Southern Australia Premier Predicting Rise In COVID Cases To Coerce Citizens To Get Boosted Again.


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Peter Malinauskas, the incoming Premier of South Australia, stated on Tuesday that his government is taking new measures to prepare the state for an expected increase in COVID-19 cases.

This comes exactly two years after the Major Emergency Declaration, and is based on modeling presented to the prime on Monday, which projected that daily COVID-19 instances in April could exceed those seen in January, with COVID-19-related hospitalizations reaching similar levels.

On Monday, Malinauskas said that the COVID-Ready Committee would be abolished and replaced by a Cabinet sub-committee, following lengthy consultation with the State Coordinator and Chief Public Health Officer (CPHO).

The Emergency Management Council will be chaired by Malinauskas and will include the Police Commissioner, the CPHO, and important ministers.

It intends to give the State Co-ordinator more assistance and authority to take quick action in response to decisions made at meetings.

The COVID-ready Committee, according to Malinauskas, is not a decision-making body and lacks actual power.

He added, “And I don’t want to chair a committee that doesn’t make choices.” “I want to chair meetings where choices are made…thus the policy change.”

In addition, the Malinauskas government has directed SA Health to draft a plan to quickly prepare hospitals for the predicted surge in COVID-19 cases in response to the modeling.

This is due not only to the expected increase in cases, but also to the “exceptional strain” the hospital system is presently under, according to Malinauskas.

He was formally informed that last week was one of the most difficult weeks the state has ever had in terms of hospital pressure, he said.

“There is a lot of demand on hospital capacity right now,” Malinauskas added, “to the point where all non-urgent elective surgery was banned on Friday last week.”

“Things have gotten so terrible in our public hospital system that the elective procedures that had been rescheduled have been canceled again.”

The government will also design a campaign to increase the number of people who use the COVID-19 booster.

“It’s important to increase booster rates,” Malinauskas stated. “That will give the Police Commissioner more flexibility in easing constraints, and my government will do everything it can to enhance those booster rates.”

He said the government will use strong public messaging on booster shots, which would help the State Coordinator’s efforts.

Malinauskas also stated that changes to the Public Health Act would be needed to stop the Emergency Management Act declaration, which is renewed every 28 days and has been renewed 27 times since March 2020.

He wants the Emergency Declaration to be lifted by June 30 of this year, at the very latest.

The “predicted” rise in covid cases in southern Australia is more than likely based on zero compelling evidence. It’s purpose serves to coerce citizens of southern Australia into obtaining additional boosters to line the pockets of neo-communist/globalist sellout politicians. Klaus Schwab already showed his hand, and he did it purposefully. To show us that society simply doesn’t care if you have the truth. They’re only concerned with what impacts them personally in a tangible sense.

Soon enough, it’ll be too late to stop this tyrannical agenda & your average person is going to be left picking up the pieces trying to figure out how they’ve been so deceived. God fearing men and women had to see this coming. Because our God given rights have been noticeably prodded at throughout this entire plandemic. This leads an inquisitive mind to question the credibility of their governing officials, which is no small task.

In the process, you’d find a multitude of reasons not to trust these people and their agenda. But you lose your own credibility in the process; Because people only concerned with their personal lives don’t have the mental capacity to digest such information. Thus, you’re labeled a conspiracy theorist for being a critical thinker. 1 Thessalonians 5:1-28 says “Now concerning the times and the seasons, brothers, you have no need to have anything written to you. For you yourselves are fully aware that the day of the Lord will come like a thief in the night. While people are saying, “There is peace and security,” then sudden destruction will come upon them as labor pains come upon a pregnant woman, and they will not escape. But you are not in darkness, brothers, for that day to surprise you like a thief. For you are all children of light, children of the day. We are not of the night or of the darkness. …” Stay inquisitive in the word of God, and the world around you.


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