He Came in Like a Lamb, Wanted To Rule Like Wolves — EVIL,


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Dr. Anthony Fauci, a Jesuit and One Of Satan Most Trusted Soldiers… Dr. Fauci Admits To Vax Misinformation (He Makes A Percentage) Fauci is Point Man on Coronavirus, Is a Holy Cross Alum

Dr. Anthony Fauci, the Democrat-approved ‘science’ in ‘trust the science,’ appears to have just admitted to lying about COVID-19 herd immunity in order to goad more people into taking the vaccine, according to a new report in the New York Times.

At issue is the percentage of the population which must require resistance to the coronavirus – through infection or vaccination – in order for the disease to disappear.

Early into the pandemic, Fauci repeatedly claimed ‘60-70%‘ herd immunity was required to achieve herd immunity. Beginning around a month ago, however, Fauci’s estimate drifted higher – to “70, 75 percent,” and more recently telling CNBC “75, 80, 85 percent” and “75 to 80-plus percent.”

When asked about it, Fauci essentially said he lied for political purposes due to vaccine skeptics.

In a telephone interview the next day, Dr. Fauci acknowledged that he had slowly but deliberately been moving the goal posts. He is doing so, he said, partly based on new science, and partly on his gut feeling that the country is finally ready to hear what he really thinks.

Hard as it may be to hear, he said, he believes that it may take close to 90 percent immunity to bring the virus to a halt — almost as much as is needed to stop a measles outbreak.

Asked about Dr. Fauci’s conclusions, prominent epidemiologists said that he might be proven right. The early range of 60 to 70 percent was almost undoubtedly too low, they said, and the virus is becoming more transmissible, so it will take greater herd immunity to stop it.

Dr. Fauci said that weeks ago, he had hesitated to publicly raise his estimate because many Americans seemed hesitant about vaccines, which they would need to accept almost universally in order for the country to achieve herd immunity.

And with polls now suggesting more Americans are willing to take the vaccines, Fauci (who said in November COVID-19 ‘won’t be a pandemic for much longer‘) says he’s ready to come clean.

“When polls said only about half of all Americans would take a vaccine, I was saying herd immunity would take 70 to 75 percent,” he said, adding “Then, when newer surveys said 60 percent or more would take it, I thought, ‘I can nudge this up a bit,’ so I went to 80, 85.”

“We need to have some humility here,” Fauci then said. “We really don’t know what the real number is. I think the real range is somewhere between 70 to 90 percent. But, I’m not going to say 90 percent,” because doing so might discourage Americans.

The Times’ Ross Douthat called Fauci out for shifting the goalposts.

Will Democrats give Fauci equal treatment to Trump, who was viciously attacked by the left for downplaying the virus during its early days in order to prevent a panic?

We are doomed as a nation if we continue to obey Satan Soldiers .

Fauci Admits He Didn’t Tell Truth, Moved Goalposts Because People Not ‘Ready to Hear Truth’

“Bite the Bullet and Sacrifice” Thanksgiving, They ( the Jesuit Priest — New World Order Pukes) Are Doing Everything They Can to Destroy the Family and our Country…

Dark angels are involved in the affairs of mankind. The person who operates by negative volition aligns himself with Satan and his forces. Negative volition leads to idolatry, and idolatry leads to immorality (Rom 1:18-32), both individually and nationally. The worship of idols is the worship of demons (Lev 17:7Deut 32:171 Cor 10:19-21).

“Dr. Anthony Fauci, point man on coronavirus, is a {Jesuit}Holy Cross alum”, Boston-Globe, March 17th 2020

source: https://www.bostonglobe.com/2020/03/17/metro/dr-anthony-s-fauci-point-man-coronavirus-is-holy-cross-alum/

The director of the CDC, Dr. Robert Redfield like Dr. Fauci was educated by Jesuits and is a puppet of the Jesuit order : “{Jesuit Georgetown}Alumni in the Field: Robert Redfield” (Illustrated) , Georgetown Medicine Magazine , Fall/Winter 2019 : https://www.reddit.com/r/Jesuitworldorder/comments/focy6k/jesuit_georgetownalumni_in_the_field_robert/

Dr. Anthony Fauci, Point Man on Coronavirus, Is a Holy Cross Alum

By Travis Andersen Globe Staff,Updated March 17, 2020, 11:23 a.m.

