Lockdown During Winter ‘Second Wave’ as Plandemic Grows Cold This Summer


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The Plandemic Has Been Designed to Make Society Suffer, These pukes Know If They Crush Society They Will Be Able to Implement the New World Order, the Alternative Would Be FEMA Lines, Satan Soldiers Billionaire Financier George Soros Are in Full Stride…

Update: 11/23/2020The New World Order Pukes Are Going to Make Our Lives a Living Hell

until we submit ,Shanghai International Airport- two airport cargo employees test positive for Covid 19. Entire airport shuts down- no one can leave- 100,000 travelers are isolated and quarantined, waiting to be tested…

Numerous videos posted online show the underground parking lot at Pudong Airport filled with long queues of people waiting to be tested.

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is 0ecc2668-8837-4b7f-bd6e-017f47adc2a0.jpeg
Numerous videos posted online show the underground parking lot at Pudong Airport filled with long queues of people waiting to be tested.

I’m sure we all remember that fateful month of March. One after another states began to issue lockdown orders, closing businesses, restricting travel, and ordering people to stay home.

That was the month when the United States went from viewing COVID-19 as a minimal threat to issuing some of the most draconian lockdown measures in the entire world


You mean the “shamdemic?”


Life changed almost immediately. The stock market plummets, the unemployment rate skyrockets, the masks get tighter, the social fabric frays. The government goes on an unprecedented power grab exerting more control over society more viciously and more arbitrarily than ever before.

That’s what many Americans may recall when we think back to late March and early April. What many of us probably don’t recall is what Dr. Anthony Fauci recommended around that same time. During the first week of April, Dr. Fauci made it clear that he believed that every state should issue a stay at home order. https://www.youtube.com/embed/W7rWcffUgYY

The Hill reported on April 2nd that in an interview with CNN’s Anderson Cooper regarding stay at home orders he stated

“I don’t understand why that’s not happening. If you look at what’s going on in this country, I just don’t understand why we’re not doing that. We really should be.”

This sentiment was stated a bit more clearly when

“Surgeon General Jerome Adams said Wednesday that the White House coronavirus guidelines should be interpreted as a national stay-at-home order.”

Dr. Fauci and those aligned with him endorsed the use of stay at home orders in all 50 states. Such policies generally aim to 

“Restrict people from leaving their homes for anything other than essential activities. They’re intended to limit people’s contact with each other in order to slow the spread of the disease.”

According to Dr. Fauci all states should have issued a stay at home order. Today there are seven states that have yet to enact such a policy. 

A second national lockdown may be coming down the pike in England should there be a significant “second wave” of Chinese coronavirus infections, the Health Secretary of the United Kingdom said on Friday.

The Secretary of State for Health and Social Care, Matt Hancock, said that, under the government’s planning for a “reasonable worst-case scenario”, England may once again be plunged into lockdown.

Mr Hancock said that so-called second waves of the Wuhan virus are “clearly visible” in other countries and that “it is a very serious threat”, claiming that a second wave is “avoidable but it’s not easy”.

“But so far in the UK we are managing to keep the number of new cases flat through a combination of test and trace and local lockdowns,” he told The Times.

“This is the reasonable worst-case scenario, that we have a bad flu and a growth in coronavirus as people spend more time indoors. Cases go up again, and we have to use very extensive local lockdowns or take further national action. We don’t rule that out but we don’t want to see it,” the government minister went on.

Mr Hancock said that he believes that social-distancing regulations will be in place for the “foreseeable” future without a vaccine being approved.

“I yearn to be able to remove the restrictions on social contact but those restrictions are absolutely necessary at the moment,” he said, adding: “We’ll be keeping them in place for the foreseeable. We hope for the best and we prepare for the worst.”

Meanwhile, a government document from the SAGE scientific advisory group has predicted that there may be as many as 85,000 excess deaths this winter in the United Kingdom due to the Chinese virus.

The model predicted that there will be an additional 81,000 deaths in England and Wales and a further 2,600 in Scotland and 1,900 in Northern Ireland.

The leaked document, which was published by BBC Newsnight, was heavily criticised by Professor Carl Heneghan of Oxford University, who suggested that the model’s assumptions are “implausible” and that it is doesn’t take into account the lessons that have been learned “from the first wave of this disease”.

