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Titus, Part 1: "Cretans, We Have a Problem"

Edward O’Hara

In Titus 1 Paul says that we must “rebuke sharply” those that teach “Jewish fables”. He speaks of these as having “subverted whole houses” from the truth “for filthy lucre”. This subversion happens when they join circumcision or law keeping to the New Covenant. Making works a requirement for salvation. Works vs faith is a constant thread throughout all of Paul’s teaching. 

You will recognize those who do this by their claim that they are “judeo christians”. Or when they speak of “imputed” or “inherent sin” as is taught from the doctrine of original sin. A doctrine that comes from Roman Catholicism that shows it to be judaism for Gentiles. 

But, the words “judeo” and “christian” are not synonymous. They are actually mutually exclusive. Because “judeo” means you are in a covenant of works + faith as Jesus plainly told the rich young ruler in Mt.19. A covenant Paul said was to expire when Jesus came in Gal.3:17. While to be “christian” means you are in a covenant that is by grace through faith without works as Paul taught in Eph.2:8,9. 

And in Acts15 we see that this grace through faith without works was not strictly a Pauline doctrine. We see here that all of the apostles agreed with Paul and Barnabas on this. And that to all of the apostles circumcision and law keeping have nothing to do with salvation because they are works of the flesh. What Isaiah referred to as “filthy rags”. And what Hebrews calls “dead works”. 

We see from Acts15:22-29 the apostles even wrote a letter signed by them that said this very thing. And they sent men with Paul and Barnabas to represent them to attest to the veracity of Paul’s gospel and what was in the letter. 

Saying in the letter that there have been some who are “subverting your souls saying, Ye must be circumcised, and keep the law: to whom we gave no such commandment“. This was to be proof to them that this righteousness by works teaching was not endorsed, nor did it originate, with the apostles. But, is instead “Jewish fables” that were meant to “subvert them” from the salvation that is in Christ. 


This subversion is also spoken of in Paul’s letter to the Romans. Coming to a crescendo in chapter7 where Paul admonishes the Israelite that to remain joined to the law means they can not be joined with Christ. Making it impossible for them to realize Christ’s deliverance from righteousness by works. A righteousness that can save no one. So that  as vs.15-21 says the thing they hated(righteousness by works) they found themselves doing. And because of this the thing they wanted to do(righteousness by faith) alluded them. 

If you have been subverted by Jewish fables as these in Titus, Acts, and Romans were, then you must unlearn what you have learned. You need to turn from the abomination that is the false doctrine of original sin to trust in Jesus for salvation. Not in His works of the law you may have learned comes by imputation of Jesus’ good works for righteousness. But, in Jesus Himself. For it is only by knowing Him through a personal relationship with Him that you can be saved. 

“Knowing that a man is not justified by the works of the law, but by the faith of Jesus Christ, even we have believed in Jesus Christ, that we might be justified by the faith of Christ, and not by the works of the law: for by the works of the law shall no flesh be justified.” Gal.2:16

Pray with me if you want this justification that is eternal life.

Dear Jesus, thank you for joining with me in my death. So that I can join with you in your eternal life. Thank you for giving me that life. Thank you for saving me and showing me the way. I confess you as Lord. And believe you have raised from the dead. In Jesus’ name, Amen. 

JR. Forasteros - The Bible

If you prayed with me then praise God! And welcome to His family. Now as you read the Bible believe what it plainly says and you will not only unlearn all the false things you have been told are true. But, you will learn the truth of who God is, who Jesus is, and what the atonement was really for. 

See you there or in the air!

This message can also be heard at: Rumble



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Edward O'Hara


  1. hey…I hear a lot of anti-catholic stuff going around on these protestant sites…your judeo-christian crap is the novus ordo….I am a traditional Catholic.
    what you heretics don’t seem to understand is that Jesus Christ founded the TRUE Catholic Faith …into which no one…..no one can be saved unless thee convert to the true faith…not even if h were to shed his blood for Christ…hard to grasp ain’t it….well you better….Ephesians 4, v. 5…Daouy-Rheims…
    One Lord, One Faith, One Baptism. Your deniers of Christ, the perfidious jews will perish. There is only one faith, the rest are man made….

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