Special Forces Across North Carolina Secretively Prep for War…Warns Public Not to Be Alarmed


Advisory: Be careful of what you read on social media. The algorithms used by these platforms have no regard for Biblical truth. They target your emotions to keep you engaged on their site so their advertisers can drop more ads. These platforms exist to enrich their stockholders. Consider God’s promise to Believers in James 1:5, “If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.”

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The further a society drifts from the truth, the stronger the delusion will take its place

It is crucial that every Christian understands that he/she is in a spiritual battle. There is no way to get out of it. Awareness of the spiritual battle around us is very important. Not only awareness, but vigilance, preparedness, courage, and the right weaponry are crucial elements of engaging in spiritual warfare.

The Bible speaks often about deceitfulness.  The Newer Testament book of Ephesians says that people should, 25“Stop lying to each other; tell the truth, for we are all part of each other and when we lie to each other we are hurting ourselves.” (Ephesians 4:25)  That’s good advice.  No matter the rationale, a lie is always intended to either mislead or protect – usually a bit of both.

Moving beyond the simple lies we often tell one another; there is a “lying spirit” at work in the world.  I am not talking about ghosts, ghouls, zombies, the occult or little green men here.  Mankind’s obsession with that expression of the dark side is just another part of the grand delusion.  The essence of all that is evil in this world is known to Christians as “the spirit of antichrist”.  According to one of the biblical writers, that spirit has been at work in this world for a long time.  Keep in mind that this missive, from which I will now quote, was probably written in the ancient Greek city of Ephesus on the coast of Ionia (in present-day Turkey) roughly 2000 years ago:

1-3 “Don’t trust every spirit, dear friends of mine, but test them to discover whether they come from God or not. For the world is full of false prophets. You can test them in this simple way: every spirit that acknowledges the fact that Jesus Christ actually became man, comes from God, but the spirit which denies this fact does not come from God. The latter comes from the antichrist, which you were warned would come and which is already (working)in the world.”  (1 John 4:1-3 – Phillips)

The Army conducts ‘Robin Sage’ Special Forces exercises in North Carolina in 2018. ‘Robin Sage’ is the military’s unconventional warfare exercise and the final test of over a year’s worth of training for aspiring Special Forces soldiers. By US Army Special Operations Command

Advance notice has become a critical part of the annual program since one soldier was killed and another was wounded in 2002 by a Moore County deputy who mistook Robin Sage exercises for criminal activity.

A similar Fort Bragg military exercise in 1997 created panic in Charlotte, when uptown residents were terrified by the sounds of 100 commandos attacking a warehouse. The “urban warfare” assault incorporated helicopters and “simulated bombs and gunfire,” the Charlotte Observer reported.

The exercises starting next week will involve engagements against a fictitious country known as Pineland, officials said. Staging areas will be largely on private land in 10 of the 21 counties, but the others may feel some impact, officials said.

The 21 counties include Alamance, Anson, Cabarrus, Chatham, Cumberland, Davidson, Davie, Guilford, Harnett, Hoke, Lee, Montgomery, Moore, Randolph, Richmond, Robeson, Rowan, Scotland, Stanly, Union, and Wake counties, officials said.

US Army Special Forces Capt. Arthur Garfer (at right) sits as the leader of the guerrilla camp berates him for being late during the Robin Sage training exercise in the Uwharrie National Forest under the cover of darkness as they participate in the Robin Sage training exercise. The training exercise for Special Forces applicants is the largest of it’s kind in the world and puts the men in real-life scenarios dealing with problem-solving not just fighting. Chuck Liddy [email protected]
Two US Army Special Forces soldiers run across a road in rural Randolph County in the Uwharrie National Forest at dusk as they participate in the Robin Sage training exercise. The training exercise for Special Forces applicants is the largest of it’s kind in the world involving 0ver 7000 square miles of central North Carolina. These men were part of a group observing “guerrilla” fighters tactics as they ambushed an opposing force vehicle.

1 of 3Two US Army Special Forces soldiers run across a road in rural Randolph County in the Uwharrie National Forest at dusk as they participate in the Robin Sage training exercise. The training exercise for Special Forces applicants is the largest of its kind in the world involving 0ver 7000 square miles of central North Carolina. These men were part of a group observing “guerrilla” fighters tactics as they ambushed an opposing force vehicle. CHUCK LIDDY [email protected]

Local law enforcement agencies and government officials have been alerted, a release said.