To date, there have been some 40,000 coronavirus-related deaths in Britain out of 330,000 confirmed cases, although some reports have suggested that the official death tolls may have to be revised down due to reporting errors.

The Plandemic Has Been Designed to Make Society Suffer. They Know If They Crush Society, They Will Be Able to Implement the New World Order. The Alternative Would Be FEMA Food Lines, Satan Soldiers, and Billionaire Financier George Soros in Full Stride.

It’s a hoax. They’re laughing at us.


Here are the countries and territories that have implemented mandatory mass quarantines so far

After 102 days with no coronavirus cases in New Zealand, a new outbreak has led to increased lockdown measures.

jacinda ardern
Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern. 

A stage three lockdown in the city of Auckland has been extended through Sunday, according to the Guardian.

The Guardian reports that 101 people in the city have been infected, and residents may only leave their homes for essentials. 

“If it feels hard — that’s because it has been,” Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern said, according to the Guardian. “But let’s also remember, in a world where 2020 has frankly been terrible, we are strong, we have been kind, and we are doing really well.”

Germany is pausing easing restrictions further.

Angela Merkel
Chancellor Angela Merkel. 

On August 18, Chancellor Angela Merkel paused easing restrictions any further as cases rise.

Schools there have reopened. While 38 schools in the capital of Berlin have had to set students and teachers home due to coronavirus cases, tests there have shown no evidence so far of anyone contracting the virus at school, according to CBS News.

Additionally, according to Reuters, the state of Bavaria did not initially inform 949 people returning from abroad that they tested positive for the coronavirus; two weeks after testing, they were able to track down 903 of them.

Oktoberfest is canceled.

India reopened many public spaces on June 8. Cases there trail only the US and Brazil, but some schools may begin to reopen on September 1.

narendra modi
Prime Minister Narendra Modi. 

On June 8, restaurants, offices, malls, and places of worship could reopen, according to the BBC. Cases there trail only the US and Brazil in number of infections. 

Schools may reopen on September 1 in phases, with seniors returning to the classroom first, the Times of India reports.

The Taj Mahal will remain closed for the time being, per the National Herald.

According to CNN, research from India’s National Center for Disease Control “suggests that nearly one in four residents in Delhi have contracted the virus.” The Scientific American writes that “India Is in Denial about the COVID-19 Crisis.”

Domestic flights began to resume on May 25, Science Magazine reports.

Brazil’s infection numbers have surpassed Spain and Italy, but President Jair Bolsonaro has not instituted a lockdown.

A collective burial of people that have passed away due to the coronavirus disease (COVID 19), is seen at the Parque Taruma cemetery in Manaus, Brazil April 23, 2020..JPG
A mass burial of people that have passed away due to the coronavirus is seen at the Parque Taruma cemetery in Manaus, Brazil April 23, 2020. 

Brazil trails only the US in its number of infections and deaths.

According to Reuters, Indigenous protesters blocked a major highway on August 17 to demand better protections from the virus.

A group that represents over 1 million medical professionals has accused President Jair Bolsonaro of a crime against humanity and filed a complaint with the International Criminal Court, according to NPR.

Jair Bolsonaro has downplayed the pandemic and even encouraged anti-lockdown protesters — and he has argued with governors who imposed stay-at-home orders. A federal judge ordered him to wear a face mask in public. He later tested positive for the coronavirus; two other government ministers have also tested positive, according to NPR.

As of Tuesday, Brazil had 3,622,861 infections and 115,309 deaths.

While hit hard, Spain is beginning to reopen. It ended its state of emergency on June 21.

A passenger receives a face mask distributed by a red cross volunteer at the main train station in Barcelona, Spain, Tuesday, April 14, 2020. Face mask distribution in train and bus stations continue as factory and construction workers resume their activities in roughly half of Spanish regions emerging from the Easter holiday period. Spain's left-wing Cabinet is expected to pass new measures to aide smaller business and the self-employed affected by the freezing of economic activity. (AP Photo/Emilio Morenatti)
A passenger receives a face mask distributed by a red cross volunteer at the main train station in Barcelona, Spain, Tuesday, April 14, 2020. 

