19 mins read

Watchman Expects Many Bank Failures: Accredited Weiss Research Predicts That 5,274 U.S. Banks Will Fail

HNewsWire: “The underlying financial weaknesses in the U.S. banking industry are widespread, and the FDIC’s newly expanded guarantee of all deposits does nothing to protect shareholders in bank holding companies, who could still lose most or all of their money,” the group said. Weiss Research Inc., one of the most accredited and well-respected independent rating agency, is sounding-off that an astronomical number of American banks will collapse because they are insolvent. According to this rating firm, after analyzing the books and balance sheets of the Federal Reserve and banking institutions, Weiss Research claims that a monstrous 5,274 banks and credit unions have the potential to collapse. To put the number into perspective, there is are 9,457 banks and credit unions in total exist in the United States. This is almost 56% of all the financial institutions in the U.S. According […]


1 min read

Watchman Warns Top Banks In Trouble: Fed Report: Largest 25 U.S. Banks Have Shed $700 Billion in Deposits Over Past Year

Watchman Reporting the Banking Industry’s Collapse Has Begun With Useless FDIC–Insured Big Tech Silvergate Bank Announced on Wednesday That It Was Liquidating Its Assets and Closing Down. Today, the Four Largest American Banks Lost $52 Billion in Valuation as the Dow Fell 540 Points–Tribulation Moving Forward–God Warned Us HNewsWire: By Pam Martens and Russ Martens: April 11, 2023 To read the headlines in the major business press, one would think that since the upheaval began in the U.S. banking system, the largest U.S. commercial banks have been the beneficiaries in terms of deposit inflows. For example, on March 13 the Financial Times ran this headline: “Large US banks inundated with new depositors as smaller lenders face turmoil.” The subhead was even more questionable, reading: “Failure of Silicon Valley Bank prompts flight to likes of JPMorgan and Citi.” (JPMorgan Chase has been…...

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12 mins read

Watchman: Another US Bank Quietly Shutters, As Bank Runs Persist And Deposits Decrease

HNewsWire: By  winepressnews The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) seized the banks assets on November 3rd. In a press release the FDIC wrote: Citizens Bank, Sac City, Iowa, was closed today by the Iowa Division of Banking, which appointed the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) as receiver. To protect depositors, the FDIC entered into a Purchase and Assumption Agreement with Iowa Trust & Savings Bank, Emmetsburg, Iowa, to assume all of the deposits of Citizens Bank. The two branches of Citizens Bank will reopen as branches of Iowa Trust & Savings Bank on Monday during normal business hours. This evening and over the weekend, depositors of Citizens Bank can access their money by writing checks or using ATM or debit cards. Checks drawn on the bank will continue to be processed. Loan customers should continue to make their payments as […]


21 mins read

Watchman: Pay Attention to This…No One Will Know Until Everyone Knows. And by the Time Everyone Knows, It’s Already Too Late. Almost No Coverage of a Phenomenon Is Being Given to It by Mainstream Media Outlets Right Now, and for Good reason.if People Knew What Was Going On Right Now, the Financial System as a Whole Would Crash

De-Banking: Americans Are Withdrawing Massive Amounts Of Money From Banks As Collapse Crisis Looms… HNewsWire: Massive amounts of outflows of cash are quietly exiting American banks, though such pivotal acts are receiving very little to no press coverage on the mainstream, as this velocity of massive withdrawals is an indication that the banking crisis mainstream media and politicians says has been contained really has not been. The volatility within the thousands of U.S. banks, small, medium, and large is indeed fascinating. In mid-May, according to public data published by the St. Louis Federal Reserve, an astounding $910 billion in deposits fled American financial institutions, compared to one year ago at that time. Financial and crypto website Daily Hodl reported at the time, ‘In May of last year, the amount of capital held by banks on behalf of depositors sat at […]


21 mins read

Watchman Warning: An Economist and Professor Reveal That Central Banks AKA Satan Soldiers Want to Microchip People So They Can Administer and Control CBDCs

HNewsWire: The core problems of Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs) have been addressed many times here, but it may bear repeating these two facts – First, in a cashless society all privacy in trade is lost, and second, banks and governments will control access to all of your money.  If such a system is allowed, it will act as a major stepping stone to technocratic authoritarianism.  It’s inevitable. The Australian government and central bank have been involved in a beta test for the past year with the proliferation of CBDCs in mind.  Their partnership projects with the Bank for International Settlements and pilot programs with companies like Mastercard are about to wrap up this fall, and it looks as though Aussie bureaucrats are planning to implement their cashless system very quickly after the trial run is finished. In defense of… […]


9 mins read

Watchman: With Big Banks Failing, CBDC’Banks Failings Can’t Be Far Behind—and We Can’t Stop Them (Christ Enemy); The Tribulation Must Continue; And “Lockdown” Will Be for Us All for a Limited Amount of Time, Jesus Is Coming!

The American Government, Run by Evil Secret Societies, Is Making a Concerted Effort to Impose Digital Currency. You Must Agree to “The Mark” or You Will Be Unable to Transact Business. HNewsWire: Once the economy has melted down, CBDC’s will be proffered as the ONLY way we can get “back to normal”—a “cure” that will turn out to be as catastrophic, in their way, as those “vaccines”… This is likely a deliberate blow to crypto. The Fed gangsters can’t have competition with their Ponzi scheme. The Fed is suppressing an alternative to CBDC, its own digital money (Central Bank Digital Currency). The involvement of Vice President Biden is irrelevant. He’s the Fed’s stooge, a figurehead who makes it seem like the central bank is accountable to Congress. Not at all. Privately owned and operated by the largest U.S. banks, the Fed […]


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