Fox News analyst Napolitano Questions Trump’s ‘Fitness for Office’


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They Want Pres. Trump Gone and Are Willing to Sell Their Souls for That Effort, the Ugliness Has Just Begun….

FNC’s Napolitano Questions Trump’s ‘Fitness for Office’ — He Has ‘Criminally Obstructed,’ Disparaged Constitution

John Whitehouse@existentialfish

fox nation is not just for over the top pro-trump takes, it is also for dissent too real to air on fox

On Friday’s broadcast of Fox Nation’s “Liberty File,” Fox News judicial analyst Andrew Napolitano questioned if President Donald Trump is unfit to serve in the White House.

Napolitano said, “In nearly three years in office, President Donald Trump has spent federal dollars not authorized by Congress, separated families and incarcerated children at the Texas-Mexico border in defiance of a federal court order, pulled 1,000 American troops out of Syria ignoring a commitment to allies and facilitating war against civilians there, and sent 2,000 American troops to Saudi Arabia without a congressional authorization or declaration of war.”

He continued, “He has also criminally obstructed a Department of Justice investigation of himself, but escaped prosecution because of the intercession of an attorney general more loyal to him than to the Constitution — the Constitution! At the outset of his presidency, Trump took the presidential oath of office, promising that he would faithfully execute his obligation to preserve protect and defend the Constitution. James Madison, the scrivener of the Constitution, insisted that the word faithfully is in the presidential oath and that the oath itself be in the Constitution to remind presidents to enforce laws and comply with constitutional Provisions whether they agree with them or not and to immunize the oath from congressional alteration. Recently, Trump referred to a clause in the Constitution as ‘phony,’ and he thereby implied that he need not abide it nor enforce it, notwithstanding his oath.”

On the G7 summit, Napolitano said, “After a weekend of torrential criticism after Mulvaney’s announcement, the president himself announced that he had changed his mind and said he would not host the G7 summit meeting at the Miami area resort. But in the process of making that announcement, he characterized the Emoluments Clause as quote ‘phony.’ Who knows what he meant by ‘phony.’ The clause is in the Constitution, and it means what it says. Yet, whatever Trump meant by ‘phony,’ it constituted–at the least–a disparagement of the Constitution he is sworn to uphold. And–at the worst–a threat to ignore other clauses that he can disparage. This is most unusual and potentially dangerous in a president. And it raises the question, can the president of the United States lawfully enforce only the clauses of the Constitution with which he agrees and ignores those with which he disagrees? In a word, No.”

He continued, “The doctrine of the separation of powers–which is the backbone of the Constitution–states that Congress writes the laws, the president enforces them, and the courts interpret them. It also offers that the governmental roles of the three branches cannot be intermingled or traded without undermining the protections for personal liberty that the separation of powers was intended to secure. If the president could pick and choose which laws to enforce and which parts of the Constitution to ignore, he effectively would be deciding what the laws mean–that’s a Judicial function–and which laws have vitality and which do not–that’s a congressional function.”

He added, “President Trump has become known for forceful and often tasteless banter. He publicly calls people crude names, uses foul language and sends dog whistles of lawless behavior to many of his supporters. All of that is a question of free speech, personal taste, and political risk. But threats to ignore parts of the Constitution are not matters of speech, taste, or risk. They reveal character traits but question the president’s fitness for office.” Source

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Marching America into Impeachment and Nullification of the 2016 Election …..

The so-called “mainstream media” has been in the tank for the American Left for decades now, having long ago voluntarily surrendered its constitutionally-guaranteed independence to serve as the propaganda wing of the Democrat Party.

During the eight years of the Obama administration, the MSM protected ‘the chosen one’ from one scandal after another, despite the fact that the president and his Justice Department actually spied on, investigated, and tried to prosecute journalists under the Espionage Act. 

Now, however, the MSM has completely turned on President Donald Trump, eschewing any remaining semblance of objectivity with one goal in mind: To help the deep state and the Democrats depose the president and reverse the outcome of 2016.

Indeed, when journalists published classified information during Obama’s regime, it was a crime, supposedly, and wrong. Today when journalists publish classified information meant to hurt the Trump administration, it’s heroic (and expected).

