New Jersey Pushes Back Against Tyrannical COVID-19 Legislation.


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New Jerseyans demonstrated on Monday, brandishing signs and chanting slogans, to urge a halt to the governor’s tighter COVID-19 vaccine regulations.

Despite the cold and rainy weather, approximately a hundred individuals gathered outside the New Jersey Statehouse in Trenton to oppose Gov. Phil Murphy’s executive order mandating COVID-19 vaccinations without a testing alternative for jail officers and health care employees.

At the event, newly elected state Senator Ed Durr spoke out against the requirements. Correction officials in New Jersey are being treated as second-class citizens because they are required to take a vaccine while inmates are not, according to Durr.

The senator encouraged rallygoers to keep urging their state representatives to act on this problem.
“We’re still in the minority,” Durr, a Republican, said of the Democrat-controlled New Jersey Assembly, “but if you keep pounding at it, things may change.”

According to the senator, he has introduced two proposals in the state Senate to limit the governor’s powers. One will make it illegal for anybody other than health care providers to ask for an individual’s personal health information, preventing discrimination based on vaccination status. The second bill makes it illegal to force children to wear masks or other medical devices without their parents’ agreement.

Durr also advised people to contact their state legislators and urge them to bring both proposals to the floor for a vote, as some bills are never brought to the floor for a vote. “After that, you look at who voted for you and who voted against you.”

“Make them present themselves, then return to vote them out.” Vote them off the school board, the council, and the legislature, and things will change,” Durr said.

In the 2021 election, Durr, a commercial truck driver, defeated New Jersey Senate President Stephen Sweeney, a Democrat.

Durr’s entire district in Southern New Jersey flipped Republican last year, with two Democratic Assemblymen defeated by two Republican women. Assemblywoman Beth Sawyer was one of them, and she declared during the event that she will introduce new legislation to repeal vaccine mandates, which she will bring to the state Assembly for consideration.

Sawyer told The Epoch Times that the new measure she’s working on would shield health-care workers, first responders, and law enforcement officers from Murphy’s regulations.

The governor’s decree involves releasing prisoners to keep jails from becoming overcrowded owing to a staffing shortfall, according to Sawyer. In the health-care industry, the “same thing happens. She said that while the hospitals are not overcrowded, “there is a scarcity of nurses, doctors, and first responders” as a result of the governor’s vaccine demands.

The assemblywoman also urged rally attendees to contact their senators and assembly members to express their support for the cause.

“We can’t afford to lose any more people” as a result of vaccine mandates, Sawyer said at the event. “We have to keep you folks working….” Recognize that you have legislators on your side.”

Murphy said on the day of the event that the mask mandate for New Jersey schools and childcare centers will end on March 7, but that the health emergency he proclaimed nearly a month earlier would be prolonged for another 30 days on Feb. 10. If no action is made by March, the state of emergency can be renewed or will expire.

According to the statement, Murphy’s decision was based on a decrease in new COVID-19 cases and hospitalizations, as well as the continuous growth of COVID-19 vaccines for school children. 

School districts and childcare institutions can continue to establish universal masking policies when the mask mandate is withdrawn, but they will not be allowed to prohibit mask use, according to the statement. “Schools that do not require universal masking should amend their COVID policies to include masking among other preventative tactics in specific situations.”

The governor should have canceled the mask requirement months ago, according to Sawyer of The Epoch Times. “It prevents children from learning to their full potential.”

“How about children with special needs who need to see their teacher’s lips in order to understand and learn,” Sawyer said. Their needs are not being met, and they are being denied the opportunity to study, she continued.

In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, a group of ten non-establishment Republican congressional candidates in New Jersey published an united statement requesting that the governor’s emergency powers not be renewed.

Phil Rizzo, a former gubernatorial candidate and pastor, read out the statement, saying that he represented “one of only a very tiny handful of churches who refused to close throughout the entire pandemic.”

“The New Jersey legislature has been complicit in this power grab, allowing Governor Murphy to rule by edict, unchecked, for nearly two years,” according to the statement. “This movement is calling for a restoration to life, liberty, and happiness.”

The signatories stated, “New Jerseyans are ready to reclaim their lives, and we, the undersigned, have resolved to do it.”

Three candidates are challenging Rep. Frank Pallone Jr., three others are challenging Rep. Chris Smith, and two are challenging Rep. Tom Malinowski, according to the statement. Reps. Albio Sires and Mikie Sherrill, both Democrats, are other New Jersey congressional incumbents who are being challenged by the signatories.

Mike Blasi, a U.S. Army veteran and small business owner opposing Smith, is one of the signatories, telling The Epoch Times that the group of people running for Congress in New Jersey are patriots, not politicians.

Medical freedom, border security, and economic recovery will be their top goals, according to Blasi. He feels that “collectively, we can create some noise,” as he put it.

“We have to protect life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness while also ensuring that our Constitution is upheld.”

“I see our country deteriorating and no one speaking up,” Blasi added, “so I thought it’s time for me to stand up and fight for the Constitution.”

Blasi also emphasized the significance of members of Congress staying in contact with their constituents, noting that many members of Congress have been in office for so long that they have lost touch with the people they represent. He favors a term restriction for members of Congress.

“I’m going to be in my district, live in my district, meet the people, do town halls, listen to what they want me to hear, and represent their interests in Congress,” Blasi said.

In the midst of cries to defund the police, Blasi, a retired law enforcement officer, underlined the importance of maintaining peace and order in the country.

One has to wonder if this giant game of tug of war will result in a victory for freedom loving citizens globally. The fight in New Jersey in meek in comparison to the broader war being waged over our heads. These tyrannical globalist dictators want the COVID-19 legislation in place to establish a framework for a technocratic dystopia, and without enough people to understand that, the war has already been lost. Many self aware Christians have already noticed the gears turning around them potentially resulting in mass persecution.

These vaccine passports will be pushed onto America heavily by the UN and other globalist organizations once the two tier system is set in place. Nothing that these tyrants can say or do will convince self aware Christians to relinquish their faith in Christ. 1 Peter 4:12-14 says: “Beloved, do not be surprised at the fiery trial when it comes upon you to test you, as though something strange were happening to you. But rejoice insofar as you share Christ’s sufferings, that you may also rejoice and be glad when his glory is revealed. If you are insulted for the name of Christ, you are blessed, because the Spirit of glory and of God rests upon you.” Please stay inquisitive the word of God, and the world around you.



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