Spain, which was initially hard hit but had seen success in containing the virus, is seeing a new wave of infections.

According to NPR, nightclubs have now been closed, and restaurants and bars will have to close by 1:00 a.m. The Guardian reports that unions for primary care workers in Madrid warned that the system is on the “edge of collapse.”

Protesters have demonstrated against new public mask mandates.

The country has had more than 28,872 deaths and 405,436 cases as of Tuesday.

In South Korea, restrictions tightened on Sunday following a rise in cases.

South Korea covid
People relax at the Cheonggye Stream as daily life is slowly returning to normal amid a lifting of restrictions in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic in Seoul, South Korea, Thursday, May 7, 2020. 

Nightclubs, churches, and buffet restaurants were ordered shut down on Sunday, according to Euronews. Sports teams can also no longer sell tickets to fans.

Schools fully reopened on June 8, with the oldest grades returning to the classroom. However, following the rise in cases, schools in Seoul have returned to remote learning.

Iran has begun to reopen its major highways and stores, as well as mosques.

hassan rouhani
Iranian President Hassan Rouhani. 

Iran, which was hit early with a severe coronavirus outbreak, has started to reopen its capital, major highways, and stores.

According to Yahoo News, an Iranian newspaper was reportedly shut down after quoting a former member of the country’s coronavirus task force saying that the actual number of cases and deaths could be 20 times higher than official reports.

BBC News reports that indoor gatherings have been banned as the holy month of Muharram started on August 20, and some restrictions were reinstated in Tehran.

As of Tuesday, the country had 363,363 infections and 20,901 deaths

Italy has introduced new measures for the first time since its lockdown ended.

italy coronavirus lockdown
A man wears a face mask in a nearly deserted town square in Catania, Italy, on March 10, 2020. 

On August 17, Italy put in place new restrictions for the first time since exiting lockdown, the Washington Post reports.

Nightclubs will close, and those participating in nightlife will have to wear masks both indoors and outdoors.

However, the country’s health minister said on Sunday that the government is not considering a new national lockdown, according to Reuters.

At least 260,298 people have been infected, and 35,441 have died from the coronavirus in Italy as of Tuesday.

In the UK, shops and retail reopened on June 15, and casinos and theaters are now able to reopen.

Boris Johnson
Prime Minister Boris Johnson. 

Bowling alleys, theaters, and casinos could reopen on August 15, according to the Guardian. Live music venues can also reopen.

Shops and retail reopened on June 15, drawing long lines. Pubs, restaurants, hotels, and hairdressers reopened on July 4.

Dentists could reopen on June 8. Primary schools and nurseries reopened on June 1, as well as outdoor markets.

Some schools will begin to reopen on Wednesday, according to BBC News.

Prime Minister Boris Johnson was hospitalized and spent three nights in intensive care for the coronavirus. He was discharged on April 12. “The NHS saved my life,” he said

Lithuania is turning its capital into an open-air cafe.

vilnius coronavirus
People wearing face masks to protect themselves against the spread of the new coronavirus queue up to buy coffee at a shop in Vilnius, Lithuania, Saturday, April 25, 2020. 

Shops, open-air restaurants, and malls are allowed to reopen. The country’s capital, Vilnius, has been converted into an open-air cafe so that nearby restaurants can appropriately distance their tables, a measure that has been both praised and criticized by locals.

To ensure that social distancing is enforced for indoor dining, mannequins decked out in designer clothes have been placed at tables.

On March 30, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban gained the power to rule by decree indefinitely and suspended elections — which finally came to an end in June. The country has started to ease restrictions.

hungarian prime minister Viktor Orban
Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban. 

The bill was passed 137 to 53 in parliament. While opposition asked for a time limit, but the prime minister’s ruling party was able to pass through the bill without changes. Those emergency powers were finally lifted at the end of June.

Business Insider’s Ashley Collman reported that Orban has previously been scrutinized for his usage of governmental powers, such as announcing a 2015 state of emergency over mass migration from Syria. That state of emergency still has not ended.

Coffee shops, restaurants, and hotels have gradually reopened. Open-air events — like sports — are permitted with spectators in one out of every four seats.

