Satan Soldier Fauci Admits Covid ‘Vaccines’ Are Spreading Disease


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America’s fakest “doctor” is back on television fearmongering about the so-called “delta variant” of the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19), admitting in the process that “vaccinated” people are actively spreading it to others.

fauci admits covid 'vaccines' are spreading disease

Tony Fauci, appearing on the fake news program “Face the Nation,” explained to some robotic suit and tie that the “new thinking” surrounding the delta variant is that it easily spreads from person to person, including people who already got injected with a Trump Vaccine.

Fauci claims that he and his fellow career bureaucrats have determined that the delta variant easily creates “breakthrough” infections in the vaccinated, though the infections are supposedly minimal.

“But since no vaccine is 100 percent effective, you’re going to see breakthrough infections,” Fauci quickly added to try to justify the failure of Fauci Flu shots to prevent the Wuhan Infection.

“But what we’ve learned that’s new, John, in answer to your question, is that when you look at the level of virus in the nasal pharynx of people who are vaccinated who get breakthrough infections, it’s really quite high and equivalent to the level of virus in the nasal pharynx of unvaccinated people who get infected – that’s very different from the alpha variant,” Fauci further added.

“The alpha variant, the level of virus in a vaccinated person was extremely low in the vaccinated people compared to the unvaccinated people – not so with delta. So, we know now that vaccinated people who get breakthrough infections can spread the virus to other people.”

Stay Safe: Don’t Get Vaccinated For Covid

Why, again, are people being told that they must get vaccinated for the Wuhan Flu? Oh, we forgot: to “minimize symptoms” and “prevent hospitalizations.” Too bad this is also not true, as evidenced by the vast majority of new hospitalizations being among the jabbed.

Furthermore, at least eight times more vaccinated people than unvaccinated people are dying from the Wuhan Virus. This means you are safer if you skip the shot than if you obey Fauci’s orders and get it.

Somehow, Fauci and friends are getting away with speaking out of both sides of their mouth. On the one hand, everyone is supposed to get injected with a Fauci Flu shot to help “flatten the curve,” while on the other the injections are causing the curve to go parabolic.

Which is it? Are Wuahn Virus injections really “safe and effective” as Fauci has long claimed or are they spreading more disease, including the dreaded “delta variant?” It would appear as though the latter is true, and yet Fauci is still telling people to get jabbed.

Nothing makes any sense anymore, even as the medical fascists openly admit that Wuhan Virus shots are failing to stop the spread as the government claimed they would all last year.

Everyone who already took the shot, believing it to be the final solution to the Wuhan Flu, must be reeling with horror as Fauci fesses up to the fact that they do not work. Everyone else will continue to stay far, far away from the injections for their own safety.

“Fauxi is a worthless bureaucratic hack,” wrote one commenter at Citizen Free Press. “He should be on death row for his crimes.”

“The reason Fauci’s comments are so disjointed and confusing is because the engineering and release of Covid-19 was a political operation, and not ‘accidental’ like they claim, so governmental damage control (Fauci backed up by propaganda media and censor media) must alter the information every time the real truth exposes their lies,” wrote another.



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StevieRay Hansen

In his riveting memoir, "A Long Journey Home", StevieRay Hansen will lead you through his incredible journey from homeless kid to multimillionaire oilman willing to give a helping hand to other throwaway kids. Available on Amazon.

One thought on “Satan Soldier Fauci Admits Covid ‘Vaccines’ Are Spreading Disease

  1. Another Hegelian Dialectic within the larger coronavirus pandemic is the…
    Assault on Your Mind PROBLEM: We are inundated with endless fear mongering messages by the mainstream media and so-called experts, many of which are fake news.
    REACTION: Confused over what to believe people demand something be done about all the mis-information.
    SOLUTION: The mass media and government steps in to squash debate with more propaganda and censorship of any messages that contradict the “official narrative”.

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