LEAKED Email Shows GEORGE SOROS & HILLARY CLINTON Behind Firing Of …O’Reilly


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Media Matters is a liberal watchdog group devoted to scoring conservative media and news outlets for any perceived misinformation that clash with liberal publications. George Soros and Media Matters have a long shameful history of working in cohorts with each other to create notoriously damning smear campaigns to destroy conservative media personnel.

Famous conservative targets in the past include Glenn Beck himself, Rush Limbaugh and now Bill O’Reilly. It is not surprising that O’Reilly became their next big target. Bill O’Reilly was the formerly beloved conservative host of the number one rated cable news program, The O’Reilly Factor for over 17 years.

Glenn Beck shared an email he received yesterday that claims Media Matters orchestrated the sudden withdraw of advertisers following their deliberately salacious leaking of private documents. All the details from this shocking email shedding light on the secret liberal organizations plotting the strategic take down of conservative media and Bill O’Reilly are available for readers to access themselves on the next page.

The ousting of Bill O’Reilly from Fox News is generating major headlines. Radio host Glenn Beck shared an email he received upon request from O’Reilly’s attorneys that suggests George Soros and Media Matters might be the reason advertisers stopped sponsoring The O’Reilly Factor.

George Soros-funded Media Matters has a history of conducting smear campaigns against conservative media figures like Rush Limbaugh and Glenn Beck. Their latest target looks to be Bill O’Reilly, host of the wildly popular and number one-rated cable news program The O’Reilly Factor on Fox News. Glenn shared on radio today an email that suggests the liberal watchdog is behind the advertiser exodus from The Factor.

Beck received this email from Mary Pat Boomer from The Bonner Group.

”It’s from Mary Pat Bonner. Now, who is Mary Pat Bonner? Mary Pat Bonner runs what’s called the Bonner Group. The Bonner Group, according to the New York Times, was paid $6 million from Hillary For America — or whatever it was — and Media Matters to raise money. Another source — we’re not sure. We only have one source on this — said that Media Matters paid the Bonner Group $1.4 million in 2013 alone, to raise money. They are the largest fundraiser for Media Matters, at least in 2013 and raised $11 million for Media Matters. This is the Hillary super PAC group and the super PAC for Media Matters. That’s who Mary Pat Bonner is.

“So Mary Pat Bonner who is trying to raise money for Media Matters sends this out: An O’Reilly update call.

Subject line. It came out Thursday April 13th, 2:53 p.m. For years, Bill O’Reilly has been one of the worst purveyors of misinformation on Fox News. A serial misinformer, pushing many of the most extreme, sexist, racist, homophobic, and xenophobic conservative theories on TV.”

, and xenophobic conservative theories on TV.”

One of the countless reasons Clinton lost the election was the strength of the conservative media in shooting down liberal “fake news”. Clinton is widely reported to be festering with rage following her brutal, humiliating defeat to a man she loathed and hated. If the Clinton connections insinuated in the Broomer email prove to be true, it would pave the way to start many more investigations into how heinous and deep Clinton’s vendetta against the right runs.  It also further illustrates how George Soros should be high up on Interpol’s list of Most Wanted.


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StevieRay Hansen

In his riveting memoir, "A Long Journey Home", StevieRay Hansen will lead you through his incredible journey from homeless kid to multimillionaire oilman willing to give a helping hand to other throwaway kids. Available on Amazon.

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