In-person classroom teaching can resume on September 1, according to Hungary Today.

Singapore began a phased reopening.

Singapore's Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong
Singapore’s Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong. 

Schools have reopened with a combination of in-person and virtual learning, and employees may return to work, although they are encouraged to work from home.

On June 19, pools, shops, and parks could reopen. Tourism attractions — like Madame Tussaud’s and Universal Studios Singapore — could reopen on July 1, and some resorts have begun to further reopen.

The Singapore-Malaysia border has now reopened.

Dubai has begun to slowly reopen.

Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid al-Maktoum
United Arab Emirates’ Vice President and Prime Minister and Ruler of Dubai Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid al-Maktoum. 

In Dubai, gyms, movie theaters, childcare centers, and retailers can open with a limited capacity, CNBC reports. Malls and private businesses have reopened, as well as water parks. It reopened for international tourists on July 7.

According to Gulf News, schools will reopen for in-person learning, but must offer 100% remote learning for parents who want it. Classes will begin on August 30.

Previously, it was forbidden to leave for exercise or even dog walks — and a police permit was required for every trip outdoors.

Panama and Peru both implemented measures restricting the days that citizens could be outside by gender, although both are now reopening.

Panama's new President Laurentino Cortizo gestures after addressing the audience during his inauguration ceremony, in Panama City, Panama July 1, 2019. REUTERS/Erick Marciscano
Panama’s President Laurentino Cortizo. 

In Panama, more businesses — as well as churches, hair salons, and stores — were allowed to reopen last week, according to VOA News. A study of its gendered lockdown experiment found that women seemed to be more willing to comply with lockdown measures, The Telegraph reports.

In Peru, police blockaded a highway and launched tear gas into crowds attempting to flee Lima during the lockdown, the Guardian reported. On Wednesday, family gatherings were banned and five more regions — making a total of 15 — were put on lockdown, according to US News & World Report.

Thailand has reopened schools, restaurants, and bars.

Thailand's Prime Minister Prayuth Chan-ocha arrives at a weekly cabinet meeting at the Government House in Bangkok, Thailand, May 2, 2017. REUTERS/Chaiwat Subprasom
Prime Minister Prayuth Chan-ocha. 

Thailand reopened schools, bars, and restaurants on July 1, according to the Straits Times. Pubs, massage parlors, and concerts had already reopened. According to VICE, the country may not reopen for international tourism until 2021.

The Phuket airport has reopened for domestic flights.

Russia eased restrictions and partially reopened borders, and is the first country to approve a vaccine.

Vladimir Putin
Russian President Vladimir Putin. 

Moscow’s lockdown restrictions eased on June 8, and the country has partially reopened its borders, Reuters reports. Moscow’s final set of restrictions lifted on June 22. Different regions can decide when to reopen their restaurants, cafes, and hotels.

Russia is the first country to approve a coronavirus vaccine. The US reportedly declined offers from the country to help produce a vaccine due to lack of trust.

Russia previously closed its borders and canceled any international flights except for those bringing Russians home, CNN International reported.

South Africa has eased restrictions, although cases are now surging.

Cyril Ramaphosa.JPG
President Cyril Ramaphosa. 

On August 17, almost all restrictions in South Africa’s strict lockdown were eased, according to BBC News. Cinemas are set to reopen this weekend, per The Indian Express.

The country had originally gradually eased measures in June, but then reinstated them as cases rose.

The country will be closed for international tourism until February 2021.

Saudi Arabia has eased restrictions on mosques.

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King Salman of Saudi Arabia. 

Mosques have reopened for socially distanced worship, and curfews across the country eased on May 31 — except in Mecca. All curfews have been lifted, and all economic and commercial activities are allowed to resume. Some US diplomats reportedly left after a surge in cases.

Minister for Hajj and Umrah Mohammed Saleh Benten previously asked that Muslims delay preparations for July’s annual Hajj pilgrimage. A smaller pilgrimage of around 1,000 Muslims began on July 29, according to CNN.

In Colombia, two cities will move out of lockdown.

Colombia's President Ivan Duque speaks during an interview with Reuters in Cartagena, Colombia January 15, 2020. REUTERS/Javier Andres Rojas
President Ivan Duque. 

