Medical Practitioners Are Hesitant To Acknowledge COVID Vaccine Adverse Effects.


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According to a personal injury lawyer, Australians seeking compensation for adverse responses to the vaccine have complained of their symptoms being discounted or ignored by doctors.

The absence of sufficient post-vaccination treatment, according to Clare Eves, national leader of Shine Lawyers’ medical negligence group, was one of several hurdles preventing Australians from successfully filing claims under the government’s COVID-19 Vaccine Claims Scheme.

Eves told The Epoch Times, “It’s a bit of a slow process.” “And it’s probably a little more complicated than folks expected.”

“The first step is to determine whether you have one of the recognized covered illnesses,” she explained. “If you don’t, you’re most likely not going to be eligible.”

“We’ve received just under 350 enquiries concerning negative consequences, and they’ve been fairly different,” she continued. “However, the majority of them have a condition that has some ongoing impact.” “Not many people appear to fit into the six groups’ criteria.”

Individuals can claim up to AU$1,000 in medical costs or lost earnings as a result of an adverse reaction to an approved COVID-19 vaccine under the scheme.

Anaphylaxis, thrombosis with Thrombocytopenia Syndrome (blood clotting), myocarditis, pericarditis, capillary leak syndrome, demyelinating illnesses such as Guillain Barre Syndrome (GBS), and thrombocytopenia, particularly immune thrombocytopenia, are among the side effects.

Eves said that in recent months, she has encountered people who have complained of deconditioning, headaches, exhaustion, strokes, and seizures, all of which are not covered by the plan.

The claim assessment procedure, according to Services Australia, the government department in charge of the program, is complicated and may require independent medical verification.

Furthermore, “many cases” required extra information from claimants, a procedure that resulted in the withdrawal of some petitions.

“Applicants will be given up to six months to accept an offer of compensation if they are found eligible,” the government department said. “Finalization of claims may also take some time.”

As of Feb. 9, 861 compensation claims had been submitted, much fewer than the 10,000 Australians who initially expressed interest in November 2021.

“When you look at some of the criteria that’s actually involved in the process,” Eves added, referring to the red tape.

“There aren’t many cardiac surgeons in a public hospital who will fill out complex 6- to 8-page documents for a claim for one of their public patients as a priority,” she said, adding that completing the forms was not paid by the government’s Medicare program and could be “lengthy and expensive.”

“I think those with lesser claims could find it all a little too intrusive and difficult,” she added.

Eves did not rule out a class action, claiming that the duty of care due to patients may have been violated in some situations.

“We’ve spoken with a number of folks who have experienced symptoms that are consistent with an adverse reaction to the vaccine, such as shortness of breath or a high heart rate, and their problems were ignored and not examined,” she added.

“It’s possible that the vaccine was contraindicated for that person, that the practitioner didn’t deliver it appropriately, or that there’s an element of that problem that hasn’t been addressed that has worsened the illness,” she added.

In Australia, nearly 52.3 million doses had been provided as of February 14th.

Many of the hundreds of millions of vaccination doses given out in Australia and the United States have had only a little or no reaction to the vaccine. However, as more people struggle to access treatment, a greater number of people are experiencing severe reactions.

Erin Sullivan, a speech pathologist in Connecticut who received the Moderna vaccine on January 6, 2021, told The Epoch Times that she has been experiencing tingling in her limbs, acute exhaustion, and other symptoms for more than a year.

Dr. Danice Hertz, a retired gastroenterologist who received a Pfizer shot on December 23, 2020, stated she felt significant facial discomfort, chest tightness, tremors, jerking limbs, and tinnitus as a result of the shot.

“It felt like acid was being poured on me,” the Los Angeles resident explained.

The number of side effects from current COVID-19 vaccines—along with extensive vaccine mandates—proves authorities have “lowered the bar” on what medicines are suitable for public use, according to Philip Burcham, associate professor at the University of Western Australia’s School of Medicine and Pharmacology.

On Jan. 23, he wrote in The Epoch Times, “It’s as if we’ve torn the toxicology handbook that has guided the pharmaceutical innovation sector since the 1960s thalidomide debacle and scattered its ashes to the four winds.”