Then again, the MSM has also been publishing a massive amount of fake news — fabricated narratives that the Democrats and the deep state have come up with to smear Trump and drive him from office. The MSM is, therefore, guilty of aiding and abetting Democrat and deep state sedition.

This is manifesting itself in another phony scandal involving a call between Trump and Ukrainian President Zelensky over the summer, in which Democrats are alleging he threatened to withhold military aid if the Ukrainian leader didn’t give him “political dirt” on potential 2020 presidential nominee and former VP Joe Biden.

That never happened, and we know this because the White House released the transcript of the Trump-Zelensky call last month. 

Nevertheless, Democrats are continuing to repeat the lie and the MSM is assisting them by refusing to point out their falsehoods.

The media and Democrats aren’t waiting for Americans to learn the truth

The reason, says conservative talk radio behemoth Rush Limbaugh, is because Democrats and their media allies learned something from the “Russian collusion” lie that failed to result in the removal of Trump from office: They aren’t waiting for Ukraine lie to be exposed, which is why they’re pushing it so hard and pushing for impeachment at the same time.

He cited a Fox News poll from earlier this week showing that 51 percent of Americans now want Trump impeached (though a closer look at the poll by The National Sentinel found that Democrats were oversampled by 14 points — so even that ‘news’ report from FNC is fake).

“Now, the Democrats in the media and the Democrats in Congress are gonna run with that as proof that the country is behind them and stampede us into impeachment while they can,” Limbaugh warned. (Related: The time has come for President Trump to invoke the Insurrection Act and put down the lawless, left-wing insurrection against America.)

“They learned something from the Trump-Russia thing. They waited and waited and waited. They waited on Mueller. They waited on the FBI. They waited on the DOJ. They waited and waited and waited for evidence, and there wasn’t any.

“They’re not gonna wait on any evidence this time. They’re gonna get this done before there’s any evidence so that when evidence does get presented, nobody will believe it. I think that’s part of the strategy,” he added.

Limbaugh noted that Wall Street Journal columnist Kim Strassel noted that Democrats and the media are only portraying one side of the impeachment story to prevent Americans from learning the truth. Should that happen, Democrats are aware that the alleged support for impeachment will tank.

“I think there’s an argument to be made that Nancy Pelosi is fearful if you let this all come out, and if you let the White House and Americans make the counterclaim, that those numbers come back down again,” said the talk host. 

“Right now everything is so one-sided,” he went on. 

Without question, the mainstream media, like Democrats and the Deep State working to depose our duly elected president, are engaging in sedition, pure and simple. 

Where is AG Barr?

Read for daily updates on the accelerating treason being carried out by the anti-American corporate media.

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Beyond Fake, They Are Corrupt. Fox News Is The Worst…

Corruption is a state of decay, pollution, or incorrectness. In the Bible, corruption is one of the effects of sin that resulted from the fall of man. In the beginning, God created a perfect paradise, free of sickness, pain, and death. But when Adam and Eve disobeyed God by eating the forbidden fruit, sin entered the world, spoiling its perfection. That sin also brought contamination and decay to Adam and Eve and to the human nature of every person born after that (Romans 5:12). Thus, corruption in the Bible is the state of moral contamination and spiritual decay expressed through disobedience toward God.

“They are now beyond Fake, they are Corrupt.”

President Trump declared Monday that his real opponent in 2020 will be the ‘fake news media’, and not the Democrats.

“The LameStream Media has gone totally CRAZY! They write whatever they want, seldom have sources (even though they say they do), never do ‘fact-checking’ anymore, and are only looking for the ‘kill.’ They take good news and make it bad. They are now beyond Fake, they are Corrupt..” Trump tweeted.

Donald J. Trump@realDonaldTrump

The MSM has gone totally CRAZY! They write whatever they want, seldom have sources (even though they say they do), never do “fact-checking” anymore, and are only looking for the “kill.” They take good news and make it bad. They are now beyond Fake, they are Corrupt..83K7:22 AM – Sep 2, 2019Twitter Ads info and privacy42.9K people are talking about this

Donald J. Trump@realDonaldTrump · Sep 2, 2019

The LameStream Media has gone totally CRAZY! They write whatever they want, seldom have sources (even though they say they do), never do “fact-checking” anymore, and are only looking for the “kill.” They take good news and make it bad. They are now beyond Fake, they are Corrupt.