Lockdowns in Bogota and Medellin are now lifting, according to Colombia Reports. However, a national state of emergency has been extended.

In Australia, Melbourne is under lockdown.

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Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison. 

The country is facing a new wave of infections, and a strict lockdown in Melbourne will continue through September 13, according to the Guardian. There is now an 8 p.m. to 5 a.m. curfew in place.  

States there have varying measures. The country had early success with its virus containment strategy, but has recently seen an increase in deaths, according to BBC News.

China implemented what was then the largest quarantine in human history to contain the coronavirus, locking down at least 16 cities at the end of January. The lockdown on Wuhan ended on April 8.

A man crosses an empty highway on February 3, 2020, in Wuhan. 

Urumqi, the capital of Xinjiang, went into a “wartime lockdown” on July 19, according to CNN, but a massive “testing blitz” has helped bring the surge under control. The Global Times reports that, while the city has had not confirmed cases for the past two days, it remains under lockdown. Per The Guardian, some have taken to posting online about harsh lockdown conditions.

On May 11, the city of Wuhan ordered that all 11 million residents be tested for coronavirus after six new cases were reported, ending the city’s 35-day streak of no new infections. In two weeks, 6.5 million were tested.

At its peak, China’s quarantine spanned at least 20 provinces and regions, according to the Wall Street Journal.

Jordan reopened mosques and churches. It is now seeing a rise in cases.

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Jordan’s King Abdullah II, accompanied by President Donald Trump. 

On June 6, Jordan’s economy was allowed to reopenThe Al-Monitor reports that its international airport will reopen in August.

Mosques in Jordan could reopen on June 5, and churches reopened on June 7. Hotels and cafes could also reopen.

Following a rise in cases, curfews will be extended starting Tuesday, according to Arab News; restaurants have to close at 10 p.m., with curfews lasting from 11 p.m. to 6 p.m. Additionally, starting Friday, there will be 24-hour curfews in Zarqa and Amman.

Argentina went into a “preventative and compulsory” lockdown on March 21.

An Argentinian official wears a face mask as he stands guard at the Horcones border crossing in Mendoza, Argentina, after the two countries restricted control at their borders coronavirus on March 18, 2020.
An Argentinian official wears a face mask as he stands guard at the Horcones border crossing in Mendoza, Argentina, after the two countries restricted control at their borders as a precaution against the spread of the new coronavirus, on March 18, 2020. 

Reuters reports that the government announced its first stage of easing restrictions on July 17, although cases continued to increase. Stricter measures in capital Bogota will continue through August 31, according to Reuters.

The country has banned all commercial flight sales through September 1, the BBC reports.

Israel may go back on lockdown for the Jewish High Holy Days.

FILE PHOTO: Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu gestures as he delivers a speech at his Jerusalem office, regarding the new measures that will be taken to fight the coronavirus, March 14, 2020. Gali Tibbon/Pool via REUTERS
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. 

The country is facing a new surge of infections, and could potentially go into another lockdown, according to the Jerusalem Post. Schools are still set to reopen on September 1.

According to Reuters, Siegal Sadetzki, the country’s public health director, quit as cases spiked; she said the economy had reopened too quickly.

And, according to the Jerusalem Post, the country’s coronavirus czar will reportedly recommend a lockdown during the High Holy Days; the coronavirus cabinet will meet next Monday to decide upon a potential holiday lockdown.

In Belgium, shops and schools are open. Citizens can now have an “expanded personal bubble.”

A man walks with his luggage through the almost empty railway station, after Belgium imposed a lockdown to slow down the spread of the coronavirus, in Antwerp, Belgium.JPG
A man walks with his luggage through the almost empty railway station, after Belgium imposed a lockdown to slow down the spread of COVID-19, in Antwerp, Belgium on March 18, 2020. 

Following a surge in cases, the amount of people that citizens can have contact with has been reduced, along with the capacity for indoor and outdoor events. Pediatricians are urging the country to fully reopen schools in September, according to the Brussels Times.

Belgium reopened borders with EU countries on June 15.

On June 8, Belgian citizens could have an “expanded personal bubble,” where they’re allowed to have contact with 10 people a week, The Independent reports.

