Godless Characteristic of This Generation Is That They Are Pure in Their Own Eyes


Advisory: Be careful of what you read on social media. The algorithms used by these platforms have no regard for Biblical truth. They target your emotions to keep you engaged on their site so their advertisers can drop more ads. These platforms exist to enrich their stockholders. Consider God’s promise to Believers in James 1:5, “If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.”

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The bottom line? More government power is NEVER the solution to any problem. Totalitarianism is never the answer.  There will now be endless excuses to declare martial law.  When the George Floyd riots fizzle out, there will be some other trigger event.  In fact, these riots are probably just a precursor to the riots that will rage when the public realizes the US economy is not coming back from the pandemic, and that more lockdowns are coming.  I would not be surprised if the Floyd riots are even blamed for a resurgence of Covid infections, which would give the government a rationale for more lockdowns.  Beware anyone that uses martial law as the go to answer to these crisis events…

Better is a dish of vegetables where love is than a fattened ox served with hatred.  Proverbs 15:17…

Not many people realize that God said that He hates things – but He does.  The short of it is that God hates sin.  The word iniquity speaks of those who chase after empty, meaningless, vain things.  God hates it when mankind spends their lives chasing after emptiness and meaninglessness. God calls us to a meaningful life lived for His glory and honor. It might help us to remind ourselves as we seek God’s face – that He has a purpose for our lives – and that His purpose is NOT that we spend our days running after meaninglessness and frivolity.

The Watchman does not confuse truth with consensus. The watchman does not confuse God’s word with the word of those who happen to hold power at present, or with the opinion of the majority. This is because powerholders and the majority can fall victim to a lying spirit-and; this means a power that seizes the majority of experts, the political leadership, and the public. StevieRay Hansen

The bottom line? More government power is NEVER the solution to any problem. Totalitarianism is never the answer.  There will now be endless excuses to declare martial law.  When the George Floyd riots fizzle out, there will be some other trigger event.  In fact, these riots are probably just a precursor to the riots that will rage when the public realizes the US economy is not coming back from the pandemic, and that more lockdowns are coming.  I would not be surprised if the Floyd riots are even blamed for a resurgence of Covid infections, which would give the government a rationale for more lockdowns.  Beware anyone that uses martial law as the go to answer to these crisis events.

God Takes No Pleasure in Wickedness
David is basically reminded that God is holy.  He does not take pleasure in wickedness.  The word David uses for wickedness basically means someone who is lawless and a criminal.  Those who disobey God and His word – who fight against His will being established in the world are lawless criminals – and God takes no pleasure in their behavior.  There is a thought that may shock us a little.  Disobedience to God is not just a crime against Sunday School lessons – it is a crime against the God of the universe Who should be obeyed.

No Evil Dwells with God

Evil is the word “ra” which is the basic word for evil in Hebrew.  Thus we see the lawless criminal is evil in God’s sight.  Evil is a word we don’t use that much any longer – because to many it is offensive.  You can ask someone if they have sinned or are a sinner, and many will agree with you that they are a sinner or have sinned.  But ask someone if they are evil – and they will take exception with being described by that Word.  Yet to set ourselves in a contrary way than God’s way IS evil.  And God said that evil will not receive any kind of hospitality from Him.  that is what the word “dwells” means here. It speaks of hospitality – one who is received graciously and who is treated well as they stay with another.  God will show NO hospitality or gracious treatment towards evil.  

Boastful, Foolish People will not Stand Before God

David is praying in the midst of the situation with Absalom, who was a foolish, self-centered, proud, boastful man.  Here was a conceited, handsome man who had charm and charisma – but who thought that by these he could claim the throne. He was a foolish young man and thought far too highly of himself. Such a self-boaster would be odious in God’s eyes.  God hates pride.  If we come to Him in prayer with a boastful, self-serving attitude, we can know that we won’t stand in His presence either. 

