State Governors Have No Authority To Take Away


Advisory: Be careful of what you read on social media. The algorithms used by these platforms have no regard for Biblical truth. They target your emotions to keep you engaged on their site so their advertisers can drop more ads. These platforms exist to enrich their stockholders. Consider God’s promise to Believers in James 1:5, “If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.”

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Your GOD Given ,Civil Liberties, And Neither Does The President…

 “We must obey God rather than men” (Act 5:29; cf. Matt. 28:18-20). When Christians disobey governing authorities, we are not rejecting authority per se, but only those unjust perversions which have crept in. The general rule of Scripture is that when human authority commands us to disobey God, then we have not only the right, but the duty, to disobey that unjust law. In these instances, the believer is submitting to God’s authority above all.

With the presidential election highly contested and the mainstream media hyping the rising infection numbers, the public is now facing important questions regarding the future of the pandemic response. Some states have decided to unilaterally introduce “executive orders” to restrict citizen movements, business openings and public activities.

Anthony Fauci is on the news constantly, calling for families to cancel Thanksgiving and Christmas and telling Americans to just “do what we are told”. The media is generally trying to drum up fear in the minds of the populace and paint images of plague and death everywhere. If Biden does actually end up in the White House, a federalized and national high level lockdown is on the table starting in January.

In April of this year I published an article titled ‘Waves Of Mutilation: Medical Tyranny And The Cashless Society’, which outlined a social engineering model put forward by globalists at MIT and the Imperial College of London which I called “wave theory”. The model essentially works like this:

Governments must use the pandemic as a rationale for “waves” of restrictive lockdowns, followed by controlled re-openings of the economy and of normal human activity. Globalists claim that this will “slow” the spread of the coronavirus and save lives. However, they also openly admit that these cycles of closures and openings have other uses.

Over time, the citizenry becomes acclimated to governmental intrusion in their everyday lives, and they get used to the idea of bureaucracy telling them what they are not allowed to do when it comes to the simplest activities. The system thus bottlenecks all human interactions to the point that we are constantly asking for permission. We become slaves to the Covid response.

As globalist Gideon Lichfield from MIT stated in his article ‘We’re Not Going Back To Normal’:

Ultimately, however, I predict that we’ll restore the ability to socialize safely by developing more sophisticated ways to identify who is a disease risk and who isn’t, and discriminating—legally—against those who are.

…one can imagine a world in which, to get on a flight, perhaps you’ll have to be signed up to a service that tracks your movements via your phone. The airline wouldn’t be able to see where you’d gone, but it would get an alert if you’d been close to known infected people or disease hot spots. There’d be similar requirements at the entrance to large venues, government buildings, or public transport hubs. There would be temperature scanners everywhere, and your workplace might demand you wear a monitor that tracks your temperature or other vital signs. Where nightclubs ask for proof of age, in future they might ask for proof of immunity—an identity card or some kind of digital verification via your phone, showing you’ve already recovered from or been vaccinated against the latest virus strains.”

Note that Lichfield suggested that in order to participate in the normal economy you might need to show verification that you have been “vaccinated against the latest virus strains”. In other words, the elites expect there to be many more viral events or mutations AFTER Covid 19 has run its course, and the restrictions and controls we see today are meant to continue, possibly FOREVER.

The reality is that the wave model is not a very practical plan for stopping viral spread, but it is a perfect method for conditioning people to submit to a high level of control over their personal lives that they never would have accepted otherwise. The Covid response has also been heralded by elites at the World Economic Forum as a perfect “opportunity” to initiate what they call the “Great Reset”. The reset is a plan to deconstruct what’s left of the free market capitalist system, introduce carbon controls in the name of the global warming fraud, institute a global cashless monetary system, and finally, move humanity into what they call a “shared economy” in which the average person is no longer allowed to own private property of any kind and is completely dependent on the system for their basic necessities.

Of course, such a complex system of “solutions” (dominance) over every individual would need to be managed in a highly centralized way. Meaning, global governance by the elitist establishment would be the end result. Naturally….the globalists would reluctantly take the reins of power for “the greater good”.

