Satan Soldiers Are Intent on Controlling Your Every Movement Victoria Police


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Confirmed the Arrested Woman Was Further Than Five Kilometers From Her Home and Was Issued With Three Infringement Notices…

We’ve previously detailed protests that have sprung up in various major cities across the Australian continent over authorities’ ultra-restrictive coronavirus lockdown measures, which are especially stringent and far-reaching in the southeast state of Victoria.

There’s been multiple instances caught on video of police cracking down on elderly people and even pregnant women for merely resting outside on park benches, supposedly in “violation” of coronavirus social distancing measures, even as case numbers have significantly dropped since August. And now here’s the latest incident to go viral as citizens flock to newly reopened beaches, after Victoria slightly relaxed some of its more severe lockdown restrictions

Video has emerged of police officers clashing with beachgoers in a dramatic arrest of a woman at a Melbourne beach as hordes of residents headed outdoors to enjoy the good weather over the weekend.

Officers approached a group of people at Altona Beach, in the city’s southwest, on Saturday evening after noticing they weren’t wearing masks, Victoria Police said.

BEWARE! The Second Covid Lockdown Is Here – NewsWars

And here’s a description of how this “mask enforcement” unfolded, in which the police claim the group that included a pregnant woman acted “aggressively”:

“She’s taken her kids for a swim and you f***ing arrest her for what?” one person says.

“You’re f***ing pussies,” a man can be heard shouting.

One of the group then alleges an officer pushed a pregnant woman in the group as they try to control the volatile situation. 

It also comes as Aussies are growing sick and tired of essentially being locked indoors and confined to their local areas under tight regulations, even as cases drop and the weather grows better.

Police were out in force this weekend looking for ‘excessive crowds’ and ‘mask rules violators’. And more outrageous is that Victoria is currently enforcing a law that says citizens cannot venture five kilometers from their home.

Police in Melbourne have been accused of pushing a “pregnant” woman while arresting another woman who was allegedly breaching coronavirus rules.

According to Yahoo News Australia:

Victoria Police confirmed the arrested woman was further than five kilometres from her home and was issued with three infringement notices.

Other members of the group also received fines while police will continue investigations into activities to determine whether others had breached current coronavirus restrictions.

The detained woman received multiple citations and fines, according to Australian media.

Local Channel 7 News Australia also confirmed that “Police took the woman into custody at Altona Beach on Saturday after she allegedly failed to wear a mask and travelled outside her permitted 5km radius.”

Aussies flocked to beaches this weekend, via Speed Media/REX

The rule in restrictive movement and travel is source of fierce pushback by an increasingly angry public, however, authorities appear to be doubling down after the weekend beach incident, saying it “could be extended” past its Oct.19 expiration date.

The Plandemic Has Been Designed to Make Society Suffer. They Know If They Crush Society, They Will Be Able to Implement the New World Order. The Alternative Would Be FEMA Food Lines, Satan Soldiers, and Billionaire Financier George Soros in Full Stride.

The Plandemic Will Be the Demonic Highway to the Antichrist, ‘No Religious Exemptions’

New Push for Mandatory COVID Vaccinations, Our Politicians Along With the Other Super Pukes the New World Order Enthusiast Have Completely Turned on the American People and the Global Community Tribulation in Warp Speed…

‘No Religious Exemptions’: New Push for Mandatory COVID Vaccinations

Denial of government benefits, services proposed for refusal to comply

(U.S. Air Force photo by Tech. Sgt. James Hodgman)

Three university professors, two of whom are physicians, are calling for COVID-19 vaccinations to be mandatory, with no allowance for religious objections.

The Case Western Reserve University scholars, writing in USA Today, advised that “disincentives” be imposed to ensure compliance, Christian News reported.

“Private businesses could refuse to employ or serve unvaccinated individuals,” the professors propose. “Schools could refuse to allow unimmunized children to attend classes. Public and commercial transit companies — airlines, trains and buses — could exclude refusers. Public and private auditoriums could require evidence of immunization for entry.”

Dr. Michael Lederman, Maxwell J. Mehlman and Dr. Stuart Youngner acknowledge the measures “might seem draconian and would be costly, but ensuring universal vaccination is a negligible sacrifice compared with the costs, deaths and social upheaval that a sustained pandemic is having on our country.”

In their article, “Defeat COVID-19 by requiring vaccination for all. It’s not un-American, it’s patriotic,”  they insist there is “no alternative.”

“Simply put, getting vaccinated is going to be our patriotic duty,” they write.

Lederman is an infectious disease specialist and professor of medicine. Mehlman is a law professor and director of Case’s Law-Medicine Center. Youngner is professor of bioethics and pyschiatry.

The scholars insist a vaccine is needed to achieve herd immunity, contending that waiting for enough people to become infected and then develop antibodies is too dangerous.Would you get a coronavirus vaccine if it were mandatory?Yes No  Completing this poll entitles you to WND news updates free of charge. You may opt out at anytime. You also agree to our Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.

Declining vaccination puts the lives of others at risk, they say.

The only exemption should be an adverse medical reaction to the injection.

“Do not honor religious objections. The major religions do not officially oppose vaccinations,” they write. “Do not allow objections for personal preference [either], which violate the social contract.”

Many Americans have raised concerns that some COVID vaccines could contain the cells of aborted babies.

On Wednesday, Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison said he wants to make getting vaccinated for the coronavirus mandatory for the citizens of his nation.



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StevieRay Hansen

In his riveting memoir, "A Long Journey Home", StevieRay Hansen will lead you through his incredible journey from homeless kid to multimillionaire oilman willing to give a helping hand to other throwaway kids. Available on Amazon.

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