Long before Dr. Anthony S. Fauci, head of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases and a point person on the federal government’s response to coronavirus, was issuing dire warnings about the pandemic, he was a pre-med student at the College of Holy Cross{Jesuit} in Worcester.

Fauci, a 79-year-old New York City native, graduated from Holy Cross in 1962 and was the subject of a flattering profile 40 years later in Holy Cross Magazine, which noted his pre-med studies also “encompassed the study of Latin, Greek and philosophy.”

“There was a certain spirit of scholarship up there, that was not matched in anything that I’d experienced,” Fauci told the magazine. “The idea of seriousness of purpose—I don’t mean nerdish seriousness of purpose—I mean the importance of personal development, scholarly development and the high standard of integrity and principles that became a part of everyday life at Holy Cross. And that, I think, was passed down from the Jesuits and from the lay faculty to the students.”

After Holy Cross, he went on to Cornell Medical School, where he graduated at the top of his class, said the article, which noted that Fauci has spent “his entire professional career at the National Institutes of Health.”

The NIH oversees the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases. Fauci has served as director of the institute since 1984, a tenure spanning six presidents including President Trump.

“He oversees an extensive research portfolio of basic and applied research to prevent, diagnose, and treat established infectious diseases such as HIV/AIDS, respiratory infections, diarrheal diseases, tuberculosis and malaria as well as emerging diseases such as Ebola and Zika,” says his biography on the NIH website.

His institute’s budget for fiscal year 2020 is pegged at approximately $5.9 billion, the site says.

During the 2002 interview with Holy Cross Magazine, Fauci, who twice turned down offers to lead the NIH, recalled that early HIV and AIDS activism changed how the broader public interacts with the medical community.

“With the HIV epidemic came the birth of a certain form of activism that demanded participation in the decision making, particularly when it was dealing with a deadly disease, for which there was no treatment,” Fauci told the magazine.

Then-President George W. Bush awarded Fauci the Presidential Medal of Freedom in June 2008. In a statement announcing the award, Holy Cross included text of the presidential citiation.

“As a physician, medical researcher, author, and public servant, Dr. Anthony Fauci has dedicated his life to expanding the horizons of human knowledge and making progress toward groundbreaking cures for diseases,” the citation said. “His efforts to advance our understanding and treatment of HIV/AIDS have brought hope and healing to tens of millions in both developed and developing nations. The United States honors Anthony Fauci for his commitment to enabling men, women, and children to live longer, healthier lives.”

Fauci spoke to the Globe in 2013 during the opening of a leading AIDS research center’s $30 million laboratory building in Cambridge, at a time when the NIH had slashed its budget by 5 percent in anticipation of a sequester and had started sending notices to researchers that grants could be reduced.

“We do fund projects that are high risk,” he said in 2013. “But it’s a peer-reviewed process, and sometimes a proposal that’s way out there doesn’t get a good score from reviewers.”

Four years later Fauci addressed Boston University School of Medicine graduates at their convocation ceremony.

“Now obviously, to be realistic, not every change, evolution or advance in medicine or the biomedical sciences will be as dramatic or as draconian as a frightening infectious diseases outbreak,” Fauci told the newly minted graduates. “However, please believe me that the same unpredictable elements in the evolution of public health medicine and biomedical science are going to confront each and every one of you regardless of what specialty or sub-specialty of medicine you pursue.”

More recently, he’s been warning the country about coronavirus, telling the House Oversight Committee last week that even starker times are looming.

“The bottom line: It is going to get worse,” Fauci said of the coronavirus outbreak as he answered a question from New York Representative Carolyn Maloney.

How much worse we’ll get will depend on our ability to do two things: To contain the influx of people who are infected coming from the outside, and the ability to contain and mitigate within our own country,” he said.”

Material from prior Globe stories was used this report.