Schools could open on May 18 with strict distancing between children and reduced class sizes, and all stores were allowed to reopen on May 11 with virus-related restrictions, BBC News reports. Restaurants and bars began to open on June 8.

Euronews reports that everyone over the age of 12 will have to wear a mask on public transport; the government has pledged free masks to all citizens.

Malaysia reopened almost all economic activity starting June 10.

malaysia coronavirus mosque mask
A man wearing a protective mask walks down the stairs of a mosque following the outbreak of coronavirus, in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, on March 16, 2020. 

On June 10, restrictions on educational, social, and recreational activities eased, the Jakarta Post reports. Schools began to reopen in stages starting June 24. The border with Singapore has reopened.

The majority of businesses in the country could already reopen, Al Jazeera reports. Cafes and restaurants must practice social distancing and record those who eat there. 

According to the San Diego Union-Tribune, over 21,000 violators have been arrested since the lockdown began. 

The Czech Republic has seen a rise in cases.

czech republic coronavirus prague old town square
A man wearing protective suit walks across the Old Town Square, as the Czech government shut most shops and restaurants for 10 days as part of measures to contain the spread of the coronavirus, in Prague, Czech Republic, March 14, 2020. 

Following a rise in cases, residents will now have to wear face masks at indoor events with over 100 people, according to Reuters.

Universities have already reopened, as have some stores, libraries, and fitness centers. According to Reuters, local cases are spiking, and some restrictions have been increased in the northeast.

Hairdressers, shopping centers, and beer gardens have reopened, as have restaurants, theaters, and hotels.

On June 5, borders with Germany, Austria, and Hungary reopened.

France reopened bars, restaurants, and cafes.

france coronavirus closures lockdown restaurant
Tables and chairs are seen on the terrace of closed restaurant after France’s Prime Minister announced the closure of cafes, restaurants, cinemas, nightclubs and shops due to the coronavirus pandemic, in Vannes, March 15, 2020. 

Cafes and restaurants can fully reopen, NPR reportedThe Louvre has reopened with limited online reservations.

Following a rise in cases, mask wearing has become mandatory in more areas of the country, according to The New York Times.

On June 2, restaurants, bars, and cafes reopened for outdoor dining, as well as parks and gardens, Euronews reports. Secondary schools and high schools can also reopen, and nursery schools, primary schools, and junior high schools reopened with mandatory attendance on June 22.

Morocco has stopped domestic travel into several major cities.

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A tourist sleeps on the floor while waiting to be repatriated, as Morocco suspends flights to European countries, at Marrakesh airport, Morocco, March 14, 2020. 

Following an ease in restrictions and a rise in cases, the country stopped allowing people to enter and exit several major cities at the end of July, Reuters reports.

Additionally, King Mohammed VI said on Thursday that the country could return to a complete lockdown, according to Reuters.

On June 11, shops, local commerce, and industries reopened. Domestic flights could resume on June 25.

The government has arrested at least a dozen people for spreading false coronavirus news, according to US News & World Report

Schools in Kenya won’t reopen until September.

kenya coronavirus
Kenyan health workers dressed in protective suits walk after disinfecting the residence where Kenya’s first confirmed coronavirus patient was staying, in the town of Rongai near Nairobi, Kenya, March 14, 2020. 

Pubs and restaurants are allowed to reopen, although schools won’t resume until SeptemberAl Jazeera reports that a phased reopening of the country began July 6, and international flights were set to resume on August 1.

“I want to assure you that my administration is at the forefront of managing this pandemic,” President Uhuru Kenyatta said, according to Al Jazeera.

The Washington Post reports that Kenyan police have killed at least 12 people enforcing a dusk-to-dawn curfew.

Poland has mostly reopened, although some restrictions have been imposed following a spike in cases.

poland coronavirus
A medical official wearing protective gear stands outside an emergency tent, which was installed for patients infected by the coronavirus near a hospital in Czestochowa, Poland, March 11, 2020. 

Clubs, theaters, and fitness clubs were allowed to reopen on June 6, The First News reports. The country opened for EU tourism on June 13.

Hotels, outdoor sports venues, and shopping centers are allowed to reopen, according to the Irish Times. Libraries, art galleries, and museums will also reopen on a “partial basis,” and preschools can reopen.