Donald J. Trump@realDonaldTrump

….The good news is that we are winning. Our real opponent is not the Democrats, or the dwindling number of Republicans that lost their way and got left behind, our primary opponent is the Fake News Media. In the history of our Country, they have never been so bad!62.9K7:22 AM – Sep 2, 2019Twitter Ads info and privacy26.5K people are talking about this

The President also hit out against the ‘Amazon Washington Post’ for reporting that Trump’s words have encouraged ‘racist attacks’ against the ‘squad’ of Democrats:

Donald J. Trump@realDonaldTrump

The Amazon Washington Post did a story that I brought racist attacks against the “Squad.” No, they brought racist attacks against our Nation. All I do is call them out for the horrible things they have said. The Democrats have become the Party of the Squad!94.4K7:09 AM – Sep 2, 2019Twitter Ads info and privacy42.6K people are talking about this

The President also slammed ABC News for airing an edited clip of Trump saying that even Alabama could be affected by hurricane Dorian.

Donald J. Trump@realDonaldTrump

Such a phony hurricane report by lightweight reporter @jonkarl of @ABCWorldNews. I suggested yesterday at FEMA that, along with Florida, Georgia, South Carolina, and North Carolina, even Alabama could possibly come into play, which WAS true. They made a big deal about this…60.4K6:16 PM – Sep 2, 2019Twitter Ads info and privacy24.8K people are talking about this

Donald J. Trump@realDonaldTrump · 15h

Such a phony hurricane report by lightweight reporter @jonkarl of @ABCWorldNews. I suggested yesterday at FEMA that, along with Florida, Georgia, South Carolina, and North Carolina, even Alabama could possibly come into play, which WAS true. They made a big deal about this…

Donald J. Trump@realDonaldTrump

….when in fact, under certain original scenarios, it was, in fact, correct that Alabama could have received some “hurt.” Always good to be prepared! But the Fake News is only interested in demeaning and belittling. I didn’t play my whole sentence or statement. Bad people!62.6K6:16 PM – Sep 2, 2019Twitter Ads info and privacy27.4K people are talking about this

A report from Axios over the weekend suggested that a key focus of the Trump campaign will be railing against Big Tech’s bias against conservatives.

The report cited an anonymous source inside the administration who suggested “People feel they’re being manipulated, whether it’s by what they’re being shown in their feeds or actions the companies have taken against conservatives,”

“It’s easy for people to understand how these giant corporations could influence them and direct them toward a certain favored candidate.” the source also stated. Source

## The ‘Bloodbath’ Commences At Liberal Mainstream Media Publications – ‘They Lied Themselves To Death’


By Susan Duclos – All News PipeLine

What do the NYT, Huffington Post, ESPN, Guardian, NBC, Vocativ, Time, and NBC have in common? Two things actually: 1) They are liberal publications, and; 2) They are all laying off workers, offering buy-outs or “restructuring” or moving assets from print copy to digital, or whatever “excuse” they are offering for the “bloodbath” being seen across the board.

Mainstream Media Won’t Tell You the TRUTH!

The one thing absolutely none of them are even considering is that their declaration of war against half of America and outright “fake news” they have been caught publishing of late, could have anything to do with the fact that publications like Breitbart are expanding their operations (which caused many in the MSM to meltdown back in January), and sites like Infowars is hiring new employees, yet all the aforementioned liberal outlets are bleeding money and forced to “restructure.”

On June 14, 2017, Michael Calderone, the senior media reporter for Huffpo, tweeted the following message saying that 39 WGAE (Union) members were laid off as part of a corporate-wide layoff, which they blamed on the Verizon acquisition of Yahoo.


The same day, Newsweek’s Margarita Noriega listed a number of other media publications that were being forced to downsize, including New York Times, NBC, Time Inc, Condé Nast, Newsweek, Vocativ, before following up that tweet with others listing even more, including ESPN, Observer, Huffington Post.

