The Watchman Said, “Pestilence Will Be More Frequent in the Days to Come.” Hundreds of People Have Been Infected by a Virus Outbreak, Prompting Warnings to Be Issued for “Jamaica” Vacation Destination—Investigating Six Deaths: Pestilence Death Will Become Commonplace

SRH: Manslaughter by government decree. Pestilence Has arrived: Evidence is materializing indicates that the Covid variant poses… Read More HNewsWire: Over the weekend, health officials in Jamaica issued alerts regarding an epidemic of dengue fever that has so far been associated with more than 500 suspected or confirmed cases. According to a statement released on Saturday by the Jamaica Ministry of Health and Wellness via the government-sponsored Jamaica Information Service, “the dominant strain is Dengue Type 2, which last predominated in 2010,” with the addition that “no dengue-related deaths classified at this time.” It did emphasize that six fatalities are being looked into, though. Dengue is a virus that is spread by specific kinds of mosquitoes, and as of September 22, there were 565 confirmed, suspected, and probable cases. According to the bulletin, 78 instances have so far been confirmed…


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Watchman Says Pestilence Is Here: ‘Mysterious’ Brain Disorder Strikes Hundreds Cases Are Increasing

Watchman: A mysterious, potentially fatal brain disease is affecting an increasing number of people throughout the Canadian province of New Brunswick. A small group of patients with neurological symptoms, including hallucinations, muscle atrophy, vision issues, memory loss, and abnormal movements, were first observed in 2015. This group eventually grew to 48 cases. However, some medical professionals and locals claim that there may be more than 200 people in the area who have the condition. Additionally, an unusually high percentage of those cases involve young people, who ordinarily do not exhibit symptoms of dementia or other neurological issues. In a letter dated January 30, 2023, to the chief medical officer of New Brunswick and the chief federal public health officer, neurologist Dr. Alier Marrero stated, “I am particularly concerned about the increase in numbers of young-onset and early-onset neurological syndromes.” One…


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Watchman’s Pestilence: Ebola-Like Illness Rumors at Burning Man “The Rumors on the Ground Are There’s Some Sort of Virus on the Loose at Burning Man That Causes Boils, Vomiting, or Hemorrhaging.” God Haters Meeting at the Burning Man antichrist Cult

Revelation 4:1 introduces a section of Scripture that details “things which must be hereafter.” What follows are prophecies of the “end times.” We have not yet reached the tribulation, the revelation of the Antichrist, or other “end-time” events. What we do see is a “preparation” for those events. Jesus said that the last days would be preceded by several things: many false Christs would come, deceiving many; we would “hear of wars and rumors of wars”; and there would be an increase in “famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places. All these are the beginning of sorrows” (Matthew 24:5-8). Today’s news is full of false religions, warfare, and natural disasters. We know that events of the tribulation period will include all that Jesus predicted (Revelation 6:1-8); current events seem to be a build-up for greater trouble ahead. Paul warned that……


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