Watchman: Green Wackos: The War on Cattle and Real Meat, and Their Plan for Depopulation 


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HNewsWire: No More Meat Coming into The USA


“When the History of This Madness is Written, Reputations Will Be Slaughtered and There Will Be Blood in the Gutter “.

If Bill Gates has his way, the food in our future will little resemble what’s on our plates today. It will be replaced by a menu of GMOs, fake lab-made “meat’ and artificial cheese — all made with patented technologies from which he’ll make millions.

Bill Gates Fake News and Fake Meat, if You Follow the Headlines…

The Green Wreckers who destroyed Australia’s cheap reliable electricity are now targeting our cattle industry.

They use fake science and false advertising to threaten our right to produce and consume real meat.

This stupidity relies on a totally false argument that grazing animals cause global warming by releasing carbon dioxide and methane to the atmosphere.

However, grazing animals have already reached “Net Zero”. They add NET ZERO carbon to the environment – they just help to recycle the same carbon products faster, endlessly.

Grasses and crops extract CO2 from the atmosphere and add minerals, water and nutrients from the soil. They then use solar energy to create plant sugars and release oxygen. All grasses are either eaten by grazing animals and termites, or burnt in grass-fires lit by humans or lightning. Then comes the rain, the grasses re-grow, and the cycle starts again.

Cattle harvest these crops and grasses, creating meat, milk, fats and bones. (That’s real carbon farming.)

Some of the carbon products that cattle eat get exhausted from both ends as CO2 and methane but not one atom of new carbon is introduced to the atmosphere by grasses, crops or cattle. They are just cogs in the endless carbon cycle that supports all life on Earth.

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It seems incongruous to anyone with a background in agriculture that something as natural as a cow eating grass could be considered a terrible thing for the planet, but that is a key premise upon which this new industry is being built.

Unlike traditional beef production, culturing animal cells in a petri-dish causes no harm or pain to a sentient animal, they insist.

But what’s not yet being discussed in any of the ‘gee-whiz’ publicity about lab-grown meat is the back story behind the medium needed to produce it.

According to a prominent Australian animal scientist spoken to by Beef Central, multiplying animal cells to create a form of meat protein in a lab requires the use of a medium based on foetal blood plasma.

Foetal blood is produced by slaughtering a pregnant cow, removing its unborn calf from its uterus, and harvesting the blood from it. While a synthetic alternative to foetal blood does exist, it is apparently prohibitively expensive to produce, the meat scientist said.

So much for ‘mortality free’ lab-grown meat production.

What has been interesting in this era of fake news and heightened sensitivity about the need for fact checking has been a noticeable trend that has been evidence in many articles about fake meat. That is, they almost invariably repeat without apparent need for challenge the claims of the commercial proponents of fake meat against real beef, presenting their views as incontrovertible truths about conventional agriculture without any evidence of attempting to verify the veracity of their claims.

But the reality is the information that is typically used to back their claims is often far from incontrovertible or unchallengeable.

A recent Sydney Morning Herald article reporting on the global race to grow meat in labs explained that the trend is seen as a way to produce protein in a more environmentally sustainable way.

In support of that point it quoted the UK-based Institution of Mechanical Engineers, as saying one “kilogram of meat requires between 5000 and 20,000 litres of water to produce, while one kilogram of wheat requires between 500 and 4000 litres of water”.

Do these figures really hold water? Does it take as much as 20,000 litres of water produce a single, solitary kilogram of beef? Or even as much as 5000 litres?

Lee McNicholl, a cattle producer from western Queensland, asked the same question earlier this week.

These were his calculations: “Say a two year old grassfed steer dresses 300kg and Lean Meat Yield is 60 percent. Therefore 180kg of beef is produced. Say the animal drinks 40 litres /day (generous) for 730 days. That equals 29,200 litres divided by 180kg = 162 litres per kilogram.

A further search showed the Institution of Mechanical Engineers made the above statement in a 2013 report titled “Global Food. Waste Not, Want Not”.

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Moreover, contrary to the usual alarms, the atmospheric warming impact of methane from cattle is negligible since the few radiation absorption lines of methane are swamped by the absorption bands of the much more abundant water vapour. The same heat cannot be trapped twice. As physicist Dr Tom Sheahen points out:

“Worrying about methane emissions is the greatest waste of time in the entire lexicon of global warming fanaticism. . . .CH4’s effect is so tiny as to be completely irrelevant.”

Cattle even aid carbon sequestration as their meat gets incorporated into long-lived human bodies. As the decades and centuries pass, prodigious amounts of carbon are transferred from the atmosphere to grasses, to beef steak and hamburgers, to milk and cream, and thus to human bodies and bones. Eventually, millions of human bodies are buried (together with the considerable carbon fixed in their wooden coffins). Unlike the carbon temporarily captured in soils, much of this carbon in human cemeteries is permanently removed from the atmosphere.

Not only are Greens ignorant of the full carbon cycle of life, they also can’t count properly – they just measure whatever suits their red-green agenda. “Sequestration” or trying to bury carbon forever is anti-life and serves no useful purpose. All farmed soils will become severely deficient unless they are fertilised with carbon-bearing organic nutrients (like composted biomass or cattle manure) and mined or manufactured fertilisers containing lime, magnesite, phosphate, nitrogen and trace elements.

Cattle have always served human needs by converting inedible grasses into edible proteins and fats. Their hides make leather, and their bones and waste are recycled to make fertiliser.
Our hunter-gatherer ancestors treasured meat, supplemented by seasonal fruits, bulbs and tubers. When threatened by occasional starvation they learned how to process and eat grass seeds safely. We interfere with this ancient food heritage at our peril.

Men and cattle share millennia of history. Since the days of Aurochs and Longhorns, Bison and Buffalo, Nguni and Waygu, Yak and Zebu, men have hunted, protected, branded, worshipped, harvested, stolen, re-branded, milked and farmed Herefords, Santa Gertrudis, Shorthorns, Angus, Charolais, Jerseys, Friesians, Guernseys and many other breeds.

But now Green wackos from the aptly named “Extinction Rebellion” plan to ration and tax real meat while fraudulently labelling a manufactured plant-based concoction as “meat”.

Australia has about 26 million cattle producing meat, milk and cream. If meat is to be rationed why not also ration milk and cream for weet-bix, deserts and cappuccinos?

Why cull Australia’s cattle when India has more than 300 million cattle and lets millions of them roam freely because Hindus consider them sacred?

Why ration red meat in Australia when Brazil alone has more than 230 million cattle and South America’s beef consumption exceeds that of the USA and Australia, in total and per capita?

Why ration red meat in Australia when China, with about 97 million cattle, continually increases its meat consumption?

Even if all cattle vanished from the face of the Earth, grass growth would explode to feed mammoth bushfires, or be consumed by termites, or just rot – a real Zero Sum game to achieve world starvation.

Maybe de-population is their plan?

Here is a message for the cattle haters, people haters and meat counterfeiters:

“Hands  Off  our  Grasslands, our Cattle and  our  Real  Meat.”

Who is to blame? Corrupt politicians or the stupid people who vote for them

FakeBook, Parler Tweeter Gab, and YouTube Are Un-Reliable News Sources

Ask The Blind Man ,He Saw it All

Source: HNewsWire HNewsWire principia-scientific HNewsWire HNewsWire HNewsWire

StevieRay Hansen

[email protected]



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StevieRay Hansen

In his riveting memoir, "A Long Journey Home", StevieRay Hansen will lead you through his incredible journey from homeless kid to multimillionaire oilman willing to give a helping hand to other throwaway kids. Available on Amazon.

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