This is the bigger picture, the underlying threat at the core of the lockdowns and Covid laws. That said, there are also numerous arguments based on logic and evidence as to why there is no reason for people to submit to such restrictions. Let’s outline them in a simple list:

Coronavirus tyranny end of liberty

The Coronavirus Kills Less Than 1% Of The People It Infects

Medical studies in the US indicate that the coronavirus deaths rate for citizens NOT living in nursing homes has been holding well below 1% on average. The largest percentage of deaths by far in the US has been in nursing homes among elderly people with preexisting conditions. People in long term care facilities make up 8% of Covid infection cases but they are 45% of all covid deaths.

Pneumonia alone kills around 50,000 Americans each year according to the CDC, and that’s with vaccinations, yet, we are supposed to panic and hand over all our freedoms in the name of stopping a disease which affects a tiny percentage of the population? This is why the media and governments have decided to hyperfocus on infection numbers rather than deaths. The death numbers do not warrant the amount of panic the establishment is trying to foment.

Lockdowns Destroy The Economy

It’s basic math and finance; the small business sector of the US economy is dying. Small businesses make up around 50% of US employment. The Covid bailout money, handled by international banks like JP Morgan, did not get to the vast majority of small businesses that were supposed to receive it. Those businesses that did get bailouts are still on the verge of closure or bankruptcy. Any further lockdowns will be the final nail in the coffin for the US economy, except for major corporations which are enjoying the lion’s share of stimulus cash.

How many lives will be damaged or lost due to poverty and economic collapse if the current trend continues? I suspect far more than any lives lost because of Covid.

Why is no one in the mainstream talking about the most practical solution to the pandemic? The small percentage of people who are most at risk can STAY HOME and take precautions as necessary, while the rest of us get on with our lives. Why are we being ordered to do the exact opposite just to make less than 1% of the population feel safer? How is this logical, reasonable or scientific? The only answer that makes sense is that the lockdown response is about control, not saving lives.

State Governors Have No Authority To Take Away Your Civil Liberties, And Neither Does The President

Restrictions based on executive orders have no legal authority under the Constitution. They are color of law, not true law. Laws are debated and passed by state legislatures, not by state governors. Executive orders only apply to state employees and have no bearing on the citizenry.

Leftists and statists argue that during a national crisis the governor has emergency powers and states can do whatever they want. This is false. Under the constitution and the Bill of Rights, state governors do not get to proclaim a national emergency based on their personal opinion and then declare themselves dictators in response. Any “laws” exerted because of such a process are therefor null and void; they are meaningless.

If the states have the ability to do whatever they want without oversight, then they would be able to bring back Jim Crow laws (among other things). Do leftists support that idea as well? If the federal government and the president have the power to violate the Bill of Rights during a national emergency, then Donald Trump has the authority to bring in martial law across the country because of leftist riots. Do leftists agree with that outcome?

It is interesting to me that the political left in particular is so keen on defending the idea of states and governors having the power to unilaterally enforce pandemic restrictions without oversight or checks and balances. Yet, they have been aggressively opposed to state powers in the past when they had a Democratic president like Obama in office. The left has also been staunchly opposed to executive orders applied by Donald Trump, but they applaud the idea of executive orders on lockdowns being instituted by Biden.

So, leftists support unilateral state power only when it works in favor of their agenda, and they support unilateral federal and presidential power only when it works in favor of their agenda. What a surprise…

The bottom line is this: State government powers do not supersede the Bill of Rights. Federal government powers do not supersede the Bill of Rights. NO ONE has the legal power to take away your inherent liberties. Those that claim otherwise have something to gain from your enslavement.

Mask Laws Are Unscientific

The majority of masks being used by the public today are cloth masks. Not even the CDC recommends the use of cloth masks for their own employees or medical workers. They only recommend N95 masks. They also admit that cloth masks are much less effective at preventing contact with the virus. Yet, the CDC supports the enforcement of cloth masks for the public.

On top of that, some states and countries with the most stringent mask laws continue to see huge spikes in coronavirus infections. For example, New York has been one of the most tyrannical enforcers of mask laws and lockdowns in the US, but in November the state has witnessed extensive infection increases. California, Michigan and Illinois have also seen dramatic infection spikes this month despite hard enforcement of masks. So, where is the science?

It would appear that masks are a placebo; if they actually worked, then the states with the most aggressive enforcement should be seeing a dramatic downturn in cases, not exponential increases.