The Daily Caller reports that Time announced “it will be laying off about 300 employees through a series of buyouts and layoffs,” eliminating “4 percent of its workforce as it looks to cut costs in the midst of lagging sales.”

In May, Gannett, which owns publications like USA Today and dozens of others, laid off 1,000 newspaper workers, according to Boston Globe columnist Michael Cohen, who was quoted by Columbia Journalism Review on May 5, 2017.

Newsroom cuts have long been a fixture among publicly traded newspaper companies, particularly Gannett, which announced in October 2016 that it would trim 2 percent of its total workforce—equivalent to more than 300 employees. But the corporation has foregone such transparency with its latest round of cutbacks, which come a week after a quarterly earnings report in which publishing revenues fell more than 10 percent compared to the same period last year, excluding acquisitions.

ESPN, previously known as a “sports” channel, has suffered severe criticism of late for their foray into liberal politics, pushing stories about transgender athletes, LGBT rights, race and attacks on President Donald Trump, as documented by NewsBusters, laid off 100 on-air personalities in April, calling it a “bloodletting,” with the company describing those layoffs as “navigating changes in technology.”

Today we see that the “bloodbath” at the New York Times, as the NY Post explains, may now start hitting more than the previous 109 copy editors that had their jobs eliminated (That explains so much about their recent sloppiness!), but now reporters themselves have their necks on the chopping block.

When the downsizing was first revealed in late May, a memo from Baquet and Managing Editor Joe Kahn portrayed the cuts as a “streamlining” of the editing process and indicated that some of the savings would be used to hire up to 100 more journalists.

  • But in a mid-June meeting with department heads, Baquet admitted that journalists could be targeted in a new round of layoffs once the editing ranks are culled.*
  • “I just attended a department head meeting with Dean and the rest of the staff,” Metro Editor Wendell Jamieson said in a June 15 memo to his own staff. “While much of the buyout discussions have focused on editors, the buyouts are also available to reporters. Dean made it clear that, should the Times find itself in a layoff situation, reporters will also be vulnerable.” The memo eventually made its way to the NewsGuild, where it triggered a new uproar.*
  • The NewsGuild blasted the decision by Times management to do away with copy editors — and potentially expand its layoffs to reporters. “This proves what we have suspected all along,” said Glickson. “The Times ‘restructuring’ of the newsroom is really about the bottom line and not about making the editing process more efficient, as they claim.”*

As a side-note, but it really brings home the amount of disconnect that journalists have with the rest of America, CNN Opinion contributor Frida Ghitis, took issue with the severance packages offered by Huffington Post to their employees, tweeting “Math: If you worked there 10 years of your life, severance is 18 weeks, little more than 4 months.” In response to someone else, she called that severance “paltry.”

News Flash to Frida – According to the national averages, severance is generally a week’s pay for every year of service or a flat amount based on six weeks’ pay, or any other amount determined by the employer.

If severance payments are not specified in the current collective bargaining agreement, a company is under no obligation to provide severance benefits to employees represented by a labor union. When negotiated, a typical severance benefit for an hourly (union represented) employee is one week of pay for each year of service to a maximum of 26 weeks.

If Frida would leave her media bubble for a second and go out and talk to every day, ordinary Americans that suffered greatly after being laid off over the last decade, she might find some room to be “outraged” that people not in the media field did not receive any compensation at all, such as the June 2017 layoffs reported by the Oregonian:

Dismissed workers could be seen Thursday leaving the company’s headquarters just north of Highway 26, carrying boxes of personal belongings and escorted by human resources personnel. One laid-off worker said the company brought a group of 60 into an auditorium to make the notifications, took their office badges and then walked them to the door.

  • SureID human resources vice president Seth Holverson declined to make a statement; he said one would come later in the day, but it never arrived. Earlier, the company did confirm the names of several executives who lost their jobs Wednesday.*

*** SureID is not paying laid-off workers customary severance, according to termination papers received by employees and reviewed by The Oregonian/OregonLive**. Discharged workers will receive health insurance through the end of the month, and will be paid for unused vacation time.*

Mainstream Media Won’t Tell You the TRUTH!

