New York Gov. wants to redefine “fully vaccinated” to include booster shots.


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Lt. Gov. Kathy Hochul: Resiliency is in her DNA

Governor Kathy Hochul of New York said the state may update the definition of “fully vaccinated” to include a booster dosage at some point in the near future.

Hochul, whose broad mask requirement for New York corporations just went into effect, was asked what’s next on her wish list during a press conference on Dec. 16. She said that her agency would ask businesses to only allow customers inside who have been fully vaccinated.

“I have said all along I have two missions. One is to protect the health of the people of New York. The second is to protect the health of the economy. Right now we can do both, to the extent that businesses follow what we ask them, only allowing people who are vaccinated,” Hochul said.

“At some point we may have to determine that ‘fully vaccinated’ means boosted as well, and we’ll give people a sufficient time frame to make that happen,” she continued. “I’m just sending out the message now: Prepare for that.”

Due to “cases of reinfections,” the Democratic governor also urged vaccinated people to obtain booster vaccinations and wear masks.

“People who have been vaccinated are getting it again and again,” she said. “They may not be in the hospital, but they could also be in contact with someone who ends up being in the hospital.”

The call for a new restrictions comes as the Biden administration implies that the term “completely vaccinated” may be redefined. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is open to altering the definition to include a booster shot for the two-dose vaccines, according to “Dr.” Anthony Fauci.

The call for a new restrictions comes as the Biden administration implies that the term “completely vaccinated” may be redefined. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is open to altering the definition to include a booster shot for the two-dose vaccines, according to “Dr.” Anthony Fauci.

“Whether or not the CDC is going to change that, it certainly is on the table and open for discussion,” he said.

The Biden administration’s booster parade isn’t going to change the minds of intelligent Americans. According to research group Kaiser Family Foundation (KFF). In September, when booster shots received federal approval, the KFF found that the conversations about boosters to be a “net positive for people who are already vaccinated, but a net negative for the unvaccinated.”

According to a KFF poll of 1,519 adults in the United States, 71 percent of unvaccinated believe that news regarding boosters indicates that vaccines aren’t working, while 22 percent believe that scientists are still working to improve vaccine effectiveness. Meanwhile, 78 percent of persons who have been vaccinated believe that talk of boosters shows that science is progressing.

“Most unvaccinated adults see the booster discussion as a sign that the vaccines are not working as well as promised, while most vaccinated adults see it as a sign that scientists are continuing to find ways to make vaccines more effective,” the KFF report reads.

If you hadn’t noticed yet, the polarization is manufactured. The people of America have come to a threshold in which they need to either choose to advocate for our God given rights, or choose to let a globalist dictatorship make decisions for us. It’s an easy life for those who choose to be led blindly, but inevitably it will come at a cost. As will our actions as an opposition to the globalization of America. Hosea 4:6 says: “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy God, I will also forget thy children.” Stay inquisitive in the word of God, and the universe around you.

Kathy Hochul, the Democrat Governor of New York City and successor to disgraced Gov. Andrew Cuomo, said on Sunday that those who refuse to get vaccinated against COVID are not heeding God’s call to do so. The 63 year old governor took to Brooklyn’s Christian Cultural Center over the weekend to call upon New Yorkers to be her “apostles” and help encourage unvaccinated folks to get the COVID jab.

“I wear my ‘vaccinated’ necklace all the time to say I’m vaccinated. All of you, yes, I know you’re vaccinated, you’re the smart ones,” Gov. Hochul declared, as reported by Breitbart. “But there’s people out there who aren’t listening to God and what God wants.”

The New York governor was referring to those who refused to get the COVID vaccine. Hochul said that after she claimed she prayed “a lot” during the pandemic, “God did answer our prayers. He made the smartest men and women, the scientists, the doctors, the researchers – he made them come up with a vaccine. That is from God to us and we must say, thank you, God.”

“I need you to be my apostles,” Hochul told the audience, adding that New Yorkers can “love one another” by getting vaccinated against COVID. The New York governor said, “Jesus taught us to love one another and how do you show that love but to care about each other enough to say, please get the vaccine because I love you and I want you to live.”

In mid-September, Hochul vowed to fight back against a lawsuit filed by a group of Christian health care practitioners who decried New York’s COVID vaccine mandate as unconstitutional because it failed to provide religious exemptions, AP News reported. A federal judge temporarily blocked New York from enforcing the vaccine mandate’s clause on prohibiting religious exemptions.

“Everyone from the Pope on down is encouraging people to get vaccinated,” Hochul countered, referring to the current Roman Catholic Church’s Pope Francis. The group of Christian health care workers claimed that they do not want to be forced to get vaccinated with an experimental drug that uses aborted fetal cell lines in its testing, development, or production. All three COVID vaccines approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) from Pfizer, Moderna, and Johnson & Johnson, have used fetal cell lines during its research and development.

The Christian group’s representative, Thomas More Society senior counsel Stephen Crampton believes that the court will rule for people’s rights to refuse getting vaccinated on the grounds of their religious beliefs, regardless if they are part of a religious group that is endorsing the COVID vaccines.

“My sincere religious convictions may not be 100% the same as the leader of my church or my denomination and the law respects that and it should,” Crampton said.

Crampton assured however, that the Christian group he represents are not “anti-vax” in general, despite the fact that the use of human cell lines has long been around, specifically for widely-accepted vaccines for rubella, chickenpox, shingles and Hepatitis A. Aside from New York, seven other states do not provide religious exemption for school and childcare immunization requirements.

It is important that we pay attention to where people stand in the spirit. And i can tell you now, never have i heard more hollow words come from a politician. This woman is speaking as if she hasn’t done a lick of research as to why we’re vaccine hesitant. I have moved on past the point of trusting any politician to do the right thing. It’s entirely up to me to hone in on the word of God and find bliss amidst the chaos. Stay inquisitive in the word of God and the world around you.



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  1. ragman57 on December 20, 2021 at 3:47 pm

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