South Korea Adopting Technological Surveillance Similar to China to “Combat” the Plandemic.


Advisory: Be careful of what you read on social media. The algorithms used by these platforms have no regard for Biblical truth. They target your emotions to keep you engaged on their site so their advertisers can drop more ads. These platforms exist to enrich their stockholders. Consider God’s promise to Believers in James 1:5, “If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.”

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Opinion | What It’s Like to Live in a Surveillance State - The New York Times

A city in South Korea plans to roll out a system that uses facial recognition technology and data from over 10,000 surveillance cameras to detect COVID-19 cases and ensure mask compliance.

Beginning in January, the nationally funded pilot project will be tested in Bucheon, a city of about 850,000 people located between Incheon and Seoul.

It will use artificial intelligence, facial recognition, and thousands of CCTV cameras to track the movement of individuals infected with COVID-19, anyone they had close contact with, and whether they were wearing a mask, according to a 110-page business plan from the city submitted to the Ministry of Science and Information and Communications Technology (ICT).

Despite concerns about invasion of privacy, governments around the world have turned to new technologies and expanded legal powers to try to stem the tide of COVID-19 infections. China, Russia, India, Poland, and Japan as well as several U.S. states are among the governments to have rolled out or at least experimented with facial recognition systems for tracking COVID-19 patients, according to a March report by Columbia Law School in New York.

A proposal for the system by the city of Bucheon was first approved in February by the federal Ministry of Science and ICT.

“Using facial recognition technology will enable that analysis in an instant,” said Bucheon Mayor Jang Deog-cheon in bidding for national funding for the pilot project late last year. He said it will save workers from having to spend “hours analyzing a single [segment of] CCTV footage.”

A city official said the pilot project should reduce the strain on overworked tracing teams in a city with a population of more than 800,000 people, and help use the teams more efficiently and accurately.

The plan also states that the system is designed to overcome the fact that tracing teams have to rely heavily on the testimony of COVID-19 patients, who aren’t always truthful about their activities and whereabouts.

There aren’t currently plans to expand the project to the national level, the Ministry of Science and ICT said.

Bucheon received 1.6 billion won ($1.36 million) from the Ministry of Science and ICT and injected 500 million won of the city budget into the project to build the system, a city official said.

Amid privacy concerns, Korea’s Disease Control and Prevention Agency has justified the use of facial recognition technology within the realm of the disease control and prevention law.

Amnesty International and more than 170 organizations in June called for a ban on biometric surveillance, saying that it undermines human rights and civil liberties, including the rights to privacy and data protection, the right to freedom of expression, the right to free assembly and association, and the rights to equality and non-discrimination.

Privacy concerns are undeniably justified coming from concerned citizens. However politicians seem to be selling out to someone else’s agenda, the globalist agenda.

Wether you are aware or not, we are in a technological race with China. As we know they play by a different set of rules. The type of rules that force people to be in their own bubble and never see outside of it. Everything you do is tracked and stored into a massive database that is accessed by the artificial intelligence that helps govern China. If you’re following me you’d understand why the controversial app TikTok was targeted by President Trump and his administration. If you’d like to dive into the imminent threat that is artificial intelligence, you’d need to learn about the history of AI and how far it’s come in recent years.

This single topic of conversation alone is enough to make someone who takes interest in technology wonder what is next for America. Considering the divide we’ve seen in society due to COVID-19 propaganda. The person next to you on a bus could be experiencing life in America completely bought into Fauci’s lies. But your choice to refuse vaccination could become troublesome for the sleeping sheep. Only because the lying “omniscient” medical practitioners suggest as such. Stay inquisitive in the word of God, and the world around you.

Source: EpochTimes

In an effort to prevent fraudulent claims which have plagued the online unemployment system, Texas has hired, a McLean, Virginia-based company, to authenticate users. But with a twist, biometrics data.

Since 2020, some 27 states have hired for unemployment verification, including Pennsylvania, Arizona, California, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Massachusetts, Missouri, Mississippi, Montana, North Carolina, North Dakota, New Jersey, New York, Nevada, Oregon, South Carolina, Texas, Virginia, Washington, and Wyoming.

