71 mins read

Dr. Fauci Is a Jesuit, Nonbeliever Scientists Which Makes Him an Enemy

of God, He Is EVIL… Rand Paul: Fauci Will Never Stop Lying; Fire Him Now Continuing his relentless effort to expose Anthony Fauci for lying about funding dangerous ‘civilisation ending’ gain of function research, Senator Rand Paul warned Sunday that the head of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases will never stop lying about it and should immediately be fired. In an interview with Axios, Paul urged “He’s probably never going to admit that he lied,” adding “He’s gonna continue to dissemble, and try to work around the truth, and massage the truth.” “He [Fauci] should be fired,” Paul emphasised, adding “just for lack of judgment if nothing else.” Paul reiterated “We’re calling for an investigation and hearings on this. We’ve been calling for that for months.” “There has been a great deal of resistance from the Democrat side. Do we not […]


50 mins read

The Elites (Elected Officials) Believe They Have a License to Kill With Impunity

Why Write an article about Intelligence Agencies, because most of our elected are part of the unthinkable evil that has mutated out of control, and they are our slave masters because of the power we had given them. They are everything the Bible instructs his followers to, have nothing to do with, As Americans, we like to think that we are a light to the world and that other countries should be using us as a model for how to properly do things. But the truth is that we have become unspeakably evil, and after reading this entire article, I doubt that there will be anyone that will disagree with me. And while it is undoubtedly true that there are quite a few other nations that are also tremendously evil, none have fallen harder or faster then we have. At […]


17 mins read

Update: 9/4/21 New World Order and The Globe Under Medical Martial Law, The Tribulation Factor In-Play, Hell-On Earth

Up-Date 2/1/2021 Medical Tyranny: CDC Announces All Travelers Must Wear Two Masks, Threatens Arrest. The Center for Disease Control has issued a new coronavirus order requiring DOUBLE masks to be worn for all forms of public transportation in the United States. From CNN: The CDC announced an order late Friday that will require people to wear a face mask while using any form of public transportation, including buses, trains, taxis, airplanes, boats, subways or ride-share vehicles while traveling into, within and out of the US. The order goes into effect at 11:59 p.m. Monday. Masks must be worn while waiting, boarding, traveling and disembarking, it said. The coverings need to be at least two or more layers of breathable fabric secured to the head with ties, ear loops or elastic bands — and scarves and bandanas do not count, the order says. The CDC said […]


102 mins read

Correction: Revelation Speaks of Seven Last Plagues That Will Come Upon the Earth

at the End of This Present Age… Those that have ears let them hear, those that have eyes let them see, because of the end times we live in, Google, YouTube, most of the social media platforms along with mainstream media will cause the end-time clock to move at an accelerated pace forward, we are in a hyper warp speed race to the destruction of biblical proportions (Revelation) will now play out, the future belongs to God… The Reprobates  are NOT in charge anymore, Its GOD’s Time, Sit back and enjoy the ride, it’s payday… The Scriptures That Proves the Correct Timing of the Seals During the Seven Years of Tribulation Then the Trumpets and Then the Bowls During the “Day of the Lord Which Is a Year Long After the Tribulation as the Feast of Tabernacles Prophesies: The Rapture of […]


88 mins read

Update 11/8/21 Pestilence Is a Housecleaning For Corrupt Judges and Politicians, As U.S. Leaders Beginning to Self Quarantine — Pestilence

Jen Psaki Caught COVID and DISAPPEARED, Despite Being ‘Fully Vaccinated’ — Gavin Newsom Hasn’t Been Seen in Public in Eleven Days Ever since White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki announced that she had a case of Covid-19, despite being fully vaccinated, she has been absent from the public spotlight. This week her role was taken by Deputy Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre, who just might be the least credible person on the planet. Psaki disclosed on October 31 that she had a “breatkthrough case” of Covid-19 in what she characterized as an abundance of transparency. “Psaki, who is fully vaccinated, said she has experienced only mild symptoms,” NPR reported. “In a statement, she said she had not had contact with senior White House officials since Wednesday — four days before she tested positive — and last saw Biden on Tuesday, when they were wearing […]


41 mins read

Believers and Like Minded Should be Concern, the Silencing of the Lambs Coming Out of Our White House