“Experimental drugs that elicit such overt neurological symptoms as severe headaches during ‘Phase 1’ testing in healthy volunteers should promptly be sent to the trash can. Or at least back to the medicinal chemistry lab for a structural re-design.”

It’s no surprise that doctors around the world are cowering from their responsibility to acknowledge the adverse effects of the experimental inoculation they blindly pushed on the public. That won’t stop the truth from coming to light. As many who are firm believers in the brainwashed narrative that is COVID propaganda are experiencing adverse effects from these vaccines. Prayers go out to everyone who has experienced these adverse effects; The blood of these innocent people rests on the hands of the globalists. Stay inquisitive in the word of God, and the world around you.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in the United States has decreased its requirements for early speech development, raising concerns about how mental progress is monitored in children.

At 15 and 30 months, the CDC added two additional child development milestones. Children as young as 24 months were were expected to know roughly 50 words. However, the CDC increased the time limit to 30 months in the current update, decreasing the established threshold of speech development. The CDC linked to data released by the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) in the update, which affected the organization’s decision to change the milestones.

According to the AAP study’s abstract, “using the criteria specified by the AAP working group and adding milestones for the 15- and 30-month health supervision visits resulted in a 26.4 percent reduction and a 40.9 percent replacement of earlier CDC milestones.” “One-third of the milestones that were kept were shifted to different ages; 67.7% of those moved were to older ages.”

The AAP convened experts and amended child developmental checklists in response to the CDC’s recommendations. According to the organization, the original milestone was based on benchmarks that only 50% of students were expected to meet. These guidelines were deemed ineffective by parents concerned about their children’s growth.

According to Jennifer Zubler, one of the study’s authors, milestones were revised to ensure that at least 75% of children could achieve them. Because so many children failed to meet the old milestones, it was decided to set new, lower ones.

Karen Vaites, a literacy advocate, reminds out that the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association considers toddlers who speak fewer than 50 words by the age of 24 months to be in a dangerous scenario.

Vaites had previously spoken out against requiring children to wear face masks, citing the detrimental consequences of these masks on speech and learning.

“Masks obstruct language development and the process of children learning to read,” Vaites wrote in a tweet on Jan. 18. In a late-July Twitter thread, Vaites described her observation of a kindergarten room during a reading class. Vaites emphasized the importance of children witnessing the movement of a teacher’s mouth and vice versa in the thread.

In certain cases, parents and professionals choose to wait and observe how their children develop, which causes diagnosis to be delayed.

In a press release, Paul Lipkin, a member of the AAP Section on Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics and Council on Children with Disabilities, said, “The earlier a child is identified with a developmental delay, the better, because treatment and learning interventions may begin.” “At the same time, we don’t want to cause families or professionals any needless confusion.” These objectives are met by revising the recommendations with the help of experts and data from field clinicians.”

Lea Themea, a speech pathologist with nearly three decades of experience, believes that the CDC guidelines have been modified to better highlight what parents should look for in their children’s developmental growth.

“I believe these rules look at how language is used,” Themea told ABC6. “You may have a 2-year-old who can label all of their colors and count to 10, but they’re not saying them to actually communicate.”

Dr. Nicole Saphier, a Fox News medical contributor, drew comparisons between the CDC quietly lowering speech standards and an incident last summer when the American Academy of Pediatrics began “deleting stuff” from their website about the importance of facial recognition in childhood development while also pushing masks on children.

The CDC just needs to be shut down at this point. They’ve taken extensive measures to ensure that children are severely impacted by this pandemic; Despite the fact that the data has always shown that they’re not at risk of severe illness and even contraction. Nevertheless, they’ve chosen to rectify their actions by lowering the “standard” of expectation for speech development. Schools in compliance with CDC recommendation/guidance are rightfully seeing a decrease in enrollment. Because it’s clear that the data is being disregarded for the sake of the narrative. No sane parent would let their children be effected by this broader narrative that is globalization. Unfortunately parents are put into tough situations in which they cannot afford to have their children at home during the day. So the indoctrination continues; and for some parents it’s just easier to go with the grain than to worry about the problem right in their faces. Stay inquisitive in the word of God, and the world around you.



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