By Edward O’Hara Fruit is not works and works are not fruit. So when you read Mark4 or Mt.13 or Luke8 where Jesus taught about the sower sowing the word, or anywhere fruit is spoken of in the Bible in regard to what believers are expected to produce, we need to be aware of this. The gnostic believes that his flesh is evil. And there is no redemption for it. When he is done with it he believes he will have ascended from it to become one with the divine. As a gnostic Augustine read this belief directly into the Genesis narrative. This is what Pelagius, a contemporary with Augustine and his most ardent protagonist, discovered as he heard Augustine proclaiming his beliefs. Finding that it was when Adam sinned by eating the fruit that his flesh and all of…

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Watchman: Daily Devotional, It’s Better to Confront Danger Beside the Lord Than to Run and Hide From It

Devotional: Acts 9:1-20 How risk-averse or daring are you while making decisions? Because of the potential for loss or other unfavorable outcomes, many Christians avoid taking risks. The elimination of risks makes intuitive sense from a human perspective. Uncertainty, however, is a normal aspect of the Christian life of faith. Obedience may seem hazardous to us, but God sees no such thing since He is in complete charge of everything and will use it for His good. In the Bible, we read of actual individuals who trusted God even when faced with the unexpected. Ananias is one of them; he is a disciple whom God has sent to help the freshly converted Saul. By paying a visit to this well-known antichrist, Ananias put his life in danger. After his conversion, Saul too faced danger on a daily basis as he diligently…

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By Edward O’Hara, The idea of questioning long held political and religious beliefs is happening now more than at any other time in history. The question is, is this a good method to use for finding truth? My answer to that is, what other way is there? Not in a hateful or rebellious way. But, in an inquiring way. Because we have to question things to know whether they are true. Especially the things we may have come to believe are true before we came to trust in Jesus. This is why Paul says we need to renew our minds in Rom.12:1,2. And in this endeavor I have found the Bible to be 100% accurate 100% of the time. In all areas of study, everything the Bible says has so far for me proven itself to be absolutely and unequivocally…

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Edward: Gospel means good news. And it is the good news. It can be good news about pretty much anything. But, the gospel that is found in the Bible is that which describes for us who God is. Who Jesus is. And what the atonement is for. And how these have provided deliverance from the mortality that causes men to seek God. To eternal life for all who will believe in the Biblical Jesus.  The new believer is not going to know immediately every detail about this gospel. None of us will ever know all that is to be known about the gospel while we see through the dark glasses of these mortal minds. But, he will know that Jesus loves him. And will learn more and more about His love and what God has done for him because of His…

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IF YOU WON’T BELIEVE HIM?  WHAT if you discovered that everything you have been taught about God, Jesus, and the atonement is a lie?  What if what you were taught to believe is Biblically true is actually based on pagan theology and has no basis in Biblical truth? Would you turn from the lie to the truth?  What if like muslims or Hindus or any other false religion where they grow up being taught a certain belief system is true, you too have been taught something that simply wasn’t true for so long, that this conditioning has made it nearly impossible for you to even consider what can be proven to be actually true?  What if what you think you know to be true about God was actually handed down through the ages to you from a council at Carthage that was held over 300…

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New Chinese Virus ‘Will Have Infected Thousands’, “Four Horseman” Diseases, a Look Back at What China Done

Coronavirus (“Chinese virus”) kills the oldest and has no respect for authority, Many of the most powerful people in the world are old, and coronavirus does not discriminate based on social status. Deaths are now hitting at high levels (not of death but of status), which can change the political conflicts of our world… HNewsWire Update: 1/26/2020 at `4:35 PM… 5th US Coronavirus infection confirmed by CDC in 4 states (AZ, CA, IL, WA) CDC calls the virus an  “emerging public health threat,” adding that the threat is “serious.” 2082 cases, 56 Official deaths Incubation is asymptomatic, contagious, and can be as long as 14 days 5M may have left Wuhan for Lunar New Year 1st case was Dec 1 NOT Dec 31 so infect pop may be much bigger US, Russia, Thailand begin plans for evacuation Premier Li Keqiang charged with leading government’s task…

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