God Hates Those Who do Iniquity

Not many people realize that God said that He hates things – but He does.  The short of it is that God hates sin.  The word iniquity speaks of those who chase after empty, meaningless, vain things.  God hates it when mankind spends their lives chasing after emptiness and meaninglessness. God calls us to a meaningful life lived for His glory and honor. It might help us to remind ourselves as we seek God’s face – that He has a purpose for our lives – and that His purpose is NOT that we spend our days running after meaninglessness and frivolity.

God Isn’t Too Keen on Falsehood

Two things are said about those speaking and living in deceit.  First off God will destroy them.  The word David uses is “abad” which can mean a literal destruction or that God takes what someone does and reduces it to disorder and futility.  The second thing God says is that he abhors the man who gives himself to bloodshed and deceit.  The word abhor is “ta’ab” and it means to find something utterly abhorrent, detestable, or an abomination.  Once again – God is speaking in terms we may think are objectionable for Him to use – and yet He feels that strongly about sin – violence (i.e. bloodshed) and deceit. At this point we might be thinking to ourselves that it is going to be impossible to come into the presence of God to pray.  Apart from Jesus Christ – it actually is.  The things David describes makes this fairly clear to us.  We could become despondent about this whole matter of prayer if it were not for how David finishes this section.  

There is a kind of man who curses his father And does not bless his mother. There is a kind who is pure in his own eyes, Yet is not washed from his filthiness. There is a kind—oh how lofty are his eyes! And his eyelids are raised in arrogance. There is a kind of man whose teeth are like swords And his jaw teeth like knives, To devour the afflicted from the earth And the needy from among men. Proverbs 30:11-14

Today’s proverb is a four verse description of the hateful, wicked man.  The way this passage refers to this is with the phrase, “There is a kind.”  The word “kind” is actually the Hebrew word for generation.  When you have a generation of people who are like this – you have a very difficult time coming upon the earth.  It is an interesting list of things that make for a wicked generation.

Verse 11 describes the first godless characteristic – which is having graceless, ungrateful children who dishonor their parents.  This generation curses their fathers and does not bless their mothers.  They disobey the one commandment with a promise – Honor your father and mother.  The bedrock of any generation is their ability to learn from their parents.  When the family goes awry there will be a basic disfunction and rebellion that will pervade the entire structure of the society.  The basic unit for passing on wisdom is the family.  Proverbs makes it clear again and again in the first 9 chapters of this book that it is through a father and mother that wisdom flows to the next generation.  So, when they have basic disdain for their parents that wisdom is lost to an entire generation.  We watched this in the late 1950’s and 60’s as almost an entire generation cast off the morals and the wisdom of their parents and decided to start their own revolution.  They decided that their’s would be a generation of love and peace.  They tuned out on drugs, turned their ears from hearing and honoring their parents, and did whatever they wanted.  It was a disastrous generation – and those who embraced this kind of lifestyle and living continue to wreak havoc on society today. 

The second godless characteristic of this generation is that they are pure in their own eyes.  The Bible considered this particular sin one that is very damaging.  Those who consider themselves pure in their own eyes are blind to the truth that they are fallen and sinful.  They will justify themselves no matter who disgusting and disobedient their behavior becomes.  It is as if they are deaf to anything God says – and decide that whatever their flesh wants is true and good.  Those who fall into this trap will find themselves hopelessly bound in their sin and wickedness – and will only be delivered by the sovereign goodness of God as He draws them and illumines them to the truth that is outside of themselves.  The Word tells us that even though they are pure in their own eyes, they are still unwashed from their filthiness.  Just because we decide we are going to redefine sin in our own minds does not mean that we are not guilty of it in God’s sight.  No matter how many times the world tries to redefine sin, God’s Word stands as ultimate and absolute truth.  When the wicked disobey God’s Word – and decide that their own thinking is what defines pure – they still wind up standing before God as sinners.  But the world in which they live is upside down – and as such it is a difficult place for believers and those who desire to lead holy lives to live. 