“We are also now under contract with an additional two states. Spokesman Nicholas Michael told The Epoch Times.

“Our federal partners include the Department of Veterans Affairs and Social Security Administration.”

Unemployment applicants in these states must submit to a new, more invasive level of vetting to receive payments.

As a veteran I have used before, and luckily I don’t recall having to provide biometrics data. Because biometric data implementation in our government sounds like one big precursor to me. Biometrics are fundamental to attaining the data required to roll out mass infrastructure like the CCP’s artificial intelligence role in their governing systems.’s online authentication process begins with a request for permission to use details from the user’s credit profile and other public sources. Soon after that, the system requires users to consent to collecting their Social Security number and biometric data. The user cannot continue the process or receive unemployment without consenting.

The fine print explains may collect facial biometrics and voiceprints.

Users upload an image of a driver’s license or passport, and a current “selfie” image taken with their smartphone. In some cases, a video selfie is used.

“We use these images to create a facial geometry or faceprint which we use for purposes of identity verification and to prevent the fraudulent creation of multiple accounts in a fraudulent manner,” the agreement explains.

Users may also be required to call and leave a voice recording that is used to create a voiceprint. “We use this voiceprint for identity verification and to prevent the creation of multiple accounts in a fraudulent manner,” the agreement explains.

An eye being scanned for biometrics data.

Collecting Biometric Data stores a user’s biometric data for use up to seven and a half years after they stop using the service, the agreement says. Users may ask to delete their biometric data, but the company may decline the request in some cases.

“ will never share your biometric data with a third party except to protect you or others from identity theft,” the consent agreement says.

However, the agreement also says can share biometric data with its clients such as the Department of Labor and Industry to process unemployment claims, plus third-party service providers and “other third parties where permitted by law, to enforce the terms, to comply with legal obligations or applicable, to respond to legal process (such as a subpoena, warrant or civil discovery request), to cooperate with law enforcement agencies concerning conduct or activity that we reasonably and in good faith believes may violate federal, state, or local law, and to prevent harm, loss or injury to others.”

Batches of digital files containing the personal information of each person authenticated by are regularly sent to the state. The files contain an individual’s full name, email address, phone number, Social Security number, date of birth, street address, city, state, postal code, gender, and a unique identifier. tracks the IP address, town, and time when users interact with the company.

Photo of the human mind with circuitry around it.

Where Is the Information Going?

The truth is, they’ll tell you anything you want to hear just so they can gather as much data as possible on each and every one of us. State contracted biometric data collection of our impoverished citizens makes me feel like there are bad intentions at play here. Have they crossed the line in your book yet? To me this looks like the inevitable march toward adopting a society close to that of China. Where you can be publicly humiliated like the photo shown below and instantly fined for jaywalking. This would also lower your social score, making it harder to be approved for lines of credit.

Wether you are aware or not, we are in a technological race with China. As we know they play by a different set of rules. The type of rules that force people to be in their own bubble and never see outside of it. Everything you do is tracked and stored into a massive database that is accessed by the artificial intelligence that helps govern China. If you’re following me you’d understand why the controversial app TikTok was targeted by President Trump and his administration. If you’d like to dive into the imminent threat that is artificial intelligence, you’d need to learn about the history of AI and how far it’s come in recent years.

This video is about the origin of AI and what caused China to take it more seriously. Examples like AlphaGo are what demonstrated the sheer power of computing. AI is capable of finding solutions to problems that no human has thought of before. Sounds to me like we are creating an omniscient sentient being with capabilities of solving complex problems in our society that wouldn’t be solved otherwise. Looks to me like someone needs to be there to ride the beast. Revelations 17 should put that into perspective for you as you watch the ten horns that you saw are ten kings who have not yet received royal power, but they are to receive authority as kings for one hour, together with the beast.

My advice would be for all to not focus your eyes too hard on all of the controversy. Just get a broad, wholistic perspective on who is out there, who is influencing you, and how you can prepare for the whats to come. I cannot make you look into the tech industry and find the red flags. But just know, our tech savvy youth are finding that there is more work to be found on the “www” than in their areas. So if you’re not looking out for yourself, you wont even know you’ve been blindsided by this AI machine.



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