Furthermore, why are many states and countries trying to force citizens to wear masks outside in open air and sunlight when viruses cannot survive in such conditions? UV light from the sun is nature’s sterilizer, but no one in the mainstream or in government acknowledges this scientific fact. Again, this shows that mask laws are about control, not about science or saving lives.

Covid Vaccination Is Unnecessary And Potentially Dangerous

Why should people get vaccinated for a virus that over 99% of them will easily survive anyway? Why not simply attain “herd immunity” through natural infection spread and antibodies? The mainstream will continue to ignore these questions because they are inconvenient to the wider agenda.

Also, why should anyone trust a vaccine that was rushed out in less than a year’s time? China and the rest of the world spent over a decade trying to develop a vaccine for SARS unsuccessfully, but we are supposed to believe that they created a vaccine for SARS related Covid 19 within months?

The last time the government rushed out a vaccine for a viral epidemic was the 1976 swine flu scare, and that ended with numerous permanently damaged or dead individuals due to faulty vaccines.

As I noted in my article ‘Why The Public Should Rebel Against Forced Vaccinations’, published in May, there are numerous examples of vaccine tests and implementation going very wrong, from Bill Gates and the World Health Organization giving people polio in various countries through vaccines, to Novartis and their deadly testing of a Bird Flu vaccine on homeless people in Poland, to GlaxoSmithCline and the deaths of children due to their pneumonia vaccine.

Again, it’s simply not worth the risk over a virus that over 99% of people will survive. The idea of such risk being forced on the public is completely unacceptable, but many government officials have supported the idea over the past six months. It is important for the public to make it clear now that they will NOT be allowing state or federal governments to make vaccination mandatory.

Rebellion Is Needed To Put A Stop To The Fear Machine

In closing, there are endless reasons why we must end the pandemic lockdown agenda once and for all. Most importantly, the lockdowns, mask orders and vaccine plans are a stepping stone to something much worse – Medical tyranny and centralization on an unprecedented scale. I will not personally follow such rules because they are not scientifically or morally sound. They are nonsense designed to frighten the public into complacency and consent.

A rebellion against such measures would be very easy to win. All we have to do is refuse to follow their mandates. What are they going to do? Lock up millions of people? Shoot us? That would sort of defeat the supposed purpose of the very measures they demand we follow. And, if it comes to violence, so be it. I have no problem fighting to defend my freedoms and the freedoms of future generations. Perhaps it is time for conservatives and moderates that stand against the lockdowns to organize for this possible future.

The Purpose of the Mask Is to Demonstrate That the Iron Will of the State Prevails a Symbol of Compliance a Symbol of Conformity, a Symbol of Submission, a Negation of Individual Personality, Since People Can’t See Your Face…

World’s Top Epidemiologists – Masks Don’t Work! And Neither Do Politicians, Discard Both of Them They are Dead Weight ‘Useless‘…

Denmark boasts one of the lowest COVID-19 death rates in the world. As of August 4, the Danes have suffered 616 COVID-19 deaths, according to figures from Johns Hopkins University.

That’s less than one-third of the number of Danes who die from pneumonia or influenza in a given year.

Despite this success, Danish leaders recently found themselves on the defensive. The reason is that Danes aren’t wearing face masks, and local authorities for the most part aren’t even recommending them.

This prompted Berlingske, the country’s oldest newspaper, to complain that Danes had positioned themselves “to the right of Trump.”

“The whole world is wearing face masks, even Donald Trump,” Berlingske pointed out.

This apparently did not sit well with Danish health officials.

From left to right: Professor Henning Bundgaard, Tamara van Ark, Anders Tegnell | Composite image by FEE (Rigshospitalet, Wikimedia Commons)

They responded by noting there is little conclusive evidence that face masks are an effective way to limit the spread of respiratory viruses.

All these countries recommending face masks haven’t made their decisions based on new studies,” said Henning Bundgaard, chief physician at Denmark’s Rigshospitale, according to Bloomberg News.

Denmark is not alone.

Despite a global stampede of mask-wearing, data show that 80-90 percent of people in Finland and Holland say they “never” wear masks when they go out, a sharp contrast to the 80-90 percent of people in Spain and Italy who say they “always” wear masks when they go out.

Dutch public health officials recently explained why they’re not recommending masks.