“Residents may hear blank gunfire and see occasional flares. Controls are in place to ensure there is no risk to persons or property,” officials said. “Residents with concerns should contact local law enforcement officials, who will immediately contact exercise control officials.”

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Unconventional warfare tactics call for the students to “wear civilian clothes,” but the public will be able to identify them by “a distinctive brown armband,” officials said. Vehicles will be labeled, too, along with training areas, a release noted.

“Robin Sage is the U.S. military’s premiere unconventional warfare exercise and the final test of over a year’s worth of training for aspiring Special Forces soldiers,” according to the press release.

“Candidates are placed in an environment of political instability characterized by armed conflict, forcing Soldiers to analyze and solve problems to meet the challenges of this ‘real-world’ training.”Play Video duration 3:26Helicopters and explosions rattle some Raleigh residents during military assault training Source

L is contrasted with righteousness in verses such as Romans 6:192 Corinthians 6:14, and Hebrews 1:9. The righteous, who have the nature of Jesus Christ, hate the deeds of lawlessness. Lot, a godly man living in Sodom, “was tormented in his righteous soul by the lawless deeds he saw and heard” (2 Peter 2:8). The psalmist said, “I abhor the assembly of evildoers and refuse to sit with the wicked” (Psalm 26:5). Christians are to be law-abiding (1 Peter 4:15).

When a society ignores the law, lawlessness is the result, and chaos ensues. The time of the judges after Joshua’s death was marked by upheaval, oppression, and general disorder. The biblical historian puts his finger on the reason for the tumult: “In those days Israel had no king; everyone did as they saw fit” (Judges 21:25).

America is a nation of thousands if not millions of laws, yet it is a lawless nation.

A lawless nation is no nation at all. It is merely a Third-world backwater where those in power who lord over the people and abuse them for their own gain, for the gain of the bureaucrat class, and for the benefit of the banksters and the crony corporations who fund the charade elections every two or four years.

So those thousands or millions of laws written “for our benefit” – at least that’s what we’re told each time another edict from the District of Criminals becomes “law” – are employed against us while those in power are given a pass on them. Beyond that, those in power make the laws arbitrary by enforcing them or not enforcing them on a whim.

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Totalitarianism evolves from the breakdown of law and order through a synthetic and secretly directed make-believe democratic process. The breakdown of law and order is political cancer that must be concealed in order to extend the system until the rape is over. Concealing the breakdown of law and order in the United States is of the very highest priority. It is the hidden national agenda.

Without laws to create civil societies, no city, no state, no nation, no people and no civilization can long endure the vagaries of lawlessness. In the early hours of 2018, California Governor Jerry Brown defied Federal Laws by making our most populated and most overrun state a “Sanctuary State” for all illegal aliens to live, work, and utilize all welfare services paid for by American taxpayers. California’s 2.5 to 3.5 million illegal aliens enjoy immunity from laws that prohibit illegal migration, murder, rape, and non-payment income taxes. Brown invited them to hide from the law in California. Last year, Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel, by mayoral decree, created a “Sanctuary City” for all illegal aliens to work, play, live and operate with immunity from deportation.

The people spreading concrete information on the dangers of globalism are accomplishing far more than those sitting around buying bitcoin or passing around Q-cult nonsense.

StevieRay Hansen
Editor, HNewsWire.com

Birth Pangs

Jesus chastised religious leaders in the first century for not knowing the time of His arrival. Will we make the same mistake today? Christ stated how His second coming would be preceded by global events signifying the end of our age. We may not know the day or the hour, but we can know the season!

“And it shall come to pass afterward, that I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh; and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, your young men shall see visions.” (Joel 2:28.)

Education is useless without the bible (Daniel Webster)

“Courage is as “fear that has said its prayers.”

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StevieRay Hansen

In his riveting memoir, "A Long Journey Home", StevieRay Hansen will lead you through his incredible journey from homeless kid to multimillionaire oilman willing to give a helping hand to other throwaway kids. Available on Amazon.

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