Radical Left Wing Media Outlets Encourage The CCPs ‘Zero Covid’ Measures.


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China is subjected to intermittent lockdowns and limitations as a result of Beijing’s “zero-COVID” policy, which is supported by official media as well as certain Western media.

“The zero-COVID policy of China is now being recognized by US media outlets. “Is it too late for them?” says the narrator. Some American media outlets are backing the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) continuous lockdowns and restrictions, claimed China’s state-run daily tabloid Global Times.

The Economist claims that sticking to the CCP’s “dynamic” zero-COVID strategy is a test of loyalty. Moreover, several American journalists have chastised the West for failing to follow the CCP’s lead.

NPR released a piece titled “What the US can Learn from China’s Response to COVID Infections,” which proposes that instead of relaxing restrictions, the US should follow China’s lead in its ongoing zero-COVID policy. “This technique has produced amazing effects for China,” the authors claim.

While not directly praising China, Reuters stated that loosening limits in COVID-zero areas “may cause 2 million deaths in a year” according to a Chinese research. This story backs up the CCP’s assertion that limitations are keeping people alive. It also implies that the pandemic will never end, with people continuing to die at a rate of 2 million per year.

The Chinese Communist Party’s plans for indefinite restrictions are reflected in a statement by Wu Zunyou, the top epidemiologist at the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention, who said, “We previously thought COVID-19 could be essentially contained through vaccines, but now it appears that there’s no simple method to control it except with comprehensive measures.”

“China’s ‘zero-COVID’ program bears lessons for other nations,” GWN asserted.

The BMJ, a British medical journal, released a series of essays that “shed light on China’s pandemic experience and draws lessons for the rest of the globe.”

“China’s zero-Covid policy has kept deaths very low,” the New York Times said. “Can it go on?” The headline of this article and the subsequent article imply that the containment measures save lives but are difficult to maintain.

“China’s ‘Zero-Covid’ Policy Holds Lessons for Other Nations,” according to an article in the Wall Street Journal. The measures “allow China to control infections with less interruption to life than nations where the pandemic is still raging,” according to the report.

China still maintains periodic lockdowns and restrictions after more than two years of the outbreak. If Beijing’s zero-COVID policy has taught us anything, it is that such policies damage lives but do not halt the pandemic.

The Global Times referenced Western stories that backed up the CCP’s decision to tackle the pandemic. “Why the World Needs China’s Covid-Zero Policy,” it added, “which underscores the role China’s dynamic zero-COVID policy has been playing in securing global supply chains.”

As absurd as it is to claim that the CCP’s continued limitations are protecting global supply lines, this story is a tremendous propaganda success for the CCP. It not only advocates continued lockdowns and restrictions in the United States and internationally, but it also glorifies the Party’s “altruism.” This is good news for the CCP, which is attempting to export its COVID-free policy to Hong Kong and the rest of the world.

Hong Kong is currently seeing the worst COVID outbreak since the pandemic began, and Beijing is advising the city to lock down. Chief Executive Carrie Lam, on the other hand, has promised citizens that extensive lockdowns will not be implemented. According to The Economist, mainland netizens have reacted angrily, accusing Hong Kong officials of “worshiping Western principles” and lacking “confidence in China’s ‘dynamic zero covid’ plan.”

The inconsistency of China’s containment measures suggests that they aren’t as scientific or as necessary as the CCP claims. “To keep Covid-19 out, China shut down several border gates late last year, leaving produce to rot in trucks,” The Journal reported. China is the world’s largest agricultural product importer. If the risk of COVID on items was substantial, the CCP should have halted all shipments, not just some.

The CCP maintains that its zero-COVID policy is safeguarding global supply networks, yet neighboring nations are seeing decreases in imports and exports, resulting in shortages and lost revenue.

According to The Journal, when asked about the consequences of the policy, Foreign Ministry spokesperson Wang Wenbin stated, “China adopts relevant Covid-19 protocols… with a responsible attitude toward the life and health of Chinese and foreign citizens.”

China appears to be the only country that claims COVID can be spread through imported foods. The CCP closed supermarkets in addition to locking its borders and allowing food to spoil. Imports of fruit from Vietnam and prawns from Ecuador were also temporarily halted by the CCP. A temporary ban would not be consistent with a zero-COVID policy if there was a substantial risk of catching the disease from food originating in these nations. Because neither Vietnam nor Ecuador made any adjustments, the danger should have remained the same after the sanctions were lifted.

The Central Commission for Discipline Inspection (CCDI), China’s top disciplinary agency, argued in an article that the zero-COVID policy is cost-effective because it allows the government to close some communities while leaving others open. Meanwhile, there are no lockdowns in the West, despite the fact that most countries still have limitations. Zero lockdowns would be cheaper, regardless of how the CCP skews the figures. According to the CCDI, the “destructive power” of reducing constraints has been demonstrated in the West.

The continuing, rolling lockdowns aided the Chinese economy, according to the CCDI, because they pushed the economy toward investment in industry, making it “less driven by consumption and services.” This, on the other hand, is the polar opposite of Xi Jinping’s economic plan, which emphasized consumption-led growth underpinned by the service sector. The service industry is increasing at its slowest rate in five years as a direct result of the intermittent limitations.

Troy Pierini, an Orange County high school sophomore, was shut out of his classroom, had the police called on him, received a trespassing citation, and was eventually suspended, all because he refused to wear a mask.

Pierini, 16, claims to have a learning disability, and the cloth covering his and his teacher’s mouths just makes matters worse. He stated that his pals share his sentiments.