“From a medical point of view, there is no evidence of a medical effect of wearing face masks, so we decided not to impose a national obligation,” said Medical Care Minister Tamara van Ark.

Others, echoing statements similar to the US Surgeon General from early March, said masks could make individuals sicker and exacerbate the spread of the virus.

“Face masks in public places are not necessary, based on all the current evidence,” said Coen Berends, spokesman for the National Institute for Public Health and the Environment.

“There is no benefit and there may even be negative impact.”

In Sweden, where COVID-19 deaths have slowed to a crawl, public health officials say they see “no point” in requiring individuals to wear masks.

“With numbers diminishing very quickly in Sweden, we see no point in wearing a face mask in Sweden, not even on public transport,” said Anders Tegnell, Sweden’s top infectious disease expert.

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In case you haven’t noticed, we now live under tyranny, and over the next several years, thanks to the unquestioning zombielike submission of the masses, it is set to get a whole lot worse.

When this whole bizarre virus plandemic, or scamdemic, started to gather momentum I instinctively knew that something wasn’t right, that the official explanations didn’t add up, and that society at large was “being played” by those in power with an agenda. To anyone with even a modicum of real intelligence, the whole thing stinks of an elaborate plot.

So, driven by natural curiosity, and being a person who would rather know the truth, however awful, than go around with blinders on, I embarked on a quest to find out what was really going on, what was really behind all this, and for what it’s worth I am going to share my findings with you today.

Now I understand that there are those amongst you who are programmed by the system to label anyone who expresses views that deviate from what is portrayed as normal as a “conspiracy theorist”. If you are one of those you may want to click out now, but before you go, I want to point out to you that what I am writing about now, what we are living through, is not conspiracy theory, but conspiracy fact.

Let’s start with the timing. Why was the virus, or bioweapon if that’s what it is, released when it was? The answer to that is simple; after years of exponentially increasing fiscal profligacy, debt across all levels of society had risen to wild unsustainable extremes so that the world economic system was teetering on the verge of collapse – witness the Fed’s emergency interventions in the repo markets last Fall. If the system was about to collapse those in power didn’t want to take the blame for it, so they needed a scapegoat, enter the virus – “Oh it wasn’t our mismanagement that caused the system to implode it was the virus”

The old adage “Never let a good crisis go to waste” has been embraced with gusto by those in power. For decades, in our relatively free societies, they have had to content themselves with economic plunder – granting themselves inflated salaries and bonuses and stock options and positions on boards etc. but this virus scamdemic has presented them with the opportunity to wield what despots always crave which is raw, unbridled power over people – and the more of it they wield the happier they are. The scamdemic has presented them with the opportunity to implement a totalitarian regime and not just in one country or even a geographical region but for the first time ever over the entire world, and this will have one distinct advantage over all previous totalitarian regimes which is that there will be nobody left to fight back. The window of opportunity for the ordinary citizen to prevent this happening is already rapidly closing and if the current apathy, indifference and conformist stupidity of the masses continues, as it looks set to, then their fate will be sealed as they become entombed in a global gulag.

So who or what are the immensely powerful plutocratic forces that are intent on bringing about this global technocratic totalitarian regime? The first thing to understand is that all of the widely accepted leaders of society such as celebrities, the clergy and politicians are all marionettes – puppets – if they do not speak and act in accordance with the aims of the true masters of society then they are marginalized or replaced. Special mention at this time must go to spokespersons for the medical profession, who must of course be pro-vaccine. Alright, so who are they? Ask yourself a simple question – who has the power to create unlimited wealth for themselves and their favored associates at the touch of a few keystrokes? – you’ve got it – the Central Banks, who pass on the tab for their profligacy to society at large by steadily eroding the purchasing power of money. Thanks to the dollar being the global reserve currency, the Federal Reserve is the King of them all and calls the shots – all other Central Banks are subservient to it – Greg Mannarino even goes so far as to say that the Federal Reserve was behind the virus, and it is certainly easy to see why this might be the case. The Central Banks and the leading largely faceless men within them are the true Masters of the world, the real shadow government, and it is they who are behind this drive towards a global totalitarian society.