However, as cases rise, cinemas, gyms, sporting events, and concerts have been banned in some counties, according to Reuters.

Per Reuters, the country is also still moving forward with school reopenings, even as cases rise.

Kuwait is under a curfew, and some areas remain locked down.

Kuwait International Airport
Kuwait International Airport. 

Kuwait entered phase four of reopening on Tuesday, Gulf News reports. Salons, gyms, tailors, and barber shops can reopen. Mosques reopened on June 10.

The country banned all commercial flights, and prohibited citizens from going to restaurants and gyms, The New York Times reported.

Ireland moved into phase 3 of reopening.

Leo Varadkar Prime Minister of Ireland
Taoiseach Leo Varadkar. 

Starting June 29, restaurants, hairdressers, and pubs that serve food could reopen, BBC News reports.

Bars that serve only alcohol will not be able to reopen until at least August 31, according to Reuters — and they may not open at all this year. Public libraries can reopen, and sports teams can begin to train. Shops could reopen with social distancing, and travel restrictions were lifted on June 29, although visitors arriving from all but 10 countries must self-isolate upon return.

Schools in Ireland are set to reopen at the end of August.

Norway has significantly eased restrictions.

erna solberg norway
Norwegian Prime Minister Erna Solberg. 

All schools other than colleges and universities have reopened.

Residents will continue to work from home, and major events are cancelled through at least June 15. Bars have reopened, as well as some movie theaters.

Small businesses — including hairdressers — have been allowed to reopen, Reuters reportsTravel restrictions will likely remain in place through August 20.

However, according to Reuters, the country is pausing on further reopening as cases rise.

El Salvador began to reopen its economy on June 16.

el salvador coronavirus
A passenger is checked with a thermal scanner at the El Salvador International Airport Saint Oscar Romero y Galdamez on March 12, 2020. 

Voice of America News report that businesses in El Salvador are now allowed to open without restrictions.

El Salvador’s latest lockdown ended on June 6. The economy slowly began to reopen on June 16; the second stage of reopening, which was set to begin on July 21, was delayed, according to Reuters.

President Nayib Bukele’s initial reopening plan was declared unconstitutional by the country’s Supreme Court, according to US News & World Report

Citizens have been under a strict curfew — only one person from each family was allowed to leave to procure essential goods.

Those who did not comply with quarantine orders could be sent to contingency centers, where they would be required to quarantine for 30 days.

Denmark was the first European country to reopen primary schools.

FILE PHOTO: Denmark's Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen attends the annual informal summer meeting of the Nordic prime ministers in Reykjavik, Iceland August 20, 2019. REUTERS/Ints Kalnins/File Photo
Danish Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen. 

Denmark was the first European country to reopen primary schools; stores, hairdressers, restaurants, theme parks, and museums are also open.

However, following a surge in cases, masks will now be mandatory on public transportation, according to Reuters.

Sweden has drawn attention for its “low-scale” lockdown, with businesses and schools still open. It’s unclear how effective the plan has been.

Sweden coronavirus
Restaurants in Sweden are still open. 

The country is notable for its “low-scale” lockdown. Gatherings of more than 50 people are banned and high schools and universities are closed — but primary schools, restaurants, and many businesses are still open. Its death rate is almost six times that of Norway and Finland.

But the country now seems to be bringing the virus under control, Bloomberg reports.

The scientist behind the country’s plan was unsure whether it made the right decision. The country likely won’t avoid pandemic-related economic fallout.

“I’m not convinced at all,” state epidemiologist Anders Tegnell told Swedish newspaper Aftonbladet. On “The Daily Show with Trevor Noah,” he said that the “death toll really came as a surprise to us.” Scientists in the country have also spoken out against the approach; testing in the country has lagged, and a commission has been formed to evaluate its response. A University of Virginia analysis found that the choice not to lock down led to more deaths.

While Norway and Denmark will allow citizens to travel between the two countries, neighboring Sweden has been excluded.