He told The Epoch Times, “It’s difficult to hear the teacher when they’re speaking.” “It’s difficult to concentrate in class, and youngsters with glasses get their glasses fogged up, making it difficult for them to read the board.” It has an impact on a wide range of people, not just me.”

According to attorney Ryan Heath, who has been retained by Pierini’s family and is the founder of the Gavel Project, a nonprofit civil rights firm, the latest action in Pierini’s saga—a three-day suspension by officials at Tesoro High School in Los Flores, which is in southern Orange County—is unlawful.

Heath told The Epoch Times, “The school has no legal jurisdiction to suspend him.” “Troy has a legal right to attend school.” He’s exercising his right to free speech.”

The Capistrano Unified School District, which governs Pierini’s school, said they could not comment on his case, yet affirmed that a student showing up to school after being suspended is considered trespassing.

“We take a layered approach to working with students and their families in an effort to accommodate our students,” Ryan Burris, a spokesperson for the district, told The Epoch Times in an email. “However, a student may be suspended if he or she defies administration and disrupts student instruction.” If this happens, the student will be barred from entering the school. They would be considered trespassing if they did so.”

The district “fully respects” the right to free speech and the diversity of viewpoints, according to Burris, but the fight has no place on school grounds.

“Our school locations do not make the rules,” he explained, “but they must follow them.” “We continue to invite all families to express their thoughts with the governor and the California Department of Public Health because these rules were imposed by the state.”

Despite Pierini’s constitutional rights—he is out of school until February 22—some claim his mental health is in jeopardy.

As the Omicron variation has faded and experts have spoken out more and more on the likely medical, emotional, and psychological effects of the last two years, issues of students opposing COVID-19 mask demands across the country have grown increasingly prominent in recent weeks.

“There is substantial evidence that child masking causes tremendous harm,” said Dr. Mark McDonald, a child psychiatrist in Los Angeles and author of United States of Fear, a book about the consequences of masking children that will be released in November 2021.

McDonald hasn’t treated Pierini, but he thinks that in his case—and in the cases of other youngsters who choose not to disguise up—emotional consequences may arise later.

“The students who want to stand up and not wear masks will face enormous pressure to conform until all youngsters quit wearing them,” McDonald told The Epoch Times. “They’ll feel excluded.” They will almost certainly be bullied. And if they don’t adhere to the group, they will undoubtedly be shunned.”

McDonald expressed concern about youngsters younger than Pierini.

A lack of being able to freely socialize and so much mask-wearing, McDonald added, has actually caused the IQ for infants born after the pandemic to plummet.

McDonald was referring to two recent Brown University studies: one revealing that babies born after the pandemic have a 22-point IQ drop, and the other revealing that nearly 25% of children aged birth to five have experienced an overall decline in brain function when pandemic years 2020 and 2021 are compared to 2019.

Children’s speech-language referrals have increased by as much as 300 percent, according to McDonald, since kids are having problems learning to speak because they can no longer see how teachers pronounce their words.

Finally, McDonald claims that some youngsters have developed a “pacifier-like addiction” with masks, and that they may continue to do so as a crutch even after the mandate is gone.

“For children with social phobias, masks are a means for them to avoid confronting the social obstacles they experience.” He described it as “essentially facilitating a modest type of mental disease and developmental delay.”

As long as the mask rule remains in place for California pupils through at least the end of February, some say there has been an unprecedented number of parents withdrawing their children out of public school and opting for other possibilities.

“I believe there will be a stampede to the exit doors,” Lance Izumi, Senior Director of the Center of Education at the Pacific Research Institute, a San Francisco-based think tank that delivers policy research based on free-market principles, told The Epoch Times. “A lot of parents are simply tired of it.”

Parents are “already opting for homeschooling in droves right now,” according to Izumi, with the rate of homeschooling in California having more than doubled since the outbreak began.

“One of the things that irritates parents is that their elected politicians, as well as unelected officials like health directors, don’t appear to care about what they have to say,” Izumi added. “They appear to be completely uninterested in engaging in any type of productive conversation with parents about the costs and advantages of these measures.”

If a large number of pupils opt not to go to school and the districts lose enough cash as a result, Izumi believes a long-overdue conversation between worried parents and school officials will begin.

Parents, on the other hand, have organized protests and spoken out strongly at school board sessions.

Despite the fact that their efforts have so far been unsuccessful, Sharon McKeeman, the founder of “Let Them Breathe,” believes all is not lost.

“The most important thing that the parents rallying and speaking out has accomplished is helping to form this movement and help the community connect, and help … bring awareness,” McKeeman, told The Epoch Times.

The push-pull dynamic may have begun to shift now that more students, like Pierini, are taking up the cause.

“The state has put [schools] in a ‘Catch 22’,” McKeeman added. “The state has stated, ‘implement this unlawful mandate,’ but hasn’t provided [schools] with any legal means of doing so that doesn’t violate kids’ rights.”

“Students calmly sharing their smiles” on campus, she added, “will cause institutions to inform the state that they have been placed in an unsustainable situation and that the mandate needs to be lifted.”

The data has never indicated that children are at risk of infection or severe illness from COVID-19 throughout this entire plandemic. What we’re witnessing is the brainwashed left putting their loyalty to a tyrannical globalist agenda on display despite their lack of understanding of the implications. The data has shown however, that masking these children is extremely harmful psychologically. It’s very hard to watch these parents believe that they’re doing the right thing by sending their kids to school masked and incapable of learning social cues. To vaccinate these children is a whole other level of deranged, as the data has never suggested that these children require such inoculations. Yet as we already know, these parent are paying their dues to the tyrants in hope for protection and dependence. Stay inquisitive in the word of God, and the world around you.



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