What are their goals? – they are already enormously wealthy so more money is not their primary objective. What they crave is more power – absolute power over people and their lives, that is what drives them. They are intent on creating a neo-feudal two-tier society, where they are the top tier – fabulously wealthy and wielding absolute power over everybody else who will exist – if they are permitted to – as an army of servants. This is of course a big reason for the lockdowns, to destroy the independent middle class and their businesses so that they then have to work for the large corporations owned by the elites and are thus more dependent on their Masters, as are those living on meager handouts. It is sad to witness businesses like restaurants struggling to survive doing things like spaced out tables or takeout in the brief interlude before more brutal lockdowns that are designed to finally wipe them out completely.

How is it possible to paralyze with fear billions of people with fabricated and lurid stories about a killer pandemic into giving up their basic rights en masse and submitting to being treated like farm animals? Simple – you control their inputs via the mainstream media. Ordinary people are not called “the masses” for nothing – they are largely ignorant, stupid and gullible, that’s why, instead of seeking to educate themselves about what is really going on, they fritter their lives away watching soaps, video games and following the lives of celebrities etc. By owning and controlling their favorite media, you control their limited thought processes and they are susceptible to any propaganda. Basically, by the skillful use of propaganda you can get the masses, who are about 70% of the population, to do anything you want, and they can then exert peer group pressure on more thoughtful individuals to conform, a classic and glaring example being the wearing of face masks, which is State sanctioned collective paranoia, and if that doesn’t work they are forced to conform and wear them by means of fines or imprisonment. Here it is worth noting that the most powerful institutions in the world, especially the banks, media and Wall St are heavily peopled by “the race who cannot be criticized”.

Virtually all media – newspapers, TV channels, radio stations, and now most websites are controlled by the same plutocratic forces, which is why you have to be careful what you say on Facebook and Twitter or they flick the switch and banish you. This is why, once the scamdemic started, the masses were bombarded with wall to wall 24-hour scare stories about the virus, involving lies exaggeration and distortions on an epic scale, with nonstop repetition drumming it into them. They foolishly and unquestioningly sucked it all up and submitted to being locked up in their houses for months, and now have to wear diapers on their faces to establish their credentials as dumbed down fearful submissive sheep.

“People who grew up with the Internet saw what a wonderful thing it was for free expression, giving everyone access to a global audience. That’s been completely flipped on its head, and now it’s one of the most tightly controlled, manipulated places to find information that you could imagine. It’s a complete 180 from what it used to be, and that’s incredibly sad, because it was, initially, this challenge to old information gatekeepers, this place of free expression, of democratized information, and now it’s just controlled by a handful of increasingly authoritarian ideologically partisan tech companies that haven’t been held to account by officials in D.C. and aren’t bound by any regulation preventing them from who censoring people or interfering in elections.”

Technology companies like Google, Facebook, and Twitter and growing increasingly sophisticated in anticipating, intercepting, and suppressing information with the likelihood of going viral

When you confront them with this, they say “Oh, but people are dying!” (of the virus) to which the correct response is “So what? – people are dying all the time, of flu, old age and umpteen other illnesses” Then they try to quote alarming stats at you, if they remember them, not realizing that all these case numbers are gross exaggerations caused by phony test results and anybody who dies of anything being labeled as a Covid-19 death. On the television they quote death stats at you, intended to alarm, but when you do the basic math and compare the deaths, even if you take the grossly inflated figures at face value, and compare them to the total population of the country in question you realize that the percentage of people supposedly killed by the scamdemic is tiny, usually of the order of 0.5% maximum and usually much less, which is hardly the order of the Black Death, which killed 1 in 3. One tactic that they are currently using in the US is to do huge numbers of tests to bump the case numbers up in order to justify more lockdowns. These lockdowns are never justified in any case, because in a normal society you lock up the sick people, not the healthy people.

All of the draconian measures put into place around the world that are purportedly employed to protect the population from the virus, are actually intended to damage the immune systems of people by design, in order to make them weaker and more susceptible to illness later – and don’t forget if they are admitted to hospital with the flu, it will be labeled as Covid-19 to ramp the stats. Thus we have enforced house arrests, the lockdowns, which are designed to stop people getting out and taking air and exercising and spending time in the sun, which is important for the immune system, the masks, which restrict respiration, the social isolation which is intended to make people anxious and fearful and damage the social fabric. Plain common sense dictates that the right way to deal with a virus epidemic, especially one that only kills a small percentage of the population is to carry on with normal life and let it do what it will. Those who catch the virus will mostly recover, especially the young, and will develop some immunity. Another reason for flexing their muscles with the curfews, the lockdown orders and the mandatory mask wearing is to have the population accustomed to getting down on their knees before the power of the State as a warm up to full Martial Law.

