a sign that the outbreak might be starting to slow. But the death toll climbed by a startling 542 to 5,944.

Update (1100ET): The Pentagon is taking steps to clarify its powers now that it has the ability to call up reservists and retirees.


Additionally, Italy has now passed China in total infections, with 86,498 to China’s 81,996. Following several days of back-and-forth criticism with Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer, whom President Trump infamously referred to as “that woman” and criticized for not taking the outbreak seriously enough, the president finally granted her request for a disaster declaration, as well as one for Massachusetts, according to White House statements released Saturday.

Finally, some good news out of Italy: A centenarian from northern Italy has reportedly been released from a hospital after a battle with COVID-19 that he managed to survive despite being a high-risk candidate with a weak immune system..

The man, identified only as “Mr. P”, was admitted to the hospital last week and released on Thursday, according to Gloria Lisi, the deputy mayor of the city of Rimini, told the local Italian language press.

*    *   *

Yesterday, the US reached a critical milestone: it became the first country to record more than 100,000 cases of COVID-19, the illness caused by the novel coronavirus.

Though more people were almost certainly infected in China – epidemiologists have estimated that hundreds of thousands were likely infected in Wuhan alone – the surge in America’s testing capacity, something that’s only going to continue to improve thanks to a slate of new rapid-response tests are hitting the market, means the US will almost certainly record the largest number of infected patients going forward.

Already, the global total of confirmed cases surpassed 600,000 overnight, thanks mostly to the US, though Spain and Italy also reported large numbers of new cases and deaths reaffirming that the lockdowns in each of their respective countries are far from over.

A chart produced by the New York Times and published last night sparked a heated debate online as journalists, scientists and another wannabe ‘experts’ weighed in on the possibility that the outbreaks in New York City, Detroit, and New Orleans might be more severe than what Italy has seen in Lombardy.

Source: New York Times

Meanwhile, Spain recorded its deadliest day so far, but new infections are slowing after two weeks of lockdown. The Spanish Health Ministry reported 832 new deaths, bringing the country’s death toll to 5,690 as of early Saturday, a 17% jump. The number of confirmed cases climbed to 72,248 from 64,059. Spain now has the second-highest number of deaths, outside of Italy.

In the latest hint at how the outbreak-induced recession will reverberate through secondary and tertiary industries, Airbnb confirmed on Friday that it’s suspending all third-party marketing work in an attempt to save some $800 million, one of several initiatives that it hopes will save the company lots of money during the crisis. As UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson and his Health Secretary Matt Hancock struggle to continue performing their duties after being diagnosed with COVID-19, Fitch downgraded the UK’s credit rating from AA to AA-, citing the budget impact of the coronavirus pandemic and continued uncertainty over Brexit.

Source: FT

The Bible predicts the rise of this type of societal control within the frightening prophecies about the Antichrist, the final world empire called the Beast, and the final economic system using the Mark of the Beast. The electronic tyranny of technocracy that is now being developed and implemented throughout the world is in preparation for the Antichrist’s rise to power. As we see this final empire taking shape in our day, we can know for certain that the End Times is upon us and the Coming of Christ is drawing near. Now is the time to turn away from sin and evil and believe in Jesus before it is too late!

As a third UK cabinet minister, Scottish Secretary Alister Jack announces plans to quarantine after showing mild symptoms, Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe pledged on Saturday to fight the coronavirus outbreak with an economic package of “an unprecedented scale” as Japan reports a sudden resurgence of cases, many of which have been travel-related.

On Saturday, the UK case total climbed to 17,089, while 160 new deaths were confirmed, bringing the UK death total above 1,000, to 1,019.

According to Nikkei Asian Review, Abe said that in addition to pushing through his “boldest-ever” economic stimulus package, his government will deliver speedy approval of the flu drug Avigan as a treatment for those infected with COVID-19.

“We are on the brink,” Abe said at a news conference, referring to the possibility of an explosion of COVID-19 cases in Japan after 63 new infections were confirmed on Saturday in Tokyo, a third-consecutive day where authorities confirmed more than 40 new cases.

