Satan Soldiers at the CDC, Warning! The Codes’ Purpose Is “To Track People Who Are Not Immunized or Who Are Only Partially Immunized.” According to the CDC, Tribulation on Bad Steroids Is One of the Most Evil Corporations on the Planet


Watchman: The Vaccinated Are Dying, That Should Tell You Everything You Need to Know About the Kill Shot–Death

In the United States, new medical diagnosis codes for COVID-19 immunization status have been added.

One code indicates that you are "unvaccinated for COVID-19."

That code "may be assigned when the patient has not received at least one dose of any COVID-19 vaccination," according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), which established the new codes in 2022.

Another code indicates that you are partially vaccinated, or that you have gotten at least one dose of the COVID-19 vaccine but not enough doses to match the CDC's criteria of being completely vaccinated.

The tags are intended to "monitor patients who are not inoculated or are just partially immunized," according to the CDC.

According to experts, the codes do not correspond to the International Classification of Diseases, which includes disease diagnoses and grounds for health-care visits.

"They're treating non vaccination as if it's a hazardous exposure that should be documented as a medical exposure," said Dr. Harvey Risch, emeritus professor of epidemiology at Yale School of Public Health. "It has never happened to my knowledge."

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention did not reply to requests for comment on this article.


In September 2021, the CDC suggested adding the codes to the international categorization.

"People have now been getting immunizations for a number of months, and these provide protection for people who are immunized, but there has been expressed interest in being able to track people who are not immunized or who are only partially immunized," Dr. David Berglund, a CDC medical officer, said during a meeting where the proposal was discussed.

"At the moment, there can be considered a significant modifiable risk factor for morbidity and mortality, and it can be of interest for clinical as well as public health reasons to be able to follow this."

According to CDC data, unvaccinated people have a greater rate of COVID-19 hospitalization and mortality. The results do not account for important characteristics such as age or past infection, and other figures reveal that the vaccinated are hospitalized or die at higher rates in some states.

Meeting attendees supported the suggestion during the International Classification of Diseases, Tenth Revision (ICD-10) Coordination and Maintenance Committee conference.

"I definitely think we would support this," Trinity Health supervisor Kristin Balint said. "We are presently witnessing clinicians reporting COVID-19 unimmunization in our records."

The Defense Health Agency's Jeanne Yoder envisioned adding more codes later to identify if a person had not been vaccinated against each succeeding variety.

Those who supported the proposal's groups either did not reply to calls for comment or denied inquiry.

New codes:

Three new codes were introduced to the categorization system on April 1, 2022.

Z28.310 is for not being immunized.

Z28.311 refers to being partially immunized. Z28.39 corresponds to "other underimmunization status." All of them fell into a new sub-category called "Underimmunization for COVID-19 status."


CDC recommends COVID-19 Kill Shot vaccines for children under 5


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