Goldman Sachs Of All People Warn Of Cyber Pandemic; Sounds Like Foreshadowing.


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An expert at Goldman Sachs Group cautioned that the escalation of Russia’s conflict with Ukraine might lead to greater “malicious cyber activities” with the potential to cause enormous economic and social repercussions (GSG).

According to studies, cyberattacks cost the global economy roughly $1 trillion every year, with two-thirds of them being blamed on Russia in recent years, according to Goldman economist Ronnie Walker.

Goldman Sachs economists are concerned as the Ukraine situation escalates tensions between the US, its allies, and Russia.

According to Goldman Sachs’ top economist Jan Hatzius on March 7, no Russian-based cyberattacks targeting the US have been found since Russia invaded Ukraine in February. Hatzius, on the other hand, highlighted that rising tensions have “increased the risk” of a cyberwar between the two countries, especially because Russia was blamed for nearly 60% of state-sponsored cyberattacks last year.

Over the last few decades, both the public and private sectors in the United States have made significant expenditures in cybersecurity, aided by a strong higher education system that creates recruits and better regulations that have worked as a buffer against future cyber-attacks.

The threat of strong U.S. government retaliation against hackers, America’s long experience with frequent cyberattacks by criminal organizations and state actors, and Russia’s track record of using cyberwarfare to psychologically shock rather than impose maximum economic damage on its targets all bolster America’s ability to withstand a cyberattack.

“The United States is less vulnerable to cyberattacks than most countries because it invests more in cybersecurity and has stricter regulatory requirements, particularly in the financial sector,” Walker said, adding that Russia’s attacks last month, which included fake text messages falsely claiming ATMs were down, had caused no long-term damage.

The United States’ significant reliance on digital technology is one flaw, which might raise the cost and risk of such attacks.

“The United States’ high reliance on digital technology increases the risk of disruptive cyberattacks,” Hatzius said. “Experts think it would be difficult or impossible to adequately defend against a dramatic escalation of cyberattacks.”

Ransomware assaults, according to US National Security Agency Director Paul Nakasone, will occur “every single day” over the next five years.

According to a research published by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York in January 2020, a successful attack on just one of the country’s top banks could disrupt 5 to 35 percent of daily payments.

If financial institutions’ ability to trace payments is disrupted, Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell has warned that a cyberattack on the banking system may spark a market crash similar to the 2008 recession.

According to the International Monetary Fund, a large economic cyber attack may cost banks some $100 billion each year.

Meanwhile, Lloyds experts estimated that a serious attack on the Northeast’s US power infrastructure might cost somewhere between $250 billion and $1 trillion.

Such an attack on the region’s electrical grid, according to Goldman, would be “very devastating,” causing 15 states to go dark.

According to the 2022 Crypto Crime Report, issued in February by blockchain data firm Chainalysis, Russia was responsible for 74 percent of the over $400 million in cryptocurrency extorted through ransomware assaults.

The Department of Homeland Security has identified 16 essential sectors that are vital to the economy and national security of the United States.

Energy, financial services, and transportation, according to Hatzius, are particularly vulnerable to Russian strikes because of their economic importance.

Goldman warns that, in order to inflict considerable economic damage while avoiding direct military engagement, either side may resort to disruptive cyber operations targeting corporations and essential infrastructure.

Theft of intellectual property, confidential financial plans, and strategic intelligence are common targets of government-led cyberattacks, as are attacks on essential infrastructure.

In the country’s greatest cyberattack, Russia was accused of hacking Ukraine’s largest financial institutions last month.

Following the commencement of the Ukraine crisis, the White House national security staff is apparently prepared to deter such assaults.

The Biden administration has not denied that it has compiled a list of potential measures for retaliatory cyberattacks against Russia.

The president has previously told reporters that the United States is “prepared to respond” if Russia conducts its own cyberattacks against American businesses or essential infrastructure.

“We’ve been working closely with the private sector for months to enhance our cyber defenses, as well as sharpening our ability to respond to Russian cyberattacks,” Biden added.

“You cannot keep things absolutely safe,” Pradeep Khosla, dean of Carnegie Mellon’s college of engineering, told “The lesson to be learned here is everything can be hacked into — it’s just a matter of time.”

This is only the beginning of a tsunami of cyber infrastructure being prodded at as people inevitably test their skills behind a computer in light of global political unrest. The truth is, cyber security is a cat and mouse game. Vulnerabilities are inherent in these complex systems because they’re built for the end user, and not to prevent people from snooping around in the back end. Most of the cyber infrastructure currently in place could be considered practically naked in terms of cyber security because there are so many ways to exploit data. Why else would China go crazy for data like the leprechaun hoarding lucky charms in the old commercials? It’s valuable and its available; There’s a market for it, and you’re the product. Our complex way of life as a civilization has inadvertently created multiple back doors to be exploited by people more tech savvy than the rest of us. Technology related vulnerabilities can be expected to be magnified and exploited in the coming years for various reasons; political or criminally motivated.



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