Hot Mic Catches Satan Soldier Israeli Health Minister Admitting Vaccine Passports Are


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About Coercion…

If you are a doctor, nurse, pharmacist or other health professional administering these COVID shots, you may be wise to reconsider your participation in this scheme. A significant problem is there’s no way to provide or obtain informed consent.

“If you’re injecting someone with these drug vaccine biologics, you are injecting them with something that you cannot possibly give them informed consent for, which means you’re violating your Hippocratic Oath, you’re violating the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights Treaty, you’re violating the Nuremberg Code, you’re violating the Declaration of Helsinki.

It’s right across the board. It’s not even something that you can pretend doesn’t happen anymore. It’s just in everybody’s faces. And you can see that the powers that be are so stressed out right now that they are cajoling and coercing and manipulating and attacking. My friends in Italy tell me that vaccinated people are behaving in the same way that they did during World War II towards the Jews and the intellectuals.

And let’s remember, the first people Hitler put in concentration camps weren’t the Jews. The first people were the intellectuals, because if you take the intellectuals and the doctors off the street, if you stop people from talking, you can control the people.

TrustWHO — TrustGOD Only

Unaware that he was on a hot mic and being broadcast live on a TV station, Israeli health minister Nitzan Horowitz admitted that vaccine passports were primarily about coercing skeptical people to get the vaccine.

“Imposing “green pass” rules on certain venues is needed only to pressure members of the public to get vaccinated, and not for medical reasons, Israeli Health Minister Nitzan Horowitz said on Sunday, ahead of the weekly Cabinet meeting,” reports Jewish News Syndicate.

Unaware that his words were being broadcast live to the nation on Channel 12, Horowitz told Interior Minister Ayelet Shaked that not only should the green pass be removed as a requirement to dine at outdoor restaurants, but also, “For swimming pools, too, not just in restaurants.”

“Epidemiologically, it’s true,” said Horowitz, adding, “The thing is, I’m telling you, our problem is people who don’t get vaccinated. We need [to influence] them a bit; otherwise, we won’t get out of this [pandemic situation].”

The health minister went on to acknowledge that the system wasn’t even being enforced in most venues.

NEW – Israeli Ministry of Health (right) recorded saying to the Minister of Interior (left) “there is no medical or epidemiological justification for the Covid passport, it is only intended to pressure the unvaccinated to vaccinate”— (@disclosetv) September 13, 2021

“There is a kind of universality to the ‘green pass’ system, other than at malls, where I think it should be imposed, [because] now it’s clear that it applies nowhere,” he said.

Israel was once lauded for its successful vaccine rollout and the speed with which it introduced vaccine passports.

The green pass was heralded as an “early vision of how we leave lockdown.” However, the country recently reported its highest ever number of daily COVID cases, with nearly 11,000 infections being recorded.

Although the early threat that the unvaccinated would be banned from entering numerous public venues convinced many younger people to get the vaccine, once it rolled out, the ‘green pass’ system was rarely even enforced and was subsequently scrapped at the end of May.

But once cases started rising again later that summer, Israel’s vaccine passport system was reintroduced and expanded.

Meanwhile, Sweden, which never imposed a hard lock-down, recently banned travelers arriving from Israel from entering the country.

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If you are a doctor, nurse, pharmacist or other health professional administering these COVID shots, you may be wise to reconsider your participation in this scheme. A significant problem is there’s no way to provide or obtain informed consent.

“If you’re injecting someone with these drug vaccine biologics, you are injecting them with something that you cannot possibly give them informed consent for, which means you’re violating your Hippocratic Oath, you’re violating the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights Treaty, you’re violating the Nuremberg Code, you’re violating the Declaration of Helsinki.

It’s right across the board. It’s not even something that you can pretend doesn’t happen anymore. It’s just in everybody’s faces. And you can see that the powers that be are so stressed out right now that they are cajoling and coercing and manipulating and attacking. My friends in Italy tell me that vaccinated people are behaving in the same way that they did during World War II towards the Jews and the intellectuals.

And let’s remember, the first people Hitler put in concentration camps weren’t the Jews. The first people were the intellectuals, because if you take the intellectuals and the doctors off the street, if you stop people from talking, you can control the people.

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Source: HNewsWire HNewsWire ZeroHedge

StevieRay Hansen

The best index to a person’s character is how he treats people who can’t do him any good, and how he treats people who can’t fight back…



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StevieRay Hansen

In his riveting memoir, "A Long Journey Home", StevieRay Hansen will lead you through his incredible journey from homeless kid to multimillionaire oilman willing to give a helping hand to other throwaway kids. Available on Amazon.

1 Comment

  1. ragman57 on September 13, 2021 at 4:44 pm

    Reports of foot blisters and Bell’s palsy—a form of facial paralysis—impacting some people who took the trial vaccines doesn’t bode well for DNA-altering vaccines that have never been experimented on the human race until now. In another ominous warning sign, the Pfizer COVID data recommends those who are allergic to the ingredients in the shots should avoid taking them.

    Wow! That is what tens of billions of dollars and years of research have produced, hyper fast-tracked in Operation Warp Speed? Strange and deadly adverse events?

    Why would anyone want to take a suspect 95 percent “effective” coronavirus vaccine for a weak virus when the survivability rate is greater than 99 percent?

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