Ex-Xinjiang Commander Promoted by Xi to Terrorize Hong Kong.


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TORTURE CAMPS in Xinjiang, China | Antarctica Journal

Peng Jingtang, a Xinjiang paramilitary officer, was nominated by China’s dictator Xi Jinping to lead Chinese forces in Hong Kong on January 9.

Peng oversaw the Chinese Communist Party’s crackdown in Xinjiang, where a genocide has been occurring for years.

From 2018 to 2019, Major General Peng served as the regional chief of staff of the People’s Armed Police (PAP). He also served as the PAP’s overall deputy chief of staff.

The PAP is primarily responsible for countering riots and protests. Peng, on the other hand, headed “counterterrorism” efforts in Xinjiang, where the only terrorism is that imposed by the CCP.

The CCP in Xinjiang uses Uyghur terrorism as an excuse to impose Han bigotry on the region through a network of concentration camps, “reeducation” centers, and factories where forced laborers are subjected to slave-like conditions such as torture, rape, mass surveillance, forced abortion, and state-imposed birth control.

Peng boasted to the state-run Global Times newspaper in 2019 that his paramilitary police team discharged more rounds of ammunition in Xinjiang in 2018 than all other security personnel combined in the previous three years. In 2021, Xi is likely to recognize Peng’s squad for killing 91 “terrorists.”

Peng will now command the Chinese military’s Hong Kong garrison, which aims to instill dread of the CCP in any Hongkongers who aspire to return to the liberties of the city’s inter-imperial years, when Britain controlled the city and Beijing controlled it.

Peng’s appointment comes after that of CCP official Zheng Yanxiong, who was named the first director of China’s Hong Kong Office for Safeguarding National Security. Zheng previously served as a government official in China’s southern Guangdong Province, where he censored newspapers and imprisoned villagers who protested CCP land acquisitions. One of the protestors died while in police custody.

The Hong Kong administration began a harsh attack on the city’s free press, including Apple Daily and Stand News, after Zheng’s appointment in July 2020.

China’s offices in Hong Kong do not follow Hong Kong law, which is a violation of China’s 1984 treaty with the United Kingdom, which guaranteed an independent Hong Kong legal system, free speech, press freedoms, and other human liberties upon the city’s transfer to Beijing in 1997. According to the treaty filed with the United Nations, those liberties should have lasted for 50 years, until at least 2047. All of it is now gone, as is whatever kind of credibility Beijing’s solemn treaty promises might have had previously.

Following massive street protests in Hong Kong against Beijing’s illegal control in 2019, the CCP enacted the National Security Law, which not only resulted in the intimidation, imprisonment, and exile of democracy advocates, but also had a global extraterritorial effect, making any support for Hong Kong independence illegal anywhere.

Nonetheless, any territory under the sovereignty of a genocidal, and hence illegitimate, regime should have the right to independence. This covers today’s mainland China, Taiwan, and Hong Kong. Our morality and democratic principles have failed us by failing to at least morally support independence and democracy movements in China today.

Electoral candidates in Hong Kong who do not demonstrate loyalty to Beijing are barred from running for the Legislative Council. Only Beijing loyalists or “patriots” are allowed to take office in the city, putting to rest CCP claims that communist China is anything like a true “democracy.”

Peng and Zheng’s twin appointments in Hong Kong add to the mountain of evidence that Beijing’s goals in Hong Kong are less than noble. The international community must finally acknowledge that the CCP is more of a terrorist, fascist, or mafia group than a legitimate source of governance for Hong Kong or China in general.

The sooner the world confronts these unpleasant realities, the sooner we can devise effective defense mechanisms. These should include much tougher economic and diplomatic sanctions against the CCP, support for the independence of genocide-affected regions, trade bans with genocidal organizations’ territories, and restrictions on CCP international travel, including to free world cities like New York, Paris, Geneva, and Rome.

To break with China’s status quo, we must let go of the delusion that the CCP is a genuine political party. The Chinese people are entitled to democracy and freedom from the oppressive CCP. Xi has decided to choose his “leaders” based on how egregious their capabilities are when given the power to oppress percentages of the population. These are the actions of feeble minded men, who seek to live for the world. They’ll never let go of the power they’ve attained willingly.

It should come as no surprise to anyone who pays attention to global politics that this is happening. However, one could speculate and say that tensions across the board are running higher than ever for the Chinese Communist Party. Something has got to give, America is no longer able to turn a blind eye from persecution due to the rapid spread of information in this digital age. The question remains, who will stop the CCP from committing further violations against human rights, and how much longer until that takes place? The people could surely rise up and put a stop to it, but i guess we’ll have to see if the CCP will be able to survive the tumble it’s currently Taking. Stay inquisitive in the word of God, and the world around you.

The Chinese regime fired a government official for posting on social media the true situation in Xi’an under the COVID-19’s strict COVID quarantine measures.

A 31-year-old guy traveled eight days and nights to his village due to a lack of funds, absence of public transportation, and fear of quarantine in Xi’an, among the facts revealed by the official. Two other migrant laborers from Xi’an were on the same mission, with one riding a bike for 10 hours through the frigid night and the other wading across a frozen river.

