53 mins read

The Globalists Are Positioning For The

New World Order PlayBook, and The Tribulation… What Mark Zuckerberg’s Cryptocurrency Testimony Shows About Facebook’s Libra Strategy… At 10 a.m. ET this morning, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg was the sole witness to testify in front of the United States House of Representatives Committee on Financial Services about his role in developing libra, a cryptocurrency backed by a basket of stable international assets and designed to be spendable anywhere in the world. But as is typical of such hearings, an unabridged written testimony was submitted in advance so members of Congress and others could prepare their lines of questioning. As governments and central banks grapple with what it would mean to have a global currency backed by their own assets, in some ways Zuckerberg’s comments were disappointingly predictable. But as three new bills introduced to Congress in the days leading up to […]


115 mins read

Welcome to Your New Freedoms: Shoot Them Dead Lawless New World Order

Directive “They Are Concern”… The NWO Elitist Are Very Dangerous At This Point… In the words of Rahm Emanuel, former Chief of Staff to Barack Obama, “never let a good crisis go to waste.” Emanuel first said this during the 2008/2009 financial crisis… meaning that politicians can use a crisis as an opportunity to push through radical ideas that would otherwise never be accepted. Late last month, Emanuel uttered the same words on ABC News This Week, admonishing politicians to not let this crisis go to waste either… and use it as a springboard to pass sweeping policy changes while people are too terrified to care. And at this point in the pandemic it’s pretty clear that plenty of governments are absolutely not letting this crisis go to waste. Here’s a roundup of what’s happening around the world: Philippines: “Shoot them […]


23 mins read

92% Of Americans Feel Their Freedom Is Threatened,Americans Are Most Afraid Their

First Amendment… You will find more infographics at Statista The poll comes one week after it was revealed by the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education (FIRE) that at least 6.4 million students at nearly 500 campuses in the U.S. have experienced their freedom of speech being restricted. FIRE discovered this through analyzing the written policies of the schools and coding them with a grade of red, yellow or green. Nearly a quarter of schools received a red rating, meaning speech was most restricted at these schools. The finding was worrying for Laura Beltz, the lead author of the study. “Colleges should serve as centers of intellectual debate and inquiry, but if you have policies telling you can’t protest unless you submit a request two weeks in advance, or you can’t use words that other people find offensive, that ends up being impossible,” […]


90 mins read

The Lies We Are Being Told About The Coronavirus, Headlines Are Misleading

Promises Made, Promises Broken: Biden Now Says ‘Nothing We Can Do’ To Change Pandemic Trajectory After saying on Thursday that “We didn’t get into this mess overnight and it’s going to take months for us to turn things around,” adding “We will defeat this pandemic, and to a nation waiting for action, let me be the clearest on this point: Help is on the way,” Biden lowered expectations even further on Friday. Here’s what Biden said in late October on the campaign trail about how he’d deal with COVID-19: “Imagine a day in the not too distant future, when you can enjoy dinner with your friends and family, and maybe even go out to a movie.” Just not for a while, apparently.https://platform.twitter.com/embed/index.html?dnt=false&embedId=twitter-widget-1&frame=false&hideCard=false&hideThread=false&id=1352719860153929728&lang=en&origin=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.zerohedge.com%2Fcovid-19%2Fpromises-made-promises-broken-biden-now-says-nothing-we-can-do-change-pandemic-trajectory&siteScreenName=zerohedge&theme=light&widgetsVersion=ed20a2b%3A1601588405575&width=550px Career politician pic.twitter.com/zXTSTVO9Oy— Jack Posobiec 🇺🇸 (@JackPosobiec) January 22, 2021 The past 4 years were the only time Biden has spent out of […]


17 mins read

Hell On Earth — A Trucker Strike In November Could Be Another Nail

In The Supply Chain Coffin… Rumor has it that a large number of independent truckers are planning multiple strikes in November during which they’ll stop transporting… well, everything. Considering that our supply chain is already in precariously bad shape, imagine the impact if transport also came to a halt. Here’s how it’s being organized. There’s a group on Facebook (for now – we all know how it goes on Facebook) called Stop the Tires Truckers that is organizing the strike. As of the writing of this article, more than 15,000 people had joined the newly formed group. Here’s their message (and I’m also posting a screenshot in case it gets removed.) Note that they are specifically asking truckers who transport medical supplies not to participate. Our message is simple and hopefully effective. We fully intend to exercise our rights, and will not have politicians making crippling decisions, […]