One might assume that this emotive painting would hang somewhere in Dallas, Texas or perhaps in the Smithsonian. And one would be wrong on both counts. This painting of President John F. Kennedy’s gruesome assassination, by Mark Balma, hangs in the Vatican Cathedral of St. Paul. The painting is entitled “Pietà” after Michelangelo’s famous sculpture of Mary holding the body of the crucified Christ, which is also located at the Vatican. Isn’t this a macabre way to “celebrate” the life of perhaps America’s most beloved President? or is this rather an homage to the Jesuit agenda, serving as a stern warning/reminder to those willing to cross them?

Image: http://minnesota.publicradio.org/display/web/2006/11/15/jfkpieta

The Jesuits today control all the powerful secret societies that are shaping the New World Order

Jesuits at the head of secret societies

“The list of secret societies being controlled by the Jesuits today include: the Freemasonry, the Knights of Malta, the Bilderberg group, and the higher levels of the Knights of Columbus, and the highest levels of Opus Dei – and all the subgroups that fall under these powerful entities.”

For those of you who care, Google and your favorite social media platforms have misled you, and now we all pay a heavy price for trusting the ungodly, Google and company, They knew exactly what they were doing, removing our history while preparing you to accept the New World Order playbook, Enjoy.

We make bad decisions when we are fearful, understand the evil element you’re dealing with, they are soulless, godless Self-centered maniacs…

Source: HNewsWire zaidpub ZeroHedge HNewsWire HNewsWire HNewsWire

StevieRay Hansen
Editor, HNewsWire.com
Watchmen does not confuse truth with consensus The Watchmen does not confuse God’s word with the word of those in power…

Events of the Tribulation

In the Great Tribulation 2 ½ million die every day for 42 months. In Auschwitz, less than a thousand died each day. That means 2500x as many people die every day. Or to put it in Auschwitz terms—the number of people that died every day at Auschwitz will die every 30 seconds in the Great Tribulation! Or in other terms living on earth will be like living in an Auschwitz death camp—and in death toll there will be the equivalent of an Auschwitz Holocaust twice a day for 42 months!

A brief look through the pages of Revelation chapters six, eight, nine, and sixteen–describe the living hell you can avoid if you are saved this morning. Here are only a few of the dreadful disasters that take place during the Tribulation:

  • One out of every two people will die during the Tribulation (see Rev. 6:8 and onward), some through the ravages of war, others by starvation, and amazingly many others by the ‘beasts of the earth’. So, whether by death that comes instantly and thus less dreaded or a slow and painful death that is lingering and agonizing-50 percent of all people will die. The world’s population was 6,415,574,176 yesterday, so that means at least 3,207,500,000 will die. Does that amount to just about eleven times the current population of the United States-can you imagine that? And remember that the population of the world is doubling every 39.5 years. So every day the number of people who will die becomes larger and larger.
  • One-third of all vegetation will be burned up. All grass, every tree, everything green will be destroyed (see Rev. 8:7).
  • The sun and the moon will be darkened as nature goes into revolt (see Rev. 8:12).
  • The gates of hell will open and hordes of locusts, the size of horses, will come upon the earth. Those locusts will be allowed to sting men like scorpions and the pain will last for five months. The Bible says men will beg God to let them die but they will not die (see Rev. 9:3-6).
  • There will be worldwide famine, unlike anything the world has ever seen (see Rev. 18:8).
  • There will be a world war so bloody that the blood of those killed in battle will flow for two hundred miles up to the bridle of a horse in the valley of Jezreel. This will be the Battle of Armageddon (see Rev. 14:20).
  • All told, during the Great Tribulation, as many as half of all the people on the earth will be killed.



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StevieRay Hansen

In his riveting memoir, "A Long Journey Home", StevieRay Hansen will lead you through his incredible journey from homeless kid to multimillionaire oilman willing to give a helping hand to other throwaway kids. Available on Amazon.


  1. Edwitness on December 25, 2020 at 11:41 am

    God bless you StevieRay for posting this very truthful article. Hopefully more will put two and two together and be set free from her harlotries.

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