Students at Clearwater High School in Florida


Advisory: Be careful of what you read on social media. The algorithms used by these platforms have no regard for Biblical truth. They target your emotions to keep you engaged on their site so their advertisers can drop more ads. These platforms exist to enrich their stockholders. Consider God’s promise to Believers in James 1:5, “If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.”

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Have Been Warned by Satan Soldiers That They Will Be “Re-Educated” on the Importance of Wearing a Mask…

What we are seeing in these last days is the rise of lawless people who will embrace the Lawless One. They oppose all biblical truth. They are against every one of God’s Ten Commandments. If God said it was evil, they will claim they know better.

The world has always had evil people but modern communications along with mass indoctrination is allowing doctrines of error and doctrines of demons to spread like a plague over the entire world. The evils that use to be local and isolated are now worldwide in scope and they are flagrant.

Parents have been misled by the modern world. God instructed parents to raise up a child in the way they should go but parents foolishly gave up that responsibility to the state. The state schools are not bringing up children in the knowledge of the Lord. The state-run schools have become antichrist. They are teaching children the evil ways of the demented demonic world system.

Christians give over their children to the state but then they wonder why their children embrace the world and reject Christ. If Christians actually believed the Bible, they would not be turning over their children to godless people to teach them in the way they should not go.

And if the schools are not effective enough at programming young minds, the smart phones that children are given and have their heads stuck in all the time, complete the worldly Antichrist indoctrination. Unless parents take back control over their children there frankly is no way to turn this around. That is one reason society is now raising the terminal generation.

Students at Clearwater High School in Florida have been warned that they will be “re-educated” on the importance of wearing a mask if they are seen on school premises not wearing a face covering.

An advisory posted on the school’s website regarding face mask policy tells students, teachers, staff and any visitors that masks are mandatory on all school property as well as on school buses.florida high school students warned they will be 're educated' if caught not wearing a mask

NurPhoto via Getty Images

The section on “noncompliance” then spells out the punishment for anyone caught flouting the rules.

“The wearing of a face covering is a public health issue. Students who do not wear a mask when it is required (or refuse to do so), should first be reeducated on the importance of wearing a mask,” states the advisory.

“If after reeducation occurs, they still do not comply, the student’s administrator should be contacted,” it adds, outlining that parents will also be contacted and the student will be forced to switch to online learning if non-compliance continues.

students re education if caught without a mask

The mask rule remains in place despite Florida Governor Ron DeSantis never issuing a statewide mask mandate and Florida being one of the states that has tried to keep COVID-19 lockdown restrictions to a minimum.

The term “re-education” is normally used in the context of involuntary political indoctrination and was a concept embraced by historical Communist dictatorships.

In its modern parlance, the term is applied to dissidents in authoritarian states such as North Korea and China, where political prisoners and minority groups are “re-educated” out of their anti-state beliefs through forced labor and indoctrination while imprisoned in “re-education camps.”

Leftists and authoritarians have repeatedly suggested that so-called “anti-vaxxers” and people who refuse to wear masks should be arrested and “re-educated” in government facilities.

Back in December 2019, we also highlighted how disgraced Lincoln Project founder Rick Wilson called for anti-vaxxers to be treated the same way and have their children taken away.

“Anti-vaxxers are a scourge and a strong argument for re-education camps, the immediate seizure of their property, and putting their children into protective custody,” tweeted Wilson.

     When writing to Christians at Ephesus, Paul stated, “Be angry, and yet do not sin; do not let the sun go down on your anger, and do not give the devil an opportunity” (Eph. 4:26-27). Anger is wrong when it leads us to sin (i.e. revenge, lying, gossip, murder, etc.).

  Is it alright for God’s people to get angry? The answer is yes and no. There is a sinful anger that God’s people must avoid (Eph. 4:31; Col. 3:8; Titus 1:7); however, there are times when we will experience injustice, and it is natural and valid to be angry when this happens. The most common reasons for human anger are hatred, jealousy, fear, or injustice. Because we have such limited or faulty perceptions of circumstances or behaviors, as well as the causes and/or motivations behind them, we are often told not to get angry, as it can result in sin on our part (Eph. 4:31; Col. 3:8; Titus 1:7).