Abe also stressed that Japan must be ready for a “long-term battle” to keep COVID-19 from surging out of control and overwhelming health care systems, as it’s beginning to do in Italy and other places, like NYC.

Still, he said, “now is not an emergency” and called on citizens to continue taking steps such as avoiding large gatherings to limit infections.

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Regarding the economy, Abe said that his government will formulate a “strong stimulus package of unprecedented scale” to lessen this blow to businesses and individuals brought about by the coronavirus. All of this comes after Tokyo’s governor warned about the prospect for an “unprecedented” outbreak if nothing is done.

In addition to boosting spending on medical infrastructure and other necessities, Abe said a special measure will be established to allow for the deferral for up to one year of tax and social insurance premium payments to support corporations suffering from constricted cash flow. Also, interest-free and unsecured lending will be expanded to assist them, he said. All of this should trickle down to deferred tax payments for individuals as well.

Meanwhile, the New York Post has been keeping careful track of how many New Yorkers have been dying from COVID-19, and on Saturday, the paper determined that for the past two days, New Yorkers have been dying at a rate of “one every 17 minutes”. That’s up from one an hour nearly a week ago.

The Book Long-Journey-Home-Stevie-Hansen


The 127 Faith Foundation understands the pain and sorrow associated with being a throwaway child, We push this throwaway child towards bettering their education, be it junior-college are going for a Masters’s degree. This program is about them because they determine by the grace of God if they’re going to be a pillar in the community or a burden on society. Some of the strongholds orphans deal with are: fear, resentment, bitterness, unforgiveness, apathy, unbelief, depression, anxiety, lust, anger, pride, and greed. Many of these strongholds do open the door to addiction. Please Help The 127

Coronavirus (“Chinese virus”) kills the oldest and has no respect for authority
Many of the most powerful people in the world are old, and coronavirus does not discriminate based on social status. Deaths are now hitting at high levels (not of death but of status), which can change the political conflicts of our world:


Now a global pestilence has erupted, and in Luke 21 we were specifically warned to watch for “pestilences” in the last days.

This Pestilent Is Revealing to All What Many of Us Have Known for a Long Time: This Godless Nation Was Designed by the Un-Godly to Fail and so Its Failure Was Not Just Predictable but Inevitable

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Source: ZeroHedge HNewsWire

StevieRay Hansen
Editor, HNewsWire.com
Watchmen does not confuse truth with consensus The Watchmen does not confuse God’s word with the word of those in power…

The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation Have NOT Got The Memo Yet, “Pestilences” Has No Cure


The Coronavirus Was Most Certainly Produced by Crazy (Un-Godly) Men in Laboratories, WGO and CDC Knew All Along That the Coronavirus Was a Bioweapon, There’re in Charge?

Well-known medical expert Bill Gates did an AMA on Reddit (transcribed here), in which he casually drops some chilling ideas into the conversation:

Eventually we will have some digital certificates to show who has recovered or been tested recently or when we have a vaccine who has received it.

All in all, our freedoms are being swamped. Big corporations and states alike are setting boundaries on individual rights on a flimsy pretext.

Is anyone in the media reporting that? Of course not. Instead, we’re getting fawning celebrity-based drivel like this in the Independent, trying to convince us “we’re all in this together”, or weasel-worded nonsense like this from Jonathan Freedland in The Guardian where he mourns Johnson’s “libertarian” spirit and reluctance to impose social control. That would be the mass-surveilling, drone executing, war-supporting type of libertarian. A crass and obvious example of narrative management.

reprobates, New Orleans Mayor,” Chinese virus”, Biblical, Biblical Prophecy, CDC, Coronavirus, disobedience, Food Shortage, Hospitals, StevieRay Hansen

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StevieRay Hansen

In his riveting memoir, "A Long Journey Home", StevieRay Hansen will lead you through his incredible journey from homeless kid to multimillionaire oilman willing to give a helping hand to other throwaway kids. Available on Amazon.

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