There was and is absolutely no reason to deny people access to beaches or parks, as in this drone photo of Siesta Key in Florida on a sunny Summer day when the car park on the left is normally full. The reasons for doing so are malevolent – to damage the health and wellbeing of citizens and to demonstrate the power of the State…

It is hard not to be disgusted by government enforcers who would brutally drag an elderly man away from a restaurant for the “crime” of wanting to take his wife out for breakfast on Mother’s Day. A virus far more deadly than the coronavirus is spreading from Washington down to the local city hall. Tin pot dictators are ruling by decree while federal, state, and local legislators largely stand by and watch as the US Constitution they swore to protect goes up in smoke.

Politicians with perfect haircuts issue “executive orders” that anyone cutting hair for mere private citizens must be arrested. In Texas, a brave salon owner willingly went to jail for the “crime” of re-opening her business in defiance of “executive orders.” To add insult to injury, Governor Greg Abbott very quickly condemned the one-week jail sentence of salon owner Shelley Luther – but the officers who arrested her were only carrying out Abbott’s own orders!

First we were told we had to shut down the country to “flatten the curve” so that hospitals were not overwhelmed by coronavirus patients. When most hospitals were nowhere near overwhelmed, and in fact were laying off thousands of healthcare workers because there were no patients, they moved the goalposts and said we cannot have our freedom back until a vaccine was available to force on us or the virus completely disappeared – neither of which is likely to happen anytime soon.

Many politicians clearly see the creeping totalitarianism but lack the courage to speak out. Thankfully, patriots like Shelley Luther are demonstrating the courage our political leaders lack.

When Patrick Henry famously said “give me liberty or give me death” in 1775, he didn’t add under his breath “unless a virus shows up.” If we wish to reclaim our freedoms we will have to fight – peacefully – for them. As Thomas Paine wrote in 1776, “These are the times that try men’s souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country; but he that stands by it now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman.”

The World Is In Big Trouble, for Those That Believe We Will Go Back to Some Sense of Normal Life Here on Earth, You Will Be Sadly Disappointed, Seven Years of Hell on Earth Which Began January 1, 2020

Source: HNewsWire ZeroHedge HNewsWire HNewsWire HNewsWire HNewsWire

StevieRay Hansen
Watchmen does not confuse truth with consensus The Watchmen does not confuse God’s word with the word of those in power…

Today America and Great Britain stand at a crossroads. For more than 200 years they have dominated the world in virtually every arena. As Great Britain retreated from its empire after World War II, America was there to take its place and continue the legacy set by the English through their peak years.

But America’s dominant power is under siege from many sectors. Its will to stay the course in Iraq is being tested, its military machine strained under the pressure of the extended fighting. Though it is the primary engine for the world’s economy, a weakened dollar and a trade balance deficit are both troubling indicators of a major crisis ahead.

God warns us through the message of the prophets that sins will demand a day of reckoning. People cannot continue worshipping the false gods of materialism and self, blindly stumbling along in their own righteousness, and expect their affluent standard of living to continue.

God’s Word confirms there will be an accounting; the lesson of history is that any people who corrupt their moral core will eventually fade from power. God calls on America and Great Britain to wake up, acknowledge their sins and repent before national calamity descends on them.

Americans Will Not Surrender Willingly to The (NWO) Hell on Earth Plandemic, We Have a Right to Worship Freely, Speak Freely, and Live in a Free Republic, It’s Our God-Given Birth Right, StevieRay Hansen…



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StevieRay Hansen

In his riveting memoir, "A Long Journey Home", StevieRay Hansen will lead you through his incredible journey from homeless kid to multimillionaire oilman willing to give a helping hand to other throwaway kids. Available on Amazon.

2 thoughts on “State Governors Have No Authority To Take Away


    1. Allen, there is no doubt that the great tribulation is fast coming upon the world. Clinging to Jesus is our only place of safety.

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