Fauci Recommends Vaccine Requirements for Air Travel.


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Today, communist Anthony Fauci suggested the US government should explore requiring vaccines for air transport.

Currently, non-citizens entering the United States must currently produce proof of immunization and a negative COVID-19 test within 24 hours of departure. Under government health rules, travelers who received the Pfizer, Moderna, or Johnson & Johnson vaccinations, as well as doses recommended by the World Health Organization, are permitted to travel.

However, Fauci believes that such conditions should be ever more oppressive.

“If you’re making a requirement for vaccination for people to get on planes who are coming into the country, that’s understandable,” he said in an interview on MSNBC today.

“You don’t want to bring more cases into the country. But if you’re talking about requiring vaccination to get on a plane domestically, that is just another one of the requirements that I think is reasonable to consider,” He added. This comment came without a care in the world for those he’s effecting or evidence to back his claims. Hilariously enough, Fauci doesn’t know that when society is split down the middle you cant properly oppress one collective without repercussions.

Mandates and vaccination passport systems are condemned for creating a two-tiered society of vaccinated and unvaccinated people, denying unvaccinated people rights and benefits despite evidence that fully vaccinated individuals may get and spread the disease. 

Meanwhile, new research has found that the Omicron COVID-19 variant causes milder symptoms and requires fewer hospitalizations than the Delta strain. Some officials, including Fauci, have predicted that Omicron’s high transmissibility may result in an increase in hospitalizations in the following weeks.

“You know, there’s requirements that you might want to get if you want to get into college, where you want to go to a university or you want to work in certain places,” Fauci also mentioned a possible airline requirement to the network.

He didn’t clarify if he advised other White House officials to mandate vaccinations for domestic plane travel. The admin has been asked for comment by The Epoch Times.

“When you make vaccination a requirement, that’s another incentive to get more people vaccinated. If you want to do that with domestic flights I think that’s something that seriously should be considered,” Fauci said.

 Biden stated in a recent interview with ABC that immunization regulations for domestic aviation travel had been discussed. “recommendation I’ve gotten is not necessary.”

If they want a two tiered society, they’re not getting it. America is collectively against COVID-19 vaccine mandates because it violates out God given rights. If we don’t advocate for our medical autonomy now, we can kiss it goodbye. That only applies to those who prefer to stand by and watch people be oppressed for their beliefs. Either way you look at it, we’re on the cusp of a fundamental restructuring of our Governing systems. To either weed out compromised individuals, or the compromised individuals will rise above the rest and continue their oppressive Globalist agenda ushering in you know who. Stay inquisitive in the word of God, and the world around you.

United Airlines, based in Chicago, Illinois, has been sued by 2,000 employees after the business threatened to fire them for requesting religious exemptions to the COVID vaccine mandate. After applying for a religious or medical exception to the airline’s wide vaccine mandate, the employees were placed on unpaid leave.

According to CBN News, United Airlines CEO Scott Kirby proclaimed, “Any pilot, or any employee, who all of a sudden decides, ‘I’m really religious,’ you’re putting your job on the line.” “You had better be careful with that.” (Pause… wow.)

Kirby’s threat sparked a class-action lawsuit filed by more than 2,000 United Airlines employees who formed the Airline Employees for Health Freedom alliance (AE4HF). The workers say that the airline violated its legal rights by firing at least 200 employees and refusing to pay 2,000 others for more than a month.

Sherry Walker, co-founder of AE4HF and a United Airlines captain, stated, “We are standing for our religious freedom and medical autonomy, and we feel we are entitled to the protections under Title VII.” Walker also accused United Airlines of preventing employees from looking for work elsewhere and denying them access to their savings and 401(k) plans.

Meanwhile, the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals is hearing the AE4HF’s class-action lawsuit. If the workers win on the merits and the judge issues a preliminary injunction, United Airlines will be required to reinstate their employment or provide them with paid leave.

The Senate Oversight Committee was also interested in United Airlines’ response to employees who sought religious exemptions from the COVID immunization. Major airlines, notably United Airlines, have been questioned by lawmakers about how they spent more than $70 million in Cares Act money intended to assist them in recovering from the COVID outbreak.

Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals Judge James Ho wrote in an opinion that the district court concluded  “[United Airlines’] mandate…reflects an apathy, if not disdain, for many of its employees’ concerns and a paucity of tolerance for individuals expressing diversity of view,” Judge James Ho said in a ruling for the district court. The airline showed a “calloused approach” and “apparent scorn for” persons of faith, according to the judgement.

According to Breitbart News, Sen. Ted Cruz was outraged by United Airlines’ treatment of religious employees, and he lambasted Kirby for his “very unsettling” handling of unvaccinated personnel. The Republican leader of Texas grilled Kirby on the company’s vaccine obligation during a hearing for the U.S. Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation concerning the airline industry’s governance.

Sen. Cruz pressed Kirby on why, in the face of a pilot shortage, United Airlines opted to put 80 pilots on unpaid leave who had requested religious or medical exemptions. Sen. Marsha Blackburn of Tennessee, a Republican, addressed Kirby about his “apparently self-created dilemma,” according to the story. The case “Sambrano v. United Airlines” is now pending in the Fifth Circuit of the United States.

You must always remember that you are a child of God in moments like these. You must not allow anything of this world to receive your support while at the same time rob men and women of faith. We don’t run away from confrontation just because we’re terrified of it. Why should we be afraid when we have God on our side? Matthew 10:34 says: “Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword.

Furthermore, deciding not to support a company like United Airlines is a question of where your priorities lie as a child of God, and it is something we should pray about and seek God’s advice on. Whether you choose to protest in public or speak out in your own neighborhood, remember that as Christians, we are representing Christ to the world, and what we do and say, as well as how we say it, can affect how others perceive Jesus through us. Stay inquisitive in the word of God, and the world around you. 



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One thought on “Fauci Recommends Vaccine Requirements for Air Travel.

  1. Several other arguments made by them included the claim that the COVID statistics including the death numbers were inflated; the face masks posed several risks such as hypoxia, hypercapnia and other causes; and that the PCR tests were “completely unreliable” and “contain carcinogenic ethylene oxide.”

    Additionally, they argued that effective treatments for Covid-19 including hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin were suppressed and resulted in more COVID-19 mortality than there should have been.

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