Proxy Our Police To Target Americans For Their Ideological Beliefs And Behaviors, The Silencing Of The Lambs “Censorship” by Death — Tribulation… Last week Silicon Valley silenced the president. In unison, the social media giants, with an assist from Amazon and Apple, also eliminated their most popular conservative competitor and announced that their own moderation policies would now extend to other companies. Meanwhile, CNN openly called for Fox News to be banned from cable, while a major talk radio network issued new speech rules to its hosts, extending tech’s moderation policies to the offline world. Beyond all this, Congress and the European Union called for powerful new regulation of online speech. As a handful of unelected billionaires declare sovereignty over digital speech, where might the coming months take us? Twitter once touted itself as “the free speech wing of the free speech party” and rebuked Congress’ calls for it to ban terrorists, proclaiming that “the ability of users to […]


4 mins read

The Catholic Church Has Always Been a Demonic Organization, the Sin Virus Has

Ravaged That Demonic ” ” Church… A series of reports from the conservative Catholic blog “The Pillar” show priests at various levels of the Catholic hierarchy in the US and the Vatican are using the gay dating app Grindr.  The Pillar released three reports over a three-day timeframe, one on July 20, the next on July 23, and the 27th.  The first report detailed Reverend Monsignor Jeffrey Burrill of the general secretary of the US Conference of Catholic Bishops resigned after “it found evidence the priest engaged in serial sexual misconduct, while he held a critical oversight role in the Catholic Church’s response to the recent spate of sexual abuse and misconduct scandals.” The second report made claims “about the use of location-based hookup apps” by people in unspecified rectories in the Archdiocese of Newark. The third report said, “16 mobile devices emitted signals from the […]


116 mins read

The Antichrist is Revealed As the final generation of this flesh

earth age begins to come to a close… The last week started January 2016 with renewing of the Covenant of OLD[Dan 9;27] by the invited Pope Francis[false prophet] by the anti Christ /man of sin /son of perdition Binyamin Netanyahu[666 old Hebrew Gematria]Pope’s proviso ‘they together would build a New Temple in Jerusalem[plainly the Great-city–Harlot Babylon -this was broken 3.5yrs later when BIBI opens his ABYSS[Rev11;7-8 outside which the two last prophets will be murdered] Synagogue[Ezekiel 8] in July sanctified Mt of Olives Pure Red Heifer sacrifice September. October Great Tribulation–Corona virus  starts…The first beast is Judah[fake Israel] which walked on not going to war when the 7th head-Rabin- was murdered thinking it a Palestinian attack. Turned out to be a Jew rumored to be minor MOSSAD operative–new king 8th head known as the little horn[son]=BIBi head of the MOSSAD […]


47 mins read

It’s Coming, GOD Help Us All — We Are In Trouble Get Ready For Hell On Earth

Force is now the only rule remaining in Satan-controlled America. Everything else has collapsed. There is no free speech, no fair trial, no system of justice, no reasonable expectation of human rights anywhere, no fair elections, no honest news, no honest Wall Street operations, no real public education, no clean food, and threats from the elitist, the power structure that is hell-bent on bringing the New World order into the reality of the sleeping masses, get woke or get yoked, the choice still lives in the people’s hands. Next, the AntiChrist will appear with many empty promises, peace, and security, in reality, it’s the yoking of mankind, We are on the Doorstep of the Great Tribulations… I Believe The CoronaVirus Is a False Flag, The Virus Is REAL Man-Made Bioweapon. The Tribulation Has To Begin–China Plunge US Into Mighty Sea […]


69 mins read

Christian Music Has a Growing Gray Area!

My intention is not to be unkind; but rather, to expose the demonic nature of so-called “Christian rock” and “Christian Hip Hop” music. The issue is not about the performers personally; but rather, about the worldly music they claim to sing in Jesus’ name…. “When can music be considered ‘Christian music’?” – The song lyrics must reflect biblical truth.– The song lyrics must directly praise God/Jesus.– The song must mention God/Jesus.– The song must be written for Christians and not as an evangelical tool.– The lyrics must directly address God, not other people.– The song must be completely new, not a cover of a secular song.– The song is designed to be played in church, not outside of the church.– The melody must be paramount, and the rhythm subdued.– The song must be written and performed by mature Christians only.– […]


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