The third evil characteristic is that they are arrogant.  This is described as having “lofty” eyes.  This simply means that they look down upon everyone else.  They consider themselves awesome and wonderful, while everyone else is lower than them.  This makes them arrogant.  Arrogance is defined in the Bible as primarily a sin agaisnt God.  Psalm 119:21 speaks of the arrogant as those who wander from God’s commandments.  They ignore and look down upon God Himself – and therefore think far higher of themselves and what they want to do than they do of the commandments of God.  Proverbs says this makes them embrace sin and be careless (Prov 14:16) as well as those who stir up strife (Prov 28:25).  An arrogant heart ultimately disregards God.  Such a generation will exalt their own thinking and reasoning above God’s.  If anyone tries to instruct them or correct them – up will go their eyes and eyelids as they look down on the poor fool who has decided to oppose their perfect wisdom.  Problem is the fool is the one whose eyelids are lifted in arrogance against God and against those who walk in His wisdom.

Disregard for parents, purity in our own eyes, and arrogance will lead to a society where gentility is gone.  The last of these four evil characteristics is that this generation is one where their mouths are out of control.  Their teeth are like swords – their jaw teeth are like knives – to devour the needy and afflicted among men.  They have no regard for the poor and needy.  They only see them as someone to exploit for their own ends.  There is a complete lack of civility because there was never other characteristics built into their lives to encourage it.  They do not regard parents – who would have taught them obedience and selflessness.  They do not see anything as sin – because they justify their own actions – and would even justify treating the afflicted and needy badly.  Finally, they are arrogant – and view all others as beneath themselves.  This makes it far easier to have little or no conscience at all as long as they get what they want in the end. 

There is a generation that lives this way.  Before you think I am going to refer to a specific generation – think about what the Bible says about the heart condition of mankind.  This is actually what happens in every generation of men.  It happens because of the fall of man into sin.  It happens because we are in rebellion against God – and want to do our own thing.  The generation of which Solomon speaks is any generation from the fall to the end of the age.  Unless God intervenes with the gospel and the saving of mankind by His grace – we would all eventually gravitate in these four directions.  These verses teach us wisdom by helping us to understand where the sinful nature and the flesh will take us.  If anything these verses should make us very open to running to God for his grace and His transformation.  Because if we don’t – this is most likely what life will look like.  A world filled with a disregard for parents, filth being called purity, arrogance, and a society filled with harmful and vicious words.  This is a generation to be avoided at all costs.  But the only way out is through the gospel of Jesus Christ – and the regeneration in Him that changes us from the inside out. 

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Source: HNewsWire calvarychapeljonesboro.org

StevieRay Hansen
Editor, HNewsWire.com
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StevieRay Hansen

In his riveting memoir, "A Long Journey Home", StevieRay Hansen will lead you through his incredible journey from homeless kid to multimillionaire oilman willing to give a helping hand to other throwaway kids. Available on Amazon.


  1. D Hata on June 4, 2020 at 3:54 pm

    A timely and pertinent message. When people have descended to such ignorance as they have today, it’s very easy to become prideful. I try to remember that proverb, “Knowledge puffs up, but love edifies.”

  2. Patrick Galasso on June 4, 2020 at 11:57 am

    We have a demonic form of false religion in society today, where people of all faiths unite in worship of an undefined, multi-faith, all-purpose God. This hideous religion is unofficially called “New Age.” This is also the false god of the Masons, known as “The Great Architect.” New Age basically allows you to believe anything you want, so long as you don’t promote Biblical Christianity. We hear much talk about “spiritual experiences” and “spiritual energy” from such false prophets as Oprah Winfrey and James Van Praagh. This “new” religion (which is NOT really new) says, “Hey, I don’t care what you believe about God, let’s all just unite together because God is love.” The problem is that New Age rejects Jesus Christ as the Savior. New Age is rooted in humanist and occult philosophies. Humanism exalts man’s will above God’s Word, causing men to become their own gods. God will not bless a nation that worships false gods.

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