Because we are prone to sin, we should always be slow to anger. Scripture states, “He who is slow to anger has great understanding, but he who is quick-tempered exalts folly” (Prov. 14:29), and “A hot-tempered man stirs up strife, but the slow to anger calms a dispute” (Prov. 15:18), and “He who is slow to anger is better than the mighty, and he who rules his spirit, than he who captures a city” (Prov. 16:32), and “A man’s discretion makes him slow to anger, and it is his glory to overlook an offense” (Prov. 19:11), and “Everyone must be quick to hear, slow to speak and slow to anger; for the anger of man does not achieve the righteousness of God” (Jam. 1:19-20). As Christians, we must be careful with anger, for sin crouches near the one who harbors it, tempting us to retaliate and exact revenge upon the offending party.

Personal revenge is not the Christian way, for Scripture directs us, “Never take your own revenge, beloved, but leave room for the wrath of God, for it is written, ‘Vengeance is Mine, I will repay,’ says the Lord” (Rom. 12:19). More so, we are to love and pray for our enemies (Luke 6:27-29), and to bless them (Rom. 12:14; 1 Pet. 3:8-9), if perhaps God may grant them saving grace (2 Tim. 2:24-26). Though God promises to avenge the innocent (2 Thess. 1:6-7; Rev. 6:9-11; 19:1-2); there may be times when He surprises us by showing grace and mercy to those who don’t deserve it, such as the grace shown to Paul when he was persecuting the church (Acts 9:1-6; Gal. 1:15-16), or the grace shown to us while we were sinners (Rom. 5:6-10).

 Today’s world is “perfectly suited for the Antichrist to come” amid the chaos and “lawlessness” stemming from the COVID-19 pandemic. 

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“Our courts oppose the righteous, and justice is nowhere to be found. Truth stumbles in the streets, and honesty has been outlawed” (Isa. 59:14, NLT)…We Turned Our Backs On GOD, Now We Have Been Left To Our Own Devices, Enjoy…

While Mainstream Media Continues to Push a False Narrative, Big Tech Has Keep the Truth From Coming out by Shadow Banning Conservatives, Christians, and Like-Minded People, Those Death Attributed to the Coronavirus Is a Result of Those Mentioned, They Truly Are Evil…

Source: HNewsWire ZeroHedge HNewsWire ZeroHedge

Do Not Post HNewsWire Articles on Parler, Gab, Face Book, Reddit, Gettr or Twatter Social Media Platform, We Are Not Comfortable With Their Anti-Christian — Anti-American Nazi Philosophy…Stevieray Hansen

StevieRay Hansen

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Watchmen does not confuse truth with consensus The Watchmen does not confuse God’s word with the word of those in power…

In police-state fashion, Big Tech took the list of accused (including this site), declared all those named guilty and promptly shadow-banned, de-platformed or de-monetized us all without coming clean about how they engineered the crushing of dissent, Now more than ever big Tech has exposed there hand engaging in devious underhanded tactics to make the sinister look saintly, one of Satan’s greatest weapons happens to be deceit…

The accumulating death toll from Covid-19 can be seen minute-by-minute on cable news channels. But there’s another death toll few seem to care much about: the number of poverty-related deaths being set in motion by deliberately plunging millions of Americans into poverty and despair.

American health care, as we call it today, and for all its high-tech miracles, has evolved into one of the most atrocious rackets the world has ever seen. By racket, I mean an enterprise organized explicitly to make money dishonestly.

All the official reassurances won’t be worth a bucket of warm spit. The Global s are behind the Corona-virus, It Is a Man-Made Bio-weapon.

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This is what their New World Order looks like, Democrats Lawmaker in California: ‘legalize child prostitution’ SACRAMENTO – Beginning on Jan. 1, police cannot arrest child prostitutes in the streets of California, except under limited circumstances. And dumb down people wonder why California is burning to the ground, poke God in the eyes enough times and his anger will start to show…

  • The Lord watches over the strangers;
    He relieves the fatherless and widow;
    But the way of the wicked He turns upside down. Psalm 146:9



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StevieRay Hansen

In his riveting memoir, "A Long Journey Home", StevieRay Hansen will lead you through his incredible journey from homeless kid to multimillionaire oilman willing to give a helping hand to other throwaway kids. Available on Amazon.

One thought on “Students at Clearwater High School in Florida

  1. Every child should be taught the Ten Commandments. Every child should be taught faith in God. Of course, this is ILLEGAL in public schools. However, contrary to what many parents have been led to believe, it is NOT illegal for a child to pray or read the Bible in a public school (although many teachers have removed such children wrongfully because teachers don’t understand the law). However, it is illegal for a public school or teacher to sponsor such activities. A child can bring a Bible into class, but the teacher cannot read that Bible to the class. So sad! A teacher could be fired for leading the class in prayer. Is it any wonder why the United States today makes Sodom and Gomorrah look like a nice place to live?

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