As Time Goes on There Will Be a Lot of Politicians, Police Officers, Judges That Will Take Cover in Other Words They Are Going to Remain Neutral Out for Fear for Their Lives. You Are On Your Own, Prepare For The Worst, Pray for the Best –Tribulations Will Be Very Ugly

I Want Everyone to Know, Never Take Anyone’s Word for the Gospel, Especially Revelations, Here’s How It Works. When You’re in the Word God Will Speak to You Through His Holy Spirit He Will Move You in the Direction He Wants You to Go. Please Stop Looking For That Individual Here on Earth That Has All the Answers, They’re Not Here and That Confuse You.. That Includes Anything I Say, Always Test Every Spirit. Every Word That Is Uttered Out of Any Man’s Mouth Must Be Verified Through the Holy Spirit… Stevieray Hansen

I Have Never Seen The Righteous Forsaken or Begging For Rain…

The World Is In Big Trouble, for Those That Believe We Will Go Back to Some Sense of Normal Life Here on Earth, You Will Be Sadly Disappointed, Seven and Half Years of Hell on Earth Which Began January 1, 2020

“Our courts oppose the righteous, and justice is nowhere to be found. Truth stumbles in the streets, and honesty has been outlawed” (Isa. 59:14, NLT)…We Turned Our Backs On GOD, Now We Have Been Left To Our Own Devices, Enjoy…

While Mainstream Media Continues to Push a False Narrative, Big Tech Has Keep the Truth From Coming out by Shadow Banning Conservatives, Christians, and Like-Minded People, Those Death Attributed to the Coronavirus Is a Result of Those Mentioned, They Truly Are Evil…

Source: HNewsWire breitbart businessinsider

StevieRay Hansen
Editor, HNewsWire.com
Watchmen does not confuse truth with consensus The Watchmen does not confuse God’s word with the word of those in power…

In police-state fashion, Big Tech took the list of accused (including this site), declared all those named guilty and promptly shadow-banned, de-platformed or de-monetized us all without coming clean about how they engineered the crushing of dissent, Now more than ever big Tech has exposed there hand engaging in devious underhanded tactics to make the sinister look saintly, one of Satan’s greatest weapons happens to be deceit…

The accumulating death toll from Covid-19 can be seen minute-by-minute on cable news channels. But there’s another death toll few seem to care much about: the number of poverty-related deaths being set in motion by deliberately plunging millions of Americans into poverty and despair.

American health care, as we call it today, and for all its high-tech miracles, has evolved into one of the most atrocious rackets the world has ever seen. By racket, I mean an enterprise organized explicitly to make money dishonestly.

All the official reassurances won’t be worth a bucket of warm spit. The Globals are behind the CoronaVirus, It Is a Man-Made Bioweapon.

Google, Reddit, Twitter, and FaceBook are Demonization or Demonisation is the reinterpretation of polytheistic deities as evil, lying demons by other religions, generally by the monotheistic and henotheistic ones. The term has since been expanded to refer to any characterization of individuals, groups, or political bodies as evil…

“People who grew up with the Internet saw what a wonderful thing it was for free expression, giving everyone access to a global audience. That’s been completely flipped on its head, and now it’s one of the most tightly controlled, manipulated places to find information that you could imagine. It’s a complete 180 from what it used to be, and that’s incredibly sad, because it was, initially, this challenge to old information gatekeepers, this place of free expression, of democratized information, and now it’s just controlled by a handful of increasingly authoritarian ideologically partisan tech companies that haven’t been held to account by officials in D.C. and aren’t bound by any regulation preventing them from who censoring people or interfering in elections.”

Technology companies like Google, Facebook, and Twitter and growing increasingly sophisticated in anticipating, intercepting, and suppressing information with the likelihood of going viral


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StevieRay Hansen

In his riveting memoir, "A Long Journey Home", StevieRay Hansen will lead you through his incredible journey from homeless kid to multimillionaire oilman willing to give a helping hand to other throwaway kids. Available on Amazon.


  1. Patrick Galasso on August 31, 2020 at 5:04 pm

    Continued mitigation with social distancing requirements.
    social distancingOfficials make clear that the return to normalcy will take time; with federal officials warning that some social distancing measures may need to remain in place through the end of the year to prevent a new outbreak. Store floors are now covered with signage to train people in social distancing, getting everyone accustomed to standing apart and conforming to crazy “non-science” based propaganda.

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