  • Multiple employees and former employees say SureID did not pay severance in earlier layoffs in April, either…*

A look back through Frida’s Twitter feed shows that since the date that was reported, she never once took time out of her Trump and Republican bashing to express her outrage over Americans receiving no compensation, but she could take time out to whine about media members only getting 18 weeks??

These media people have absolutely no connection to Americans other than the militant left and they wonder why they are suffering through a bloodbath right now in their industry?


The media declared war on anyone that did not allow them to control them during the presidential campaign, they have labeled anyone that voted for President Trump everything from misogynists to racists, Xenophobes, sexists, and they have also declared war against the President as evidenced by the latest rhetoric from MSNBC president saying Trump is like a “suicide bomber.”  They have given up any type of objective journalism, but worse than that they have refused to report actual news, while consistently publishing articles that have been called “dead wrong” by former members of the intelligence community.

For example, NYT and Bloomberg, both sat on the story of Obama’s former national security advisor being one of the people that “unmasked” names of Americans on Trump’s campaign, yet they will quote “unnamed sources” in stories on Russia that former FBI director Comey admitted were “not true” and called “many” of them “dead wrong.”

Until they can take a good hard look at themselves, provide all the information to their audience, with links so their audience can see and judge for themselves, rather than just their interpretation of the information, they will continue to fall further and further until they become extinct.

The point is, we all have our bias, but knowingly publishing false information just to make Trump look bad, but deliberately sitting on blockbuster information that makes their side of the political aisle look bad, is why they are suffering this “bloodbath.”

If they cannot do that, then good riddance to bad rubbish. Their epitaph will read “They lied themselves to death Source

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Conservatives Switched to Newsmax TV for Election Coverage

StevieRay Hansen

The Birth Pains Are Growing Stronger….

“Unless God has raised you up for this very thing, you will be worn out by the opposition of man and devils”…
My name is Steve Meyers and I need to share a vision and warning that the Lord showed me back in April 2007….

Many of you will ask why I waited so long to share the warning. I didn’t. I shared the story with everyone that would listen from pastors to friends to family to colleagues. Immediately following the initial vision, I called a close friend. I told him to sit down that I had something to tell him. I needed it documented as I knew this was supernatural and from God. As I witness events unfolding today, I need to share the vision again.

The risk of loss in trading futures and options on futures can be substantial. The author does not guarantee the accuracy of the above information, although it is believed that the sources are reliable and the information accurate. The author assumes no liability or responsibility for direct or indirect, special, consequential or incidental damages or for any other damages relating or arising out of any action taken as a result of any information or advice contained in this commentary. The author disclaims any express or implied liability or responsibility for any action taken, which is solely at the liability and responsibility of the user. Steve Meyers

The silencing of the American people before 2020?

“The human heart is an idol factory.”

The Un-Godly — Those That Suppress the Truth, the social media giants built multi-billion dollar empires by giving everyone a voice, but now that they have such a dominant position on the Internet they have decided that many prominent conservative voices should be completely silenced.

The Left, a broad term for Liberal Socialist Democrats that can only be explained fully by using the Bible explanation of the human race is as follows. A servant of Satan, because you are either saved or lost. This election has brought out the true nature of who you serve. Simply put, it’s Donald Trump, Conservatives, and Christians against the rest of the world. The Left’s Love applies only to those who believe as they do. They Love evil and commit Anarchy against those who love good. They are governed by lies and never tell the truth. On this Friday, Inaugural Day for the swearing-in of Donald Trump as the 45th President of the United States the Left wants to commit widespread Anarchy to shut down the swearing-in ceremony. Their goal of transforming America, which was founded in Judea Christian values into a Pagan Nation is almost complete. Their goal has always been the total removal of God from American society and the downfall of America. Donald Trump says he is a Presbyterian, but he left off the USA, an apostate church.

Everything done in dark will be brought to light, being biblically bankrupt will not exclude the elitist.

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StevieRay Hansen

In his riveting memoir, "A Long Journey Home", StevieRay Hansen will lead you through his incredible journey from homeless kid to multimillionaire oilman willing to give a helping hand to other throwaway kids. Available on Amazon.

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