The dictatorship, on the other hand, labeled the official’s message as a rumor, took it down from the internet, and blocked it.

“An ordinary official knows the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) rules very well. They don’t dare to say the things which might anger the regime, not to mention the dismissed official is a senior official,” U.S.-based China affair commentator Tang Jingyuan told The Epoch Times on Jan. 8. “Even a self-censored official is dismissed because of an online post, you can imagine how tightly the Chinese regime controls people’s speech.”

“After studying, we decided to dismiss Song Wentao from the position of deputy director of the Organization Department of the Grass-roots Construction Division,” said the All-China Federation of Returned Overseas Chinese (ACFROC) in a statement released on January 6.

The ACFROC is a prominent institution of the CCP’s United Front Work Department, tasked for persuading elite individuals and organizations both inside and outside China to support the dictatorship. Song used to tour several Chinese towns as a senior official from ACFROC to assess their success in reintegrating Chinese individuals who had returned from overseas.

Song’s firing was detailed in a notification from the Shaanxi Provincial Network Reporting Center on Jan. 4.

“The account Qingfengmingyue Lou posted an article headlined ‘Xi’an people’s sorrows: why some of them fled Xi’an even risked their lives and broke the law’ on [China’s popular social media platform] WeChat on Jan. 2,” according to the center. “The account is held by Song Wentao.”

Song’s post, according to the center, gathered people’s concerns online while “ignoring all the residents’ efforts against the epidemic.”

Xi’an residents and statements by local police corroborated the cases that Song outlined in his post, despite the center’s claims to the contrary.

In his post, Song described the circumstances that inhabitants of Xi’an face as a result of the rigorous lockdown, including people not being able to buy food and other necessities, as well as not being allowed to visit hospitals.

“Xi’an residents are worried about death from sickness and hunger, rather than COVID-19,” Song said in his piece.

Song listed three males who escaped the city when the dictatorship declared a lockdown, but were apprehended by police before reaching their homes in neighboring cities in Shaanxi Province. Xi’an is the capital of Shaanxi, a province in northwest China. The regime shut down all public transit in Xi’an as a result of the lockdown, and residents were unable to leave by train, bus, automobile, or airplane.

“Without supplements and GPS, [the 31-year-old man] walked eight days and nights, climbed over the vast mountains, waded through the icy rivers, entered Yangtze River Basin from Yellow River Basin, and crossed the Qinling—the line separated north and south in China,” Song detailed.

Song mentioned a man from a rural location in southern Shaanxi’s Ankang city, where people consume the food they grow. The man rented an apartment in a town near Xianyang Airport in Xi’an and made a fortune selling garments on the street.

The man couldn’t work once the city was shut down, but he needed to buy food and pay his rent. He made the decision to return home despite the lack of public transportation and checkpoints in every village and township.

The man abandoned his leased lodging on December 16 and was apprehended by authorities in Ningshan County, about 75 miles from the airport, on December 24. He only napped in the early afternoons when the sun was shining for the eight days. He kept walking since it was too cold to sleep the rest of the time.

Song wept for the medical personnel who conducted the examinations on the streets of Xi’an. “After a snow, the wind was big and cold. The medical workers on the streets had to spray disinfection between tests. Almost all their hands were blue because of the cold.”

Song voiced his concern for all ordinary Xi’an residents who were kept at home but unable to access food, who were sick but unable to receive treatment, and who were compelled to take tests when the regime’s health code system failed.

Song chastised the Xi’an regime for prohibiting people from assisting one another, claiming that officials were taking advantage of the situation to make money. 

A vegetable vendor found a means to buy and ship veggies to the residential compound where she lived, but the compound’s guards refused to let her sell them. To prevent citizens from leaving their houses, the Xi’an regime stationed guards in each residential compound. At the same time, the regime demanded that all inhabitants exclusively purchase veggies from a dodgy company. Song tweeted an advertisement for the company, which stated that a box of vegetables costs 438 yuan ($69).

A video about Xi’an quickly spread on Chinese social media on Jan. 8 before being blocked. Two regime officials are seen in the film distributing meals to a household and asking the family to thank the government before collecting the food.

It should come as no surprise to anyone who pays attention to global politics that this is happening. However, one could speculate and say that tensions across the board are running higher than ever for the Chinese Communist Party. Something has got to give, America is no longer able to turn a blind eye from persecution due to the rapid spread of information in this digital age. We’re operating the way we are in America because we are armed and these globalist sell outs wont provoke us so easily. The question remains, who will stop the CCP from committing further violations against human rights, and how much longer until that takes place?

1 Peter 4:12-14 says: “Beloved, do not be surprised at the fiery trial when it comes upon you to test you, as though something strange were happening to you. But rejoice insofar as you share Christ’s sufferings, that you may also rejoice and be glad when his glory is revealed. If you are insulted for the name of Christ, you are blessed, because the Spirit of glory and of God rests upon you.” Stay inquisitive in the word of God, and the world around you.



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