64 mins read

Update: Riots From Coast To Coast As America Hit With Another Night

Riots…America will never be the same, we have let the ungodly take control, the price we pay will be high, if this continues look for a hard lockdown, this may bring Mr. Trump down. That’s exactly what the New World Order wants… KY Protesters Gear Up For Riots As National Guard On Standby A police officer in the shooting of Brionna Taylor has been indicted by a Grand Jury and charged with three counts of ‘wanton endangerment’ of the first degree in Taylor’s death, after he was found to have “blindly” fired 10 rounds into Taylor’s apartment after her boyfriend opened fire on the police. Bond for the officer, Brett Hankison, has been set at $15,000. According to Attorney General Daniel Cameron, Hankison faces up to 5 years in prison for each count. Notably, two other officers involved in the incident were not […]


18 mins read

That’s a Nice Country You Got There Be a Shame If Anything Happened to It

Truth Is, Something Is Going to Happen to America, It’s Called Tribulations, and Nothing Will Be able to Stop This Coming Event, Not Even Trump Winning Reelection… The far-left Washington Post blackmailed the country Thursday with a threat framed as analysis that says only a landslide victory for Joe Biden can save us from violence. Because the Post piece is both fake news and irresponsible, I’m not going to compound those sins by linking it here. The Post’s tweet advertising the piece (which I also won’t link) sums up the threat perfectly: “The election will likely spark violence — and a constitutional crisis,” the tweet reads. “In every scenario except a Biden landslide, our simulation ended catastrophically.” Only a Biden landslide can save America from a national catastrophe. In other words… That’s a nice country you got there. Be a shame if anything happened to it. […]


60 mins read

This Country Is at War, Wisconsin Governor Sending National Guard to Kenosha

the Dominoes Continue to Fall and the Left Anticipates the Election, There Rally Call Will Be Death and Destruction… Update: 8/25/2020 Wisconsin Governor Tony Evers declared a state of emergency on Tuesday, after the second wave of violent protests that rocked the city of Kenosha and the capital of Madison, after a video of police officers shooting an African American man named Jacob Black went viral on social media. The order proclaims a state of emergency in Wisconsin, directs state agencies to continue assisting the state response, and calls to state active duty additional elements of the Wisconsin National Guard to support first responders and protect critical infrastructure and cultural institutions.  Evers first called in the national guard to respond to the looting and violence on Monday, and he delivered a statement on the situation earlier today. In order to […]


53 mins read

Prepare Yourself and Your Family for What Has Become the Norm in

the Streets Across America, Our Government Has Been Overthrown the Worst Is Yet to Come, BLM And ANTIFA Domestic Terrorists In Portland; Man Drug Out Of Car And Beaten Nearly To Death As Crowd Chants ‘Black Lives Matter!’… People’s hearts are troubled, their minds are in a state of confusion, the Bible tells us a time of great delusion that will come upon the people, that time has arrived, the politicians must come up with more significant and more believable lies in order to bring on the antichrist, we have entered the Tribulation. Welcome to Portland and any other democrat run city! This is your future without police if you vote for Biden no cops not even a social worker can help this poor guy! Force is now the only rule remaining in deep state-controlled America. Everything has collapsed, no […]


75 mins read

When District Attorneys Are Bought and Paid for by Satan Soldiers, Soros Infuses

$116k Into Mccloskey Prosecutor’s Pac Days After Charges Filed… Just eight days after St. Louis Circuit Attorney Kim Gardner filed charges against a wealthy couple who defended their home against trespassing protesters, George Soros donated $116,000 to a Political Action Committee (PAC) established for the activist prosecutor, according to JustTheNews. A Saturday filing with the Missouri Ethics Commission revealed the donation made directly from Soros to the Missouri Justice and Public Safety PAC – for which Soros is the only donor so far. The PAC has already spent at least $104,393 – including $77,804 directly on Gardner, and a payoff of accumulated debt. Of note, Gardner has a primary this Tuesday. Soros spokesman Michael Vachon told Just The News that Soros has made no secret that he supports prosecutors like Gardner for criminal justice reform. Gardner slapped charges on personal injury lawyers Mark McCloskey, 63, and his wife Patricia, 61, […]


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